Chapter 357
cold winter.

late at night.

The roof of the main building villa of Jack Winery.

Chen Lun and Floyd were sitting on it, looking at the purple moon in the night sky.

"Master Jack, do you think Grandma Moonlight is watching us right now?"

Nestled in his arms, Floy asked softly.

Chen Lun silently looked up at the crescent moon, and replied after a while:
"of course."

Chen Lun still remembers the old lady he met in Amber City. He doubts that she is the incarnation of the moon god Margaret... and there should be a deep connection between her and Floyd.

Therefore, Chen Lun's affirmation was not unfounded.

Floy raised her head, the corners of her mouth slightly raised on her fair and beautiful face.

As the breeze blew by, the ethereal voice shuttled among the slowly falling tiny snowflakes, making it extremely pleasant to hear:
"Then will He bless us?"

Chen Lun once again gave an affirmative answer:

"Yes...we have received His blessing."

"very nice."

Floy slowly uttered two words, leaning her profile against his chest, listening to the fiery heartbeat.

"Master Jack, can you tell me your story?"

Chen Lun lowered his head, gently brushed her light golden hair, and gently brushed a strand of the cold wind to the back of the crystal clear ear, then kissed Floyd's forehead, and said slowly:

"I'm a foreigner, Floyd... I don't really belong here."

His eyes were a little distracted.

Floy's outline was reflected in the bright eyes.

This is the first time that Chen Lun has confide in others since he traveled so far.

"Is your hometown far away?"

Floy leaned on him and asked without looking up.

"It's so far away... so far away that I may never go back in this lifetime."

Chen Lun's voice was very calm. He had already accepted this fact, but when he talked about it now, he felt a little sentimental.If the family is still there, if it is still in the past, I should be eating at home with my parents and sister at this moment, enjoying it happily.

But no if.

All this is impossible.

"There is a 'curse' in our family. My father and sister passed away one after another. My mother couldn't accept this reality and chose to escape... I should have died too, but in the end I miraculously survived."

Chen Lun changed "genetic disease" to "curse", which made it easier for Floyd to understand.

As if feeling his emotions, Floyd couldn't help wrapping her hands up and pressing them tightly against his back.

"I don't have a hometown, Master Jack... I wandered with my adoptive parents when I was very young. At that time, I had an elder brother who took care of me, but after he was killed by the Red Apple Church, no one cared about me anymore... ...until I met you."

She seemed to be consoling and confiding.

Chen Lun chuckled lightly, and passed his warm palm over Floyd's back like soothing a small animal.

"So both of us are poor homeless people, wandering in this foreign land until we die."

"It's great... At least I can go to the end with you, to the moon."

Floy said softly, pointing to the night sky.

"After death, the soul will go to the moon, which is our final destination."

"If that's the case, then we'll never get lost or lost, because we'll always meet on the moon, right?"

Chen Lun couldn't help smiling.

Floy hummed and raised her head, and the two "looked at each other" and smiled.

In the cold environment, their bodies were covered with a layer of pure white snowflakes, shining brightly under the moonlight.They didn't feel the slightest chill, but instead felt a warmth coming from each other.

Chen Lun's thoughts seemed to travel back to the past, back to the era of advanced technology, back to his hometown, he said with emotion:
"I used to live in a bustling city, but the people there are no different from the people in this land. Most people don't have a 'soul' and live like walking dead...or the 'soul' is too noble, and the body They can't be restrained."

Floy seemed to understand, and after pondering for a while, she spoke softly:
"But I can clearly feel your soul, which is unique and deeply attracts me."

Chen Lun took a deep breath, held her face in his hands, and touched the black rattan fabric covering her eyes with his fingertips.Floy felt something in her heart, and lifted it, revealing her closed eyes.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and Floyd slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of pale pupils without pupils.

"Your eyes are beautiful, Floyd... Unfortunately, it cannot see beautiful things."

Chen Lun said softly.

There was a quiet smile on Floy's perfect face.

"But I can see you, and only you, Master Jack."

call out--

Under the night, fireworks suddenly bloomed.

Between the buildings outside the winery, straight beams of fire rose up, and immediately exploded in the sky, turning into gorgeous fires, illuminating the entire night sky.

Floy raised her head on her own initiative, and the flames of the fireworks illuminated her cheeks, her cheeks were flushed... There seemed to be a mysterious gravitational force in the darkness, making her involuntarily approach the soul that attracted her, until in the cold environment, she found Gentle dependence.

half an hour.

Lip points.

Floy hugged him.

Feeling the fiery emotions that could not be calmed for a long time.

When the fireworks burned out, the surroundings fell into silence again.

