I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 538 Entrustment of Administrator

Chapter 538 Entrustment of Administrator
The dinner at the Zoltan Hotel was very enjoyable.

The majestic layout, with bright and gorgeous chandeliers, the environment is upscale and comfortable, and the atmosphere is lively but not noisy.The upper-class people talked, laughed and drank, while the waiters who were handsome and beautiful women appeared in every corner of the restaurant with the most professional posture, serving plate after plate of luxurious dishes.

The overall dining experience was truly overwhelmed.

Even Ahsoka, who was once a princess, secretly admired the quality of the dinner.

At the dinner table, Feliciano was talking most of the time, chatting about some interesting things in the academy, or the weird knowledge he had inquired from the circle of noble children, constantly enlivening the atmosphere.

Polaris and Ahsoka were not good at words, and they kept silent almost the whole time, just acting as loyal listeners. Lucy didn't want to be rude in front of Mr. Jack, and didn't say too much.

Lucy's eloquence is actually very good, but she would rather be quiet and spend her time watching the teacher secretly, with attachment flashing in her eyes from time to time.

Fortunately, on a sunny day, Xiaoyu is also considered a half-talker. He would laugh and echo the topic, and show a curious look at the right time, which made the scene less embarrassing.

In any case, this meal can be said to have deepened the relationship between the students, and they have a preliminary understanding of each other... Especially for Feliciano, everyone fell in love with this cheerful and generous guy.

He seems to be different from ordinary noble children, he doesn't have that kind of arrogance, and he can easily get along with others.

Polaris watched the relaxed and joyful interaction of the four juniors and juniors, while Mr. Jack smiled and said nothing. The warm scene in front of him touched him quite a bit.

When he came to this game world from the beginning of the closed beta, he always had the heart of a player, and regarded everyone here as a pile of data... But since he met Mr. Jack, his mentality has quietly changed. Change.

Polaris gradually thinks that Mr. Jack is not like a piece of meaningless data. The other party's words, deeds, thoughts, and even his concern for himself are thick and warm...and have an impact on him.

Dragon King and others in the team have joked more than once that Brother Beizi often imitates Jack unintentionally, whether it is in behavior, dress, or even thinking... Polaris is surprised by this, but at the same time thinks they are right.

Now, he couldn't help feeling even more suspicious.

"Is this really a game world? Then it's too real... so real that I can't believe that they can be created with a so-called supercomputer..."

Polaris thought to himself, and couldn't help falling into silence.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Looking up, I saw Mr. Jack smiling at me, as if he had seen through what I was thinking, and said lightly:

"All encounters are predestined...Humans have many weaknesses, but confusion is not included among them, because only with confusion can there be firmness."

Polaris stared at him blankly, feeling even more fluctuated in his heart.

The teacher's voice became ethereal, and seemed to be filled with emotion:

"Man is born to dream...of the sun and moon, of the stars, of the carriages and leaves of this age, of a home in a foreign land, of a bed in a foreign land and a warm mattress...but in the long night, There are also moments of unbearable sadness, this may not be a familiar world, but it is real, so real that it makes people tremble inexplicably."

Polaris was stunned for a long time.

He didn't know why the teacher said this to him, but he always felt that there was something in the teacher's words... as if he was feeling sorry for himself as a "player", or as if expressing some kind of nostalgia for his hometown.

Polaris inexplicably felt a strong sense of loss.

Some for themselves and some for the teacher.

"Could it be that Mr. Jack is a Man of Destiny from another continent, a key figure who runs through the whole world?"

Polaris secretly made a bold guess.

Maybe the teacher is not a native of this continent. There are loopholes and illusions in his background story in the past, and maybe there is a huge hidden secret in it.

After a while.

After the dinner was over, Feliciano waved his hand and handed out a Golden Pavilion card to the waiter, paying for the meal worth more than 150 langabo.

Everyone left talking and laughing, and returned to St. Byron's College.

Just before parting, Chen Lun gave the students some tasks and homework, asking them to read three designated books before the end of this week, and conduct spot checks next week, and only those who pass the test can formally start the study of mysticism.

"Okay, teacher, I will definitely finish reading it!"

Feliciano was the first to answer.

He looked extremely excited and looking forward to it, and he didn't know how long this enthusiasm would last, after all, this guy was notoriously playful.

The other four nodded one after another, assuring the teacher that they would read the book seriously.

"There's a lot of drive, which is good."

Chen Lun nodded in satisfaction.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Early this morning, Chen Lun went to St. Byron's Great Library as usual.

He made an appointment with the students to gather in the apartment tomorrow to spot check everyone's homework, and today he continued his study and research.

Go straight up to the Secret Collection Hall on the fifth floor.

