I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 504 The Battle of Fate

Chapter 504 Battle of Fate
Chen Lun's pupils shrank sharply and his eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked at the man in front of him who was roughly similar to Philip, and felt a sense of absurdity and disbelief in his heart.


"Sorry, I didn't tell you the truth before."

The blond man smiled apologetically.

"No, it should be said that I didn't realize the truth when I wrote the message... I didn't know it until later. In fact, after Howard and I challenged the teacher together, we didn't completely win in the end, because the fate of the two of us had already been determined by the teacher. Influenced by the power of each other, they gradually approach until they merge, regardless of each other."

There was a dim light in His eyes full of dark circles.

Chen Lun himself is a sage of destiny, and he easily understood the meaning of his words.

A person's fate trajectory is absolutely fixed without external intervention... Even if the person involved makes a choice that he thinks is correct at a major turning point in his life, the future will still develop according to the fate trajectory, because fate has already known Everything is doomed, and the end is doomed.

If the fate trajectories of two people cross and collide, it means that the two people will meet and get acquainted, and form a bond. Parallel means companionship, and bifurcation means alienation.

The situation of Philip and Howard is unique.

At least Chen Lun had never heard of it.

The two fate trajectories of the two of them were forcibly merged into one under the influence of some extremely terrifying mythical power... The result of this was that two living individuals finally became one people!

To put it another way that is easy to understand, the current "Philip Howard" is a brand new existence, but in a state of split personality.

"So... what's the point of you helping me all the time?"

Chen Lun frowned and asked in a low voice.

Philip was originally both a teacher and a friend to him, and Chen Lun had promised that after he was promoted to a high position, he would find a way to rescue him from the dream world... But now it seems that the other party's situation is far beyond his expectations, and even more so. became a sworn enemy.

His heart is extremely complicated.

"It stems from a disagreement between me and Howard..."

Philip shook his head.

He turned his head and looked into the high wall, and said softly:
"I have been trapped in the dream world before, unable to extricate myself. Every time I fall asleep, I will be one step closer to the lighthouse. My strong intuition tells me that one day in the future, when I am completely close to the lighthouse, it will be the time of my fall. ...Howard wants to save me, of course, it seems to be self-help now, so he will agree with my decision to leave that "Sleep in Wonderland" to you, one is to help you grow quickly, and the other is to let you advance Adapting to the environment of the dream world can finally pull us out of this quagmire."

He turned his head back and looked at Chen Lun with regret.

"It's a pity that Howard's plan is far faster than mine... Although he and I both hope that you can grow up, the ultimate goal is different. I just ask you for help, and I will accept my fate whether I succeed or not... ...But Howard was not willing to entrust his hope to others, so he imitated Duke Huan's "Pearl Time" and planned a battle in the king's city. Break the shackles of the dream world, and finally escape."

Hearing this, Chen Lun finally understood Philip's position.

He may have never thought of being an enemy of himself, nor has he subjectively manipulated his own destiny, and even regarded himself as a friend all the time, guiding and helping him... But Howard is different, he only believes in himself.

Although he agreed to Philip's plan, Howard was also ready for the second hand...Chen Lun even speculated that Philip would probably be at a disadvantage in the process of fighting for control of his body.

"Philip, haven't you ever thought that even if I save you from the dream world in the end, I will eventually become your enemy because of the shackles of fate?"

Philip fell into silence, and it took a long time before he let out a long sigh.

"Jack, the way of destiny is not all relying on challenging fate to gain strength... Only when the high-ranking person intervenes in the fate of the low-ranking person, this kind of rule will appear... I didn't notice Howard's actions at the beginning. It will be too late when you know... If possible, I actually hope that after I get free, I can live peacefully with Maggie for a period of time, and when you are sure in the future that you need to be promoted to an angel, I will return this life to you."

"There's no point in saying that now, Philip."

Chen Lun said softly.

"Yeah...it doesn't make sense anymore."

Philip raised his head and closed his eyes, sighing.

The two were silent for a while.

When he opened his eyes again, this time, the eyes became deep and indifferent.

"The past is illusory, memories are fleeting, only loneliness is eternal... Jack, your performance can begin."

Philip... no, Howard said.

Chen Lun instantly calmed down his fluctuating emotions, and slowly raised his silver cane.

next second.

pong! !

The silver light trailed like a comet, and hit a rusty black cane, making a piercing bang!

Chen Lun's figure suddenly appeared behind Howard. He struck with a stick, but was blocked by the opponent's backhand. In an instant, violent shock waves scattered, and the vision of the starry sky was distorted for a moment.

"Nice power, Jack."

