Chapter 511 Cats and Dogs

Seeing the strange look in the black cat's eyes, Floydton felt ashamed and angry, so she had no choice but to explain:

"I just thought it was interesting."

"I think I see what you mean."

The black cat smiled lightly.

Floy blushed and bit her lower lip, giving up explaining.

But soon, she regained her calm expression, and continued to brush the black cat's soft fur.The black cat purred for a while, then slowly said:
"I plan to stay for a while before leaving the royal city."

Floy guessed something cleverly, and whispered:
"Is it dangerous here?"

"you can say it this way……"

The black cat pondered for a moment.

"I thought that being close to the heart of the empire would allow me to grow more effectively, but the water here is far deeper than I imagined... Fortunately, I have already ascended to the holy throne, and I have enough strength to protect myself. Everywhere can be well dealt with in various situations... Perhaps it is a better choice to temporarily avoid this whirlpool."

He was thinking about the crown princes of the Sun Royal Family, whose traces of existence were wiped out by the Sun King with a power similar to that of an angel of the stars, and Prince Dazlet, who lost control and turned into a Didak worm after his death... While I can't help but feel confused, I feel somewhat sad.

Even Blaze, the silver dragon witch, and even Ms. Frederick inevitably forgot all of this, so one wonders what a secret is hidden behind it.

Chen Lun plans to lead the team to run away first, and find a remote corner to develop slowly... Now that he has not only been promoted to a high position, but also killed Howard through the battle of fate, breaking his own destiny ring, there is no need for many things to be like It was so urgent before, and I can finally calm down and settle down.

"Well, I will always follow behind you."

Floyd nodded with a smile.

dinner time.

All the officials of the circus gathered together, but they were surprised to find that Mr. Jack, the head of the circus, was not there. Fortunately, Miss Froy explained, saying that the head of the circus had just finished a big job and was resting upstairs. Only then did I understand.

They tacitly did not make a scene at the dinner table, so as not to disturb Mr. Jack's rest.

However, an unnoticed black cat accompanied everyone in the corner of the living room...

The next day.

The nun in the black dress was holding a black cat in her arms, and walked slowly through the garden to the square in the church district.

In the warm sunshine, in the comfortable breeze.

Antonio the cow, Bib the white cat, and Ding Ding the hedgehog were fighting, and even a few warriors from the black cat warrior team unarmed and joined in the fight.Captain Na Da watched silently from the sidelines, his one eye swept around the corners from time to time, which meant that it never let down its vigilance.

With a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, Alex was lying on his back on the lawn beside him basking in the sun, humming an intermittent melody.Noah sat on a small bench not far from him, meticulously drawing the happy scene in front of him.

Connie and Maggie were not busy with work today, but were building parasols together, making black tea and snacks.Golov, Barton, and Morey were all dressed in suits and leather shoes, but they were doing coolie-like work, helping the two ladies carry chairs and food boxes.

Seeing Miss Floy's arrival, everyone saluted respectfully and greeted her aloud.

Floy just smiled and nodded, walking quietly under the shade with the cat in her arms.At this time, the black cat in her arms lazily opened one eye, and whispered in its mouth:
"There's a visitor... Well, it's Mrs. Caroline and Mr. Tout."

"Mrs. Caroline?"

Floyd was a little surprised.

It has been a long time since the last time we met. At that time, I was in Jack Manor in the inner city of Amber City, and received Mrs. Caroline who came to visit. I didn't expect to meet here again after such a long time.

"Go and greet them, Floyd, they were stopped by missionaries... It's not convenient for me to show up now, so you can find an excuse to say that I'm out."

Chen Lun whispered.

The missionaries he was talking about were ordinary councilors under his command. The headquarters had dispatched a group of them to help him manage the affairs of the church.


Floy covered her small mouth and let out a chuckle.

Immediately, she put down the black cat and walked towards the gate of the church district alone.

Chen Lun yawned and walked unsteadily through the garden, planning to find a place to wait.But just after passing a landscape flower bush, he bumped into a big dog with black and white fur.

He looked up, and a pair of dog eyes met his.

Both the cat and the dog were taken aback, they looked at each other speechlessly, and remained silent for a long time.

Chen Lun recognized this border herd as Babu.

But the other party is obviously a little abnormal at this moment, because not only does it not have that kind of flattery, but what is revealed in its eyes is extremely deep and calm, which is not what Babu should look like in his impression at all.

"Your Majesty Conrad?"

Chen Lun spoke tentatively.

"it's me."

The Slaughter King said indifferently, but the corner of his mouth curled into an arc.

He then chuckled:
"You look interesting today, Jack."

'you too. '

Chen Lun didn't dare to speak out, and only complained in his heart.

He didn't ask why the King of Slaughter was attached to Bab, nor did he directly ask the other party's purpose for coming here, but tacitly, as if receiving a distinguished guest, he raised his paw and pointed to the side.

"Your Majesty, this way please."


The Slaughter King nodded.

