I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 382 Extraordinary Lignification

Chapter 382 Extraordinary Lignification

Chen Lun's figure disappeared in place.

But in the next second, there was a muffled bang in the sky. He seemed to have hit an invisible barrier and was bounced back. After spinning a few times in mid-air, he fell again.

Chen Lun stood firm and scanned the area with a solemn expression.

'It's really impossible to get out, the trapped enemy [A-level monster] that even Mr. Byers cannot escape... Even if it is teleportation or cloud leap, it will be pushed back by a force. '

But he didn't give up just yet, and immediately escaped into the spirit world to make a try.

When the azure blue vision enveloped the surroundings and was in a hazy state, Chen Lun found that the dozens of huge stone pillars were still standing, and the countless thick iron chains were closely connected, giving people a feeling of nowhere to escape .

[Sin Arena] Connects the spiritual world and the present world, no matter which side you come from, you can't leave.It seems like what Rafa said, only one side will fight to the death in this ring, otherwise the blockade will continue forever.

Rafa stood quietly not far away, watching him with great interest.

It seemed that Chen Lun was struggling, which made him very happy.

"It suddenly occurred to me that more than a year ago, in Amber City in this state city, you repelled one of my projections with just the posture of a low-sequence transcendent... Then we met again, but you were already a middle-aged man. The Sequence Transcendent played a trick on Terrence and me, and took the opportunity to advance to Sequence Six."

Rafa applauded lightly, but the smile on his face grew colder.

"I have to say, you are the most gifted Transcendent I have ever seen, and at the same time the most arrogant Transcendent... You don't seem to take the church seriously, do you have something to rely on? Or is it pure ignorance? But these are not It's important... Now that you have become the consul of the Generous Council, you are really a big shot, the average mid-sequence Transcendents are no match for you at all, and even the incarnation of the Saint, you have killed more than one."

He shook his head, feeling very emotional.

"If you continue, I don't think it will be long before you can transform into a myth and ascend to the holy throne... The sanctity of the holy moat that intercepts countless trekkers in the mysterious field, I believe it is nothing to you, Jack. "

As Rafa said, he slowly raised his right hand, and a slender white bone stabbing sword protruded from his palm.

Countless hideous and dizzyingly strange patterns cover it, and on the rapier guard, there is a skull with eyes burning with red blood.

"But unfortunately, your journey will end at this moment... Such a delicious fruit will also be plucked and tasted by me."

He said lightly, with a hint of mania in his tone.

Rafa's red robe flitted across, splashing a scarlet drop of blood along the way.

His figure appeared in front of Chen Lun almost teleportingly, and the stabbing sword fell like a thin white line.

call out--

Even the screaming sound of breaking through the air seems to make people feel the pain of skin tearing.

Chen Lun's heart tightened, his hair stood on end, and he immediately used teleportation to escape tens of meters away.

But he noticed that a deep gash was cut on his left arm... It wasn't that Rafa's sword surpassed the teleportation speed, but that his reaction was half a beat slower.

Even the pain didn't come at the first time, which made the brain's reaction untimely.

next second.

There was another scream from the back of my head!

Rafa's attack did not give him a chance to breathe, it was fast and ruthless, making Chen Lun's nerves tense again!

At the critical moment, Chen Lun entered the "Pale Knight" form, holding the silver giant sword in both hands, turning around to block.Following the clear and loud noise, his burly figure of more than three meters flew horizontally for tens of meters, dragging two long trails of gravel on the ground, and bombarded heavily on the invisible barrier.

Bang! !

Chen Lun opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, seeping from the cross holes in the pale visor.

'His strength and dexterity are too high, and it crushes me... The basic attribute threshold of a mid-sequence transcendent is 150 points, my current panel is almost 200 points, and Rafa is very likely to be over 300 points! '

While urging the [Awakening of Insects] bookmark and the extraordinary biological characteristics of "split recovery" to heal himself, he continued to use teleportation to dodge.

shhhhhh! !

Rafa's tall and slender figure quickly slid across the field, swinging the jade-like white bone stabbing sword in his hand at will, and his every move was extremely comfortable and relaxed.On the other hand, Chen Lun, even though he narrowly avoided fatal injuries every time, there were many sword marks on his body.

The simple and pale Balague armor couldn't resist Rafa's slash, leaving sharp gaps, and the knight's armor was stained red with blood.

However, Chen Lun could see that Rafa didn't even take it seriously, as if he was just playing around with him.

"This is the true strength of the saint..."

Chen Lun was extremely depressed.

Not to mention counterattack, he is now concentrating all his energies on resisting the opponent's offensive, and he has no chance to make a move at all... Rafa's suppressing power is very terrifying, which makes him feel a sense of insignificance.

Another sword strike!
This time, it was to stab his throat!

Chen Lun wanted to use his sword skills to deflect, but was shocked to find that his arm was completely out of control and stiff in place.He clearly felt that the blood in both arms stopped directly, and the muscles fell into numbness.


