Chapter 35
Another day passed.

at dusk.

Chen Lun once again ended his day's work, and returned to No. [-] Denton Street full of guilt.

When he opened the door, he didn't see Floyd's figure.

"Huh? What about people?"

I went around the house, but still couldn't find her.

Chen Lun walked out of the room suspiciously, intending to ask Mrs. Caroline.

At this time, he happened to meet Kent who was going upstairs.

This feeling and this scene are just like the day before yesterday when I first saw it.

It's just that Kent's face is less gloomy and more traumatized.Looking up and seeing Chen Lun, Kent immediately looked away, lowered his head and planned to turn sideways.

"I know it all."

When passing by, Chen Lun suddenly said.

Kent was so startled that he nearly rolled down the stairs.His heart beat faster, trying to control his emotions, trying to look as normal as possible.

"Know... what?"

Kent turned around, puzzled.

"Your name, of course, Mr. Kent."

Chen Lun answered with a face of course.

"Otherwise what do you think it is?"


Kent breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately felt an inexplicable embarrassment.He snorted coldly with a sullen face, ignored Chen Lun, opened his door and walked in.

Just as he was about to close the door, a hand blocked the edge of the door.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Kent."

Kent looked up and found that the black-haired young man was looking at him with a polite smile on his face.

"What's the matter with you?"

He was a little impatient and wanted to get rid of this annoying guy as soon as possible.I still have a lot of luggage that I haven't packed, and the people from the Iron Fist Gang are waiting for him outside.

"Excuse me, have you seen my sister? It's Miss Floy who lives next door."

"Sorry, I didn't see it."

Kent's voice is very blunt, and his indifference can be clearly felt.

Chen Lun was a little surprised and frowned slightly.

"It shouldn't be... What about Miss Connie? Have you seen her?
She is currently working as a part-time maid at our house, according to what she said, get out of class should be over by now, and she will come to take care of my sister Floyd..."

When Kent heard this, his impatience towards Chen Lun instantly turned into anger.

It's okay if you don't say it, you will get angry when you say it.

In fact, he had already learned the news from Connie.

At that time, he was still thinking, no wonder he couldn't persuade Connie to go to the Flower and Bird Tavern even after talking dry, so it was this guy who got in the way.

damn it!All my efforts were in vain!

Everything was screwed up by this foreign bastard!

"I didn't see it! I didn't see anyone!"

Kent faintly couldn't control his expression, and said in a cold voice.

"Is it alright, sir? Now please remove the hand stuck on the door, please? Otherwise, don't blame me if it's broken!"

"Oh, sorry..."

Chen Lun withdrew his hand, embarrassed.

"It's very disturbing, Mr. Kent."

After finishing speaking, Chen Lun turned around and left.

Kent looked at the back of the black-haired young man leaving, with a gradually ferocious expression on his face.

The Iron Fist Gang should have taken care of those two girls...

Next up is you guy, I'll watch them throw you down the drain.

Be choked to death by feces, bastard!
"Cough, cough!"

Connie blushed and coughed twice.

"very sour……"

Holding a glass of cold drink in her hand, she walked down the street holding Floyd's hand.

At this time, night fell, and the black street lamps on the side of the road were all lit up.

"Miss Froy, how does your 'Earl of Jinlan' taste?"

Connie looked curiously at the sealed paper cup in Floyd's hand.


Floyd kept smiling.

She turned her head slightly towards Connie, and handed out the black tea with milk in her hand.

"Do you want to try?"

" need, Miss Froy."

Connie was taken aback and waved her hands quickly.

She was simply curious why Miss Floyd liked to drink milk tea without any sugar.

I am also stupid, the fruit tea I ordered was too sour, and I was reluctant to throw it away.

Because of financial constraints, Connie rarely goes to coffee shops for consumption.

Miss Froy paid the bill for going out this time, and it was the first time Connie saw someone carrying a bag containing dozens of gold pounds and going directly to the coffee shop to buy drinks.

The moment Miss Froy opened the purse, Connie felt a golden light flashing in front of her eyes.

God, she's so rich!

"Miss Froy must be a descendant of a noble..."

Connie was very surprised at the time, secretly guessing in her heart.

Then she nervously inspected every customer in the coffee shop, as if worried that someone would plot bad things after seeing the money.

Fortunately, there were few customers in the coffee shop at that time, and these customers did not pay much attention to them.

But Connie still reminded Miss Froy in a low voice, telling her not to bring so much money out next time.The outer city is not peaceful, it will be bad if you encounter robbers.

Miss Froy was also very surprised after hearing her words, and seemed to be completely unaware that the purse contained gold pounds.

The fact is exactly what Connie thought.

The money was given to Floyd by Chen Lun in advance, and Floyd simply thought it was a bag of silver nobility.

"Mr. Jack is too kind to Miss Froy..."

Connie was genuinely envious.

But what followed was an inferiority complex.

"Perhaps only an angelic girl like Miss Floyd would be treated like this."

She was a little sad.

"But why did Mr. Jack take Miss Froy to Denton Street?"

There were many questions in her mind, but Connie didn't dare to ask them aloud, because it would be too impolite.

She took Miss Floy's hand and walked along the street.Turning her head and seeing the black satin covering Miss Floyd's eyes, Connie felt a little sad for her.

"What a sentimental girl..."

Floy stared ahead with a smile on her face.

Her strong perception ability allowed her to clearly "see" Connie's expressions and emotions.

At this time Connie took out two blue tickets from her pocket and said to Floy:
"Tomorrow is the weekend, and I planned to take you to the park for a walk...

Since Kent has two tickets to the Dolphin Opera tonight, why don't we go to the opera. "

After she finished speaking, she realized something, and said quickly:

"Actually, the seats in the opera house are too far away from the stage, so you can't see clearly at all... But the sound is loud and you can hear it."

Maybe because she felt that her explanation was very pale, Connie looked depressed.

On her way back from get out of class today, Kent stopped her and wanted to ask her to go to the opera tonight.

Connie declined Kent, and said that she would go to work part-time to clean up at night and take care of Miss Froy.Kent left sadly, but left the two tickets to her.

She originally planned not to, but thought of Miss Froy, maybe we can go and see together.

Tickets for the Dolphin Opera House are not cheap, they cost 3 silver medals for each ticket, and Connie is usually reluctant to go to see one.

Wouldn't it be a waste if you don't go?
After hearing what she said, Floy was stunned for a moment.


This is something new that she has never been exposed to before.

Immediately show a smile.

"Okay, let's go to the opera, I'm looking forward to it."

(End of this chapter)

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