Galio, the administrator at the registration office, still raised his finger, and immediately looked at the ancient books in his hand without paying attention. Chen Lun smiled, walked to the fourth bookshelf on the left hand side, and began to read.

During this week, he has read all three bookshelves of mysterious books, a total of more than 200 books. He has accumulated nearly [-] million experience points, and his knowledge of magic is already extremely deep.

These books, for a low-sequence or even a mid-sequence transcendent, may not be able to read them all in their lifetime, let alone read them thoroughly, but Chen Lun not only reads them thoroughly, but his brain is like a sophisticated memory disk, and he can memorize all the knowledge deeply. .

These only took a week.

Chen Lun became more and more impressed with his own advantages.

In addition to combat power and weight, this is a learning efficiency that far exceeds that of high-ranking people of the same level. If you grasp it well, it is another powerful means to increase your own strength.

The player has a panel, so does he, but he works harder than the player and has more mysterious resources... The high-ranking ones have a strong learning ability, he is stronger, and he has a panel that they don't have.

'So, don't waste such an advantage...'

Chen Lun secretly sighed.

The ivory cane was raised lightly, then lowered, and struck on the spine of another book.Not long after, this action cycled again...

It will be a long time before night falls.

At exactly nine o'clock, St. Byron's College was enveloped by a bell.


Only a few professors left on the fifth floor reluctantly put down their books and left silently.Chen Lun also happened to have finished reading the last book on the fourth bookshelf, and when he looked up, the remaining dozen or so bookshelves stood quietly, waiting for his future luck.

With a chuckle, he turned around contentedly, intending to leave.

But when passing the registration office, a prompt popped up on the panel——

[Galio has developed appreciation for you, and his favorability has increased, and he is currently friendly...]

'what? '

Chen Lun frowned, stopped, and looked at the man sitting behind the front desk.

The pale-skinned treasure manager raised his head at this moment, and his thick glasses reflected the dim light. He grinned and said in a deep voice:
"How's the harvest these days, Your Majesty Jack?"

"It's a joy."

Chen Lun was in a good mood, so he simply stood aside and said.

"I am quite interested in the knowledge of magic, but the more I understand it, the more I feel the vastness...Even though I am already in a high position, I still can't help but feel small."

"What Your Majesty said is true."

Galio nodded approvingly.

He couldn't help laughing, and even put down the ancient book that had been clutching in his hand.

"I have had similar sighs more than once. Maybe this is the pursuit of my generation...Explore the unknown, find the truth, solve my own confusion, and complete the enlightenment of wisdom..."

Galio said, pointing to the bookshelf behind Chen Lun.

"I'm very envious of Your Majesty, who can read so many books in one week. If I had such a talent, I wouldn't have wasted hundreds of years... To be honest, you are more suitable to take the magic path, and maybe you can witness Your Majesty's progress in the future." It is a pity to become eternity and light the way forward for us."

His tone did not seem to be fake, but Chen Lun just shook his head humbly.Galio was silent for a while, then suddenly said:
"Is Your Majesty interested in doing me a favor?"

Chen Lun's eyes flashed, and he said in his heart that he had a mission.

He chuckled and said:
"It's okay to say."

"It can be seen that Jack wants to learn by analogy and absorb the knowledge of magic to enhance the power of the path of destiny... Although I, Galio Archido, am not a famous scholar of the Madman School, I also want to follow in the footsteps of the sages, explore More truth."

Administrator Galio looked serious.

"I really admire Your Majesty's lofty intentions, but I'm afraid I don't have the courage to touch the power of the adjacent path...so I only plan to absorb the knowledge of the other two schools, hoping to integrate the respective advantages of the three schools of idols, all things and madmen , perfect your magic research.”

He shook his head slowly, and said with a little emotion in his tone:
"My incarnation needs to take care of this place, and I have not been able to put the plan into practice. If possible, if Your Majesty has collected the knowledge and even creations of the other two schools, I hope you can give it to me, and I will also give it to Your Majesty as a gift." How about a reward?"

[Trigger A-level hidden mission: school research]

Mission description: Galio, the librarian of St. Byron, intends to conduct research on the three major schools, but the incarnation is inconvenient to go out, and entrusts you to help collect related things for him.

Mission objective: Provide the knowledge or creations of the School of Idols and the School of Everything to Galio.

(Note: Both quantity and quality will affect the final reward!)

Task rewards: 20 experience points, 500 Blue Gabo, Galio's favorability, and unknown rewards. (Madman School of Magical Creation, Knowledge, or Galio's Treasure)

After thinking for a while, Chen Lun silently accepted the task.

Immediately after pretending to ponder for a while, he nodded and replied:

"Then please, Your Majesty."

Galio adjusted his glasses and chuckled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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