I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 367 The prototype of the ultimate card

Chapter 367 The prototype of the ultimate card

After being promoted to [Acrobat], all the previous sequence abilities have been enhanced, including [Trapeman]'s "Cloud Leap".

The range of action of this long-distance teleportation skill has been greatly improved, and now it can teleport to places outside three cities at once, greatly enhancing the mobility of running... Chen Lun.

He left from Huaqing Town in Gem State, used four cloud leaps in one breath, and traveled thousands of kilometers in a few seconds, and returned directly to the winery in Peacock City, Yan State.

Without saying hello to anyone, he went directly to the study.

He lay alone on the sofa and let out a long breath.

'Physical strength has bottomed out...'

After experiencing a series of high-intensity battles and rushing on the road, he was very tired physically and mentally.

Chen Lun took out a bottle of the latest potion prepared by Maggie from the blood poem ring, the enhanced thirst potion, uncorked the bottle and drank it all up, then closed his eyes and rested his mind.

After half an hour.

Under the dual effects of the extraordinary biological characteristics [Indefatigable] and [Thirst Potion 2.0], most of his stamina was restored.Although the spirit is still a little tired, it is not in the way overall.

When he was just promoted, some new ideas for ability development burst out. He didn't want to miss this rare and precious inspiration, so he was going to strike while the iron was hot and confirm it.

Chen Lun opened his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

After his breath gradually stabilized and his agitated heart calmed down, he raised his left and right hands at the same time, and a trump card appeared between his fingers, one red and one black.

'The lore in [Magic Flying Cards], the little king is the attraction card, and the king is the repulsion card... The energy consumed to cast them is nearly ten times that of the four-flowered cards, but the effect is also very strong. '

he thought.

In the melee with the three saints before, it was by virtue of the "Earth Reaching Heaven Seal" that they controlled Messes, blasted Terrence, and defeated Sorin one by one, thus completing the double kill of the Rotov family.

It can be said that the big and small aces have contributed a lot!

'Flying cards that even the incarnation of the saint can't save, if I can fuse these two force fields, will it produce a more powerful effect? '

Chen Lun looked thoughtful.

After a while, he stood up and took a step into the spirit world.

The scene in the study room became a blue blurred field of vision.

He intends to do an experiment first.

The left and right hands picked up the big and small trump cards respectively, and flicked forward.

One black and one red flew out at the same time, turning into two beams of light, meeting four or five meters ahead.

hum! !

The pitch-black ball bloomed first, and the invisible repulsive force suddenly rushed past.

As if absorbing some kind of energy, the black ball suddenly collapsed into a black spot the size of a fist, and then expanded to several times its original size, almost reaching the ceiling, before finally disappearing.

All the "real world projections" in the study were not damaged, they were neither shredded by gravity nor blown away by repulsion, which seemed very strange.

Chen Lun frowned as he watched the scene in front of him.

'The two positions cancel each other out...? '

Based on the physical knowledge he learned in reality in his previous life, he has some basic and simple understanding of this-force is the gradient of energy in space, and energy is easily related to entropy.

In the special theory of relativity, the gravitational and repulsive forces between molecules in the microcosm exist at the same time, and any object will be balanced by force when its state does not change, otherwise it will change its state.

'So the little trump card is due to the explosion of gravity, which caused the distortion of space and formed a black spherical gravitational field...while the big trump card is the opposite. '

Chen Lun pondered.

'Then it is almost impossible to combine the two positions...because the closer the two positions are, the more obvious the repulsive force will be, so the black ball will be compressed, but the accumulated When the energy reaches the critical point, it will break through the shackles of the repulsive force, and finally expand and eliminate each other. '

He was suddenly distressed.

I feel that I may have taken it for granted, and this kind of thing cannot be solved with a quick brain.Although Chen Lun always felt that once he could combine the two trump cards, he would definitely be able to reach the level of "ultimate skill", but it was obviously extremely difficult.

'But this is not the same world anymore, it would be too stupid to look at it with the physical laws of the past... In the mysterious realm, everything is possible. '

Chen Lun rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

I began to search for the power or skills that could be added in my heart, and combined them into various combinations to try out one by one.Then, under the influence of the full-level passive [Multi-tasking], he was conducting four or five conjecture experiments in his mind at the same time.

Fail, reflect, innovate and fail...

Repeatedly, one after another.

half an hour.

Chen Lun felt a dull pain in his brain.

The spirit that was already tired before was even more obvious at this moment.

But he was not without gains. In a flash of inspiration, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This plan may be feasible..."

Chen Lun muttered to himself.

He pulled himself together and raised his hands again, holding an ace between his fingers.

What is slightly different this time is that a white python stands on his shoulders, which seems to be a new variable.


