Chapter 551 Oblique Cross

The island is not big, only the size of two or three squares.

The vegetation on it is sparse and looks bare.

"Here! Here!"

On the rocky shore, a man in ragged clothes was waving his hands excitedly. He was purple from the cold and his lips were bloodless, but his expression was full of hope and anticipation.

As the small fishing boat gradually approached, the man's originally weak body seemed to be filled with infinite vitality, and he ran towards the fishing boat while shouting.

Even if his bare feet were scratched by the gravel on the ground, he remained indifferent.

When the fishing boat docked, several young people jumped out of his surprised eyes and came to the rocky beach.Although the other party was a little vigilant and guarded, the man didn't care. He stepped forward a few steps, and while he still had the strength to speak, he hurriedly said:

"I beg... I beg you, take me back to Port of Enlightenment, I..."

"Don't worry, just speak slowly."

Raphael frowned, took a cup of hot water prepared in advance from Lucy, and handed it to the man.

"Thank...Thank you!"

Holding the hot water in his hand, the man drank it greedily and quickly.

After taking a few breaths, he calmed down his excitement, and then he told his story.

It turns out that this guy's name is Teddy, the captain of a small merchant ship, and he usually deals in sea wine and leather. "Sea wine" is a local specialty wine in Qidi Port, and it sells well in other places. Commodities with great circulation.

However, two days ago, Teddy's merchant ship accidentally encountered a storm in this sea area, the ship deviated directly from the channel, and even overturned, and finally the ship was destroyed... Fortunately, his captain drifted to this small The island has been supported until now with the few supplies scattered on the shore.

"Excuse me, can you take me back to Qidi Port? Although the ship is gone, I still have some savings that I can use as a reward... As long as my life is still alive, it will be enough!"

cried Captain Teddy.

He said, fearing that some people would disagree, he kept groping his body, and finally took off a ring on his finger, and quickly handed it to Raphael.

"This is the only valuable thing on me. I hope you can show kindness and take me back..."

Unexpectedly, after Raphael took it, his face changed drastically.

The ring in his hand is bronze in color as a whole, with a square emerald inlaid on it, and an oblique cross logo engraved on it.

The friend Feliciano on the side looked familiar. The ring Captain Teddy handed over was very similar to the one I got from a beggar some time ago...

Take a closer look, no matter how similar they are, they are clearly the same!

Raphael cursed in a low voice, and he suddenly felt that what he was holding in his hand was not a ring, but a ignited bomb!
Strong anxiety prompted him to throw the ring into the sea.

call out!
The emerald ring traced a trajectory, and finally fell on the sea surface, disappearing without a trace.

"You are..."

Captain Teddy looked surprised and puzzled.

But in the next second.

boom! !

A strange creature about the size of a blue whale rushed out of the sea suddenly. Its head was like a big mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth. Other than that, no other features could be seen.

The back, which was covered with deformed scales and fins, was full of various parasites, and under the bite of the giant mouth, there was a terrifying sound of air explosion.

Everyone was shocked.

And Raphael's eyes were particularly sharp, and he saw at a glance that a light flashed at the corner of the unknown sea monster's mouth.

His pupils shrunk.

That was the ring he just threw out!
Another bang.

The sea monster fell back into the sea, raising high waves like an explosion.

When the sea surface calmed down, everyone was still in shock.

"There is something wrong with that ring, it will bring terrible bad luck..."

Raphael withdrew his gaze and said in a deep voice.

Everyone was shocked, thinking of Captain Teddy's experience, and then realized... the reason why this person was shipwrecked was probably because of that ring, right?

"Raphael, why are there two..."

Feliciano on the side couldn't help asking.

But before he finished speaking, Raphael had already pulled him to the fishing boat, and at the same time said to the others:
"Hurry up, it's not safe here."

Polaris and the others had serious expressions on their faces, and they believed in Raphael, so they walked quickly.

The shipwreck named Teddy was going to follow, but Raphael turned his head and stopped coldly:

"Don't follow us!"

With a clang, the young man also pulled out a delicate rapier from his waist, cut through the air, and pointed it straight at Teddy's throat.

The latter's expression froze, and he quickly raised his hands.

"After we return home, we will find someone to save you, but not now... Of course, the premise is that you can live until then."

Raphael was extremely decisive this time. He didn't ask for the opinions of the others, but directly chose to discard the uncertain factor in front of him on the small island.

Ignoring Teddy's pleading, Raphael turned coldly and hurried back to the boat.He asked Polaris to pull up the anchor, and immediately drove the fishing boat away.

When the fishing boat left the island, Ahsoka and Feliciano still couldn't bear it, but seeing Raphael's decisive attitude, they gave up persuading them.

Feliciano walked to Raphael's side and asked about the ring in a low voice, but his friend just shook his head, as if he didn't know too much.

"Feliciano, I always have a bad feeling..."

