I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 550 The Adventures of the Students

Chapter 550 The Adventures of the Students
It is mid-October in the solar calendar 4420.

An ordinary Friday, less than nine o'clock in the morning.

Today's snow is a bit heavy and the temperature is cold.

In the hazy vision, Qidi Port is shrouded in a dreamy white mist. By the pier, the silhouettes of several giant cargo ships can be vaguely seen. Some workers in thick clothes are operating machines on the shore and transporting large containers. .

The sound of shouting, the clang of metal clashing, and the dull sound of chain turning were intertwined and gradually spread.

They can be heard from far away.

At the other end of the plank road in Qidi Harbor, a small fishing boat is ready to go.The handsome blond Felice Anno jumped onto the deck from the shore, and distributed the sandwiches he just bought to his companions.

"Thank you."

Polaris, who was wearing a blue dress, took it with a smile.

He opened the paper package, took a bite of the breakfast sandwiched with juicy bacon, and turned his head to look at the stern, where a man was standing with long brown curly hair fluttering in the wind, and his long dark brown windbreaker showed his handsome face. With a tall figure, the high collar of noble clothes can be vaguely seen.

"When are we leaving?"

Polaris looked away and asked a simple question.

Feliciano shrugged his shoulders. He gestured to wait a moment, and then he took a step, walked through the narrow passage of the fishing boat, and came to his friend Raphael.

Before opening his mouth, he said without turning his head to the convenience:

"It seems that the fog won't clear for a while, so let's set off in 10 minutes."

Feliciano was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Well, listen to you, after all, we don't have much experience in sailing..."

He returned again and informed the seniors and sisters of the departure time.On a sunny day and light rain, Lucy and Ahsoka gathered together, leaning on the railing and looking at the scenery on the Qidi Harbor and the plank road.

"We didn't say hello to the teacher, isn't it good?"

Ahsoka said with some trepidation.

"The professor is too busy. He has been studying in the room these days. Didn't Senior Polaris warn us not to disturb us at will..."

Feliciano stood aside and comforted him.

"Don't worry, we left a letter explaining the reason for going out, maybe when we come back, the professor is still busy."

"I haven't had the experience of going out on a sea adventure yet, I hope I won't hold you back..."

Ahsoka still looked nervous, with his two small hands encircled and held together.

Lucy, who was beside her, held her shoulders and comforted her in a low voice:
"I am the same, Ahsoka, but this is a rare opportunity... We will follow the teacher to learn supernatural knowledge together, and sooner or later we will learn to face danger alone, let alone with seniors and Mr. Raphael around nervous."


Ahsoka's mood eased, and after nodding, he also leaned into Lucy's arms with attachment.

At this time, Sunny and Xiaoyu on the side ate a warm sandwich and asked inarticulately:

"Felicianno, Ahsoka, you have just been promoted to [Scholar], and you should have comprehended the method of transcribing the basic scrolls. How have you mastered these days?"

"Very skilled, senior."

Feliciano smiled confidently.

As he spoke, he also took out several scrolls from his backpack as proof.

"This is the 'Acid Art', this is the 'Lighting Art', and this one is the 'White Snake Invasion Art'... I have worked hard to learn the knowledge that Professor Jack asked Senior Polaris to transfer to me. I can help you too!"

"I have transcribed the basic spells, but I am not very proficient in the 'White Snake Invasion Technique' developed by the professor. I have failed to transcribe several times..."

Ahsoka said shyly.

"You guys are already great!"

Sunny and light rain touched Ahsoka's head, even though the other person was about the same height as him, it looked somewhat funny.

After a few people chatted for a few more words.

Raphael, who looked feminine and beautiful, walked over slowly, and nodded to several people.

"Several, I will be in charge of driving the ship, but later the sea surface exploration will depend on you."

"No problem, leave it to me."

Polaris held his blue hat and said softly.

"The fog is too heavy, and the searchlights of this small fishing boat may not work. I will use divination to calibrate the direction and predict the danger."

"Then I will trouble you, Mr. Polaris."

Raphael saluted him solemnly.

As the two most powerful members of the sailing team, they had a tacit understanding, and out of awe of Jack Speight, Raphael also maintained a friendly attitude towards the five students from the beginning to the end.


A whistle sounded.

The navigator standing guard at the pier waved a small flag at the small fishing boat, and Felice Annuo on the deck responded with a thumbs up, then turned around and ran back to the cabin.

Then the small fishing boat slowly sailed out of the port and headed towards the misty sea.

"It's really cold outside, why am I so afraid of the cold even though I'm already an extraordinary person..."

As soon as Feliciano came in, he took the cup of hot tea that Lucy handed him, drank it and complained.

"Because the sequence of each path contains different powers, [Scholar] is more inclined to the development of memory and brain, and has a stronger sensitivity and affinity for magical knowledge."

Raphael stood upright in front of the rudder, turned his head and smiled softly.

"You don't think that after becoming a [scholar], you can directly gain a strong body like a [butcher] and a [believer]?"

"If this is the case, I am afraid that it is not the Trisur Empire that unified the mainland, but the Byron Kingdom..."

Polaris on the side smiled lightly.

"It's not like there are no strong mages, and Honorino is a typical example."

Feliciano pointed out the porthole, the tall bronze statue looming in the fog, and said.

