I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 356 New Year's Battle Night

One afternoon a few days later.

Chen Lun is resting under the awning in the back garden.

The whole person is lying on the white wooden rocking chair, like an old man spending his twilight years, reading a book while observing the frolicking cows and white cats.

At this time, the space beside him fluctuated, and a waiter whose face was covered by a shadow stepped out of it.The other party went straight to Chen Lun, stroked his chest and saluted.

"Good day, Mr. Jack."

The faceless waiter said respectfully.

"I'm here to deliver a secret letter from the Knights of the Round Table."


After Chen Lun closed the book, he smiled and sat up slowly.

"Are there any results from the meeting?"

"Yes, sir."

The faceless waiter handed over the letter on the tray and a bank voucher.

"This is a letter written to you by the Knight Commander himself. In addition, this is a reward of [-] gold pounds."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Chen Lun took out four gold coins and placed them on the tray.

"Thank you, generous Mr. Jack."

The faceless waiter chuckled, bowed again, turned and left.

After it left, Chen Lun blew a whistle and collected [-] gold pounds into the panel, making the total assets reach [-] gold pounds... After that, he opened the sealing wax of the letter and checked it.

In the letter, the knight commander first praised him, and then said that the club has successfully reached a cooperation with the evening tea party, but the specific plan is still in progress... He only revealed one thing to Chen Lun, that is, the tea party is still in progress. Will pretend to help the Black Knife Brotherhood, and secretly disclose information to the club.

It wasn't until the final battle that the tea party would actually make a move, backstabbing the Brotherhood of the Black Knife.

'A double agent? '

Chen Lun thought inwardly, with a smile on his face.

The trend of the current situation is completely opposite to that of the previous life. The Twilight Tea Party no longer helps the Black Knife Brotherhood, but instead joins the club's camp... In this way, the club, which had already overwhelmed the opponent, can finally win the seat of the Orthodox Church The probability is very high!
All of this is because he played an important role in the middle.

Chen Lun took a deep breath, and then looked down.

The secret conversation between the knight commander and Philip went smoothly, and he also won a piece of extraordinary knowledge for Chen Lun [Sequence 5 - Juggler].It’s just that Philip said that the extraordinary knowledge reserve of the tea party has always been handed over to Manolan for safekeeping. Now that he is dead, he can’t find where to put it for the time being...

So this extraordinary knowledge will be sent to him later.


Chen Lun looked at the letter, a little speechless.

He knew that this was Philip's excuse!

It is even very possible that this guy's bad taste is responsible again, he is unwilling to hand over his supernatural knowledge to him, and deliberately delays... Chen Lun has nothing to do about it, he just hopes that the other party will not just send him "ten" when the time comes. one-third", "one-sixth" and "one-quarter".

Finally, don't worry, I will look for others.

Chen Lun sighed secretly, and burned the letter in his hand.

Time passed unknowingly for a month.

During this period of time, Chen Lun led the team to go out twice, each time lasting three to five days.

Because the circus is extremely active in Yanbang, it has cleared one red disaster area after another, and its reputation has gradually increased. The local official transcendents have been extremely respectful to them in the recent hunts.

Soon, it was New Year's Eve.

After this night, it will be 4420 in the solar calendar, and it will also be the second New Year that Chen Lun has spent after traveling to this world.

He took the team back to Peacock City Winery two days in advance to rest and prepare to celebrate together.

Floyd and Connie were busy working in the kitchen at the same time, while Maggie watched the excitement from the sidelines, making startled sounds from time to time.

Noah, Alex, Golov, Barton, and Morey were sitting in the living room chatting.

Anton and Bib Dingding were playing outside, waiting for dinner.

Chen Lun leaned against the door of the villa building alone, watching all this with a smile.

He took the time to open his panel, and noticed that in the task column, the contribution rate of the second ring of the main line can be checked, reaching [4.28%]... Recalling his previous life, when he was in the final settlement, the contribution rate was only [ 0.00013%], the gap between the two can be described as worlds apart.

"Have I pushed the process forward by four percentage points with my own strength..."

The smile on his face was even bigger.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lun looked at the rest of the panel reserves... The experience value has accumulated to nearly 80, part of which is due to hunting, and the other part is from the mysterious books he has read.

The regional popularity has reached 70 points, the epic popularity is 2 points, the skill point is 8 points, the attribute point is 50 points, the special attribute point is 3 points, and the blessing point is 1 point...

'Now I'm waiting to get extraordinary knowledge to advance to Sequence 5, and then use up these reserves at once... At that time, my strength will skyrocket again. '

Chen Lun closed the panel, full of expectations.

In addition to taking the team to rest and celebrate the New Year, there is another thing that prompted him to stay in the winery.

