Chapter 51 Night Detective

The outer city under the purple moon was dark and silent.

Compared with the inner city in the distance, this place at this moment is more like a pool of stagnant water.

Across a spacious river, many tall buildings in the inner city can be vaguely seen in the distance.

The lights are brilliant, like stars in the night.

The stars are reflected on the black as ink river, which is the all-night noise of the rich.

After watching for a long time, I seem to be able to hear the clinking of wine glasses and loud talking and laughing from over there.

Chen Lun had been standing behind a tree by the river for a long time, looking at a bridge through the guardrail.

There are checkpoints on the bridge, five people in a team, and several teams work in shifts.

"Through this bridge, you can enter the inner city from the outer city..."

Chen Lun thought to himself.

He came here at night, because he wanted to go to the inner city to find out the situation in advance, and prepare for the next plan.

The segregation of the inner and outer cities is quite strict.

In order to prevent people from smuggling from the river to the opposite bank, a row of five or six-meter-high guardrails were even erected on both sides of the bank.

The metal guardrails painted with black paint are closely spaced, less than a palm wide, and the top is as sharp as the point of a gun.If someone tries to climb over the guardrail, they will be gutted if they don't pay attention.

And there are police officers and guards cross-patrolling on the water of the Amber River and along the inner city, with almost no dead ends.

I'm afraid this is because the outer city is too chaotic.

People living in the inner city are people with power and money. If the two sides are allowed to communicate with each other, it is very likely to cause danger to the residents of the inner city.

The more noble a person is, the more afraid he is to deal with the bottom.

The reason why Amber City has formed such a clear-cut situation today is due to the influence of the dignitaries on the parliament.

"It's really strict..."

Chen Lun sighed, it is difficult to sneak into such a situation.

But he didn't need to sneak in either.

"Fortunately, I already have an identity certificate, so I will be interrogated at most."

After stopping for a while, Chen Lun's figure moved, like a fast-moving ghost, and disappeared in place.

In front of the checkpoint on the bridge, the two guards on guard had just finished checking a caravan and stood there bored. Soon, they saw a tall man slowly approaching.

"Sorry, please show your identification."

A guard with a short sword at his waist held out a leather-gloved hand.

Chen Lun handed over a small leather notebook.

The guard checked his identity certificate, and looked at the black-haired young man in front of him with the light of the street lamps on both sides.

Seeing that he was well dressed and holding a book, it was indeed as stated on the identity certificate.

The guard handed back his identity certificate, and saluted with his left hand on his right chest.

"Mr. Jack, may the sun shine on you."

He stretched out his hand to feint, and then stepped out of the way.

Chen Lun nodded, and walked straight onto the bridge under the watchful eyes of several guards.

Walking on the bridge, overlooking the river on one side, he couldn't help feeling secretly.

Indeed, as he expected, without an ID card, it would be difficult to walk in the inner city, and I am afraid that even this level would be difficult.

When they really entered the inner city, the first thing to do was to find a fixed residence to avoid being frequently checked.

After crossing the bridge, Chen Lun came to a very spacious street.

The sight is quite spectacular.

The street floor is paved with uniform blue-gray stone bricks, and there are tall and orderly buildings on both sides.

Most of those buildings seemed to be various shops, and Chen Lun also found a branch of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce in it.

Unlike the outer city, electricity is widely used here, like two completely different systems, operating independently.

Colorful signboards glisten at night, and carriages and well-dressed pedestrians pass through the streets.

In a trance, Chen Lun seemed to see the shadow of his previous life.

He walked all the way, and according to the roadside guide signs, he headed towards the second street where the Pompeii manor was located.

You can often see stylishly dressed women walking together on the street.Some even turned their heads to wink at Chen Lun, and then left with a chuckle.

If Chen Lun stepped forward and said in a magnetic voice, beautiful lady, please give me a chance to buy you coffee.

Then the probability of these women handing over their contact information is probably 100%.

But he didn't have time to pick up girls.