"It's a pity that a great god like him will also fall..."

"It's just a rumor. The life and death of gods are beyond our mortals' ability to speculate...Maybe when you become a magic saint one day, you can tell me the answer, Feliciano."

Raphael said jokingly.

Maybe he thought of his ancestors, and he had some insights.

In the mysterious realm, there is very little information about "The Old One" Sid Mitchell, but most of them indicate that this Earth Angel has long since fallen.But in Raphael's dream, he could clearly perceive the breath of the ancestor. The other party was not dead at all, but it was not known to the mortals in this world.

Thinking of this, Raphael's heart became heavy again.

He desperately hopes to find that special transcendent material through this voyage, so as to obtain a period of peace, and no longer have to worry about falling asleep every day.

"By the way, how much do you know about the Misty Sea?"

Feliciano sat on the cold and hard stool, a little bored, so he couldn't help but open his mouth to find a topic.

Neither Lucy nor Ahsoka spoke. Although they have both stepped into the mysterious realm, their understanding of this world is still in the groping stage, and many things are only half-understood.

"I only know that in the limited historical records, no one has successfully left the Misty Sea and returned alive."

Raphael said lightly.

"The sea of ​​mist surrounds the Sun Continent. Whether there are other human civilizations and new worlds outside, no one knows...Of course, I believe that the omnipotent gods know the answer, but they never told us."

"It is rumored that beyond the extreme east of the continent, isn't there a continent in the distant Misty Sea? The troops of the Trisur Empire have all arrived there..."

Sunny and light rain doubted.

Unexpectedly, Raphael just shook his head.

"That's not a mainland, it can only be counted as an archipelago. The Cuisul people call it 'Island of Misty Fog'. What's on it may only be known to the imperial soldiers who participated in the 'Overseas Landing Battle'...but most of them died , Those who survived also kept silent, the Sun Royal Family deliberately blocked the news, which shows that it is not a good place."

He turned the rudder, looked back at the curious crowd, and shared some knowledge he knew:

"Have you heard of the 'Misty Island Drifting Theory'? It is about the origin of the mysterious islands... It is rumored that before the establishment of the Trisur Empire, in the early era, there were no Misty Islands at all, and then they were discovered one day , as if it appeared suddenly, like a miracle.”

Raphael raised his hand to make a gesture, and tapped three times in front of him.

"Furthermore, the Misty Islands not only exist in the extreme east, but actually exist in the extreme north of the Sun Continent, as well as in the extreme west... If you look down from a high altitude, they look like a triangular arc, surrounding the continent, so there is a historical Scientists and geologists say they are most likely once part of the continent and just drifted away for some reason."

"So there is such a saying, thank you for sharing, Mr. Rafael Mitchell."

Sunny and light rain quickly thanked.

She glanced at Polaris and understood the value of such rare information. Maybe one day in the future, it could become the key to unlocking hidden missions!

"You're welcome, anyway, it's just a rumor, and there is no substantive evidence to prove the true accuracy of the 'Drifting Theory'."

Raphael waved his hand.

The small fishing boat had already sailed away from the harbor, swaying gently on the foggy sea, surrounded by endless misty white, and the visibility was extremely low.

About four hours later.

The fog gradually thinned, and the shadow of a small island could be vaguely seen not far in front of the small fishing boat.

Polaris, who was standing by the porthole, suddenly frowned. He seemed to be confirming something. He raised his hand to turn out a deck of cards and flicked them quickly.

wow wow...

In the end, he held three red cards, turned his head to look at the crowd, and said in a deep voice:
"There are people on the small deserted island ahead, they should be survivors of the shipwreck."

After hearing this, everyone stood up and ran to the porthole to look at it. Sure enough, they could see some broken boards and boxes floating on the sea.A wisp of fuzzy cooking smoke rose from the shore of the island, which should be a distress signal deliberately made by that person.

"Shall we go and have a look?"

Feliciano turned his head and glanced at the crowd, and asked aloud.

"Maybe I can be rescued by the way."

Raphael opened his mouth, ready to refuse.

He has been in the mysterious field for many years, and he knows that many things cannot be kind, and he may have fallen into a trap because of this.Moreover, the purpose of this trip was only to explore the ruins and find extraordinary materials, and he didn't care about the rest.

But he was not alone on this trip, and he still needs to respect the opinions of others, so Raphael asked calmly:
"Everyone, what's your opinion?"

"I think it's better to focus on Mr. Rafael's affairs. If things go well, it's okay to rescue him when we return."

said Lucy.

"I think we should save people first."

Ahsoka said cautiously.

She felt in her heart, how could an ordinary person bear such a cold weather... If she went late, that person might be frozen to death.

Polaris and Sunny Rain didn't care much, but they both triggered rescue missions. The rest of the rewards were deducted, but the experience points were also rich.

The two of them followed Jack to Byron Kingdom, and they hadn't deliberately leveled up for more than half a month. They were also a little anxious about this, so they didn't plan to let go of this experience.

"Since we met, let's help him out. Maybe we can learn some information from him, which will be convenient for our next actions."

Polaris thought for a while and said.


Seeing this, Raphael sighed secretly, and finally nodded helplessly.Turning the rudder, the small fishing boat slowly headed towards the island.

(End of this chapter)

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