Chapter 48 Funeral
According to the law of the Trisur Empire, the "Sun Code", as well as the traditional funeral etiquette.

The dead must be buried on the same day.

A quiet monk came to the Moon Church. He looked like he was in his thirties, and he stood quietly in the corner of Connie's room and waited.

Mr. Hood had been placed in an ordinary coffin, which stood in the middle of the drawing room.

Mrs. Caroline's flower shop is closed today, and she wants to spend more time with the poor little girl Connie.

At this time, several neighbors who were close to Mrs. Caroline were sitting on the sofa, surrounded by Connie in the middle, whispering some comforting words to her.

But Connie was not in a very high mood, and she responded without saying a word.

Chen Lun looked at them, thinking about something.

In his future plan, he lacked a technical talent like Connie, because he needed to form an organization similar to the extraordinary workshop in the shelter, which could continuously produce equipment.

Whether it is to trade with other forces by yourself, or to harvest their wallets after the players arrive, it is very useful.

He admires Connie's talent and takes her with him when he plans to move to the inner city.

But obviously, now is not the time to talk about it.

Chen Lun glanced at the monks of the Moon Church in the corner, then turned his head and whispered to Floy who was beside him:

"You should pay more attention to Connie these days."

Floy turned her head and "stared" at Chen Lun for a few seconds, then nodded slightly with her lips pursed.


Chen Lun seemed to feel Floyd's aggrieved emotions, he was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that his tone was wrong.

"Sorry, I just..."

"I know."

Floy's ethereal voice came.

"Connie is mechanically gifted enough that she can help you."

"No, I'm not apologizing for that."

Chen Lun smiled at her.

"What I just said may have misunderstood you, and I didn't mean to order you, I don't want you to do something for me that you don't want.

Moreover, you are my biggest help in the future, Floyd. "

Floyd was a little surprised, but immediately looked serious.

"But I'm going to die soon..."

Chen Lun let out a long breath, and looked back to the living room.

"I won't let you die."

His tone was flat.

Floy's heart shook, but she felt the weight of these words.

This is the second time she heard Chen Lun promise her.

It was different from the first time, when she took it purely as comfort.Because the existence in her body told her that the possibility of surviving was very small, almost impossible.

Perhaps returning to the Red Apple Church has a chance, but she would rather die than go back.

Now hearing this sentence again, Floyd felt inexplicably relieved.

For some reason, she believed it.

"Can I help you too..."

Floy looked at the profile of the black-haired youth, and murmured inaudibly.

It was soon evening.

The sunset at dusk dyed the whole city orange.

The monks of the Moon Church conveyed a message to everyone that it was time to be buried.

It is very humanistic to give relatives an afternoon to say goodbye.

Mrs. Caroline and the others rose, and Connie thanked the friar through tears.

The monks of the Moon Church walked in slowly from the door and carried the coffin out.

They were clad in long black robes with hoods that covered their heads, and their thick, powerful arms protruded from the sleeves.

The two monks easily carried the coffin away.

The crowd followed the Moon Church people to the cemetery.

at dusk.

The monk read the eulogy for Mr. Hood, and all the neighbors in black bowed their heads in silence.

A funeral is a sacred event that expresses the living's respect and remembrance for the dead.

Death is an important process for people.And in such a world of extraordinary existence, it is full of mysteries and mysteries.

The Church of the Moon is in charge of funeral affairs in the empire, and they deal with death all day long.

Chen Lun personally participated in some activities of the Moon Church in his previous life.

His evaluation of this church is just two words——


Unlike the Red Apple Church, the Moon Church is rather low-key.

The people inside the church, regardless of their status, are solemn from top to bottom.They seldom speak, and seem to regard themselves as servants of death.

Death is a journey from noise to silence.

"A person's death is just another grave to the whole world, but to those who depend on each other, the whole world is buried by the grave...

Sorry, Miss Connie.

We can all reach the moon after death, and leaving this world is just stepping on the road to the moon. "

The monk of the Moon Church said softly.

His finger drew an arc in mid-air, and finally touched his lips.

This is the prayer gesture of the Moon Church.

Immediately, the monks began to bury the coffin and dig up the earth with shovels to bury it.

"I used to long for death, but then I didn't care..."

Standing beside Chen Lun, Floyd said softly while watching this scene.

Chen Lun glanced at her and comforted her:
"The past is not your fault, Floyd."

The haze of childhood and the darkness in the Red Apple Church almost destroyed her heart.

"But I seem to have become timid, and now I am afraid of death."

Floy turned her head, and the black satin stared at him.

Chen Lun was taken aback.

He suddenly thought of the countdown.

47 days left.

Floyd had 47 days left to live.

If you can't find the [High-Sequence Flesh Faction Mysterious Substance] within this one and a half months, then the [A-level monster back-sun potted plant] in Floyd's body will not be able to maintain its majestic and extraordinary power.

Floyd will be attacked by pollution, eventually lose her personality, and turn into a monster out of control.

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

"Don't worry, I've figured out a way."

"Well, I believe you."

Floy "stared" at him for a while, and finally nodded and smiled.

At this time, the monk of the Moon Church walked up to every mourner who attended the funeral with a glass bottle in his hand.

"Please let the sorrow fall, and turn it into a memory of the dead and a comfort to the living."

He holds a tear bottle and collects everyone's tears.

Perhaps it was because Mr. Hood had a bad relationship with the neighbors in his daily life, and there were very few people who shed tears for him.

Only Connie cried the most.

Finally, the monk handed the tear bottle to Connie, and whispered a few words to her.

Connie nodded and took it, expressing her thanks to the monk.

Chen Lun knew what he was talking about, and he probably asked Connie to put the tear bottle at home.When the tears in the bottle dry up, it means that the deceased has reached the moon.

But Chen Lun was very curious, how could a rose believer reach the moon.

He couldn't help shaking his head.

(End of this chapter)

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