I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 488 The Death of Houston


The huge black spherical polyhedron collapsed suddenly, engulfing the dark and deep fine things inside, all gathered into one point, twisted and rotated and disappeared, leaving only a huge hole on the surface of the spirit world.


Chen Lun's tall figure slowly fell to the ground.

He stood upright, swung a stick in his hand, and put the silver cane on the ground. After waiting silently for a few seconds, he suddenly shook his head and chuckled, looking at the ruins of the building not far away.

"Houston, do you think I'm an idiot, or do you think you're an idiot? Get out!"

Chen Lun shouted.

There was no kill prompt popped up on the panel, and he didn't think a high-ranking saint would fall so easily.With the blessing of 97 points of insight, [Five Senses] and [Spiritual Intuition] are fully activated, and it is easy to find out where the other party is hiding.

I saw a wriggling black shadow emerge from the ruins like a tentacle, and then slowly protruded not far from Chen Lun, turning into the appearance of Houston.

The expression on his face was quite ugly, gloomy like water, and the armor cloak he was wearing was inevitably damaged, revealing the hideous bloody mouth below.

"Jack, I have to admit that I have underestimated you a bit... But there has never been a so-called genius in the mysterious field. The birth of every strong person is the result of long years of fighting and accumulation. Exception... Although I don't know how you found my right body, but you have just been promoted, and you rashly choose to confront me head-on, this is the stupidest mistake you have made."

Houston stared at him fiercely.

Chen Lun's face was calm and he did not refute.

The panel is his secret, and it is also the reliance on him to be promoted from an ordinary person to a high-ranking person in just three years. At the same time, the blessing of points has greatly shortened the process of his growth and accumulation, and it is nothing less than the other party. Such a huge misunderstanding.

He just said a pity in his heart.

Although "Mythical Magic: Joint Reaction" is powerful, even veteran saints like Houston can't avoid it under the effect of forced locking, but as I guessed, this skill has many restrictions.

Not only does it require strict skill determination, but the damage it can transmit is not unlimited... The former is fine for Chen Lun. After he was promoted to a high position, his own mythical creature characteristic "Man of Destiny" has extremely high weight. It can be said that there is no disadvantage against enemies of the same level.

However, the damage transmission threshold of the latter is affected by the mysterious resistance. Unless it is facing a low-to-medium sequence transcendent who has not undergone extraordinary transformation, it is difficult to instantly kill the opponent.

So Houston suffered that terrifying blow, but was only injured, and did not fall on the spot.

'This skill is really more suitable for cleaning up miscellaneous fish and dealing with group battles. The one-on-one effect is not as good as expected. '

Chen Lun glanced at the other party and secretly raised his vigilance.

'However, the conspiracy path is not good at healing, and its survivability is far inferior to that of the flesh and blood system, and it is even inferior to nature, the earth, and the solar system... What they are good at is assassination, which is the ultimate and swift fatal blow. '


An invisible strong wind blows out of thin air.

Houston's figure disappeared into nothingness, and Chen Lun raised his eyebrows. He found that even his [Five Senses] couldn't find the other party's trace!
'Sure enough, there is something... is it going to a deeper spiritual world?Or did you use the power of myth to completely hide your traces? '

Chen Lun grinned.

pong! !

He turned around gently, raised the silver cane at some point in his hand, and pulled it backwards to the back of his head, colliding violently with an invisible thing.

The shock wave dispersed, but Chen Lun did not move a single step.

It's just that the ground under his feet is crackling and full of cracks.

Bang Bang!

The silver light suddenly brightened, and there was a loud noise.

Chen Lun kept hitting something with his stick, and the terrifying aftermath directly destroyed the terrain around him tens of meters away.

"Unfortunately, under the blessing of 'Man of Destiny', the weight of [spiritual intuition] is far higher than that of the opponent. Every attack by him must be predicted in advance by me..."

Chen Lun looked indifferent.

He immediately unfolded [Multi-tasking], with his left hand behind his back, the poker cards between his fingers flipped over one by one, swishing, silently divination.

