I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 489 The White Scaled Dragon!

Chapter 489 The White Scaled Dragon!

The person in charge of Wangcheng of the History and Ceremony Association retreated tens of meters in an instant, and returned to the members of his own association. With a plop, he knelt on the ground with one knee, his forehead sweating profusely.

The Priestess of the Stars Sect headed by Blaise the Silver Dragon Witch, the Sisters of the Moon Church headed by the Head Servant of Thelma, the Hailing Group, and the Madman School all frowned and stared at the pained Eberha Germany.

In the end what happened?
Most of them couldn't see the clues, obviously Jack Speight didn't even touch him, but Eberhard screamed at the same time as Houston as if he had a sudden illness.

"Damn it...Damn it! It's a damage link type mythical power!"

Eberhard never expected that he would be recruited quietly, and in front of so many strong men of the same level, he would suffer the embarrassment of a newly promoted saint.

He stood up slowly, looking at his chest in horror.

Four symmetrical, fist-sized holes are in sight!
It's like... being bitten by a giant snake!
But this is not the root cause of everyone's solemnity, but the blood that flowed from the wound has already congealed, occupied by white crystals that are as bright as diamonds, and it is still spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It seems to cover Eberhard's entire body!
"Is this myth pollution?!"

Silver Dragon Witch Blaise said in surprise.

Immediately he shook his head again, denying himself.

"Impossible...Eberhard is also a Sequence Four Saint, and his own mysterious resistance is extremely strong, and the power of the same level cannot do this!"

"It is a living tissue that contains a high concentration of energy..."

On the side, a knowledgeable old man of the Madman School, Hernandez spoke in a deep voice, expressing his opinion.

"Scholar Hernandez, do you recognize this?"

Blaise asked, frowning.

The rest of the high-ranking people cast their eyes one after another.

However, the thin old man shook his head and sighed.

"I've never seen it before...but this kind of crystal is quite scary. Such a degree of erosiveness is unheard of. Once it is contaminated, it will probably be extremely difficult to deal with."

Hearing his evaluation, the high-ranking people present took a deep breath and looked at the young man in black hat with more serious eyes in an instant.

If at the beginning, they were only slightly surprised by this newly promoted young saint, then with the defeat of Houston, they became a real surprise.Now, seeing Eberhard's tragic situation, they even felt a sense of absurdity in their hearts.

If it's not necessary, I really don't want to fight against it...


Eberhard's face was extremely gloomy.

The surrounding space resounded with the sound of flipping pages, and the outline of His body was like a grotesque phantom that was withdrawn, constantly retracing.

When the outline returned again, Eberhard seemed to find himself more than ten minutes ago, overlapping with the state at that time.


Eberhard's pupils shrank sharply.

The four teeth marks on His chest had disappeared, but the beautiful and gorgeous white crystals, like the handprints of the god of death, had already covered His chest!

"Eberhard is probably in serious trouble."

Hernandez adjusted his glasses and said in a deep voice.

Even if the old man didn't say it, all the high-ranking people could see it.

Eberhard tried his best, and the power of myth overflowed, but those white crystals were still like tarsus maggots, constantly "reproducing and spreading".They seem to have devoured Eberhard's strength, making them stronger, but looking at his face, they became paler.

clap clap clap...

A burst of slow and rhythmic footsteps came.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the young man in black hat had returned to his original image, walking over with a silver cane.

With a smile on his face, he took off his hat and bowed his head to everyone, saying hello, and then he looked at Eberhard slowly, and said lightly:

"The relationship between me and Houston is a personal grievance. It can also be said to be a conflict within the generous parliament. Outsiders have no right to intervene... Sorry, President Eberhard, I didn't expect it to affect you."

Looking at Eberhard's weak appearance, Chen Lun had a clear understanding of the strength of the "crystal cells" in his heart, and felt particularly comfortable.

Relying on his own mythical creature characteristic "Man of Destiny", Eberhard was powerless to fight against the mysterious weight, and was immediately implicated by [Mythical Magic: Common Reaction] and parasitized by "Crystal Cells" .

But he didn't want to make things big, so he stretched out a hand towards Eberhard.

The latter raised his head with difficulty, his expression changed, and finally he squeezed out a smile and shook hands with Chen Lun.

"I should be the one to say sorry, Your Majesty Jack Speight."

"It's okay, the matter is settled, isn't it?"

Chen Lun smiled lightly.

Eberhard wanted to nod, but he found that his neck became extremely stiff, and there was a terrible clicking sound under the force.

"When... of course."

He said with difficulty.

Chen Lun gave the chairman a meaningful look.

blah blah...

The sound of a snake spitting a letter quietly rose, and the white crystals all over Eberhard's body began to shrink until they disappeared.

Seeing this, Eberhard heaved a sigh of relief, and deep fear flashed in his eyes.

How much is this guy hiding...

