Chapter 38 Everyone must die

"Fuck! Fight with him!"

A member of the Iron Fist yelled angrily.

He got up and rushed towards Chen Lun, swinging the iron fist with the crazy hand, trying to blow the head of this strange man with one punch!

Chen Lun gently raised his hand to catch his fist.

A burst of steam spewed out from the air holes on both sides of the mad hand, but the fleshy palms that wrapped it remained motionless.

The Iron Fist member's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Crazy hand... was blocked!?"

Woo! !

Chen Lun clenched his fist with the other hand, stretching a black shadow.

The next moment fell heavily on his face.

Bang! !

The entire face of this Iron Fist gang member shattered like a collapsed building block.

Leaning back, he was sent flying a few meters by the powerful impact, and hit the ground with a bang.

"Jie...Mr. Jack, that's amazing!"

Connie couldn't help cheering to herself.

When the chaos happened just now, Floyd took the opportunity to pull her to hide aside.At this time, seeing that the person who came was Chen Lun, different changes took place in the hearts of both of them.

Connie was beyond excited.

She was already in despair, knowing what it meant for herself and Miss Floyd to be brought here.

The notorious Iron Fist gang is the nightmare of the residents of the outer city, and the water beach is a hell of discoloration.

Faced with these two young girls, I am afraid that their lives will be worse than death in the future.

"Fuck them! Mr. Jack!"

Connie gritted her teeth and cheered for Chen Lun in a low voice.

Floy turned to her in some surprise.

As if sensing Floy's "gaze", Connie shrank her head in embarrassment.

God!So unladylike!

Why did I say such vulgar words! ?
Floyd stopped paying attention to the dead Connie, but focused all her attention on that man.

"He showed up again... when I was in trouble.

Just like a brother..."

Floy pursed her lips, then shook her head slightly.

"No, not the same."

Bang! !

A blast.

Countless iron nails and glass slag sprayed towards Chen Lun.

Chen Lun felt a little danger, and quickly dodged to avoid it.

chi chi chi...

The strangely shaped trumpet gun is like a short-barreled shotgun, even covering a wider area.Even with Chen Lun's dexterity, he couldn't completely dodge at such a short distance.

One of his arms was hit, and his clean white shirt was cut several times.

"He's shot! Set fire to kill him!"

The Iron Fist members who fired the shots shouted excitedly.

When the other men in leather jackets heard it, they also pulled out their trumpet guns and shot at Chen Lun.

Boom!Bang bang bang! !

There was a continuous burst of explosions, and Chen Lun was submerged by the overwhelming small objects.

Iron nails, glass shards, steel balls and even pebbles hit him densely, even covering several meters around him.

He has no room to hide!

"Mr. Jack! No!"

Connie exclaimed and covered her eyes unbearably.

Although Floy knew that Chen Lun was a transcendent, she had never witnessed him fighting with others.

At this time, I couldn't help but raised my heart.

Crackling! !
Such a saturated shooting directly tore Chen Lun's clothes to pieces.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

The members of the Iron Fist gang looked excited.

"You don't have eyes, you dare to trouble us, this is your fate!"

A man in a leather jacket spit on the ground as if to vent his anger.

Wang!Wang Wang!

The stray dogs who followed Chen Lun barked at the Iron Fist gang.

"Grass! And you dead dog!"

A member of the Iron Fist stuffed a nail into the chamber and raised his trumpet gun at the stray dog.

"You go first, puppy."

The dust dispersed, revealing Chen Lun's figure.

He waved his hand behind him, and the stray dog ​​understood what he said, sobbed twice and ran away.

"Good boy."

It has completed the work of leading the way and can retire.

"What the hell!"

The Iron Fist members' eyes widened.

This guy is not dead yet! ?
With the intensive shooting just now, even an iron man should be smashed into a sieve!
Under Chen Lun's tattered clothes, there was a dark golden luster.

He looked up, grinning grimly.

In that wave of blows just now, although he was protected by dace carp shells, the massive [-1] damage caused him to lose some of his health.

"All of you present will die!"

The voice fell, and his figure was gone.

The guy who was about to shoot the stray dog ​​suddenly moved his arm, and the trumpet gun fired forward.

Bang! !

--An accident happened!
The trumpet gun in his hand exploded directly, and the fragments scattered with iron nails.

"damn it!"

He cursed, and there were fine wounds all over his body.Fortunately, the hand is protected by an iron fist glove, otherwise the entire palm will be gone!

Snapped--! !

A side kick.

This member of the Iron Fist Gang, who was lucky enough to bring a mad hand and escaped the threat of a bomb, disappeared instantly above his head.

Like being erased with an eraser.

The headless corpse fell down with a plop, splashing dust.

"Kill! Kill him quickly!!"

The remaining few members of the Iron Fist gang were all dead, and their necks were red and they drank violently.

The guy who took Floy's flintlock fired three times.

The figure with dark golden luster flowing all over his body was like a ghost, dodging left and right, and came to this person in the next second.

All empty.

A pair of emerald green vertical pupils full of killing intent stared straight at him.

"Do not!!"

An arm came out of the hole like a python, and he opened his big hand, biting his neck.

"Uh ah ah!"

Chen Lun grabbed him like a rag doll and threw it at the others.

With a few ping-pong bangs, they all fell to the ground.

"Let hunger blossom..."

Chen Lun pulled the trigger twice.

[Greedy Tongue]'s crossbow string vibrated, and two scarlet crossbow arrows hit the two of them.


The person hit by the arrow suddenly jumped up, grabbing the person under him and biting frantically.

Screaming and gnawing sounds intertwined.

Seeing this bloody scene, Connie couldn't help turning her head away.

In the end, the remaining two were full of blood, killing each other and devouring each other.

until destruction.


Chen Lun let out a long breath.

Using the hand crossbow continuously consumes a lot of energy.

He could have killed these Iron Fist members in an easier way.

But he doesn't.

Not only because they dared to attack Floyd, disrupting their plans.Another reason is that he wanted to test it in actual combat with a hand crossbow.

The result satisfied him.

"Mr. Jack, are you all right?"

Connie walked over quickly.

Floyd picked up the flintlock gun that belonged to her, and hid it behind her back.He looked at Chen Lun as usual, and then showed concern in silence.

Chen Lun shook his head.

The animalistic features on him have disappeared, and his original appearance has been restored.

"I am fine."

Seeing Chen Lun's inhuman behavior just now, Connie was very surprised.But she didn't dare to ask too much, she always felt that Mr. Jack was getting more and more mysterious.

Those supernatural things were too shocking to the three views, and Connie couldn't digest them for a while.

"Floy, you guys go back first."

Chen Lun gave an order.


Floyd didn't ask him what he wanted to do, but nodded obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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