I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 368 Fraud Incarnation

Chapter 368 Fraud Incarnation
Originally, there were several reasons why Chen Lun put the [Standby actor] on the shelf.

It is also its most fatal flaw.

One, the puppet it creates cannot speak, cannot disguise, and can only be used as a fighting tool.But because he doesn't have the Sequence ability, it's not of much value to Chen Lun to rely on melee combat with physical fitness comparable to a Sequence 6 transcendent.

Second, the puppet cannot leave the range of [-] meters from the user, which greatly limits the applicable scenarios.

Three, during use, one must concentrate on manipulating the doll, the user cannot move freely, and it is difficult to react in case of an accident.

However, the solution conceived by Chen Lun can perfectly solve these three problems.

First of all, by relying on the full-level passive of [multitasking], the third problem is easily solved. While manipulating the puppet, he is not affected at all.

Secondly, the doll's camouflage and use distance...

Chen Lun smiled slightly.

His raised arms fell off slowly, turned into dozens of white pythons, crawled to the feet of the puppet, and then climbed up until the entire surface of the puppet was covered with white pythons.

Under the effects of [Key of Life] and [Split Resuscitation], the snake group began to squirm and change. After a while, a man who looked exactly like Chen Lun stood in front of him.

"Good day, Your Excellency."

The handsome man with a perfect figure smiled slightly and stroked his chest to salute Chen Lun.

"You are so handsome."

Chen Lun looked this man up and down, amazed.

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Jack, I also think you are handsome."

The other said so.

Immediately, the two looked at each other and smiled.

All of this is Chen Lun himself playing role-playing with himself.However, he also discovered that the "avatar" he created was indeed identical to himself in terms of appearance, voice, and breath, and it was even more difficult for others to distinguish.

He still remembers that when he first obtained the extraordinary biological characteristic of [split recovery], he envisioned creating a clone, but because of this characteristic alone, half of the body needs to be separated to do it, so that the idea would not work.

But it's different now.

With the puppet as the "skeleton", he only needs to separate his arms, turn them into a group of snakes and cling to the surface, act as the "skin" and "user", and create a free-walking "deceitful incarnation" .

This not only solves the problem of the doll's camouflage, but also means being with the doll at all times, so there is no problem of the scope of use.

The only thing to note is that the fighting power of this "Avatar of Deceit" is definitely not as good as his main body, but there is no problem with the most basic sword skills, magic and the simple version of "Pale Hand".

It is unrealistic to deal with opponents at the incarnation level of saints, but ordinary Sequence 5 transcendents can still sway their wrists and will not lose in a short time.Worst of all, this "incarnation of deceit" can be self-destructed. If the opponent is not prepared, the impact of corruption is enough to seriously injure or even kill a Sequence 5 opponent.

Because the doll itself has the ability to recover, Chen Lun is not worried about it being damaged, and can even let the "skin" transfer the damage when necessary, so as to avoid the complete destruction of the "skeleton" doll.

"Incarnation is a mythic power that only high-ranking people have, and I can have it at the stage of Sequence 5... Although it is only a low-end version, it is extremely rare, and there will be more things I can do in the future. '

Chen Lun thought to himself and was very satisfied with this.

Immediately, he walked to the closet, took out a set of clothes and accessories, and threw them to the avatar.

The latter put it on by himself.


Two gentlemen also wearing black suits and black top hats stood opposite each other, except for one of them with a silver cane, they were completely indistinguishable from each other.

"I'm still missing a cane, and it just doesn't feel right without this iconic item."

The avatar rubbed his chin and said.

"You go down in a while, find Connie in the warehouse area, and ask her to build a metal cane that looks the same as [Galaxy Hymn] as a substitute. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't use it to fight."

Chen Lun also threw his silver cane over, sat back on the sofa and said.

After the avatar took it, he shrugged, turned and opened the door to leave.

It went downstairs all the way, and when it passed the living room, it also met Noah, Golov and others, but they didn't find anything unusual, and they respectfully said hello to it.

Chen Lun manipulated the avatar of fraud, exchanged a few words with them briefly, and then went to the warehouse area of ​​the winery.

"Connie, please forge a cane like this."

The avatar handed over the silver cane.

When Connie took it, she nearly fell over because it was so heavy.

"Sorry, forgot that."

It smiled apologetically and helped hold the cane.

Connie wiped the oil and sweat from her face and grinned.

"No problem, Mr. Jack, this is not difficult... But do you have any other requirements? Materials or some mechanisms and functions?"

"Well, it's better to be strong, and if you can, hide a thin sword in the core of the walking stick."

Said the avatar.

"Okay, Mr. Jack, I see...then I'll start working now, and I'll get it ready for you tomorrow morning at the latest."

"Thank you, Connie."

It said it politely.

Connie waved her hands again and again, and immediately ordered the black crystal craftsman on the side to come over, holding silver canes in both hands, and walked towards the machine tool together.

Seeing this, the avatar smiled even more.

"Even the companions in the circus can't tell, but I don't know if Floyd can notice..."

