I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 49 The Dog Shakes His Head

Chapter 49 The Dog Shakes His Head
After the funeral, it was already dark.

After the crowd dispersed, Mrs. Caroline invited Connie to her home for dinner.

Return to Seven Denton Street.

Floyd and Mrs. Caroline were busy in the kitchen, while Chen Lun and Connie sat in the living room and waited.

"Thank you, Mr. Jack."

Connie's eyes were a little swollen, she lowered her head and whispered to Chen Lun.

"The gold pounds you paid for my father's funeral, I will work hard to pay you back...

But I'm sorry, now I, I may not be able to devote myself to the research of weapons. "

Chen Lun took a sip from his teacup and waved his hand.

"Don't stress, Connie, there's no rush to pay me back."

Putting down the teacup, he comforted:
"It's not too late to study. The most important thing for you now is to take care of yourself and not be swayed by sadness.

If you have time, you can go for a walk in the park with Floyd to relax. "

Connie nodded silently and smiled reluctantly at Chen Lun.

The following dinner made Connie feel unprecedented warmth.

The kindly Mrs. Caroline told her many stories of the past, how she recovered from the loss of her husband Henry and her son Oliver.

Miss Froy encouraged her, and Mr. Jack told some interesting stories, which made Connie feel less sad.

The dinner was very sumptuous, and it surprised Connie to hear that most of it was made by Miss Froy herself.

The dishes are delicious and very healing.

What healed her more was the human heart.


late at night.

Chen Lun came out of the bathroom and went back to his room to get ready to sleep.

When passing by the window, I found two figures standing under the streetlight on the opposite side of the street.

"Hey man, are we going to wait here?"

A man from the Iron Fist Gang smoked a cigarette and said depressingly.

"Otherwise, this was personally explained by Boss Gary.

And don't forget, the person living here is an inhuman existence, let's complete the task honestly. "

The companion beside him thought of something and shivered.

Immediately he held out a hand.

"Give me one, I'm done."

"Damn it, you say that every time!"

While the two were chatting, they suddenly saw a dog jumping out of the opposite corridor.

Under the faint light of the street lamp, the shiny black and white hair on its body could be barely seen clearly.

Wang Wang!

The dog ran straight in front of them, raised its head and barked twice, then raised a foreleg and waved it.

"Damn it! How does it look like it's talking to me!?"

"Give it the letter."


The younger brother of the Iron Fist Gang suddenly noticed that his companion was looking up at the building opposite.

He looked in that direction, and vaguely saw a black-haired young man overlooking them from the window on the fourth floor.

"Give it the letter!"

The companion urged.

The man in the leather jacket came back to his senses, and tremblingly handed the letter in his arms to the dog.

The dog took the letter away, gave him a blank stare, and got into the corridor without looking back.

The little brother of Iron Fist was stunned for a while, until the cigarette in his mouth burned to his mouth, he was shocked.

"What the hell! I was despised by a dog!?"

Bian Mu returned to the room, Chen Lun took the letter and patted its head.

The dog wagged its tail happily.

Tear open the envelope, and then Moonlight looked at the contents.

"—Dear Your Excellency, I have inquired about Viscount Pompeii's recent situation according to your wishes.

On weekdays, he would go out to gather with his friends, attend some large-scale events and places, and occasionally go hunting in the plantation gardens in the inner city.

Other than that, most of the time is spent reading in his manor...

One more news.

This news comes from a good friend of Viscount Pompey, Baron Barney, and the authenticity is very high.

It is said that Miss Rebecca, the daughter of Viscount Pompeii, injured her leg while riding a horse, and she is recuperating at home recently.He was very distressed, and wanted to find a governess for Miss Rebecca.

Attached is the detailed address of Viscount Pompeii's house: No. [-] Second Street, Inner City, Pompeii Manor..."

"Also, no clues have been found about the 'Dolly' you mentioned.

I hope you can forgive me for my incompetence, and the Iron Fist Gang and I will do our best to search for his traces for you. — your humble follower, Gary"

After reading the letter, Chen Lun crushed it and destroyed it.

Lean back in the chair, finding a comfortable position.

He lowered his eyes, thinking.

After a while, he took out a match to polish it, and lit the kerosene lamp on the table.Then he picked up a quill and wrote a letter with ink on it.

The content of the letter was to ask Gary to create a false identity for him and Floyd.

Although it is fake, it must be legal and can withstand the inspection of the inner city police station.

This kind of thing should not be difficult for Gary, after all, he knows many powerful people in the inner city.

It is equivalent to fabricating the identities of two people and then backing them up at the public security station.

Chen Lun's requirement for his identity is that he is a scholar from a foreign country, and his research direction is——

Literature and Nature.

One of his plans was to be the governess of the Viscount Pompeii's daughter.In this way, he sneaked into the Viscount's manor, and then waited for the opportunity to find the [Philip's inheritance].

But that's just an option.

If there is an easier way to sneak in, it would be better to just sneak in and grab the item directly.

As for Floyd's identity, Chen Lun asked Gary to find a name of a fallen nobleman from a foreign country and put it on her.

Although nobles are rare, they are a huge group when enlarged to the entire Trisul Empire.

The name of a declining nobleman is still from a foreign country, so it is difficult for people to trace its authenticity.

As long as Floy doesn't frequent aristocratic gatherings and large venues, and his usual behavior and dress are in line with his status, he will basically not be out of place.

In fact, Chen Lun was not worried about this at all.

Floy's looks and temperament, even if she is wearing a maid outfit, can't conceal her unique charm.

Chen Lun stuffed the written letter into a brand new envelope.

Looking downstairs, the two younger brothers from the Iron Fist Gang had already left.

He was a little helpless, and when he was worrying, he caught a glimpse of the dog at his feet wagging its tail and looking at him.

"You are such a good dog!"



Two Iron Fist gang members were walking on the quiet street when one of them suddenly exclaimed.

Looking back, the familiar dog rushed towards them.

"It's it again! Why are you chasing us!?"

"Could it be that Your Excellency is dissatisfied with us and wants to send it to bite us to death!?"

The two looked at each other.


Two men in leather jackets ran for their lives on the street, and a big black and white dog was chasing after them.

Until one of them accidentally tripped over the rubbish on the ground.Looking up, the companion has gone away, leaving only a back.

"damn it!"

The guy who fell cursed while enduring the pain.

"Am I going to die? Oh my god, I'm still so young, I haven't touched the hand of the maid in the Flower and Bird Tavern, I haven't..."

The dog was also panting from exhaustion, and ran to him.

The little brother of the Iron Fist gang had closed his eyes and waited to die, but there was no pain for a long time.

Opening his eyes a little, he saw a dog's face staring at him with a letter in its mouth.

Most importantly, its eyes seem to be looking at a mentally retarded.

"Shet! I was despised by the same dog twice in one day!?"

(End of this chapter)

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