I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 396 Anton's Struggle

Chapter 396 Anton's Struggle

When Antonio slowly came to the front and back, Chen Lun handed over the blood diamond in his hand.

"What's this? Mr. Jack."

Anton stared curiously at the finger-sized red crystal in his palm, and asked aloud.

"It's similar to the 'sin blood' I gave you to drink before, and it's also a life-enriching substance, but it's more advanced..."

Chen Lun explained softly.

"Oh! I remembered! Last time when the 'bad guy' made trouble, it was you who drank that kind of blood for me, which gave me a temporary powerful force to overwhelm it... the effect of this stone Could it be better? This is awesome!"

Anton twitched his ears and said happily.

"So Mr. Jack, how do I use it?"


Chen Lun pondered for a moment.

In fact, it was also the first time he came into contact with blood diamonds, and he didn't know how to use them correctly.

But according to his own mystical attainments and the panel's description of it, Chen Lun was not worried that it would cause any harm to Anton, so he said directly:

"Anton, according to your intuition, feel the life force contained in it..."

Since [A-level serial mission: The third ring of sword fighters] clearly stated that the blood diamond can help Antonio overcome the obsession left over from the "King of Blasphemy", allowing him to fully grasp the [Super A-level monster-blasphemy holy sword], then It shouldn't be too difficult to use.

Antonio nodded half-comprehensively, then stuck out his tongue and rolled the blood diamond into his mouth, and began to chew it.

Chen Lun couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Mr. Jack, the taste of the stone is very strange, but it's not bad..."

Antonio said vaguely.

Soon, strange changes took place in its body.

Antonio suddenly growled, and all the cadres looked at him with concern.

"Ah... Antonio's stomach is so hot!"

It seemed to be suppressing the pain and trembling violently.

Seeing this, Chen Lun immediately got up and supported the cow's body, then turned his head and said to the crowd:
"They all come to the back garden to help."

Immediately, he cast teleportation and took Antonio to the lawn of the garden.

The body of the cow hit the ground with a bang and kept rolling.

Its body temperature is gradually rising, and it even emits steam, which looks smoky in this cold weather.

"Anton's head hurts! His feet hurt! And his back! Tail!"

The cow growled as it struggled.

Chen Lun tried his best to control the situation from the sidelines, and there was no better way to deal with it. This matter could only be survived by Anton himself... and he also knew that with Anton's willpower of 80+, it was unbearable to endure such a situation. As painful as it is, one can imagine what kind of torture it is!
Soon, Antonio's skin began to peel off, revealing scarlet muscles, blood oozing all over his body, wriggling on top of his head, back, four hooves and tail, as if something was growing.

The cadres of the circus rushed to the scene afterward, and their faces changed when they saw this shocking scene.

"Mr. Jack, Antonio will be all right?"

Noah asked worriedly.

Chen Lun was secretly dignified, but on the surface he showed a smile and said with relief:
"Don't worry, Anton is just fighting against the monster in its body. Its willpower is so tenacious that even I feel ashamed... With the help of the blood diamond, it will succeed. We have to believe in it!"

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But everyone looked at the blood spilled on the lawn, and Antonio, who was struggling and looking extremely painful, didn't know what to do for a while.

At this moment, Chen Lun turned to the girl with messy hair and said:
"Maggie, is there any painkiller?"

"There are captains."

Maggie took out a finger-thick pale yellow potion from the pouch at her waist, and handed it over.

Chen Lun then ordered Noah:
"Use [Gallery of Bones], with the special power of [Star Faction Sequence 7 - Heart Thief], to hypnotize Anton and relieve its pain."

"Yes! Mr. Jack!"

Without hesitation, Noah directly held the bone key hanging on his chest.

In the next second, a phantom of the gallery appeared in the back of his head, and an oil painting with three-color pupils suddenly froze.

Chen Lun also strode forward, using his 177 points of strength, forcibly held down Antonio's body, poured the medicine into its mouth, then stroked its forehead, and said in a deep voice:

"Hang on, Anton, the bad guy wants to take control of your body, take your freedom...you can't give in to it, you are yourself, the carefree Antonio. With us, you'll be fine Yes, you just need to overcome it and master your own body and freedom!"

When saying these words, Chen Lun couldn't help thinking of his own destiny.

It's not the same as Antonio at the moment.

Antonio could no longer respond to Chen Lun at this moment, but kept howling.

After a while, its movement decreased.

Numerous bones grow out of the cow's body, wrapping it tightly like a cocoon.Chen Lun stood aside, looking at the "Bone Cocoon" lying quietly on the messy lawn, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Because he has already received the panel notification that the task is completed.

This means that Antonio succeeded!
[Completed the A-level chain mission: the third ring of sword fighters! 】

[Task rewards: 20 experience points, 400 gold pounds, and Antonio's favorability! 】

[Antonio's affection for you has increased!Currently worshiping! 】

Chen Lun turned around and said to the worried cadres:
"Don't worry, Antonio has succeeded... It is undergoing metamorphosis, but it may take some time, and I will put it in an empty room on the third floor later, and let the split white snake take care of it 24 hours a day .”