Floy seemed to think of something, and told Chen Lun:

"Master Jack, I feel that the next sequence is not far away...and that dream reappeared, and the familiar but unfamiliar voice in the dream told me not to go forward, the end of the soul is darkness, not know What does that mean?"

Chen Lun was slightly taken aback.

This was already the second time Floyd mentioned this matter to him, and it couldn't help but aroused his deep thought.

Extraordinary people don't dream at will, once they appear, it means that something is foreshadowed.

Chen Lun speculates whether this is the revelation from the moon god Margaret to Floyd, suggesting to her the potential secrets and dangers of the moon path...

But he couldn't be sure, after all, there was no basis for this.

In order to prevent Floyd from thinking too much, Chen Lun just wrote it down.

Immediately said reassuringly:
"Don't worry, Floyd, this might just be a dream."


Floy responded softly, and buried herself in his arms.

I don't know how long has passed.

Her breathing gradually became longer, and she fell asleep in the warm embrace.

Chen Lun lowered his head and looked at her sweet sleeping face. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised on that flimsy face, as if she was having a sweet dream.

He raised a finger and quietly cast the magic levitation, bouncing off the snowflakes and ice crystals on the two of them.Immediately, he carried Floye and moved instantly, returned to her room, and gently put her on the bed.

Chen Lun kissed her on the forehead and said goodnight.

After a while.

Chen Lun returned to the living room.

Everyone in the team had already returned to their rooms to rest, and there was no one here at this time.

"Come out."

He poured himself a cup of hot milk and said to the empty space in front of him.

The air was fluctuating, and a blue rift, invisible to ordinary people, appeared, and the faceless attendant slowly walked out of it, bowing to him.

"Happy New Year, Mr. Jack."

The messenger held the tray and said respectfully.

Chen Lun took out a gift box that had been prepared long ago, which contained dozens of gold coins and a bottle of extraordinary wine.

"You are much more sensible than a certain courier... I wish you a happy new year too, courier."

He put these things on the tray and smiled.

The faceless waiter lowered his head.

"Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Jack."

Immediately afterwards, it made a sound to express its intention to convey the latest information to Chen Lun.

Just like in the memory of Chen Lun's previous life.

The Black Knife Brotherhood and the Murder Club battle tonight!
Some time ago, the Sun King issued an order to forcibly remove the natural sect's qualifications for seats, and among the remaining extraordinary forces, only Mutual Aid will have the last laugh.It has even been basically confirmed that they are the new Orthodox Church to fill the seat of the Red Apple Church.

However, the two factions within the Mutual Aid Association must compete for the real power holder.

The two sides had extinguished their anger as early as this month, and were ready to start a decisive battle at this moment.

In the Trisul Empire, members of the Black Knife Brotherhood and the Murder Club appeared in many battlefields in the red-stricken areas of the main cities of various states, and they were engaged in fierce confrontations.The cleanup of the red plague is just a matter of convenience, and the settlement of the hatred between the two sides is the real goal.

Even the members of the Rotov family and the knights of the Knights of the Round Table went down in person, fighting in the spiritual world or higher dimensions that ordinary people cannot pry into.

People in the entire mysterious field are almost paying attention to this matter.

There was a lot of movement from the spiritual world and everywhere, and they were also very curious as to which party would eventually be in charge of the Mutual Aid Society and ascend to the position of the new Orthodox Church.

"Mr. Jack, the Knight Commander personally led the Knights of the Round Table, and with the support and assistance of the evening tea party, the final victory will be decided before tomorrow evening at the most..."

The faceless waiter said in a low voice.

"I see."

Chen Lun nodded.

Relying on his prophetic advantage, he applied to the Knights of the Round Table for a break as early as a week ago, not only to celebrate with the team, but also to temporarily avoid this final decisive battle...

If I remember correctly, the fight was extremely tragic at that time, and even with the help of the evening tea party, it is impossible for the club to win without injury... Chen Lun didn't want to take such a big risk to lead the team into battle.

He has done enough for the club.

If you can't take the position in this way, even if you choose to join the battle, it can't change the result.Because on such a large-scale battlefield, the strength of everyone in the circus could not play a key role, but would be dangerous instead.

Of course, with his great contribution to the club and the importance that the Knights of the Round Table would place on him, even if Chen Lun bluntly refused to participate in the battle, the Master Knight would agree.

It's just that Chen Lun chose a safer and more emotional approach.

"Master Jack, this is the extraordinary knowledge that was brought to you at the evening tea party before the decisive battle... The Knights of the Round Table asked me to deliver it to you."

The Faceless Attendant fetched a small roll of parchment from a tray.

Chen Lun frowned, took it excitedly, and opened it.

(End of this chapter)

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