Letting go of his hand, Chen Lun took the time to look at the prompt that popped up on the panel before, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

[Kill Houston, the consul of the Generous Council (right body)!Get 200W experience points, 1 point of blessing and 20 points of regional popularity! 】

[188 points of regional popularity have been accumulated!Gain 1 point of epic popularity again! (Current epic popularity: 6 points)]

[Influence of the Epic Singing Event: The news that you killed the conspiracy saint Houston in a solo battle will gradually radiate from the Wangcheng area to all parts of the Trisur Empire—the new saint "White Scaled Dragon" "The name of Jack Speight will resound in the mysterious field!" 】

"Unfortunately, Houston's corpse was shredded by the 'String of Sorrow', and the remnants were decomposed into five high-level conspiracy substances..."

Chen Lun shook his head secretly.

'I remember that I killed three incarnations of the saints of the Rotov family before, and took three copies... Now there are eight copies in total, and they will all be handed over to the speaker at that time. '

After all, what he killed was his colleagues in the Senate, and when the Speaker and the others came back, he would have to explain something to make sense.

Chen Lun pinched his temples with a headache.

King City Tourmaline Kloster.

Palace of the Sun, royal council hall.

At this moment, the huge conference table was empty, except for the prince Dazlet sitting in the main seat, and on the left hand side were only a few presiding judges of the imperial jury, all dressed in military uniforms, without turning their eyes.On the right are the three Sun Church archbishops headed by Terrence, who also remained silent with stern faces.

The rest of the seats are empty.

The scene was dead silent for a while, even a little embarrassing.

The general manager, Babaye, was standing aside, wiping his cold sweat non-stop. He glanced at the gate from time to time, but always looked back in disappointment.

Prince Dazlet's face was expressionless, but there seemed to be anger in his eyes.He knocked on the table and asked in a deep voice:

"Babaye, I want to know why no one from the Church of the Seven Gods came except Terrence crowning them... Is this putting pressure on me?!"

"Absolutely not! Your Highness!"

Babaye hurriedly approached, bent down and comforted him.

"Perhaps something happened, and the senior members of the church were delayed on the way...how about I go and have a look?"

The prince took a deep breath and was about to speak when the door of the conference hall was slowly pushed open.

The senior members of the Church of the Seven Gods remained silent and walked in one after another, as if they had made an appointment. The situation was quite strange.

The prince squinted at this scene and sneered.

Only the presiding judge McCawlin and Archbishop Terrence seemed to have noticed something. They glanced at the young man in the black hat walking alone in the crowd, showing a thoughtful expression.

After everyone was seated, the prince glanced around and asked slowly:
"Everyone, can you explain to me that you were late together for nearly 10 minutes? Now you come to the meeting at the same time?"


No one in the room spoke.

Prince Dazlet noticed the indifferent stares from the Church of the Stars and the Church of the Moon, and there were faint veins on his forehead.

He turned his head to look at the seat of the History and Ritual Association.

"President Eberhard, tell me something?"


Eberhard stopped turning his pen and pondered.

He glanced at the young man in black hat on the other side of the conference table calmly, coughed and said:
"Your Highness, there was a little accident on the road."

Dazlet was silent for a few seconds.

"What little accident?"

"The Houston Consul of the Generous Council... had a conflict with the Consul Jack Speight, and they fought in the spirit world."

Eberhard said in a deep voice.

The prince frowned, and then he noticed that only Jack was sitting alone on the seat of the Council of Generosity, while Houston was nowhere to be seen.

He took a deep breath, his eyes full of confusion.

"The two fight?"

What is there to fight against a high-ranking person and a mid-sequence transcendent?
Even if Jack's strength is good enough to defeat the incarnation of the saint, but the incarnation is not the only one present in Houston... It's fine if Jack hasn't been severely taught, but now he is sitting there like a normal person? !

"say clearly!"

The prince said impatiently.

Eberhard sighed.

"The Governor of Houston is dead."


The prince's eyes widened suddenly and he froze.

Even the presiding judges on the side and Terrence from the Church of the Sun and others all showed surprised expressions.

"What did you say...Houston is dead?!"

The prince frowned even deeper.

Eberhard nodded slightly, and said cautiously:

"Her Majesty Jack beat the Houston Consul to death on the spot..."


The prince stood up suddenly.

The high-back chair rubbed against the ground, making a sharp sound.

The faces of the presiding judges, Terrence and other Sun Archbishops changed slightly, because they recognized Eberhard's honorifics, and they called Jack Speight...Your Majesty? !

"You got promoted? Jack?"

said the prince in surprise.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Chen Lun also took off his hat, stood up slowly, and said with a smile.

"Now the Generous Council is my responsibility to come forward and participate in your meeting."

 Ladies, luckily, the manuscript has been rushed out, woo woo

  Can you come with two tickets to encourage and encourage, hehe
(End of this chapter)

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