Chapter 52 Farewell
"Oh, little Jack, and lovely little Floy, are you leaving today?"

Mrs. Caroline stood at the door of the flower shop and said with a look of reluctance.

"Yes, Mrs. Caroline."

Chen Lun nodded.

He was carrying a suitcase in his hand, and Floyd was standing quietly beside him in a black dress.

She wore a black soft hat on her head today, and her pale golden hair fell like a waterfall from behind the soft hat.

"It's a pity... Mr. Kent left without saying goodbye, the three Moriarty brothers and sisters have moved away, and now you two are going to the inner city...

The whole building will become empty. "

Mrs. Caroline was rather sad.

At this moment, a beautiful figure ran down the corridor.

"Mr. Jack! Miss Floyd! Please wait for me!"

Connie ran over panting with her big and small bags.

She put down her salute heavily and raised her head.

"Mr. Jack, I...I have thought about it, and I want to go with you!"

She pursed her lips, a little embarrassed.

A few freckles adorned the flushed cheeks, and the whole face was like a strawberry.

Chen Lun looked at her and couldn't help laughing.

On the one hand, it was because Connie chose to accept his olive branch, and on the other hand, it was because she was quite cute at the moment.

"Looks like you've already thought about it, Connie."

"Yes, Mr. Jack."

Connie nodded heavily, then flashed a bright smile.

Chen Lun held out his hand.

"Welcome to my team."

"Thank you for your attention, I will work hard!"

Connie held out her little hand, and the two shook hands lightly and friendly.

Mrs. Caroline was a little surprised, looking at the three people in front of her, speechless.

After a long time, she shook her head slightly.

"It seems that I was wrong. Even Connie is going to leave... Now I'm really the only old woman left."

Then she looked at the border shepherd at her feet dumbfounded.

"You're not going too, are you, Bub?"

Chen Lun named the dog Babu, and after hearing Mrs. Caroline's words, it was really eager to try.

But before it could take a step, it was forced back by Chen Lun's eyes, and it squatted obediently at Mrs. Caroline's feet.

The tail flicked open, and even rubbed her head into her hand, letting it be stroked.

"Oh, good boy!"

Mrs. Caroline was delighted, and apparently there was still one who didn't want to leave.

Connie hid aside, covering her mouth and giggling, and Floyd couldn't help laughing too.

"Mrs. Caroline, we should go. We will come back to No. [-] Denton Street to have a look when we have time."

"Okay, little Jack... oh yes, wait a minute!"

Mrs. Caroline seemed to have thought of something, and hurried upstairs.

After a while, she ran down with a notebook.

"This is a cooking manual written by myself. Every time I cook for Henry and Oliver, I will write down some experience...

They always praised me for doing a good job. After a long time, this notebook will be full.

Here it is for you, little Floyd, I hope it can help you. "

Mrs. Caroline said, and handed it to Floyd.

"Thank you, Mrs. Caroline."

Floye took the note, turned her head unobtrusively, and "looked" at Chen Lun.

"I'll study it hard."


inner city.

[-] First Avenue, Daniel's Apartments.

A middle-aged man was pacing back and forth in the study.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Take one out of the humidor on the desk, cut it open, light it, and take a deep breath.

In the smog-filled room, his suppressed low voice sounded in the room:

"Feldman never came back... The Iron Fist gang didn't dare to do anything, did other gangs in the outer city do it?"

His face was as deep as water, and his eyes were far-reaching.

"Being able to kill two elite bodyguards together is not an ordinary force."

Daniel opened the French windows depressedly, and it started to rain lightly outside.The rain was pattering and splashing on the garden lawn.


Breathe out the smoke again.

"Damn... my housekeeper has evaporated, how should things continue?"

He seemed to be holding a breath in his chest, and he didn't know how to vent it.

at this time.

An oil painting hanging on the wall of the study moved strangely.

There is a big mouth drawn on it, with jagged teeth, square and round, very abstract.

Five tongues protrude from the mouth, with different lengths, thick and thin.

The background is a swirl of colors that, at first glance, can be dizzying.


The big mouth in the painting opens and closes, spitting out human language.

Hearing the voice calling his name, Representative Daniel's expression changed, he threw away the cigar, and closed the French windows.

"Sir Painter."

He came to the painting and said respectfully.

"How is the research going?"


Daniel gritted his teeth, looked up at the oil painting, and suddenly felt a splitting headache.

He quickly looked away, bowed his head and said:

"Things were progressing, but my housekeeper Feldman disappeared after going to the outer city, and I don't know what's going on with the artisans."

The big mouth on the oil painting is slightly closed and the corners of the mouth are raised.

A creepy chuckle followed.

half an hour.

"I can choose someone else, Daniel."

The oil painting said with a big mouth.

When Daniel heard it, his heart jumped.

"I helped you deal with your enemy, that... Senator Lawson?
He's in the throes of bereavement now, and he might act a little crazy.

If I turned around and supported him, he would be more than happy to help me, whatever the cost. "

Daniel trembled when he heard it, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He let out a long breath and wiped the sweat off his forehead without a trace.

"No, Sir Oil Paint, Lawson can't help you...he doesn't have a foothold in the outer city, and he can't organize people to forge that weapon for you."


The oil painting mouth paused.

"But you also seem to have lost the ability to serve me now.

Help is mutual, Daniel, you can't keep putting off giving me what I want. "

"Give me a little more time! Sir Oil Paint..."

Representative Daniel clenched his fists.

He took a deep breath and straightened his body.

"I will dispatch new staff as soon as possible to complete your commission."

"Okay, then I'll give you another half a month...

But the amount that needs to be handed over next time, I need to double it as compensation for your dishonesty. "

Councilor Daniel's face was sullen, and he choked out a word from his throat:

"it is good!"

The color on the oil painting twisted, the big mouth slowly closed, the scattered tongue and jagged teeth retracted.

In the end, the oil painting stands still and does not change.

Senator Daniel had bulging veins on his forehead and left the study without saying a word.

Somewhere in a studio at the far end of the inner city.

A young man suddenly raised his head, staring at an oil painting on the wall.

A strange hand on the oil painting began to move.

A strange hand with seven fingers stretches out one, and writes in the painting with sharp nails.

The nails are like knives, cutting across the skin in the painting, and engraving a line of blood——

"After half a month, kill Congressman Daniel."

 Thank you for a monthly ticket for the beauty——雅语!
  love you()
(End of this chapter)

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