Chapter 4 Hidden Missions
The background introduction of Floyd's background in the post in the previous life was not long, and it may also be because the players who wrote the post didn't know much about it at the time, but the above information was enough for Chen Lun to come up with a temporary solution.

Floyd was born in a slum.

Her father is a gambler, her mother is a dancer, and she has an older brother who loves her dearly.

She is pure in nature and beautiful in appearance.

The hooligans and drunkards in the neighborhood all wanted to attack her, but fortunately, an older brother stepped forward to shield her from the wind and rain.

Although my brother was beaten and injured every time, he would always turn his head and smile at her with a bruised nose and swollen face, comforting and encouraging her not to be afraid.

It seems that as long as she has her brother by her side, she can feel at ease and happy.

The good times didn't last long, and famine and plague enveloped the town.

A large number of civilians died in this natural disaster.

Food is getting less and less, and prices are getting higher and higher. The already poor Froy family can't get rid of it.

The lazy father and the mean mother made an agreement and planned to sell Floyd to Barnett's family in the town.

Although Floyd was only fourteen years old at the time, and long-term malnutrition made her a little thin, her appearance and body had already grown, and a bit of future surprise was hidden under her delicate face.

She can definitely sell for a good price.

Parents think so.

Of course, even Barnett's family has a bad reputation.

For example, all the young and old men in the baron's family have weird and even perverted hobbies, and they often hear rumors of the sudden death of the maid.

But Floy's parents, who are greedy for money, don't care about this.

Fortunately, Floy's elder brother stopped the crazy move of his parents.

In order to protect his sister, he offered to work for the Red Apple Church in exchange for a lot of money.

At that time, the Red Apple Church was aggressively recruiting young adults, threatening to build a statue for the church god, Madame Rose.

But many young adults who signed up did not come back. The church explained that an accident happened in the quarry unfortunately.

Because of the generous compensation and the strength of the church, this incident did not cause much trouble.

Floyd's elder brother also became one of those misfortunes and never came back.

After she heard the news, before she had time to grieve, she was sold to the church by her cold-blooded parents.

Father Carter, who came with compensation for his brother's death, took a fancy to her because of the church's generous spending, and bluntly said that she was the best choice to serve Mrs. Qiangwei...


"what happened to you?"

Floyd asked softly.

The young man was slightly taken aback when he heard the question, and raised his head to look at the red-robed nun.

But he quickly lowered his eyes and tilted his head slightly, as if he didn't want the holy girl to see his cowardly crying.

"I...I miss my sister."

"Do you have a sister?"


Chen Lun hugged his knees with his hands and curled up in the corner of the prison.

He began to frantically recall the scenes of his previous life in his mind. In fact, he did not lie, he did have a younger sister.

Chen Lun once had a beautiful family. Although they were not rich, they had no worries about food and clothing.

However, his father died young due to a family genetic disease, and his sister and he, without exception, all suffered from such diseases.

The mother failed to withstand the pressure of life, abandoned the two siblings and ran away from home.

The brothers and sisters who depended on each other could only rely on the social welfare at that time to survive, but there was no extra money for medical treatment.

Their family genetic diseases are very complicated.

Even with the medical technology at that time, it required a lot of expenses to control the disease, and it could not be cured.

Then my sister left too.

Chen Lun was distraught.

In fact, he has no great pursuits, but only hopes to see more and broader landscapes in the remaining short life.

Fortunately, there is a holographic game "The Age of Mysteries", which allows him to lie in a second-hand old sleeping cabin and experience a wonderful life...

"We are orphans, our parents left us very early...

Although the days when my sister and I depended on each other were very bitter, they were also very happy. It's a pity that I will never see her again. "

Chen Lun lowered his head, speaking calmly and slowly.

He recalled the little things he had with his sister, and he was moved with real feelings.

The tears may be deliberately sensational, but the emotion of sadness is real.

Floyd could clearly feel the sadness from the young man.

That kind of emotion grew stronger, making her think of her brother involuntarily, and at the same time, she ignored the glimmer of the necklace on Chen Lun's neck.

"elder brother……"

Floy clenched her fingers, she seemed to have made a certain decision.

She bent slightly and moved closer to Chen Lun.

"Eat the pie, but don't eat the apple, remember..."

After speaking in a low voice, Floyd resumed his expressionless posture, turned and left.

[Gain Floyd's favorability and establish a bond with Floyd]

[Open A-level hidden chain mission: Sister of Tranquility]

Chen Lun was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

I just acted out a scene, but I didn't expect to trigger an extremely rare hidden mission, and it was an A-level chain mission!

He resisted the splitting headache that his sanity value was -1 again after using [Siren's Song], took a deep breath, and quickly pulled himself together to check the mission description.

[The first ring: On the premise of ensuring Floyd's survival, rescue her from the Emerald Town branch of the Red Apple Church. Floyd's death is considered a mission failure]
[Task rewards: 2000 experience points, 40 silver nobility, Floyd favorability, and [low-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious substance]*1]
[Note: This task will cause the hostility and attention of the Red Apple Church, please decide carefully]


Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Lun accepted the task decisively.

Leaving aside what the final reward of this hidden mission is, the reward given in the first ring is the resource he urgently needs.

What's more, how could he just watch this poor girl suffer in the fire pit...

"My biggest shortcoming is that I like to meddle in other people's business... Sigh, it's not a good thing to be too honest. I was targeted by the Red Apple Church and ordered no good juice to eat."

He wiped away the remaining tears on his face, and was almost moved to cry again by his own justice.

Although he pretended to be pitiful and sympathetic, and even used the hypnotic ability of the necklace by all means, but that was only to close the relationship with Floyd, hoping to increase the chance of escaping here.

It was purely a surprise to receive the hidden mission. He originally planned to save Floyd.

In his previous life, when he learned about the tragic experience of this villainous boss, he felt sorry for her.

Now that he has such an opportunity, he will not let it go easily.

Chen Lun thought about his next move, and began to bite the unleavened bread in his hand.

The noodle cakes were not tasty, but Chen Lun was so hungry at this time that he swallowed them all the time.

Following Floyd's warning, he did not eat the apple, but secretly stuffed the apple into the mouse hole in the corner.

Soon, Chen Lun realized something was wrong.

Those young men and women who had finished the "sacrament" stood up one after another.

Their eyes are empty, their mouths grow wide, and they smile like ignorant fools.

Chen Lun was stunned by this scene.

Realizing that he would look out of place if he sat any longer, he stood up hastily.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the corridor outside the prison, and the black shadow reflected on the opposite wall was getting closer.

Chen Lun cursed secretly, and immediately imitated the smiles of the few people around him.

His eyes were empty, his mouth was wide open, and Hada was dripping out.

He fits in perfectly with the group.

(End of this chapter)

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