A cat and a dog walked slowly across the lawn and walked gracefully under the shade of the trees.

While walking, Bian Mu said at the right time:

"Jack, I came to you this time because I have a favor to ask you to help..."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

The black cat said softly.

The border shepherd stopped. At this time, a cat and a dog happened to come to the edge of the square. When they looked up, they could see the circus cadres moving happily, but none of them noticed the two.

"I want to hunt an angel, are you interested?"

Bian Mu asked casually.

The tone seemed to be asking Chen Lun if he was interested in going out to have fun with him, perhaps looking over the fence next door to the neighbor, or rolling around in the mud pit twice.

The black cat was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, his face showed embarrassment, and he replied in a deep voice:
"Your Majesty, you think too highly of me... I have just been promoted to a high position, and I only have the strength of Sequence Four. How can I be qualified to participate in your hunting?"

As he said that, Chen Lun's heart stirred up waves.

He didn't expect that King of Slaughter, Mianxia, ​​planned to look for the next target shortly after he killed the angel "Death Gemini" on the same path.

"You're very modest, Jack, and I like your temper."

Bian Mu raised his forelegs and put them lightly on the black cat's shoulders.

Those eyes were full of joy and smile.

"But you underestimate yourself too much. Now you are qualified to be on the table...Of course, what I said is not in a hurry. You can listen to it before making a decision."

"Please speak."

Chen Lun calmed down and said respectfully.

The Slaughter King turned his head to look at the people in the square, and his voice came slowly:

"My target is Dolomie Poorness... Flesh and conspiracy are adjacent paths, so I can use the only divinity in him."

"The former Pope of the Red Apple Church?"

Chen Lun was very surprised, and immediately asked in doubt:

"Hasn't He already fallen?"

"Fallen... No, although he can't be called Lady Rose's obedience to God, he is better than that. He can be called the most favored one. Do you know his honorable name? One of them is 'Rose Gardener', It can be seen that its status under the command of the true god of flesh and blood... So Judelia took revenge and only wiped out most of the ten cores of the Scarlet Monastery. Only Dolomi Purnis returned to the kingdom of God, and his only divinity has not been lost , but was conceived again in the garden by Madam Qiangwei."

The Slaughter King said lightly.

Chen Lun knew that the "Judilia" in his mouth was the real name of the dim lady, and he had heard about it... Soon, he thought of the main line "Scarlet Ceremony" of version 1.0. The battle is to revive the former Pope by means of rituals.

"Hasn't the ceremony of the Red Apple Church been destroyed..."

Chen Lun murmured.

"Hehe, Jack, that's just a cover-up by the Rose Royal Family... Do you really think they are going to complete the ceremony? No, that's just a superficial appearance. In fact, they have been planning in secret for many years, and the 'red disaster' is just to take advantage of the situation And for, the real purpose is to accumulate enough nourishment, in order to bloom that bright red rose."

The Slaughter King shook his head and explained.

After hearing this, Chen Lun suddenly had a thought in his heart:
"Sin blood! The real purpose of the Red Apple Church is not to complete the ceremony, but to set off massacres and accumulate sin blood... Yes, the "Scarlet Ceremony" ceremony in the previous life was completed, and in the end it was only Madam Rose who performed a miracle, causing heavy losses to the empire. Now it seems that it is just a means of delaying time!"

"Dolomy Purnis will be resurrected in the near future, and will be reborn as a descendant of a duke of the Rose Royal Family... At that time, he will regain his power, but he has the only authority. As a new carrier, he will be weak for a period of time Period, that is the opportunity to do it."

The Slaughter King spoke lightly of his plan, then turned his head to look at him, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"Hunters naturally need to be patient. I don't mind waiting... You have proven your worth to me, Jack, and I cordially invite you to my murder feast."

[You triggered an S-level side mission: Murder Feast! 】

Mission description: Conrad, the King of Slaughter, intends to plot against the only divinity of Dolomy Purnes. During his weak period of rebirth, he murders the horrific former Pope of the Red Apple Church and the Rose Gardener. ...You have successfully ascended to the Holy Throne and been recognized by the King of Slaughter, and now He kindly invites you to participate.

(Note: Refusing the task will have serious consequences!)

Mission objective: Kill Dolomy Poorness (rebirth), Conrad gets the only divinity.

Mission rewards: 5000W experience points, 10W gold pounds, 4 blessing points, 100 regional reputation, Conrad's favorability and unknown rewards.

Chen Lun looked at the task prompt box that popped up suddenly, took a deep breath, and fell into deep thought.

The Slaughter King didn't rush, but just watched the activities of the circus with great interest.

half an hour.

The black cat spoke slowly:
"Your Majesty Conrad, Jack Speight, the white-scaled dragon, is willing to participate in your feast!"

 Thank you beauties for your monthly tickets and rewards!

  Here comes the second episode of Waste Pill!
  These few days are the end of the pearl scroll, and we have to think about the next plot, and strive to continue to work hard next month... I will never forget about the bosses, An An!

(End of this chapter)

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