"If I remember correctly, tonight in the previous life was the night of the decisive battle between the Murder Club and the Brotherhood of the Black Knife... until tomorrow, everything will be settled. '

Chen Lun looked up at the purple crescent moon in the sky with a smile on his lips.

After a while.

The circus New Year's dinner begins.

Floyd personally came to Chen Lun and invited him to sit down.

"Master Jack, please host the dinner."

Chen Lun turned around, looked at Floyd with a smile, and walked in holding hands.

Antonio brought the white cat and the hedgehog into the house, and everyone present sat down in their seats and cast their eyes on Chen Lun.It wasn't until he sat down on the main seat that everyone expressed their blessings to the leader one after another.

"Thank you all."

Chen Lun smiled, looking at the members present and the table full of sumptuous dishes, he was in a great mood.

"This is the second New Year that the circus has spent. Last year, there were not so many members... Welcome Antonio, Alex and Morey to join."

Alex and Morey stood up, stroked their chests and saluted Chen Lun.

Antonio, on the other hand, snorted twice, shaking his head and looking very happy.

"Same as last year, as the leader of the team, it is natural to give you gifts."

Chen Lun smiled and took out the prepared gift box.

The gifts of Golov, Barton and Morey are the same, and they are all a piece of extraordinary knowledge of [Sequence 7-Assassin].When they opened the gift and saw the manuscript written by the head of the delegation, their gratitude was beyond words.

"Thank you, Mr. Captain!"

"You're welcome."

Chen Lun waved his hand.

Connie’s gift is a mysterious book that does not contain extraordinary knowledge. It is a rare item that Chen Lun entrusted to the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce to acquire. The author is a mid-sequence transcendent of the sun path. The book contains the experience and experience related to forging .

"Mr. Jack, thank you!"

Connie held the book in her arms, with joy on her face.

The rest of the people also unwrapped their presents one after another, all expressing joy without exception.

Maggie was holding a bottle of red wine in her hand. Like last year, it was a beef-flavored extraordinary wine prepared by Chen Lun himself. The only difference was that this time, more advanced extraordinary materials were used, so that the quality of this bottle of wine reached A boutique.

Maggie uncorked the bottle impatiently and took a sip, her face flushed with excitement on the spot.

"This is amazing! My favorite flavor of beef!"

"It's fine if you like it, Maggie, but don't worry about Anton's taste all day long."

Chen Lun shook his head.

"Understood, Captain."

Maggie chuckled, but no one knew if she listened or not.

Antonio's gift was very simple, but it won his heart. It was a forage cake mixed with sinful blood and the mysterious substance of flesh and blood.Even the little white cat Bibu is the same. Chen Lun asked Floyd to make it a fried fish with flavor, and added natural mysterious substances.

A cow and a cat eat happily.

Only little hedgehog Ding Ding stood on the table blankly, at a loss.

Joy is someone else's and has nothing to do with it.

Noah looked at the box of paint in his hand and was pleasantly surprised.

Chen Lun explained in a timely manner, saying that he asked Floyd to make it out of extraordinary materials.

"Thank you, Mr. Jack... I want to use it to draw a picture for everyone and record this beautiful scene."

Noah looked around and proposed to Chen Lun.

"That's a good idea, go Noah."

Chen Lun frowned, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Noah went upstairs and brought down the painting tools, then sat at the dining table and started painting with the paint Chen Lun gave him.

Alex received a precious harmonica bought by Chen Lun at a cost of hundreds of gold pounds. He pretended to be reserved and did not show much emotion, but everyone else could see the irrepressible joy on his face.

After getting along for this period of time, Alex may have accepted his fate, or he may have recognized this big family, and gradually integrated into it.

"Everyone, the great bard Alexis will present a song for you!"

Everyone applauded one after another.

Alex, with his hips akimbo, picked up his new harmonica and started playing.

The beautiful and cheerful melody reverberates in the living room of the villa, and in the brightly lit environment, it composes a movement called eternity.

Floyd opened the last gift from Chen Lun.

There is a [B-level creepy thing-travel key] inside.

Chen Lun explained to her how to use it and its effects, and Floyd happily held it in her palm.

"I love so much."

Floy said softly in an ethereal voice.

"The beautiful Miss Floy, would you like to dance with me during this wonderful time?"

Chen Lun took off his gloves and stretched out his hand.

Floy blushed, and after humming, she slowly placed her hand in his palm.

"I'd love to, Mr. Jack."

Everyone applauded again. Amid the cheerful melody played by Alex, the two danced on the open space by the dining table, while the cow hummed to the beat. Noah smiled and recorded this scene on the canvas forever. superior.

He thought that after a few years, when everyone looks back at the painting, they will definitely remember the beauty of this time.

Noah thought of its name in his heart, and it was called "Dawn".

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