Howard smiled in admiration.

The strength of his hand suddenly increased, and he actually blocked Chen Lun's walking stick. At the same time, he turned around and kicked Chen Lun several kilometers away with a bang, smashing the air.


The terrifying force was accompanied by strong wind pressure, and the black hat on Chen Lun's head had already been blown away.

But his flying figure quickly stopped strangely, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to Howard's side again, and the silver cane fell towards him again.

Bang bang bang bang! !

The silver light that turned into an afterimage was struck hundreds of times in one breath, and the power of each strike was enough to smash the high-density alloy into pieces.And Howard was as immovable as a mountain, and countless phantoms flashed through the black cane, like a black epiphyllum, blooming in his hands, and instantly supporting the overwhelming silver light.

From beginning to end, there was an indifferent smile on His face.

In the vast starry sky, the figures of the two almost escaped the limit of what humans can capture, and only two distorted and blurred afterimages were trembling violently.

The dazzling white light made up of sparks, like the stars in the starry sky, keeps twinkling.

Woo! !

Howard once again seized the opportunity and kicked out without any hesitation, this time hitting Chen Lun straight in the chest.


A gas explosion circle with a diameter of tens of meters emerged.

Chen Lun coughed up a mouthful of blood, flew out like an irregular spinning top, and hit the invisible barrier of the starry sky one after another, making a bang bang sound of hard objects shattering.

In the next breath, Howard had already moved to Chen Lun in an instant, stretched out his black cane expressionlessly, and pierced the latter's throat with the sharp end.

A strong sense of danger comes through [spiritual intuition].

Chen Lun used the [Key of Life] to forcibly straighten his twisted and deformed body. Amidst the crackling sound, he raised his silver cane with his right hand to block, and at the same time flicked his left hand, a flying card with a sharp and sharp edge It arrived in front of Howard.

However, the latter tilted his head slightly like a prophet, and the red streamer brushed against his cheek, and sank into the depths of the starry sky.

With a clang of the black cane, with unparalleled strength, it slid past the defense of the silver cane, and pierced directly into Chen Lun's throat!


A handful of blood flew.

Chen Lun endured the pain and suffocation, and immediately activated the mythical biological characteristics of "golem life", so as to eliminate pain and breath.

At the same time, his heart sank.

In the short few breaths I fought against Howard, I was always in a state of being suppressed. Whether it was the physical fitness and melee ability that I was proud of in the past, or the unexpected teleportation, it was all ineffective.

The two are both high-ranking members of the Destiny Pathway, but the accumulation and experience of the other party far exceeds their own.

"go with!"

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes, biting the blood, and hooked his index finger.

boo boo boo...

Thousands of poker cards surrounded his body to form a sharp strangling storm, spinning and pounced forward!
Howard's eyes moved, and he calmly glanced at the mighty torrent of cards, but suddenly pulled out his black cane, and at the same time kicked it out, hitting Chen Lun's lower abdomen with a bang.


Chen Lun flew out backwards.

His eyes were fierce, and he forcibly used [Air Walk] to stop the inertia of flying backwards, stagnating his body in mid-air.The hole in the throat kept bleeding, and the body also made an overwhelmed gurgling sound.

Looking up, Howard could not be seen at all in the torrent of cards passing by.The opponent obviously avoided his counterattack easily through precognition and teleportation.

"Extraordinary people in the path of destiny are indeed difficult to deal with..."

Chen Lun secretly sighed.

Now he finally understood how aggrieved those former enemies were when they faced him.


A loud noise exploded quietly from behind!

Chen Lun knew without turning his head that it was a simple card throwing knife, but it cut through the space with a blazing yellow light flashing at a speed far beyond the speed of sound!

Another teleportation.

Before Chen Lun even had time to use the bookmark [Awakening of Insects] to instill vitality into himself, he was forced to dodge.But even so, he still felt a deep cut in his left arm.

'too fast……'

The seriousness in Chen Lun's eyes reached the extreme.

After he moved in an instant, he was about to detect Howard's location, but his pupils shrank suddenly, because there were three cards flying in front of him!

'He divination to my position? ! '

This time, there seemed to be no gap to dodge.

Chen Lun's eyelids twitched, his right arm suddenly raised, and his five fingers spread out.

His palm instantly turned into a shadow-like darkness.

"Heaven seal..."

hum! !

A terrifying repulsive force bounced around with Chen Lun as the center.

The three card throwing knives thrown by Howard himself, their trajectories distorted by this invisible "brute force", screamed, turned [-] degrees and flew upwards, disappearing into the starry sky.

 Chapter 2 is later, I am writing, beauties
(End of this chapter)

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