Chapter 37 Hunger Blooms

under night.

Seven Denton Street.

Kent rushed out of the dark corridor like crazy.

In the alley across the street, two members of the Iron Fist Gang who were waiting on the spot couldn't help frowning when they saw him.

"What is this kid doing? Let us wait so long for nothing!"

"Hey, there seems to be something wrong...he seems to be panicked."

Kent plunged into the alley and saw two teenagers in leather jackets, like seeing a savior.

He looked happy.

"Go! Take me away!"

Immediately threw himself into the arms of one of them.

The two Iron Fist gang members looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.


"Damn it, get up for me, hey!"

The man in the leather jacket who was hit by Kent was a little dissatisfied. How could he be hugged by another man like this, a big man.

He didn't want to be misunderstood by brothers in other gangs, so as not to attract countless fencing enthusiasts.

"Leave... take me out of here..."

A dying voice came from his arms.

In Kent's mind, the last scene before escaping through the door flashed.

The dark-haired young man's indifferent eyes, regretful expression, and plain words:
"You shouldn't touch my people, Mr. Kent..."

The other party stretched out two fingers and gently wiped his neck.

The cold touch made him numb all over.

A momentary sting followed, and Kent didn't understand why.But fear surged, urging him to run out...

At this time, the two iron fist gang men quickly turned Kent over.

When they saw his appearance, they were startled.

Kent's face was congested with blood, his veins were exposed, his eyes were wide and bloodshot, and his expression was terrified.

One of them squatted down, put his hands on his chest, lowered his head to listen to his breathing, but there was no movement.

"Damn it! He's dead!"

The man cursed.

Just ran over alive and well, and it was more than enough to participate in the sprint competition like that.

But why in the blink of an eye...

"Look at his neck! What's that!?"

After being reminded, the man in the leather jacket turned his head and saw two dark holes on Kent's neck.

Like a wound, but not bleeding.

The urban legends he had heard flashed through his mind instantly, and he easily thought of some monsters.

"Could it be a vampire...!?"

"Shit, this was obviously bitten by a snake! He was poisoned to death!"


After the two guys exchanged a few words in a low voice, they fell into silence, feeling incredible.

He was obviously going home to pack his luggage, but he was suddenly bitten by a poisonous snake.

Then they heard slow but distinct footsteps.

Looking up, I saw a man walking towards here with the light behind his back.

"Hey! Get away! Do you hear me!"

The two Iron Fist members put down Kent's body, stood up and shouted at the strange man.

Suddenly, the eyes of the two of them flickered, and the figure of the man disappeared.


They were taken aback for a moment.

Then both of them felt their necks being gently caressed by someone's fingers.

After the cold is a tingling pain.

Turning his head again, he saw that the strange man had already walked far along the street, leaving only his back.

"damn you……!"


Plop twice.

Two Iron Fist members fell to the ground, their eyes widening.The state of death cannot be said to be similar to that of Kent, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

There were also snake kiss marks on their necks.

[Kill the ordinary members of the Iron Fist Gang, gain 20 experience points]*2
[Trigger C-level mission: King of the Water Beach]

[Mission Description: The iron fist gang, an underground force in the outer city of Amber City, showed its sharp claws to you. Do you return your sharp teeth?

kill them all!Destroy them all!Or enslave them!

Let them know who is the king of the beach! ]
[Task Reward: 1000 experience points, 1 gold pound and [Crazy Hand Prototype Drawing - Fireworks in Palm]*1]


Chen Lun walked forward indifferently, towards the Dolphin Opera House.

【Animal imitation LVMAX】

【Snake Kiss】

[Skill description: You have learned to simulate the bite of a poisonous snake and inject poison, and the characteristics are not limited to teeth. ]
He didn't choose to shoot rashly, as the sound would be too loud, which would easily cause unnecessary trouble.

There was no place where this animal characteristic was used before, but now it is very suitable.

Chen Lun's cold whisper echoed softly in the street:

"The Iron Fist Gang..."

"Welcome to Xiashuitan, two beautiful chicks!"

At the entrance of the beach late at night.

A group of Iron Fist gang members surround Connie and Floyd, intending to take them to the Flower and Bird Tavern.

A rusty iron sign full of filth was inserted on the edge of the steps, with the words "Water Beach" marked on it.

As long as you walk down the wide steps, you can reach the lower water beach.But even the lamp holders were unwilling to come here to light up the street lamps, and it was pitch black all around.

"Hurry up, Boss Gary is still waiting for our good news!"

One of the men urged, looking at the flintlock gun he had snatched from Floyd's hand.

"This gun is awesome! Much better than our 'Stormfire'!

You must show it to the boss, and then let those craftsmen learn from it! "

At this moment, Connie suddenly cursed:
"Get out! Don't touch me!"

She stubbornly shook off the salty pig's hand who was about to lean over, and several men in leather jackets laughed and didn't care about her anger at all.

One of them turned his head and stared at Floyd, glanced up and down, and licked his lips.

"Hey, this foreign girl is really on time, I wonder if Boss Gary will give us a try?"

"Aha, just dream! This is a gift from the boss to the big shots in the inner city!
If you dare to touch her, the boss will definitely turn your head off!And not just the one on the neck! "

The others burst out laughing.

"haha a!!"

The laughter stopped abruptly, replaced by a scream.

Everyone was surprised.

There was a scarlet crossbow bolt inserted into the chest of a member of the Iron Fist Gang!

The crossbow arrows dissipated slowly like smoke, but the guy hit by the arrow screamed even more terribly.The wound expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it seemed that an invisible big mouth was biting and gnawing!

"Hungry! I'm so hungry!"

He suddenly growled in a low voice, with red eyes, he grabbed the companion next to him and bit him.

This beast-like behavior immediately frightened the others.

The unlucky guy caught by him didn't react, and was bitten through the carotid artery, and blood sprayed out.

In just a short moment, the two fell together in a pool of blood, one dead and the other seriously injured.

The members of the Iron Fist Gang were both shocked and angry.

Across a main road, under the faint moonlight, a man walked slowly.

His face was unclear, he was holding a crossbow in his hand, and a stray dog ​​was following him at his feet.

Raise your hand, aim, pull the trigger...

"Get down!"

A member of the Iron Fists binge drinking.

But it's too late.

There is a slight string movement, accompanied by a red line across the night.

call out--!
Another man in a leather jacket fell down, howling in pain.

"I am starving!!"

The flesh and blood on his body disappeared out of thin air, and he struggled to get up, just wanting to eat.

"Eat! I will eat back what I lost!"

A man in a leather jacket closest to him punched him in the face in order not to be bitten.

The mad hand spewed out air waves, which greatly increased the power of this punch.

The powerful impact directly broke his neck.

The guy tilted his head to one side, staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Died on the spot.

"Damn! What the hell is this!"

Several Iron Fist members lay on the ground, trembling with fear.

As the man approached slowly, they saw his true face clearly.

A young man with slightly curly black hair looked at them expressionlessly.

A pair of emerald green vertical pupils were icy cold.

"You guys, have you ever seen hunger blossom?"

(End of this chapter)

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