The white bone stabbed straight through Chen Lun's throat, and blood gushed out immediately.

Chen Lun couldn't help but catch his breath.

Although the Balague armor shielded his pain, he also knew that the injury caused by this sword must be serious.The next moment, he overloaded the teleportation again to distance himself.

Rafa stood there, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and the fingertip of his left index finger was emitting red light. With a light hook, the blood on Chen Lun's body flowed back directly.

Hearing a plop, Chen Lun fell to his knees powerlessly, his whole body was uncontrollable, his brain was muddled due to lack of oxygen, his thinking was slow, and he was dizzy.

He made a decisive decision, and while healing himself with all his strength, he used his "spiritual breath" to change his breathing method to maintain the oxygen he needed.And through the full-level passive [Key of Life], they are fighting for the control of the body, allowing the blood to return to normal flow.

Rafa let out a little surprise, then smiled faintly, and stretched out his hand again.

This time, the five fingers were spread out, and a red light was shining on each finger.Immediately, he slammed together and clenched into fists.

Chen Lun felt that his body was out of control again!

gaba! !
The muscles all over his body twisted and trembled spontaneously, the blood flowed faster and slower, and even the bones deformed restlessly.In the absence of pain, Chen Lun seemed to feel that this body was not his own, as if he was watching the body suffer horrible torture from a third-person perspective.

As a saint of the Flesh and Flesh Pathway, Rafa possesses treacherous and unpredictable manipulative abilities... Just using some small tricks, Chen Lun got into trouble.

'Why hasn't the Speaker responded... Could something have happened? '

Chen Lun was very anxious.

But he also knows that he can't be distracted too much now, the most important thing is to survive Rafa's hands with all his strength...

So he opened the panel as quickly as possible, and used all the experience points accumulated so far to upgrade.The golden light was shining, but the experience value close to 80W only allowed him to be promoted by 5 levels.

And the more than 10 attribute points obtained by killing players successively were added to the four basic attributes in a balanced manner by him-aside from the extra bonus of the monsters, Chen Lun's original four basic attributes all came to 150 points threshold.Among the special attributes, the willpower also reached 70 points.

I don't know if a certain condition has been met, but Chen Lun suddenly felt a certain change in the [Jingzhe] bookmark stored in his mind...

The infusion speed of vitality suddenly accelerated, and the injuries on his body recovered in an instant, and Rafa's manipulation of his body was interrupted accordingly.


Rafa frowned slightly, looking at the pale knight kneeling on one knee, very puzzled.

"Take control of your own body again?"

Chen Lun stood up slowly, and was surprised to find that his body was undergoing drastic changes following the fluctuation of the bookmark——

The pale scales on the body surface gradually shrunk and withered, losing their shiny luster, like ancient bark... Even the [Balague Armor] he was wearing and the [Galaxy Hymn] in his hand were covered with a layer moss.

The pale strange python coiled around its shoulders raised its head and neighed, the growth rings of the trees were covered in an instant, and the whole body of the snake was glowing with a dim green light.

Rafa narrowed his eyes, puzzled by Chen Lun's change.

With the intention of probing, he raised his hand violently, and a column of blood suddenly surged from the pool of blood behind him, turning into dozens of blood spears, and stabbing at Chen Lun!

Chen Lun raised his silver sword and waved it.

I saw the bloody spears touching the blade stagnated in the air, and immediately seemed to be infected, gradually spreading the tree lines and the moss of the years.

Until the blood completely mutated into wood, which instantly exploded into countless pieces of wood and fell to the ground with a clang.

Rafa frowned.

And Chen Lun was also surprised by the scene in front of him.

'What kind of power is this? '

The next moment, a message came from the bookmark in his mind, making him realize instantly.

'The bookmark automatically unlocked the second-stage ability because my endurance and willpower reached the standard, extraordinary lignification...not only can greatly increase my own recovery and defense power, but also has the power to lignify others and even extraordinary power... This is the real effect of the [S-rank monster]! '

Chen Lun took a deep breath, shocked by the sudden upheaval.

He suddenly had more confidence to resist the pressure brought by Rafa head-on.

But at the same time, the bookmark told him an important message, that is, the price of "supernatural lignification" is very high... Not only the consumption of sanity points has doubled, but with his current physical strength and willpower, he can barely activate it for 60 seconds.

Once this time is exceeded, there will be terrible side effects...even irreversible lignification of the body!
'One minute...'

Chen Lun's eyes froze.

He teleported swiftly, appeared behind Rafa, raised his sword and slashed down!
This is the first time Chen Lun initiated an attack on his own initiative, because time is running out, he must use this period of strength to get a bargain from Rafa, otherwise he will be powerless.

[Jingzhe] The abnormal change of the bookmark not only brought him hope, but also blocked his way out!
(End of this chapter)

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