Chapter 32
outer city.

Down the beach.

This is the edge of the city's sewage, near a huge sewage drain.

It is better to say it is a spacious "moat" than a canal.

The drainage pipes, which are as huge as train caves, are lined up under the embankment, discharging sewage for the city day and night.

The sewage has been leading out of the city along the canal, into the river, and finally to the eastern ocean.

However, due to the problem of discharge efficiency, Xiashuitan has accumulated a huge amount of sewage for a long time, causing this block to be full of stench, and residents of Amber City call it a "smelly area".

Although Xiashuitan is despised by people, and people with a little bit of status or wealth will never come here, it also attracts countless low-level people to live together.

If you don't want to travel around the city every day, or take pride in living in the city for a long time, the beach is the best choice.

Of course, with mixed fish and dragons and poverty, the waterfront is a breeding ground for crime.The territory that even patrolling guards and police officers are unwilling to set foot on is basically left to fend for itself.

It is also the shadow of the whole big city.

The only tavern in Xiashuitan, Flower and Bird Tavern.

This is one of the few places where Xiashuitan residents can have fun. Of course, it is also because it is cheap.All it takes is 1 Copper Crow, and you can come in and join in the fun.Whether it's looking at scantily clad maids or yelling at a fight.

At this time, the tavern was full of guests, noisy and stuffy, and the maids shuttled among the crowd with trays.

A man in a short leather jacket and striped leggings opened the door and walked in.

"Hey Lenny."

When the lady boss with heavy makeup saw him, she greeted him cordially.

"I still have something to do, I'll play with you when I'm done..."

The man grabbed her with a smirk, and then walked straight inside.

The drinkers stepped aside when they saw him.

A blind guy bumped into him and was about to yell.When he saw who was coming, he immediately backed away and bowed down to apologize.

Fortunately, the man didn't want to waste time, so he glanced at him coldly and left.

The drunkard who hit someone broke out in a cold sweat.

This is a member of the Iron Fist Gang. If you offend him, you will definitely feel better!

This flower and bird tavern is the territory of the Iron Fist Gang. To play here, you must keep your eyes open.Otherwise, no one knows whether there will be his own body floating in the drain tomorrow.

The man in the leather jacket walked through the back kitchen to the inner courtyard, where there was a huge open space with some wooden stake targets placed in the open space.The targets were dressed in ragged clothes and straw hats, which seemed to be simulated human bodies.

A tall building and two warehouses are surrounded behind the open space.

He walked quickly into the building, where there were dozens of gang members wearing leather jackets and leggings like him.

On the innermost extended sofa sits a strong man with a thick back and a waist.He was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with his hair combed back, and he was smoking a cigarette.

"Boss Gary, the investigation has been done."

The man in the leather jacket bowed respectfully.


The burly man exhaled a puff of smoke, and unbuttoned a button of his vest uncomfortably.

"That kid is a foreigner who came here in a carriage, and has a very beautiful female companion, who seems to be his sister...

It looked like they were well dressed, but they only lived in a rented house at No. [-] Denton Street. "

"Good job."

Gary praised him, took his last puff, and snuffed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

"From this point of view, it should be two young people who came to a big city to join relatives or study..."

He seemed to remember something, and suddenly seemed a little irritable.

"A foreigner with no status or background like this is the most suitable target...

You look for a chance to kill that man, and capture the girl!
But be careful not to make too much noise.Although the outer city is chaotic, it is not our Iron Fist Gang who have the final say. "

"Got it, boss."

The man in the leather jacket responded, greeted a few brothers who were playing cards, and left the building.

Gary slowly lay down on the sofa and let out a long breath.

"I hope this will give Lord Feldman some more time..."


Ka Ka Ka!
With your fingers, stuff the fixed row of lead bullets into the magazine, and draw the cover.

Chen Lun looked at the four flintlock guns and two pairs of iron gloves on the table with satisfaction.

"It's a pity that there's not much ammunition left... Those investigators didn't know how to carry more with them, they searched and searched, they were useless!"

Chen Lun looked aggrieved.

Sad for its misfortune, anger for its indisputable!

This is just concerned about their lives and safety, and it is definitely not complaining about not having enough bullets.

"Here, this gun is for your self-defense."

Chen Lun handed a flintlock gun to Floyd.

Floy took it, stroked the pattern on it, and smiled.

"Thank you."

Chen Lun packed up the weapons and equipment on the table and stood up, looking at the clock on the wall.

It was exactly nine twenty in the morning.

"Let's go, it's dinner time."

"Are you going to eat at Mrs. Caroline's on the second floor?"

Chen Lun nodded in surprise.

"Of course, we paid for it!"

Although he also knew that the food expenses of 1 Silver Lord were definitely less, but Mrs. Caroline's rich food and enthusiasm cannot be bought with money.

But Chen Lun also remembered this friendship.

If a guy with no eyesight comes to the flower shop to make trouble, he will definitely carve a flower for the other's asshole.

The troublemakers better know where Dolly is, if they can.

It would have been better if Dolly herself had made trouble.

By the way, tell him the address of Viscount Pompeii's house.

Getting something for nothing is a beautiful thing!
Chen Lun frowned, involuntarily looking forward to the arrival of the troublemaker.

After leaving the room with Floyd, they suddenly heard a quarrel when they went down to the third floor.

"I won't go! How many times have I told you that there is definitely something wrong with the medicine from the Red Apple Church? Why don't you listen? Dad!"

A girl shouted angrily.

Then the door slammed shut.

Chen Lun saw the chestnut-haired girl coming to the corridor angrily last night, as if she was about to go downstairs.

Her appearance is not amazing, and she even has some freckles, but she is good-looking.

At this time, Connie still had some tears on her face, and she was a little surprised to find two people of the same age who appeared in the corridor.

Then when she saw Chen Lun, she seemed to think of the scene she saw last night, frowned and turned to leave.


Chen Lun was helpless and didn't bother to explain to others.

He took Floy to the second floor and happened to meet Mrs. Caroline.

"Oh little Jack, and pretty little Floyd... Come in, I want to call you upstairs."

"Please, Mrs. Caroline."

The two followed through the door, and Mrs. Caroline had already put the prepared breakfast on the dining table.

Mrs. Caroline's room layout is the same as that of other tenants, but under her decoration, it looks more elegant and luxurious.

And a little girly heart.

You can see all kinds of flowers in vases that are trimmed everywhere, and you can smell a fresh fragrance when you walk in.

"Eat it quickly, this is my carefully prepared fish ball risotto, I believe you will like it."

Mrs. Caroline went to the table and lifted the lid off the plate.

A strong milky smell rushed over, and Chen Lun couldn't help but move his index finger.

(End of this chapter)

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