Two streamers of light, one red and one black, drew out again and converged in front.

Just before the eruption, the white python neighed, opened its mouth wide, and spit out a cloud of blue flames, engulfing the two aces.

The fire of spiritual breath!

The energy used to interfere with the space is added!
Attraction, repulsion and blue fire erupted at the same time!
Woo! !

The black ball suddenly bloomed, but this time the effect was completely different!
It presents an irregular polyhedron shape. All the projected objects in the study, such as desks, coffee tables, chairs and books, and even the wall clocks and kerosene lamps on the wall, are all pulled into the black polyhedron and disappear!

To be precise, it should have been crushed by the squeeze of space and become a fine powder that is difficult to observe.

However, the black polyhedron is still twisting and expanding, wriggling like a living thing that can grow.The bookshelf was shattered by the force field, and the wall began to fall off, exposing the bricks and cement inside.

The study is filled with it, but still swells.

It even covers the entire villa inside!

Chen Lun looked at the weird polyhedron created by himself, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.Immediately afterwards, he moved in an instant and came to the sky above the main building, overlooking and observing.

Woo! !

The huge black polyhedron completely engulfed the villa in the winery, crushed into nothingness, and even destroyed the surrounding lawns and trees tens of meters away.

With a thud.

The black polyhedron suddenly collapsed into a point and disappeared.

Only a huge crater was left in place, like the trace of a meteorite impact, other than that, no residue could be seen.

'Such destructive power...'

Chen Lun was speechless secretly.

He did not expect that this unknown ability developed by himself could cause such a terrifying effect.Moreover, at the place where the black polyhedron originally stayed, hundreds of dense blue vortexes appeared...

Those are all space rifts that have been opened up!

A vortex in the spiritual world that leads to nowhere!
This skill even broke through the space barrier!
Chen Lun was shocked for a few seconds before recovering.

'However, this is not the result I expected... It is a semi-finished ultimate skill that was accidentally born, because it is too unstable, it is like an energy aggregate that is catalyzed by the fire of spiritual breath, and the big and small aces burst out. '

He thought about it.

'But that's the only way to go for the time being... To fully develop it requires a long period of experimentation and development, and even needs to absorb more knowledge, especially the knowledge of the two adjacent paths of nature and magic as inspiration. '

Chen Lun grinned.

"Di Su Tianfeng... let's call this semi-finished ultimate skill 'Jie Yu'!"

This stage of skill development was temporarily over, and Chen Lun returned to the present world.

He asked Floyd to tell her that she needed to rest and that she didn't have to call him when eating.

So I went back to my room, lay down on the bed and had a good sleep.

until the next morning.

After Chen Lun woke up, he had breakfast and entered the spirit world again.

All the projected things returned to normal, and the deep pit caused by the polyhedron disappeared.

He spent the whole morning here, constantly trying the "Jie Yu card", and making various optimizations and corrections to increase the success rate of release.

until one o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Lun stood in the air.

He raised his hand, the entire right arm was burning with blue flames, and immediately stretched out two fingers.

Two trump cards, one black and one red, gradually overlapped between the fingers, and the azure flames spread up, igniting the cards, and finally presented a translucent card burning with azure flames.

"Boundary oblivion."

Chen Lun whispered calmly.

He waved his hand.

call out--

hum! !

The dark polyhedron instantly swelled tens of meters high, and after a few seconds, it suddenly collapsed.

Immediately disappeared.

A terrifying pothole was left on the spot, which was even bigger than before, with a diameter of nearly [-] meters. Except for the vortexes of the spirit world that were penetrated one by one, all other substances were annihilated.


Chen Lun panted heavily, a smile bloomed on his tired face.

'Finally proficient. '

He drank a bottle of "Enhanced Thirst Potion", and immediately withdrew from the spirit world and returned to the present world.

Shortly after lunch.

The Faceless Servant of the Council of Generosity arrives.

It stood respectfully beside the sofa and bowed to Chen Lun.

"Master Jack, your outstanding performance has been known by the Senate and the Speaker... Please come to the secret meeting room on time at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and a special meeting will be held for you."

"thank you, I know now."

Chen Lun smiled and gave a tip.

With a secret thought in my heart, it finally came.

But before that, he still needs to confirm another development idea, and strive to complete it before [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

After the faceless waiter leaves.

Chen Lun went upstairs to the room, sat on the sofa, and took out a wooden doll.

This is the [B-level monster - stand-in actor] that he got from the evening tea party before. He discarded it because it was too tasteless. Now that he was promoted to [juggling artist], he suddenly had an idea.

Maybe it can be turned into treasure.

If he succeeds, he will do something unprecedented.


(End of this chapter)

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