It took nearly two hours and several detours before Chen Lun finally found Second Avenue.

And it was already late at night.

The terrain of the inner city is on the high side, and the higher you go, the higher you go.

Looking over the guardrail from here, you can see the spacious Amber River and the dark outer city.

"Nine Second Avenue, Pompeii Manor."

He came to the periphery of a huge manor.

The rustling wind blew the lush trees in the manor, and the shadows of the trees danced and swayed gently.

Through the exquisitely carved black guardrail, looking in from the gap, you can vaguely see a lawn, and there are several villas in the deepest part, and the lights are on.

Walking around the guardrail, Chen Lun estimated the area in his mind.

"It's so can I find it?"

Chen Lun couldn't help frowning.

While he was thinking, his expression suddenly changed, and he dodged behind a tree, hiding in the shadows.

Then came the sound of footsteps, and two police officers from the public security station passed by with a lantern and a big dog on a leash.

"...Recently, an order was sent from above to increase the patrol time. Alas, I still want to go home and spend more time with my daughter."

"No way, bear with it, buddy.

Such a big incident happened at the Garden Hotel, even Mr. Lawson's son died there, so it is inevitable to strengthen the security. "

Two police officers were chatting, one of them was complaining.

"Those damned extremists actually did such a cruel thing...!"

"Do you believe the explanation given above? Forget it, I saw the investigator of the mysterious department at the scene with my own eyes, and most of this was not done by normal people..."

As they gradually walked away, the big dog at their feet seemed to have noticed something, and stood still.

It stared straight at Chen Lun's hiding place, and let out a slight growl.

The policeman felt the rope in his hand tightened, and also noticed the abnormality of the big dog.

"What's the matter, Charlie?"

Following the sight of the big dog, the two police officers looked at a tree outside the fence of the Pompeii manor.Years of experience told them that there seemed to be tricks in the shadows behind the trees.

They looked at each other, took out their sticks at the same time, formed horns with each other, and slowly approached Chen Lun.

One of them put a whistle near his mouth, ready to blow it at any time to notify the nearby police officers for support.

Chen Lun's heart tightened.

He didn't want to be found out, it would mess up his plans.

The index finger lightened slightly, and it ticked towards the big dog.

The dog broke free from the rope and jumped over the two police officers to Chen Lun.


Before they could react, the big dog named Charlie ran back to their feet.

Wagging his tail, he handed over the silver medal he was biting into with his mouth.

"Eh... Yinjue? Haha, what a good boy!"

"When did Charlie learn to pick up money? Man, I think you can make a fortune with it..."

The two police officers breathed a sigh of relief, teased each other a few words, and left with the dog.

The big dog turned his head and saw a thumb sticking out from the shadow behind the tree.

Its tail wagged more merrily.

When the police officers left, Chen Lun came out from behind the tree.

"It seems too idealistic."

He glanced at the Viscount Manor beside him, pondering.

I originally planned to find an opportunity to sneak in, find [Philip's legacy] and leave.

But now it seems that this plan is a bit unrealistic.

The Pompeii manor is too big, even if he uses animals to search inside, it will take a lot of time.However, it is impossible for him to appear frequently in this area, and it is easy to arouse suspicion.

"Let's use an alternative plan... first break into the manor, and then wait for the opportunity to find it."

After making up his mind, Chen Lun was ready to leave.

When passing by the gate of the Pompeii manor, two middle-aged maids happened to come out of it.

They were carrying some packages in their hands and seemed ready to go out.

"...Miss Rebecca has been losing her temper a lot lately, which is really a headache."

"It doesn't matter, Lord Viscount has already found a tutor candidate, it seems to be a professor from Huang Yuanwei College, and he will come to you in a few days...

Then Miss Rebecca won't be so busy making fun of us. "

Chen Lun walked forward as usual, but his heart sank.

Someone has chosen?

Is the road to the alternative also blocked! ?
 Thanks to the beauty—Tang Jiuxin for a monthly ticket!
  Do I love you (′‵)
(End of this chapter)

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