Chapter 512 Farewell
"very good."

Seeing Chen Lun answering, the King of Slaughter nodded in relief.

"Wait for my secret letter, Jack... You should still have enough time to accumulate more, and hope to witness your demeanor by then."

The black cat lowered its head slightly to show its respect.

In the next second, he felt a big steamy tongue licking it up, and when he looked up, Babu's obsequious look immediately came into view.

'The Lord of Slaughter has left...'

Chen Lun suddenly realized.

But to his surprise, Babu recognized him.

"Should I say that this guy deserves to be a Border Collie, or that he has become smarter because he has been given two low-sequence conspiracy substances..."

Thinking to himself, Chen Lun jumped onto Babu's back, patted his head with his paw, and lazily ordered:

"Come on, go and see Mrs. Caroline."

Babu carried the black cat on his back, and Sa Yazi shuttled through the trees.

At first glance, it looks like the black cat is riding its big dog mount, charging bravely towards some non-existent enemy.

Under the parasol not far away, Golov, who was looking for sunglasses, accidentally saw this scene, couldn't help being slightly startled, immediately rubbed his eyes, and said in astonishment:
"A cat riding a dog?"


Maggie, who was lying on the beach chair, took a sip of red wine with ice and asked doubtfully.At the same time, Connie, Barton and Morey also turned their attention.

Golov reluctantly said what he saw just now, which caused them to chuckle.

"Maybe a member of the Black Cat Warriors."

Connie covered her mouth and explained.

Others did not delve into it and agreed with this statement.Only Connie smirked, and was quite proud in her heart, because she helped Mr. Jack hide the truth.

"Mr. Jack seems to be more interesting than before, as if he has let go of some important matter, and the whole person is much more relaxed..."

she thought.

After a while.

Chen Lun pinned Bub's head and let it stop outside the door of the large apartment in the residential area. Then he hissed and jumped off his back lightly.

Babu stuck out his tongue, squinted his eyes and crawled obediently.

Seeing its flattering appearance, Chen Lun couldn't help shaking his head and cursing with a smile, then took out a small dusty ball again and threw it over.

Babu's eyes lit up, he opened his mouth full of saliva to hold it precisely, and immediately swallowed it in one gulp.

This time, its appearance and shape did not change too much, but its sense of presence has obviously dropped a bit. Not only has its physical fitness improved, but as long as it does not actively appear in front of ordinary people, I am afraid few people will notice it.

'Eh, this is officially a supernatural being?I remember that the ninth sequence of the conspiracy series is called [Thief], so Bob would become a [Dog Thief]...'

Chen Lun patted it on the head again, and praised in a low voice:
"You are such a good dog!"

When Babu heard the compliment, he happily rubbed against him and turned around in circles.Chen Lun immediately let it guard outside, and then ducked in by himself.

In the living room, Floyd was entertaining Mrs. Caroline and Mr. Tout graciously, making tea and serving homemade desserts.

"I didn't expect that little Jack would gain such a great reputation in just a few years, and even serve as the person in charge of such a large church area in Wangcheng. It's amazing..."

Mrs. Caroline thanked her first, and then blushed, praising her spare no effort.Her eyes shone with joy, she covered her mouth and smiled:

"I can also proudly mention to others in the future that Mr. Jack of the Generous Council once rented in my apartment."

"Not only that, he often comes to my bookstore to read books..."

Mr. Taut smiled and took a sip from his teacup.

Floyd just smiled quietly and nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Caroline looked at her with loving eyes.

"Little Floy's eyes have been healed now. They are really beautiful eyes... I have always regretted that such a good girl has lost her light. I don't know how many wonderful things I will miss."

"It's all thanks to my brother."

Floyd said with a smile.

But Mrs. Caroline and Mr. Tout looked at each other and smiled.She said jokingly:
"Actually, I've figured it out a long time ago. You and Little Jack are not brothers and sisters... Don't underestimate my old woman's eyesight. I have seen too many people of all kinds in my life."

Floy was a little surprised, and her cheeks flushed immediately.

Mrs. Caroline now took Mr. Tout's hand, and they leaned against each other.

"I'm traveling with Tao Te this time, and I want to come to Wangcheng to meet you on the way. First, I plan to thank Little Jack in person for waking Tao Te from his sleepy sleep. Second, I plan to ask you... when will you get married?"

Floy opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

A black cat rushed over suddenly and jumped into her arms.

Mrs. Caroline and Mr. Taut were startled at first, and then burst out laughing. Their attention immediately shifted to the cat, and Floyd took advantage of the opportunity to change the topic to avoid embarrassment.

The two sides chatted happily.

It was not until the evening that the Taots offered to leave... Mrs. Caroline mentioned in the previous chat that Mr. Taot was seriously injured in order to save her and had been in a vegetable state for a year, which moved her quite , and Mr. Taut was interested in her, and Mrs. Caroline had been waiting for him for so long, the two carefree old people came together logically, planning to spend the few years left .

This trip can also be regarded as their wedding trip.