And his right hand is holding the silver cane tightly, or holding or pulling, defending airtightly.No matter how Houston, who was hiding in nothingness, attacked, he couldn't hurt him even the slightest bit.

"Got you."

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes, and the poker flipped with his left hand suddenly stopped, revealing a "7 of diamonds".He handed out his cane without looking back, and stabbed towards the left rear at seven o'clock.


Then there was a muffled grunt.

Black blood splattered, and Houston revealed his figure.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, cursing inwardly that the fate-based abilities are difficult to deal with, and without hesitation, he tore off the "humanoid coat" directly, revealing his own mythical creature form, intending to do his best.

I saw Houston's body suddenly rising up, becoming a giant suspended in the air without legs... The smooth jelly thing made of black shadows, like a spacious blouse, draped over his body, swaying without wind.Behind the slender, eighty-nine-meter-high shadow, four pairs of joint-like jet-black spikes protruded, closing in front of him like spider legs.

Whoosh whoosh—

Eight huge pitch-black spikes fell down without warning. At first glance, they looked like giant spears from the sky, striking Chen Lun's position one after another!
Boom! !

The ground trembled, and the saturation blow shattered the area, creating huge waves of smoke and dust that covered the sky.

However, Chen Lun has long since disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had already stood above Houston's head out of thin air, stabbing out his cane expressionlessly.


The huge black shadow in the air melted like a ball of liquid. Not only did Chen Lun's stab not hit the ground, but was wrapped half of his body by the shadow, unable to move for a while.

next second.

Suddenly another slender, upside-down black figure appeared above Chen Lun's head. It was like the reflection of Houston, enveloping Chen Lun in mid-air.

On the huge black head hanging upside down, Houston's facial features can be vaguely seen. The other party opened his eyes, revealing pale and terrifying pupils, and grinned.

With a groan in his mouth, he spit out a barbed black spike. The momentum of this blow far exceeded the previous one. The air wave piercing through the air even shattered the dark blue vision around him, as if a black light had arrived in an instant. Before Chen Lun's eyes.

This is Houston lore!

Bang! ! !
The pitch-black spikes turned into an upside-down "black bowl" amidst the loud noise, as if a meteorite had hit some kind of hard object and shattered into pieces.

Chen Lun stood in the air with a cold face.

He clenched his right arm into a fist and raised it high. This punch shattered Houston's pointed spear, and at the same time shattered the opponent's belief that he would kill. The sleeves of the black dress had already been turned into powder, revealing the strong arm underneath, with beautiful muscle lines. , the surface is covered with a layer of white scales that shimmer like glazed glass.

This is Chen Lun's mythical creature form!
To be precise, partly.

Facing the lore of the Conspirator Saint, he didn't dare to be careless at all, but he also didn't want to openly expose his trump card in front of many other high-ranking people... So he selectively released his right arm.

The reason why he can achieve such meticulous operations is due to the transformed full-level passive [Key of Life], which allows Chen Lun to perfectly control his body.

"This is impossible!"

The huge black shadow hanging upside down shook violently and let out a low and hoarse roar.Houston's facial features were distorted, and there was a hint of panic and madness in his pale eyes.

"You have only been promoted recently! How can you have such a level of power?! Could it be that you added a lot of high-level substances during the promotion ceremony..."

"A lot of nonsense!"

Chen Lun sneered.

I saw him lift Bai Lin's right arm, spread his five fingers, hold it suddenly, and flick it to his side!It was like plucking the invisible strings of death!


Five invisible silk threads slid across Houston's huge body quietly, making it stiff immediately.

In the next second, under the surprised and cautious eyes of many high-ranking people, the huge black shadow hanging upside down was cut into several parts out of thin air, and crashed down.


Smoke and dust filled the air, and the dark blue horizon twisted.

Houston's remnant body was piled up like a pile of disgusting black clots. His carriage-sized head rolled aside, the features on his face melted and twisted like wax, and his asymmetrical eyes were full of pain and hatred.