"Yes, Mr. Jack."

Noah nodded and said expectantly.

"I'm sure Anton will be fine."

Chen Lun walked up to him with a smile and patted Noah on the shoulder.

"You and Maggie were successfully promoted to Sequence Six at the end of this battle, and I haven't had time to celebrate for you... After Anton wakes up, we'll hold a proper dinner."

Noah scratched his head in embarrassment, while Maggie at the side wiped his saliva.

"Hey! Captain, I want to eat the steak and cold beef made by Miss Froy!"

"No problem at all."

Chen Lun and Floyd smiled at each other, and then said to Maggie.

He looked at his companions present again, and felt very relieved in his heart. At the same time, he secretly felt that the two months of training in the Scarlet Battle had indeed made the team members improve a lot.

Floy, Golov and Noah Maggie have been promoted successively. Now Anton has also successfully defeated the [Holy Sword of Blasphemy], waiting to wake up...

Everything is going in a good direction.

'There shouldn't be much time until the version update. After the matter is completely over, let's take them to the royal city... At that time, it's time for me to prepare for a high-ranking promotion. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

It seems that because of what happened to Anton just now, he was quite touched, and his mood was a little dignified.

'Howard, we will meet soon... New and old grudges, I will settle with you one by one! '

Branch of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce in Peacock City.

At this moment, the hall and even the backyard were full of people.

They are all players who have heard the news.

"Haha, I thought there would be no chance after the main quest was over... I really didn't expect that Jack's benefits can still be enjoyed, isn't it beautiful!"

A male player said happily.

"Sparrow food! Not only the basic model of the 'Kang Er' flintlock rifle, but also three new skins of 'Blood Dusk', 'Winter Killing' and 'Great Victory', Zhuo! Limited edition! I won't be able to buy it anymore!"

"The three skins are all good-looking Jill! But I like 'Blood Dusk' the most! The all-red appearance, the gun stock has a pair of batwing patterns, especially the details of the trigger, which is a pair of fangs, really in place!"

"I think 'Great Victory' is the most handsome, okay? Every man longs to own a golden rifle, not to mention that this limited edition is inlaid with 'Zhanhui Stone'! Didn't you listen to the staff of the chamber of commerce? Then The gadget can be used as a melee, and it can inspire magic to push away the enemies close to it, which is so cool!"

"Children make choices...I want them all!"

"Hehehe... It's all your fault for a local tyrant like you, just buy it, and take a screenshot to the forum Versailles, and now the players in other Bangcheng areas are crying!"

The players lined up, and you had a heated discussion with each other.

In the open space in the backyard of the Chamber of Commerce, seven or eight employees are selling circus goods to players, ranging from firearms to mechanical gloves, from various ammunition and bombs to potions, etc., everything that one expects to find.

There were many security guards standing behind the employees, and even the Silver Dragon Guards of the Chamber of Commerce were dispatched. They guarded boxes of equipment and commodities, and stared at the undead strangers vigilantly.

There were two thefts and one robbery this morning. Although the undead foreigner involved in the case has been arrested and detained in the "undead prison" of the asylum, the Chamber of Commerce is still on the alert.

They must do their best to do the things arranged by Master Jack!

High players such as Dongyang Chenxi and Polaris squeezed out from the crowd, each holding a handful of limited-edition paints.

"Damn! There are too many people here?!"

Goutoujin said exaggeratedly.

He raised the golden rifle in his hand and touched it fondly.

"But it's worth queuing for more than an hour! This skin is also limited in Wonderland, and the group of Dogecoin stuff just ran out without saying a word, which made us want to come here to buy it !"

The group of people in Goutoujin's mouth were talking about other elite players in the circus.

When they heard the news, the lakeside hut was already full of people, and when they looked again, the three skins had long since disappeared from the exchange panel that popped up from the statue of Jack.

At that time, Dongyang and others' lungs were about to explode.

Fortunately, the branches of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce sell them in various places. As long as you go there in time, you can still grab some.

"Brothers, have you also received the notification that the version will be updated?"

Dongyang carried three flintlock rifles behind his back, glanced at the players around him without showing off, and then asked Polaris and the others.

"Well, the main task is over, and the next step is the arrival of version 2.0."

Polaris nodded.

Dongyang chuckled and pointed to the bar they had been to together before.

"Let's go have another drink and talk about the next plan by the way?"


The others had no objection and nodded in agreement.

Dongyang took the lead, and a group of more than a dozen people walked to the bar on the side of the street.

The bartender at the front desk looked at this group of undead strangers, each carrying more than one flintlock gun, and was so scared that the wine glass in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Every...all guests, what do you need?"

asked the bartender tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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