At that time, Froy expressed her congratulations, and took out a bottle of extraordinary wine brewed by Chen Lun as a gift.

"It's a pity that we didn't get to see Little Jack during this visit. We're leaving tomorrow. I don't know when we will meet again next time."

Mrs. Caroline stood at the door, expressing regret.

Floy, however, lowered her head indiscriminately, glanced at the black cat in her arms, and replied slowly:
"There will be a chance, Mrs. Caroline. I wish you and Mr. Taut a pleasant trip."

"Thank you, little Floyd."

Mrs. Caroline warmly hugged her face to face, and immediately whispered:

"I wish you happiness too."

Afterwards, she held hands with Mr. Taut and took Bab into the carriage.

Floy hugged the black cat and watched the carriage go away.

"Mrs. Caroline is a good lady."

she said in an ethereal voice.


Lying in her arms, the black cat lazily agreed.

Floy tilted her head slightly, pursed her lips and asked:
"Then can she see our wedding?"

The black cat was slightly taken aback, then turned over immediately.

"Cough...of course."

Hearing this answer, Floy burst out laughing, feeling genuinely happy.

A few days later.

Wangcheng central area.

A grand reception is being held in a high-end and luxurious aristocratic hotel, hosted by the royal family's Duchess Emmaline, to celebrate Princess Anna's ruling, share the worries of the Sun King, and manage the empire.

In the magnificent and spacious white marble hall, many high-ranking people stopped to drink and talk and laugh happily.

On the sofa seat in the corner, a woman with short hair was sitting, drinking alone.Her facial features are not amazing, but she has a neutral beauty and is quite attractive.

On the chest of her white shirt uniform, there is also an identity plate unique to the senior management of the shelter, which is inlaid with gold and shiny.

At this time, a young man also wearing the uniform of the shelter came striding forward, saluted the short-haired lady in a compliment, and immediately toasted:
"Adjudicator Mengna, I would like to offer you a toast."

"Thank you, Donnie."

Meng Na smiled copiously, and lightly raised her glass as a signal, but she didn't drink the wine in the glass.

The rather handsome Downey didn't care. He smiled and stretched out his hand in a gentlemanly manner, with a little expectation and nervousness in his eyes.

"Sir Mona, I wonder if this subordinate can invite you to dance with me."

"You really have the courage to invite your immediate superior to dance with you...Aren't you afraid that I will transfer you to a small town that doesn't shit?"

Meng Na said lightly, and glanced at him playfully.

Downey's breathing was stagnant, but he quickly returned to normal, and said with firm eyes:
"I'm afraid, but I don't want to miss it and leave regrets. I should face my heart and tell Miss Mengna my heart."

Meng Na didn't speak, but just looked at Downey quietly.

The two looked at each other in silence, after a while, Meng Na spit out a word:


Downey was taken aback for a moment, then apologized repeatedly in a panic, put down his glass and turned to leave.

Mona raised her hands and pinched her temples with a headache, her face hidden in the shadows was full of pain, she clenched her teeth tightly, and she could never forget her father who took drugs out of control, her mother who committed suicide in despair, and the one who made it all happen The culprit... My former teacher, Rudolf Teka, should be called Howard!

Mona cursed.

She tried her best to control her emotions and took a few deep breaths, but the murderous intent in her eyes did not retreat.

Ever since she knew the truth, she has been investigating Howard's information and whereabouts, but as she got to know more about it, the chill in her heart became even worse... That guy is simply the most terrifying devil in the world!

Create coincidences, move fate, and trigger all kinds of bizarre but reasonable tragedies, and they are still at large, and the asylum and the jury are completely helpless.

Wanting to avenge such a terrifying high-ranking man, Meng Na even felt desperate.

She graduated from the Royal Academy with passion, and because she learned the truth, she turned her blood into a flame of revenge. She was promoted repeatedly in the shelter, but no matter how many high-level officials praised her for her firm belief and extraordinary talent, in the end, an ordinary person could do it. Things are limited after all.

Meng Na felt powerless and limited at this moment.

She didn't want to give up her persistence, but she didn't want to step into the extraordinary world... The cruelty of reality told her that she didn't have the ability to comprehend extraordinary knowledge at all.

The splendor and liveliness of the reception hall seemed to have nothing to do with her, she was shrouded in invisible ice and snow, everything seemed lonely and lonely.

At this moment, she saw a familiar figure through the gap between her fingers.

Meng Na was slightly taken aback, then thought for a while, got up and left the seat, and strode forward.During this process, she tried her best to calm down her inner emotions, and by the way, tidied up her wrinkled collar.

"Mr. Jack?"

She spoke half tentatively.

The gentleman in the black hat turned his head slightly, and his handsome and perfect face, which he hadn't seen for a long time, came into view... Especially those black eyes, which were extremely deep, as if he could see right through himself.

"Nice to meet you again, Miss Mona."

The other party showed an elegant smile and spoke with a nice voice.

Meng Na didn't know why at the moment, she was a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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