I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 5 The Sacrifice Begins

Chapter 5 The Sacrifice Begins

The footsteps soon stopped at the prison door.

Chen Lun saw a tall middle-aged man, surrounded by two guards holding torches, blocking the iron gate of the prison.

Beside him was Floy who lowered his head slightly.

The man was dressed in a dark red monk's robe, a short cloak with a collar reaching to the elbow, and a rectangular veil drawn from the chest to the crotch, which was black with white edges. He was holding a large book in his hand.

"Just these few?"

The brown-haired middle-aged man frowned, glanced at the situation in the prison, and turned his head to question the guard with the mustache.

His tone was deliberately arrogant, but at the same time there was impatience and anxiety in his tone.

"Yes... yes, Brother Will."

"Stilton's bastards, the sacrifices they find are getting less and less each time!

If this damned fat pig could put his mind on eating, drinking, and making money more on the will of the church, I would have left this shitty town long ago! "

Brother Will was very angry, and Chen Lun could even see the saliva spewed out by him, flying all over the face with two mustaches.

The corners of Mustache's eyes twitched, but he refused to say anything.

"He should repent! Kneel in Madame Qiangwei's garden and repent!"

Brother Will became more and more irritable. He seemed to have been suppressed for a long time, and broke out at this moment.

"Hurry up! Take them to Room No. 7!"

"Yes, Lord Will."

Mustache immediately walked into the prison holding a torch, raised his hand and whistled in front of all the sacrifices.

Chen Lun noticed a simple red apple pattern tattooed on the back of his hand, perhaps it was the identity mark of the church guard.

call out--!
The whistle seemed to have some magical power, and the foolish young men and women lined up with smirks and walked out of the prison door one by one.

Chen Lun couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene. Fortunately, he received Floy's warning and didn't eat the apple.

Otherwise, with my pitiful 5 points of willpower, I would definitely fail the judgment.

In the end, he became the second idiot manipulated by others, obediently queuing up to die.

Bang! !

Chen Lun suddenly felt a huge force and pain, and then fell to the ground in the posture of a dog eating shit.

He landed on his face, and the hard stone slab almost knocked his front teeth.

"His grandma! Did you play tricks on me!?"

Although he didn't reach out his hand to confirm, Chen Lun was sure that his teeth were loose, so he couldn't help cursing secretly.

The burning pain was fine, but what bothered him the most was that those damn church guards never wiped their boots.

The ground is full of cow dung and shit brought in by the soles of the shoes, even a thick layer!
He resisted the desire to retch, insisted on performing tricks, and kept his stupid eyes and smirk.

"Hurry up! You damn boss!"

Brother Will took his anger out on Chen Lun, who was walking at the back of the line.

Unhappy, he kicked Chen Lun twice in the stomach again, almost kicking out all of Chen Lun's bile.

"Wait for me..."

Chen Lun secretly gritted his teeth.

Enduring the severe pain, he got up and continued to follow the team.

Along the way, Chen Lun noticed that the underground prison was very large, with more than a dozen cells.

But there didn't seem to be many detainees inside, and there were even many empty rooms.

This does not mean that the number of people killed by the church is small, on the contrary, it is too much that leads to the current situation of "supply exceeding demand".

After a series of twists and turns, Chen Lun's sacrificial team came to a huge basement door.

On one side hung a blood-stained wooden sign, on which the number "7" could be vaguely seen.

After entering the basement, the scene inside looks very empty.

Except for the torches hanging on the surrounding walls, there is only a huge square altar in the middle.

On the altar was a worn leather notebook.

Three or four guards in fur coats and brimmed hats held torches and bowed to Brother Will, and then Brother Will raised his hand and made a gesture:
"It's time to start."

Mustache nodded and whistled again.

A man at the front of the sacrificial line walked straight up to the altar, opened the leather notebook placed on it, and began to read.

The surrounding environment was quite quiet, except for the slight sound of the torch burning, the only sound was his flipping through his notebook.

But soon, a painful and loud howl broke the silence.


Chen Lun saw that the man seemed to have seen the most terrifying scene in the world.

He straightened his body, covered his eyes with his hands, opened his mouth to an exaggerated level, and let out a scream.

Then he raised his head and fell straight back, his arched body stopped moving, and he died in a distorted posture.

Seeing this, Chen Lun couldn't help being smart.

"Hey, your sanity will be cleared to zero, and you will die if you decide...

What level of [Surprise] is this thing?Wouldn't it be another guy at the same level as [Back-sun Potted Plant]! ? "

He wiped his sweat secretly, there were only a few people in the team, and he was about to arrive soon.

The death of the first man did not cause any splashes, and the rest of the team remained indifferent to this scene, still looking dumb.

Floy just raised her eyelids to take a look, then lowered her eyes again, as if she had already been numb.

Brother Will became more irritable, and he gestured several times to signal the mustache to continue quickly.

call out!
The mustache whistled with his fingers, and the next woman stepped forward to read the notes.

But no accident, within a few seconds she was like the last sacrifice, screaming and falling to the ground, covering her eyes and dying in pain.



The young men and women in the same room as Chen Lun read that weird leather notebook one by one, and without exception, they received a terrifying shock invisible to outsiders.

Sanity value was cleared, and he went mad and died on the spot.

There was even a man who was mysteriously tainted and out of control.

He was shaking like an old man who was seriously ill.

The musculoskeletal structure is scattered like a jigsaw puzzle that has been disrupted.

But he didn't die immediately, but turned into a wriggling mass of flesh, even wanting to attack the people next to him.

Fortunately, Brother Will reacted in time, commanding the guards to chop it up with random swords, and then put it into a sack and dragged it away.

Only a pool of filthy blood was left on the spot, indicating that what happened just now was not a nightmare that never happened.

"Damn it! It's useless! Hit the boss!"

Brother Will scolded angrily.

The unsatisfactory sacrifice made him lose all patience.

The pressure from the church and priests and the pain of not being able to leave made him manic.


Brother Will pointed at Chen Lun, his malicious eyes enveloped him.

"It's your turn, the last sacrifice!"

He strode up to Chen Lun.

Seeing the latter's stupid look, Hadazi wet the collar of his clothes, and Brother Will couldn't help covering his nose and leaning back in disgust.

"If you fail again, I will chop you up and bury you in Madame Qiangwei's garden! Do you understand?"

Chen Lun smirked and ignored it.

Brother Will also seemed to realize that it was no use talking to a fool, so he took a deep breath and let the mustache whistle.

call out!
The whistle sounded in the next second.

Chen Lun's heart tightened suddenly.

what do I do! ?Do you want to do it?

"Sanity points can't support me to use the hypnotic necklace continuously, and with my current body, I can't stand the two swords of the guards, and there is absolutely no possibility of success..."

It doesn't work either!
"There are several important doors in the underground prison, which cannot be opened without a key, not to mention that there are an unknown number of guards outside. I'm afraid I won't even be able to get out of this basement..."

He resisted the urge to run, and slowly raised his feet.

Then he walked towards the altar with difficulty.

Approaching step by step, the altar gradually enlarged in sight.

That weird leather notebook lay quietly on it, waiting for Chen Lun to open it and flip through it.

Then let him die like the previous sacrifices!
Chen Lun knew that with his humble willpower of 5 points, he would definitely not be able to withstand the pollution, and he had no chance of surviving!

He finally picked up the notebook with trembling hands...

(End of this chapter)

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