I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 539 The Book of Treasures

Chapter 539 The Book of Treasures
No snow tonight.

Chen Lun walked slowly on the path of the college. There were tall lampposts on both sides, with bright yellow light emitting from the top, and the surroundings were peaceful.

Looking at the description on the mission panel, he couldn't help but burst into joy.

Maybe this task is a bit difficult for others, but it can be called easy for him... Not to mention that with his own mysterious weight, he can easily divination to some hidden strongholds of the other two schools. What is needed is not difficult.

In other words, in the Crystal Mountain area of ​​Wonderland, there are a lot of ready-made "mission materials"!
There are various mountain peaks, mage towers from the three major schools, various stone monsters wandering around the tower, and countless wreckage fragments...these can all be picked up directly.

"Just go to Wonderland... Although it is mentioned in the precautions that quantity and quality will affect the final reward, the quality is hard to say, but the quantity..."

Chen Lun chuckled secretly and shook his head.

He believed that Galio would be moved by his sincerity.

Back at the apartment, he didn't see the Polaris and the sunny and light rain. The former washed the dishes and didn't return, while the latter made an appointment with Lucy Ahsoka to study together and would come back later.

He went up to the third floor alone, and after entering his room, he sat on a chair and took out "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland".


When the pages of the book were turned, a white light suddenly appeared.

Chen Lun appeared in a wooden house in the Crystal Mountains.

He pushed the door and stepped out, and with just one step, he flashed to the side of the mountain where the wooden house was located. In front of him was the remains of an elephant head statue as high as a hill, including the head, body and even hands and feet.

'Well, this kind of rubbish...creation of the School of Everything, let's get a few dozen copies first. '

No movement was seen by Chen Lun, the pile of wreckage in front of him trembled and rumbled, and then dozens of pieces of watermelon-sized wreckage floated up by themselves and landed in front of him to set them up.

There are various parts in it, and it can barely piece together a complete statue of an elephant head.

At this time, the elephant-head statue monsters wandering around found him, and the six eyes emitted a faint blue light, and a dozen or twenty of them rushed together, threatening and mighty, and the ground shook slightly.

However, Chen Lun didn't even look at it, and gently raised an index finger.

Creeping shadows instantly covered the fingers.

"Go back."

This group of tall and heavy statue monsters, captured by the strong gravity like toys, soared into the air, spun and swayed, and slammed into each other with loud noises, forming a huge "sphere" that stagnated in midair.

'Let's have another complete one...'

Chen Lun stroked his chin, thinking very intimately.

With a hook of the pitch-black index finger, an elephant-headed stone monster was "lifted" out alone, and flew in front of him.

The white cane lightly touched the stone sculpture's head, and with a bang, the energy spar in its body was shattered into powder by an invisible force, the blue light in its eyes dissipated, and the whole body lost any movement.

Chen Lun left the statue behind, stretching out his curved black index finger and raising it upwards.

"Heaven seal."

The group of statues squeezed into a huge stone ball suddenly seemed to be hit by an invisible stick that lifted the sky, and they flew away in all directions. Their incomparable repulsive force pushed their weighty bodies until they disappeared from sight.

After a while, there were subtle rumbling sounds from the foot of the mountain in the distance.

'Let's go, the next hill. '

Chen Lun took out a silver cube the size of a Rubik's Cube, and stored all the statues and wreckage in front of him.Immediately, he turned around and disappeared in place.

The silver cube is the dimensional package of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce. Although the internal space is not large and it is a one-time consumable, it is cheaper and easier to use... Chen Lun hoarded some a long time ago, and now it is just used to hold these mission materials. Otherwise, the blood poem ring will definitely not fit.

He also intends to entrust the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce to pay attention to larger storage-type monsters. The blood poem ring will not be eliminated, but it doesn't matter to have a few more on him.

An hour later.

After visiting more than 30 hills, Chen Lun was standing in front of the mouth of the abyss in the mountains, with dozens of silver cubes floating above his head, filled with statues and wreckage.

'Should be enough...'

He looked at the squares and thought about it.

Immediately with a wave of his hand, these silver cubes were pieced together to form a large box-sized cube, and then with a bang, it turned into a silver fat cat in the white smoke, and landed on his shoulder blankly.

"Since you're all here, let's go and see Clarenzo..."

With a smile on his face, he jumped into the gap in the abyss.

Entering the fairyland this time, Chen Lun intends to revisit the depths of the four regions, witness the sources of pollution of those myths and wonders again, and complete the knowledge of the four paths of nature, conspiracy, flesh and blood, and magic.

After being promoted to a higher position and defeating Howard, Chen Lun felt that he had truly become the master of Wonderland, and with his current mysterious weight and resistance, he could completely resist the erosion of the four major pollution sources.

After a while.

Chen Lun once again came to the underground pit full of Zhanhuishi crystals.

He could faintly hear the holy and solemn chants coming from the depths of the darkness... He had no intention of hiding his figure this time, but walked slowly on the uneven rocky ground.

Click, click, click...

Although the footsteps are not loud, they are especially harsh in a silent environment.

