Chapter 383 The Green Snake

Rafa snorted coldly, the red robe on his body immediately turned into blood, and he lost sight of him in a rush.

Chen Lun's slash missed, and Rafa was obviously afraid of his weird ability of "touching wood", and did not intend to have any contact with it.

The blood condensed into a ball out of thin air on one side, and then exploded suddenly.


The blood rained on Chen Lun's body, and each drop of blood turned into a scarlet maggot, densely packed, very frightening... But before they had time to make any movements, they froze one after another, turning into maggots of different shapes. The "wood carving" rolled off him.


Rafa's voice came softly.

He appeared above Chen Lun's head, with blood gushing from the ground, lifting him up in the air.

The white bone stabbing sword fell headlong and collided with the silver sword.

Clang clang!
Dazzling sparks flew everywhere, but Rafa obviously suppressed Chen Lun so much that he couldn't hold his head up.

There was another sword strike, and with a puff, Chen Lun's left arm fell in response.

But he didn't care about it as he didn't feel the pain, and raised the silver giant sword with his backhand, trying to exchange injuries for injuries, cutting off Rafa's left leg.

Ke Rafa was not greedy for merit, his whole body turned into blood and separated, avoiding the sword.

In the next second, the blood formed into a ball again, as if squeezed by a pair of invisible palms, it scattered in flakes——


Chen Lun, who had his left arm cut off first, was cut off again at this moment!

Rafa's figure condensed on one side, but there was no joy on his face, he just stared at the "corpse" on the ground indifferently, and murmured:
"Resilience stronger than the flesh-and-blood path? What is this thing..."

chi chi chi...

I saw that the body of the pale knight was like an undead monster, with countless buds growing out, growing into its original appearance in an instant, and standing up intact.

Chen Lun let out a long breath, and tightened the silver sword in his hand.

He had some lingering fears about Rafa's strength. The opponent's endless fighting methods and unclear details put him under great pressure.

But fortunately, he is in the form of the "green snake" at this moment, no matter how serious the injury is, he can recover as before, which greatly improves his fault tolerance rate.

"Green Snake" is his temporary name, which is the final state after turning on "Extraordinary Woodenization" in the form of "Pale Knight".

"Unable to kill? Hehe..."

Rafa spoke suddenly.

He held the bone stabbing sword in his right hand, raised his left hand slightly, and two clusters of light, one gold and one purple, condensed in the palm of his hand.

I saw the light clusters suddenly fused together, turning into a faint purple triangular pyramid, slowly rotating.

Suddenly, one side of the triangular pyramid stimulated a finger-thick purple beam of light, which distorted the air and pierced through Chen Lun's left chest in an instant, obliterating his heart.

However, the terrifying high temperature was still burning Chen Lun's wound, and the charred area kept spreading, and even the "hell resistance" couldn't resist the burning.


Chen Lun teleported to the edge of the "ring", and looked down at his empty chest.

Countless buds grew, instantly restoring the heart and wounds.

He knew that this was Rafa's signature skill. Through his own ability of [Sequence 4 - Sin Eater], he combined the power of the sun and moon pathways to develop a terrifying method... Chen Lun's own "Death Burning Fire" is a reference "Yueyao".

Another purple laser strikes!
Chen Lun felt that his mind was a little blurred, his thoughts were muddled, and he raised his hand reflexively.

Green light emanates from his fingers!
boom! !

He actually took Rafa's Moon Flame with one hand!

A majestic vitality surged out to contend with the extremely compressed fiery beam of light, and started from Chen Lun's hand, along the beam of light spread out the growth rings of years!
clack clack...

The straight laser light solidified into wood like a real object.

Rafa immediately cut off his strength and dodged back.

With a bang, the "laser wood" exploded into sawdust all over the sky.

The weird annual rings almost spread to His hands!
"Surprised me, Jack."

He suddenly exclaimed.

Then he shook his head again.

"It's a pity that there are not so many miracles in the mysterious field. Since you can use such terrifying power, the price must be high... I don't believe you can always do this. Don't worry, there is still a long time. We can play slowly."

Chen Lun staggered back a step and almost fell.

He felt like he was reaching his limit.

'It can last half a minute at most, no... ten seconds at most. '

Instead, Chen Lun calmed down. At this moment, he no longer thought about when the speaker would make a move, nor did he think about the final result.At this moment, he just wanted to use this last brief "brightness period" to cause real damage to Rafa.

Not for anything else, but for Mr. Byers.

And his hatred for the Red Apple Church.

Imperial City.

Tourmaline Kloster.

In the Sun Chamber, a secret and important meeting has just been held.

The attendees are real big shots.

Dazlet, the Prince of the Sun, Franco, the chief clerk of the royal family, Fiona, the supreme judge of the asylum, the three presiding judges of the Imperial Tribunal, the core senior officials of the Seven Orthodox Churches and even the Pope-level figures appeared in person.

The reason for this meeting was an important piece of information from Azgielo, the new speaker of the Orthodox Church's "Generous Council", which was related to whether the red disaster could be completely wiped out in a short period of time.

"25 'Fortresses of Abomination' are scattered throughout the empire, serving as the base and nodes of the ceremony... Judging from the specifications alone, this ceremony is extraordinary."