"You...killed me, the council can't tolerate you..."

A hoarse and weak voice came out from the wide open mouth.

"Thank you for your concern, but this is no longer something you should consider, Houston."

Chen Lun walked slowly, holding a silver cane, and said calmly.

"Since you have chosen to take advantage of the chairman's absence and come to the king's city to seize power, you should bear all the consequences... Maybe you didn't take me seriously at all? Hehe."

He sneered and shook his head.

Chen Lun stopped talking nonsense with him, and stretched five fingers at him.

[You have used the skill "Animal imitation LVMAX+5"! 】

[Detected the characteristic of the mythical creature "Houston" - "Shadow Container"! 】

The corners of his mouth curled up calmly, and he silently removed the extraordinary biological characteristic "Crawling Body", and kept the "Shadow Container".

Shadow container - the characteristic of mythical creatures, derived from the conspiracy saint Houston, has the ability to continuously accumulate and reserve self-power, and can be released at any time, bursting out multiple superimposed effects.

"It's a good feature. The shadow spear that the opponent spit out at the end just now should be the ultimate move created by virtue of this feature..."

Chen Lun thought to himself, and then used his skills again.

But this time the panel reminded him that the memory grid of [Animal Imitation] could no longer accommodate more mythical creature characteristics for the time being.

He was startled for a moment, then sighed secretly.

'It seems that the current limit has been reached. If you want to fill all ten memory slots, you may need to be promoted to Sequence Three? '

Now that Houston is useless, Chen Lun intends to send him on his way.Holding up the silver cane expressionlessly, he was about to stab out when a high-frequency trembling water curtain rose from the ground, blocking him like a transparent high wall.

He froze, squinting his eyes and turning around.

"President Eberhard, what does this mean?"

A middle-aged man in a yellow-brown casual suit walked slowly, with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty Jack Speight, first of all congratulate you for completing your transformation and ascending to the Holy Throne...But Houston cannot die now, the spiritual world is still in turmoil, and the dark world is constantly spreading pollution tides. Every high-ranking person in the empire is a vital Important combat power..."

"You want to meddle in the affairs of the Council of Generosity?"

Chen Lun didn't pay attention to his words at all, but asked indifferently.

Eberhard was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and denied it.

"Of course not, I just..."

"If not, go away!"

Chen Lun said coldly.

Eberhard was stunned for a moment, as if he felt that he was hallucinating.

next second.

The young man in the black hat raised Bai Lin's right arm and punched him sideways.

Bang! !

The loud noise was accompanied by tremors on the ground, and the transparent mythical water curtain exploded like fireworks in an instant, and countless water droplets weighing as much as a thousand pounds fell in all directions.

Eberhard came back to his senses with a gloomy expression.

He raised his palm, and his skin turned into a stone sculpture. In the clearly visible veins, blood gurgled like azure sea water, faintly emitting the roar of sea waves...

"Consul Jack, I have persuaded you with good words."

He said in a deep voice, with hidden threats in his words.

Chen Lun turned his head and stared at the middle-aged man indifferently.

boom! !

Suddenly, his white scaled right arm changed dramatically!

I saw it agitated and swelled in a big circle, then extended, and turned into a huge white snake five or six meters long in an instant!

No... it should be said to be a mythical creature like a snake!

The sparkling white scales, like gorgeous diamonds, are neatly arranged... On that ferocious but extremely beautiful head, a pair of emerald-like vertical pupils have no emotion, and a pair of white crystalline antlers grow on the top of the head!
As soon as the snake letter spit out from the mouth, it turned out to be a woven fabric like spider silk, full of the breath of death.

Eberhard's eyes were fixed, he raised his head, and stared at the standing "giant snake" in surprise.

In the next moment, the "Giant Snake" flashed a pale phantom, and swallowed Houston's head in one gulp!


Houston let out a scream in the belly of the snake.

At the same time, the high-ranking people present were all breathless.

Because it was not only Houston who screamed, but also Eberhard who was standing aside!


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