Soon, the familiar behemoth caught Chen Lun's eyes again. A huge head wearing a crystal mask moved horizontally in mid-air, with countless mouths opening and closing on the surface, singing.

Hundreds of blue statues, carved with the face of Lady Frederick, came out of the darkness and rushed toward him.

But Chen Lun didn't change his expression. With a white cane in one hand and a black top hat in the other, he bowed slightly to the giant above his head and saluted.

Immediately, he raised his head calmly, staring straight at the "God of Mural Paintings Out of Control", staring at the true face below through the pair of dark and empty eye holes...

hum! !

Intangible pollution flooded Chen Lun's mind along with tremendous knowledge, but his sanity value did not plummet as before, but dropped slightly at a steady and extremely slow speed.

Chen Lun has mastered all the knowledge from the magic path Sequence Nine [Scholar] to Sequence Four [Ancient Scholar] last time, but this time, there is an extra Sequence Three [Wizard]!
But when the mythological knowledge of the [Wizard] completely entered Chen Lun's mind, the influx of knowledge stopped abruptly, leaving only pollution...

"The re-enactment of Wonderland can only retain the extremely small power of the original target, as well as pollution and knowledge... But it's also good, His Majesty Oscar reminded me that the current angel-level knowledge is harmful to me. '

Thinking to himself, Chen Lun glanced at the group of statues that were already very close, then turned around and disappeared in a teleportation.

After returning to the surface, he opened the panel to check for a while, and found that the 240 sanity points of his character attributes had only dropped by 9 points.

'There is nothing in the fairyland that can threaten me...'

Chen Lun felt lost.

Just like a player who has completely cleared the level, there is a sense of emptiness.

A few seconds later, his eyes retracted from the end of the distorted horizon, his eyes regained their deepness, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't get carried away, when I can run amok in the dream world, I can be regarded as standing at the top of the world..."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Lun turned his head and looked towards the north.

'Next stop, the sea of ​​blood...'

the present.

Professor apartment, master bedroom on the third floor.

The gentleman in the black hat who was sitting motionless on the chair suddenly recovered his eyesight, straightened up naturally, and a smile appeared on his face.

Chen Lun turned his head and glanced at Ziyue outside the window, thinking:

'Natural Sequence Three [Creator], Flesh Sequence Three [Fallen Grand Duke] and Conspiracy Sequence Three [Window Knocker] are all in hand. '

On his shoulder, at some point, a dull silver fat cat appeared, squatting on it.Chen Lun carried it and put it on the table, then got up and walked to the window, watching the night scene silently.

This stop is one night.

When the morning sun slowly rose in the sky and the dawn broke through the dawn, Chen Lun's calm expression changed slightly.

In fact, his brain has not rested. It has been thinking all night, running at high speed, sorting out the magic books he has read, integrating the huge and complicated knowledge, and based on his own ability, divergent ideas...

'There is a vague direction, but the knowledge reserve is not enough. '

Chen Lun let out a long breath.

He turned around, and the clock on the wall was already eight forty.

Just as the door of St. Byron's Great Library opened, Chen Lun had stepped on it and teleported to the secret library on the fifth floor. Galio, who had just sat down on the chair at the registration desk, looked up and saw a tall black hat figure suddenly appearing in sight.

He was stunned for a moment, and soon returned to normal.

"Your Majesty Jack, good day, you came earlier today."

Galio smiled lightly.

Chen Lun didn't talk nonsense, he directly put a silver fat cat on the registration desk, and under the suspicious eyes of the other party, he said:

"Here's what you asked for."


Galio was even more puzzled.


White mist suddenly appeared.

The silver fat cats were reduced to more than 30 silver squares, neatly arranged on the stage, Chen Lun said with a smile:

"These are all creations of the Idol School and the Myriad Things School, and the time can even be traced back thousands of years ago."

Galio didn't answer, he picked up a silver cube, and immediately opened it...

Dozens of fragments of stone carvings tumbled from his hands and hit the ground, and a complete three-meter-high statue stood beside him with a bang.

Galio took a deep breath, and the eyes behind the lens burst into extremely excited colors, and finally he almost couldn't restrain himself from shouting:
"it is good!"

He first glanced at Chen Lun in surprise, and then put all his attention on the statues and wreckage around him.

After a while.

Before the others went up to the fifth floor to borrow, Galio had completed the acceptance check, and looked at Chen Lun again with admiration in his eyes.

"Although I don't know how Your Majesty got so many rare relics in such a short period of time, I have to say thank you..."

Galio's attitude became serious.

A dry and simple staff appeared in his hand, and he tapped it in front of him. With a buzzing sound, an irregular dimensional window appeared, and he then reached in and carefully took out an old book.

"This is my personal treasure, as a reward to His Majesty."

Chen Lun reached out to take it.

[Discover the mythical book "The Incarnation of the Magic High: Nine Special Inscription Routes"! 】

[Completed the A-level hidden mission: school research! 】

[Task rewards: 20 experience points, 500 Blue Gabo, and Galio's favorability! 】

[Galio's affection for you has increased, and he is currently close! 】

(End of this chapter)

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