A middle-aged man in a military uniform with medals on his shoulders and chest said in a deep voice.

He is one of the nine chief judges of the Imperial Jury, McCawlin.

"What exactly does Luisa want to do? Are you longing for a miracle to come? Are you not afraid of triggering a war of gods like the Fourth Era?"

Fiona, the chief judge of the shelter, said coldly.

The Louisa He was talking about was the current Pope of the Red Apple Church and the younger sister of the previous Pope, Dolomites Poorness.

"In today's era, gods are kept secret. If Mrs. Qiangwei can perform a miracle, that would be good news... We have not been able to listen to the teachings of our father for a long time."

An old man with white beard and hair from the Church of the Sun said slowly.

"Under the crown of Pope Tiffany, even though the times have changed countless times, the brilliance of the sun will always shine on Trisur... Please don't worry about this. What we need to consider now is how to destroy the ritual node of the Red Apple Church."

The chief clerk, Franco, tidied up his clothes, holding a luxurious gold-encrusted pen in his hand, and recorded the contents of the meeting on parchment.

The old man Tiffany looked calm and didn't reply, just glanced at the young man in the main seat.

The prince wearing a gorgeous velvet suit with gray and gold stripes and a golden crown looked at everyone with a smile from the beginning to the end.

He noticed the Pope's eyes, coughed twice, and said slowly:
"Chairman Azgilro left in a hurry after the meeting. I still have some questions... But according to him, among the two states that the Generous Council is in charge of, there is a base fortress and four node fortresses, so It seems that they are under a lot of pressure..."

Prince Dazlet's words meant something.

Everyone present, except for the Sun and Moon Church, the other four high-level leaders of the Orthodox Church were unwilling to talk to each other, and only smiled as a sign of listening.

Tiffany shook his head in disappointment and smiled lightly.

"I can deeply understand the worry of the prince. Based on Azgirro's information, my church will do its best to clear the ritual fortresses of Huabang and Zongbang."

"The same will be true for Linbang, which the Moon Church is in charge of."

The purple hooded nun beside Tiffany made a faint sound.

Prince Dazlet nodded, and looked at the asylum and the imperial jury.

"Prince, don't worry, leave Abundance to us."

Fiona, McCawlin and the others said calmly.

"Since this is the case, that would be great, but I hope that the time will be as soon as possible... My father has been very busy recently, and I can't see His face from time to time. He must be worried because of the red disaster. If this is done, then the threat of the Red Apple Church will be gone." Greatly reduced, the empire will soon return to peace, I believe the father will be very happy."

Dazlet laughed.

He deliberately did not mention the war in the west, that is, the war with the United Kingdom of Anlong... because the current situation is not optimistic, the empire is drawn into energy by both sides, and both sides are not happy.

The prince turned his head and glanced at the blond girl next to him.

She was wearing a pale yellow fluffy gauze dress, and she also wore a crown, but it was a princess ring in platinum and diamonds.The girl attended the meeting the whole time, but never said a word, like a delicate doll.

"Anna, what do you think?"

The blond girl's empty and dead eyes slowly focused, she glanced at Dazlet, then at the dignitaries in the chamber, and said lightly:

"Brother, you are right."

"Ha ha……"

Dazlet nodded happily, as if seeing his father's joyful expression.

At this time, a lady from the Stars Sect suddenly spoke:
"Prince, I have confirmed by divination based on the anchor point given by Azgielo... Among them, Rafa, the guardian of one of the three base fortresses in the Gem State area, and the ten-core member of the Red Apple Church 'Scarlet Monastery', seems to be Fight people."


Prince Dazlet frowned.

"Chairman Azgiro moves so fast? Can you take a look?"

He was in a very happy mood, and his tone was somewhat expectant.

But the lady from the Stars Sect shook her head helplessly, and said only one sentence:
"This... is too far away, I may not be able to do it."

Dazlet seemed a little disappointed, and waved his hands in a disinterested manner.

"never mind……"

Just as he was about to announce the end of the meeting, the old man beside him, Tiffany, spoke slowly:
"Prince, the 'Day Obelisk' in Gem State Fossil City has been built, and we can use the spectacle as an anchor point to allow Ms. Petraka to do divination... The stars are adjacent to the sun, which is not difficult."

"That's right, Your Majesty Petraka, may I ask..."

Dazlet said expectantly to the silver-cloaked lady.

The latter was silent for a few seconds, glanced at the white-haired old man, and nodded.

Tiffany flicked his fingers, and a white glass ball flew into Petraka's hand. The latter folded his fingers together, held it in his palm, and then closed his eyes.

Countless twinkling stars appeared around the silver-robed lady, and a silver mist shrouded the midair of the conference hall, and a blurry picture appeared in everyone's eyes...

"That is……"

Prince Dazlet leaned forward, staring at the picture flickering in the starlight seriously, with a puzzled expression.

"A mid-sequence transcendent?"

There were surprises, doubts, and indifference in everyone's eyes.

Princess Anna, who was sitting next to the prince, was attracted to the pale knight in the picture without moving, and murmured:
"Fate Guider..."

(End of this chapter)

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