Raphael let out a long breath, staring at the sea ahead.

Polaris on the side suddenly stared.

He vaguely saw that Raphael and Feliciano standing side by side seemed to have some kind of pattern behind them... It was like two jigsaw puzzle pieces that joined together to form a slanted cross.

Others gradually noticed this scene, among them Sunny and Light Rain couldn't help but say:
"Luck value..."

After speaking halfway, after realizing something, she frantically gestured to Polaris with her eyes.The latter realized instantly and threw out a probe.

Immediately, the pupils shrank sharply.

Felice Annuo's lucky value is impressively "-50"!
Accompanied by a negative state of "imminent disaster"!
Although Raphael's level is too high to see Polaris, his intuition tells him that this person's situation should be similar to that of Feliciano.


Polaris called out in a deep voice.

The handsome young man with long brown curly hair turned his head, frowning and looking puzzled.Polaris quickly told what he saw, the oblique cross pattern behind the two of them.

Raphael and Feliciano glanced at each other with horror on their faces.

"I see, it turns out that the ring is not the point at all!"

Raphael gritted his teeth suddenly.

"It's just a medium, an introduction to the ceremony... All of this was arranged by someone. Although it was a coincidence enough, the traces of the artificial design are too obvious, so that Feliciano and I can be marked at the same time! "

He seemed to understand something, but with a solemn face, he began to pace in front of the rudder, lost in thought.

Polaris and others looked at each other, not knowing what happened.It wasn't until Felice Annuo spoke out, telling about the unlucky things some time ago, and that he had also obtained an emerald ring, that everyone understood what was going on.

"So someone wants to frame you on purpose?"

Sunny and light rain.

"you can say it this way……"

Raphael stopped, turned and said.

"But I don't know what his purpose is. If he just wants to kill us, it doesn't take so much effort."

"Raphael, it seems that we are all going to be in bad luck."

Feliciano smiled wryly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the fishing boat shook violently.

Bang! !

As if being hit by something, everyone heard a loud noise.

"Something under the sea is attacking the hull!"

The spiritual intuition of Polaris received the warning, and said quickly.

Raphael just took out a palm-sized wax figure, and before it could be activated, the whole fishing boat capsized completely!

The huge sea monster that had just "meet each other" jumped out of the sea, and there were still countless fragments of fishing boats in its mouth.

I don't know how long has passed.

Feliciano woke up from a daze, and he found that the sky had dimmed, and there was fire and warmth coming from his left.

Sitting up quickly, he saw senior sister Qingtian Xiaoyu, Lucy and Ahsoka all around the bonfire, among them Ahsoka seemed to be still in a coma, being hugged by Lucy.

"You're awake, Feliciano."

"Are we...?"

Feliciano asked aloud.

"The ship was sunk by a sea monster, and it was Senior Polaris who finally rescued us..."

Lucy spoke.

She was grilling a bunch of sea fish in her hand, so she reached out and handed it over.

"Let's have something to eat first. Senior Polaris and Mr. Raphael should be back soon. The two of them went to investigate the situation."

"Thank you."

Feliciano took the grilled fish and ate it without any image.

He hasn't eaten anything today other than his morning sandwich.The taste of the grilled fish was not very good, it was quite bland and had many thorns, but Feliciano was so hungry that he gnawed away the food on hand.

While eating, he listened to Lucy talking about the passage of time. It turned out that the place where they were attacked was not far from the destination, which was the deserted island where they were now.

After Polaris rescued them ashore one by one, he and Raphael went to explore the environment, trying to get the extraordinary materials as soon as possible.

"Jing Yao is on top, fortunately everyone is fine."

Feliciano made a prayer, and immediately asked with concern:
"But the ship was destroyed, how do we go back?"

"Don't worry, we have a solution."

On a sunny day, Xiaoyu gave a reassuring look, and Felice Annuo felt relieved.He especially respects and trusts this senior who looks younger than him.

Soon, a burst of footsteps came.

Everyone turned their heads and saw two figures walking quickly in the dense coniferous forest on the deserted island. They were Polaris and Raphael.

However, the expressions of the two were extremely dignified, and Raphael even shouted:

"Go! Run along the coastline!"

Feliciano was still in a daze, but Lucy on the side had already carried Ahsoka on her back, and started to run wildly.

"Why are you standing there? Let's go!"

On a sunny day, Xiaoyu grabbed Feliciano's arm, turned around and ran away.

At the last moment, Feliciano could only vaguely see, behind Polaris and Raphael, seven or eight tall figures with hunched backs were chasing after him.

Under the gradually darkening sky, those figures seemed to be holding a crutch in their hands, with a green lantern hanging from the end of the stick!

Qingtian Xiaoyu also saw it, but in her eyes, it was a group of monsters with crimson names——

[Extraordinary creature "Hatcher" (ancient god "Emerald Bird" family)! 】

(End of this chapter)

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