I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 395 The Essence and Source of Extraordinary Power

Chapter 395 The Essence and Source of Extraordinary Power
"The second law of the extraordinary, the law of entropy increase of the extraordinary...the extraordinary characteristic will not be destroyed, it will only be transferred from one carrier to another carrier, it will not decrease, it will only increase."

Speaker Azgilro said lightly.

"However, the world will develop from order to disorder, and finally to irreversible destruction... This is the complete 'Law of Extraordinary Entropy Increase'."

"Development from order to disorder, and finally to destruction?"

Chen Lun was shocked.

The speaker nodded.

"Judging from the past few epochs, the direction of the world is strictly following this law."

He then brought the subject back.

"Then the question remains, where does the extraordinary power come from?"

Speaker Azgielo slowly raised his hand.

"There is only one answer, and that is pollution!"

Seeing that his original normal palm slowly turned into a joint-like sharp claw covered with black thorns, Chen Lun suddenly felt a wave of pollution spreading, even though it was mostly shielded by his own mysterious resistance, he was strongly suffocated However, the emotion has not decreased, and the rationality has declined.

The Speaker unfolds his own partial mythical creature form!
"A transcendent trekking on the path of God is essentially a process of constantly receiving pollution. Once the extraordinary transformation is completed, ascended to the holy throne, and become a mythical creature, then itself will become a terrible source of pollution... It is not so much that the extraordinary power comes with pollution. , it is better to say that extraordinary power is just a bonus of pollution."

He then restored the sharp claws to the original shape of the palm, and said with emotion:
"Ordinary people strive for the extraordinary, and Tao seekers pursue knowledge... But the truth is that pollution seeks the carrier, and knowledge pursues human beings. Most people don't know this, and they still enjoy it."

Azgilro sat on a high seat, folded his hands, overlooking Chen Lun.

"Jack, a lot of history in the past has been lost, and it is suspected that it was erased by a true god-level existence... It is unrealistic to trace the source. Even I don't know where the source of the pollution came from, but one thing worth noting is that it was in the original era. At that time, extraordinary power existed, but it was not controlled by us humans at that time."

Chen Lun listened to the hidden truth silently, feeling astonished in his heart.

The Speaker paused for a moment, then spoke:
"At that time, the strongest supernatural beings, we now call them 'ancient gods'! The source of the pollution is likely to be related to them...so in other words, the supernatural power is most likely transmitted from the 'ancient gods' to date."

"Ancient God..."

Chen Lun muttered this word, thinking of the "son of the ancient god" he and Mr. Pinghu had killed in the spirit world, and even his [Didak Armor] was derived from the descendant of the ancient god.

'And the next version is related to the turmoil in the spirit world, it seems that the source is that ancient god! '

He thought for a while, raised his head and said to the Speaker:

"I have heard of an ancient god named 'Distedak', and killed his descendants... Could it be that he is also one of the existences that have lived from the earliest era to the present?"

The speaker was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect you to know this secret... That's right, he is honored as 'Father of Darkness', a powerful existence living at the end of the dark world, and indeed an ancient god who lived for five epochs."

He pondered for a few more seconds.

"The current way of disseminating mysterious knowledge is actually done by us humans following the example of the 'ancient gods'... High-ranking people can record their extraordinary knowledge on paper by consuming the corresponding mysterious substance, in a way that we humans can understand Spread... But from another point of view, this is also a manifestation of high-ranking people sharing pollution with others, because at my level, I can't help myself, I need to stay rational and awake at all times, and I can't even fight with others easily. "

The speaker's voice was calm, but Chen Lun felt inexplicably creepy.

"On the one hand, more reason is needed, and on the other hand, pollution must be discharged, otherwise it will lose control, fall into madness, and become a mythical monster with no humanity... Thus, a cycle is formed, which confirms the law of extraordinary entropy increase, the world From order to disorder, to the end."


Chen Lun had a horrified expression on his face, not knowing what to say.

Chairman Azgiro looked at his performance, but the seriousness on his face suddenly changed, and he chuckled, as if teasing a child, deliberately threatening him.

"Of course, you don't have to worry too much, Jack... Now this solar era belongs to the fifth era, and it has just passed more than 400 years, and it is still far away from the so-called end of the world... Even if you can see that day coming, it also shows that you You have already been promoted to an angel and have become an existence with unlimited lifespan. I believe you can rely on the authority of an angel to escape disaster and welcome the birth of a new world."

"You are joking, Lord Speaker."

Chen Lun secretly wiped off his cold sweat and said in a low voice.

Azgiro gave him a meaningful look, and finally said:

"If you want to transcribe knowledge from other sources for dissemination, you need to learn some special skills... However, there is no record in the Council of Generosity. One is that it is indeed very precious, and the other is that we don't need it. If you want to learn , then I suggest that after you go to Wangcheng, you can start within the Imperial Jury, provided that you have accumulated enough merits."

