I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 36 Big Brother Don't Kill Me

Chapter 36 Big Brother Don't Kill Me

The Dolphin Opera House is closer to the inner ring in the outer city, a few blocks away from Denton Street.

If you take the main road, you need to take a long detour.

Connie, who is familiar with the neighborhood, knows that there is a shortcut, and it only takes ten minutes to walk there.

Hearing that the shortcut didn't take too long, Floyd proposed to walk there.

The two held hands one after the other, and slowly came to a remote alley.Go through here and turn a corner again, and you will see the Dolphin Opera House.

The shops on this street are all old shops selling some old things and clocks, and almost all of them are closed at this time.There were no figures of people in the individual facades that were still lit.

Connie used to work part-time at night, and she was used to it, so she didn't feel scared.

She even comforted Miss Froy beside her, telling her not to worry.

"Kent boy did a good job."

But at this moment, Connie suddenly heard a man's deep voice sounding in front of her.

Looking up, she suddenly felt chills.

I saw more than a dozen men surrounded them.

"Catch them! Move fast!"

The man in the lead gave an order, and the rest of them rushed forward with grim smiles.

Connie's heart beat faster, and emotions of fear and fear surged.

"Miss Floy, run!"

She took Floy's hand and wanted to turn around and run away.

But before they took two steps, those fierce men in leather jackets blocked the retreat and reached out to grab them.

"I got you! Bitchi!"

The man's hand firmly grasped Connie's arm——

Kent closed the door, but suddenly heard a strange noise.

He observed carefully and found that the door seemed to be stuck by something.

Along the crack of the door, slowly raise your head.

What came into view was a black muzzle.


Kent's heart jumped suddenly, feeling like his soul was about to fly out of his body.

Looking up again, it was the black-haired young man who should have gone downstairs, staring at him expressionlessly.

"I'll ask you again, did you really not see them?"

The flintlock was pressed against Kent's forehead, and the cold touch made him tremble.

"No... no."

Cold sweat ran down his face, but Kent dared not reach out to wipe it off.

A trace of disappointment appeared on the face of the black-haired youth.

"If that's the case, then you're useless, just go die!"

The index finger is attached to the trigger, ready to pull.

Kent dropped to his knees.

"Don't! Don't kill me!! I know, I know everything!!"

He collapsed in an instant, howling and crying bitterly.

Kent was really scared. He was afraid that he would be shot and killed by the other party in the next second.

This guy in front of him is like a psychopath, moody.

This fear is far more intense than the threat of the Iron Fist.

Chen Lun pushed the door and entered, and then slowly closed the door.

The gun in his hand was pointed at Kent, and he sat on a chair at random.

"Tell me what you know."

The shell necklace on Chen Lun's chest glowed with a faint blue light.Kent's eyes were suddenly dull, and he began to talk to himself.

"It was Gary, the boss of the Iron Fist Gang, who asked me to..."

ten minutes later.

After listening to Kent's story, Chen Lun knew the cause and effect, as well as his despicable tricks with the Iron Fist Gang.

As early as when he met Kent in the stairwell, he discovered the abnormality of the other party.

After a simple exchange, it was discovered that this person was full of guilty conscience.

Heartbeat, breathing, facial expressions, sweat secretion and even blood flow, all indicate that Kent is hiding something.

An ordinary person cannot fool Chen Lun who is an extraordinary person.

"You... what did you do to me!?"

Kent came back to his senses, not knowing what happened, and was suddenly terrified and inexplicable.

He didn't have time to think too much, it seemed that there was only one dead end in front of him.

"Please don't kill me! It's all because of the Iron Fist Gang!
They cheated me out of all my money, and then forced me to pay back the money, and they will kill me if I don't pay back!

I had no choice but to help them!
sorry!I repent!Please let me go..."

Kent begged.

But seeing that Chen Lun was indifferent, he seemed to think of something again.Then he got up tremblingly, and began to rummage in the room frantically.

Chen Lun frowned, but did not stop him.

What does he want to do?
Chen Lun was a little curious.

Soon, Kent came to Chen Lun holding an old book with joy on his face.

He handed it over like a treasure offering.

"This is a treasure of our family. My grandfather gave it to me when I left. He said it was very precious and must be worth a lot!"

Chen Lun didn't even look at it and sneered.

"Since it is so precious and valuable, why don't you sell it and pay back the money? Or just give it to the Iron Fist Gang?"

Kent's smile froze.

It felt like the glimmer of hope in my heart was completely shattered.

He didn't lie, this book is indeed a treasure of their family.

His grandfather often told him to read it frequently, saying that it would be of great help to him, and he would even be able to use it to lead the family to prosperity in the future.

But he didn't see any tricks from it at all, he just regarded it as a broken book with commemorative significance.

Chen Lun took the book casually and glanced at it.

The Memoirs of Ke Burney the Recorder

He narrowed his eyes slightly, a possibility flashed through his mind.

Kent suddenly realized that the flintlock gun he was pointing at was put down by the black-haired young man in front of him.

He couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

A cool breeze blew through the silent street.

With a pungent bloody smell.

Connie froze in place, looking at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

The man who was holding her arm just now was already lying in a pool of blood. There was a hole in his chest, blood was slowly oozing out.

Turning around to look, a flintlock gun appeared in Floy's hand at some point, with gunpowder smoking from the muzzle.

"Shet! This bitch actually has a musket in his hand!"

"Don't be afraid, she's shot Lenny, there's no more bullets!"

After the initial shock, the other men have come to their senses.

After exchanging a few words briefly, they rushed over again.

Bang!Bang! !

Two more shots were fired.

The two guys who rushed to the front fell under Floy's flintlock.


Iron Fist helped everyone stop.

They never thought that the two girls who thought they could get it easily turned out to be so difficult.

Especially the beautiful blind girl among them took out a flintlock gun that could fire continuously.

What the hell!How can there be a flintlock gun that can fire continuously in this world! ?
"Put on crazy hands!"

Then one of the men yelled.

Amidst the sound of fine metal rubbing, the remaining Iron Fist Gang members took out two iron gloves and put them on for themselves.

"Bichi, don't think that you are the only one with guns..."

Immediately afterwards, they each took out a gun with a strange shape. The body of the gun was short, and the muzzle spread out like a trumpet.

Then they pointed their muskets at the two of them.

"Miss Floy, we... what should we do?"

With so many muskets pointed at her, Connie's heart was in her throat.

At this time, her mind was blank, and she didn't even think about why Miss Froy could shoot accurately and kill three people in a row while she was blind.

Floyd couldn't help but frowned slightly.

She was not afraid of death, but worried that Connie beside her would die with her.

"Okay... don't hurt Connie, I'll go with you."

(End of this chapter)

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