Chapter 505 Destined Death
This is the first time that Chen Lun used the ultimate skill he successfully developed in actual combat——

Reaching heaven and earth!

The strength of that repulsive force, under the action of "Fried Cui Seal" and "Shadow Container", is even more than ten times stronger than that of "Big Ace"!

Howard suddenly stood in front of Chen Lun with surprise in his eyes.

"The combination and use of this mythical power is quite ingenious, and it is worthy of being the protagonist of this show..."

He immediately smiled, raised his hand and threw out a piece of paper.

It looks like it was ripped out of a notebook.

The paper floated down in front of Chen Lun, and the elegant cursive handwriting written in blue-black ink came into view——

"...Jack played his trump card and successfully resisted the dramatist's attack, but all this was just a cover-up of the other party. The rusty black cane had already pierced into his chest the moment he realized it. chest, pierced his heart..."

Chen Lun's expression changed.

He suddenly felt that his back was pierced by a cold object. Even though the pain disappeared, the strong breath of death surged in!

"Although you have been promoted to a high position, you are still too immature and lack time to accumulate and sharpen."

Howard's voice came from beside his ear.

The starry sky in front of him did not know when the opponent's figure had disappeared. Howard was leaning against his back, piercing his black cane through his chest, and the tip of the stick was exposed on his chest, covered with blood.

Chen Lun was shocked.

He was clearly on guard just now, but Howard completely avoided [spiritual intuition] and his own perception, and he didn't even notice anything before being pierced through his heart!
'It's the pen called [Human Comedy], and his own [Dramalist] sequence ability... the combination of the two, surpassed the 'Man of Destiny' and affected me! '

"Heaven seal!!"

Violence flashed in Chen Lun's eyes, and he made a backhand.

A strong repulsion erupted instantly from the pitch-black palm, and with a bang, it hit Howard's body and pushed him away a hundred meters away.

Chen Lun covered the hole in his chest and bent down slightly. At this moment, he could clearly feel that his vitality was declining rapidly... He tried to use the [Jingzhe] bookmark, but was surprised to find that it had no response at this moment, like a Disconnected from myself in general!
Look up.

Howard's blond hair was a little messy, with two strands falling down and scattered on his forehead, and his sapphire eyes were calm.

And He stood upright, holding a black pen in his left hand, and a piece of paper just written in his right hand, and threw it out again.

Chen Lun's powerful eyesight swept over a hundred meters away to capture the blue and black cursive characters on it, and it was impressively——

"...Jack relies too much on the gift given to him by the dramatist, but he doesn't know that it still has the breath of its original owner. At this critical moment in the performance, even if he is injured, he should grit his teeth and persevere. This is what a clown king should do. Possessed qualities..."

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes slightly.

'No wonder the bookmark lost contact... This guy has already deployed a backhand on it, and he is also very clear about its ability. He wants to cut off the possibility of me healing the injury, so as to quickly resolve the battle!But Howard never imagined that I have another hole card...'

I didn't see any movement from him, but snow-white and fine crystals spread out of the hideous hole in his chest and throat, filling up in an instant, healing the injury... Even the broken bones and muscles all over his body were perfectly repaired .

This is the mythological creature characteristic from Clarenso, the god of murals——

Crystalline cells!

Its healing ability is comparable to bookmarks!
'But this consumes my own physical strength... I can't drag it on, my panel attributes are far inferior to Howard, this guy is one step away from the angel rank, and has already reached the end of Sequence Three. '

A thought flashed in Chen Lun's mind.

With a dignified expression, he raised his left hand this time, and the black shadow spread up, his five fingers spread out, and he aimed at Howard and held it suddenly.

"Earth tracing!"

hum! !

Howard frowned, and in the next moment, he felt his body locked by an invisible gravitational force, and the ferocious force directly pulled him over!

This moment came too suddenly, he didn't expect that his [spiritual intuition] would also fail, and now he couldn't use the space ability of his own way!
His sapphire-like eyes were fixed.

In the next second, he was drawn to Jack, and the right arm of the other party was covered with white crystal scales as bright as diamonds at some point, and then he punched him.

Boom! ! !
Howard suddenly felt the starry sky in his sight vibrating, countless twinkling stars spinning, and the long-lost pain suddenly spread from his cheeks to his entire head, and even wailed from every corner of his body.


He coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his thinking froze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the body passed by like a shooting star.

However, this process only lasted a few tenths of a second, and he felt himself captured by that terrifying gravitational force again, stagnating in mid-air for an instant, and then quickly pulled back.

"Very good mythical power, very good punch."

Howard didn't seem to see the tall figure that gradually enlarged and the murderous eyes, and he smiled and praised himself.

Bang! !