Chen Lun nodded thoughtfully after listening.

Before, Ginsberg and others suggested that he look for follow-up mythological knowledge and rituals in the official asylum in the future, and now the speaker also recommends him to go to the Imperial Jury to obtain the skills of sequence knowledge in the transcription...

It seems that the imperial government is indeed the largest and most comprehensive force, giving people a feeling that they can get what they want.

"Okay Speaker, thank you very much for your answer...and for telling me so many secrets."

Chen Lun bowed respectfully to Azgilro.

The Speaker waved his hand nonchalantly.

[Completed the main task: Scarlet Festival! 】

【According to the efforts made by the second ring to suppress the red disaster, we will now settle the contribution for you...】

[The red disaster in Xuejing City, Gemstone State, Linbi City in Yanbang, Songsha City in Yanbang, Rongshan City in Yanbang...a total of 157 cities have been eliminated. 】

[18645 low-level priests have been killed...]

[954 priests and bishops in the middle sequence have been killed...]

[The ten-core Archbishop Jermaine's incarnation and Rafa's incarnation have been killed... Rafa's body...]

[65 Hate Fortresses have been destroyed...]

At this moment, Chen Lun is sitting on the sofa in the living room of the villa in the main building of the winery.

The officials of the circus were also present.

A series of prompt boxes popped up on the panel, which made Chen Lun stunned. He lamented in his heart that he had completed so many tasks... Although a large part of them were rejected by his Jinbei councilors, the circus, and even recruited players Red disaster area, but half of the contribution is calculated on his head.

That's why this exaggerated settlement process now appears.

'How much contribution will there be? '

Chen Lun was looking forward to it.

'In my previous life, I was only 0.00013%...'

After about half a minute of settlement, the final panel popped up——

[Final contribution settlement: 12.85564%]


[Your personal contribution has surpassed 99.99999% of the players, get extra rewards! 】

[Additional rewards (choose one of three): 30. Mystery resistance has been greatly increased (30% increase from the original basis).Second, the mysterious weight has been greatly increased (10% increase on the original basis).[-]. The speed of mysterious accumulation is slightly increased (experience value gained every time increases by [-]%). 】

Chen Lun frowned, and immediately showed joy.

'Such a generous reward... not only special attribute points and blessing points, but also extra rewards! '

He looked at the options and hesitated.

Mysterious resistance can make him exempt from more extraordinary powers, and even high-level pollution, allowing him to face some strange abilities more calmly... and the mysterious weight can increase the priority of judgment, and also involves The invisible confrontation between divination and divination.

'Both are very nice...'

Chen Lun was lost in thought.

'However, with the promotion sequence in the future, the mystery resistance and mystery weight will increase accordingly, but it is the last option, the speed of mystery accumulation... Isn't this equivalent to a permanent experience bonus card? If you miss this time, no Know when to meet again. '

He secretly operated on the panel invisible to others, and chose the final "slightly increased mysterious accumulation speed".

'That's it! '

[You chose a small increase in the speed of mysterious accumulation (experience value increased by 10% each time)! 】

Chen Lun noticed that on his panel, behind the column of experience value, there were more corresponding brackets and entries——

[Experience: 400W/30W (mysterious accumulation speed is slightly increased)]

He couldn't help but smile.

Afterwards, Chen Lun spent all of this generous reward.

The 400W experience points just happened to allow him to be promoted to level 10, and all aspects were improved accordingly, and he got 10 skill points and attribute points.

Immediately afterwards, he used up 40 attribute points, 10 special attribute points, and 2 blessing points.

The basic attributes become: Strength 177, Dexterity 178, Endurance 177, Intelligence 178, Faith 10.

The special attributes are: Charisma 50, Will 82, Insight 71, Luck 10.

The regional popularity is 132, and the epic popularity is 4.

'[Acrobat LV35]... It's not far from the full level of 50, but it needs more experience points. Now it needs 40W experience points to upgrade to a level. '

Chen Lun couldn't help shaking his head.

'There are no large-scale tasks in the future, and it is difficult to accumulate experience points... After the players go offline, I don't have more sanity points to go to Wonderland to spawn monsters. It is really difficult. '

Turn off the panel.

He took out the blood diamond, and immediately smiled and called outside the house:

After a while, a cow's head protruded from the gate of the villa, and a big white cat squatted on top of it, with a little hedgehog in its mouth.

"Mr. Jack, you called me?"

Chen Lun smiled, nodded and waved.

"Come here, I have found a way to help you completely subdue the bad guys in your body."


Antonio was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head happily.

"Whoa! Bad guy, your end is coming! Antonio is finally going to be free!"

The big white cat, Bibb, is clasping its scalp tightly, dangling like a white hat.

It caused the cadres in the living room to burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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