Chen Lun thought to himself.

'In addition, this avatar should not be able to hide from the high-ranking people... But it doesn't matter, the real meaning of the avatar is not a disguise, but life-saving. '

the following afternoon.

One o'clock.

Chen Lun arrived at the headquarters of the Generous Council ahead of schedule.

Walking into the lobby on the first floor, there are still a large number of councilors here. Compared with the first time, the lively atmosphere has not diminished, but has become more intense.

The congressmen gathered on the sofas on both sides were chatting, when suddenly someone saw Chen Lun's arrival, and his expression changed slightly.

"Look! It's Gold Cup Councilor Jack!"

"Huh? It's him!"

"What golden cup member, this gentleman will be gone soon... It is said that a new consul will join the Senate soon, you should know what is going on?"

"You mean, Congressman Jack is about to become the new consul?!"

"It's impossible..."

"Is there anything impossible! I also learned from several other Silver Cup councilors yesterday that three Gold Cup councilors, Gevas, Ryan, and Tapia, participated in important assessment tasks, but they all came back in disgrace. Congressman Jack apologizes..."

The other councilors suddenly realized.

The voices of the discussion became more and more intense. After seeing Chen Lun, many ordinary councilors and silver cup councilors enthusiastically stepped forward to pay respects.

Chen Lun never refused to come, and he did not put on an arrogant posture.

Whoever greeted him had a polite smile on his face, which made the members of the House of Representatives feel like a spring breeze, and felt that this young man who was highly valued by the consul and the speaker was very easy to get along with.

Immediately, many people present were more fond of Chen Lun.

Seeing a series of panel prompts, Chen Lun secretly laughed.

But he didn't stay long, and after chatting for a while, he said goodbye to the people around him, saying that the Senate had an important meeting and he needed to be there on time.

Others agreed one after another, confirming the previous guess in their hearts.

The high-level seats in the generous council, there will be big movements soon...

Relying on his gold cup badge, Chen Lun passed the shadow curtain hanging on the stairs and successfully reached the second floor.He stood in front of the thick door of the secret meeting hall, took a deep breath, and immediately pushed the door open.

In the secret chamber.

Nine consuls sat around the round marble table, and the speaker, Azgielo, sat in a high position behind.In addition, there are three Gold Cup councilors, Gevas, Ryan and Tapia, sitting in the public gallery on one side, sitting upright with a reserved look.

Seeing Chen Lun's arrival, everyone's eyes were focused on him, with different expressions.

The three of Gevas were full of tension, and even showed a trace of awe.

As for the eyes of the nine consuls, apart from admiration, there were also some doubts.

Only the speaker has a meaningful smile.

"Sit down, Jack."

The speaker's friendly voice sounded in the quiet hall.

Chen Lun took off his hat, greeted the speaker and the consuls, and immediately sat in his seat.

But the speaker did not directly cut into the topic, but chuckled twice, and said:

"It surprises me, is this your avatar?"


The three of Gevas directly showed expressions of disbelief.

Avatar? !
What avatar...?
The Jack Speight in front of him is just an incarnation? !

how can that be!

That's the power only high-ranking people possess. How could he, a mid-sequence transcendent, have an avatar? !

But the speaker himself spoke, whether they believe it or not, this is the truth.

The three of Gevas looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"It's a little trick I just developed, and it made all the adults laugh."

Chen Lun said in a humble tone.

With the personal confirmation of the person concerned, the expressions of the consuls became more surprised and puzzled.

Among them, Consul Ginsburg frowned.

"You are too humble, Jack... Incarnation is a power only possessed by high-ranking people. This is a fact that is recognized even in the entire mystical field, but you are able to do this at this stage, which really surprises me... No, It can even be said to be appalling."

He shook his head, seemingly deeply shocked.

Although the other consuls were curious, they didn't ask Chen Lun how he did it.

After all, this kind of extremely private secret involves the life and safety of the other party, so they will not be so rude.

The speaker looked at it with great interest, and seemed to see something, and exclaimed:
"It's an ingenious idea, no wonder you can do such a miracle..."

He even raised his hand and applauded lightly.

The consuls were very surprised when they saw this, they glanced at the speaker, and then at Jack.

The evaluation of him in my heart has been raised to a higher level.

"Originally, you have successfully completed the assessment. Not only did you kill the two remaining saint incarnations of the Rotov family under the interference of Terrence from the Church of the Sun, but now you have given me another surprise..."

The speaker spoke softly.

"Excellent strength, talent and potential, and the ability to incarnate at this stage, I think, the vacant consul seat in the Senate is none other than you, Jack."

He got up slowly.

Raising his hand slightly, the shadow drifted past like smoke and landed on the round marble table in front of Chen Lun.

It was a set of retro knight armor, a gray gold-patterned robe, a special ring, and a rectangular piece of metal.

"I announce that starting today, Jack Speight will join the Senate and become the tenth seat of the reserve consul!"

The remaining nine consuls all stood up and applauded.

(End of this chapter)

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