Chen Lun threw out another punch, but this time it hit a blue-black palm covered with barnacles.

Half of Howard's face was exposed behind the palm, the smiling face contained no emotion, and the blue eyes stared at him quietly.

Bang bang bang! !

The sudden impact happened suddenly.

The white and blue-black fist shadows exploded in the starry sky.


A huge sea snake covered in green and black barnacles suddenly appeared, covered with armor-like scales, and there were crimson spikes standing on the back of the joints, with flesh membranes connected between them. , like blood-like sails.

On the ferocious snake head, there is a pitch-black spiral horn, and the chin is covered with octopus tentacles.A pair of azure blue vertical pupils were watching indifferently, as if they saw the end of the show was coming.

Howard suddenly unfolded his own mythical creature form, flicking his long amber-like tail, it split in mid-air, and cut it off with pincers full of sharp teeth!

Clang! ! !
A shining white-scaled dragon also flicked its tail and slapped. The moment the two sides touched, they shattered the surrounding starry screens one after another. The gorgeous scene was distorted and blurred in an instant, turning into a deep and turbid dye.

A piece of paper, I don't know when it will appear.

They made a clattering sound and fell like rain.

The emerald vertical pupils of the white-scaled dragon burst into light, capturing all the text information on the paper in an instant.Without exception, there are repeated content written above, and there is only one paragraph:

"...a dramatist once wrote in a message: 'The extraordinary ability [animal imitation] I developed was once praised by the teacher, saying that it is a rare power on the path of destiny... With my promotion, this ability has accompanied me For a long time, I have also relied on it and defeated many opponents.'... Jack is most proud of his ability as a gift from a dramatist, and the gift of fate has already marked the price in secret. As a teacher, naturally To be more experienced than students..."


Suddenly a shining star appeared in the starry sky.

To be precise, it should be an explosion cloud composed of countless sparks!

From the belly of the barnacle sea snake, an extremely mottled dark blue claw popped out in an instant. Its long knuckles clenched into a fist, hitting the belly of the white-scaled dragon with a speed beyond the limit of biological reactions.

It was like wiping a blackboard, and part of the white marks disappeared in an instant.

The white-scaled dragon broke in two!
At this moment, Chen Lun's mind went blank.

He couldn't perceive Howard's punch at all, and the opponent even exceeded the speed of [spiritual intuition].

'A burst of power hundreds of times in an can he bear it by himself? '

This thought flashed through Chen Lun's mind.

In the blurred vision, half of the body of the barnacle sea snake collapsed into powder, turning into specks of dust and floating in the starry sky.

But his azure blue vertical pupils were unwavering, as if he didn't care at all.

In the next second, countless wriggling granulation sprouted from its damaged body, and it returned to its original appearance in just one breath.

Chen Lun was shocked by this characteristic of Howard, whose lethality is probably far more than that of high-ranking people of the same rank...

The barnacle sea snake's huge body moved, blinking a distance, its tail swept across, wrapped around the broken lower half of the white-scaled dragon, and swallowed it in one bite.

Chen Lun suddenly felt a terrible pain. This kind of pain is not the body, but the soul, spirituality and some kind of connection... This is the part that "golem life" cannot get rid of.

By some means, Howard devoured most of his vitality, stamina and sanity!

"It's time to close, Jack."

The barnacle sea snake spit out words and made an indifferent voice.

As if declaring death, the claws under his belly popped out again, and this punch directly locked on the head of the white-scaled dragon!
"Tian Feng—"

The repulsion came again, acting on Howard.

But the speed of that punch was even faster.

boom! !

The head of the white-scaled dragon was quietly shattered, and the two white crystal antlers also flew away.

The headless corpse without a sound, only a small half floating in the starry sky.

Howard returned to human form, watching all this silently.

He slowly took out the black pen and the script "King of Clowns", turned to the last page, and was about to write something down.

However, his hand froze suddenly.


Howard frowned.

He found that his hands were trembling uncontrollably.Taking a closer look, it turned out that the fingertip was stained with a white spot the size of a grain of rice.


Howard narrowed his eyes and flicked his fingers quickly.

The whole finger was broken off at the root.

But even so, he was still aware of that weird power, which still entangled himself like tarsal maggots, and even spread in his body!
The sapphire-like eyes solemnly saw that white crystals quietly emerged from the broken part of the index finger, and multiplied and spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly covering his entire arm!
Behind him, the head of a white-scaled dragon quietly stood up, staring at him with jade-like vertical pupils, and said slowly:

"The ending of this performance should be the doomed death of the dramatist..."

 "Carrot Bible": "You can only receive the monthly ticket from Yangjian when you update the Yangjian." So beauties, please give me the ticket, woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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