I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 577 The Gatekeeper and the Truth

Chapter 577 The Gatekeeper and the Truth (Ask for a monthly ticket!)
A figure disappeared in midair.

The "dark descendants" below didn't notice anything.

Chen Lun traveled thousands of kilometers in an instant, and arrived in the north of the underground world, which corresponds to the location of the Coleridge Forest on the surface.

'The "exit" explored by successive queens is here...'

He flew straight up.

Not long after, they touched the rock wall of the dome.

The exceptionally hard black rock stratum reminded Chen Lun of the landform of the Crystal Mountains in the fairyland. Most people can't deal with this kind of rock, not to mention digging.

However, after a few minutes of exploration, Chen Lun found a large hole with a diameter of more than ten meters.

This hole, like a natural formation, was discovered by the queens of the past dynasties and gradually expanded it.

Chen Lun entered along the cave and continued to fly upwards.

After ascending for more than [-] kilometers, the cave gradually narrowed, and the rock wall was covered with uneven obsidian, and the direction of extension was also skewed towards the northwest.

'This direction...'

Chen Lun seemed to think of something while flying.

Soon, after going through a series of twists and turns again, he came to a spacious but fiery cave.

The surrounding temperature is extremely high, probably reaching [-] or [-] degrees, and there is a strong and pungent sulfur smell in the nose.

Relying on his inhuman physical strength, Chen Lun directly ignored the harsh environment, and even gave up breathing, bypassed the cave again, and found the exit.

As soon as he went out, his vision suddenly opened up.

The originally endless darkness turned into a blazing red world.

Here, it was a hellish scene!
Like the magma of the ocean, the earth is covered with bubbles and flows wantonly.There are also raised obsidian pillars standing in the magma, resisting the lava waterfall falling from the sky.

The sound of clattering can be heard endlessly.

Toxic gas and high temperature filled it.

'It turned out to be a magma layer? '

Chen Lun was speechless secretly.

He looked along the top of the magma land, a huge crack leading straight to the sky, and he could vaguely see "white spots" as small as rice grains.

This white dot is the "exit" to the surface!
The speculation in Chen Lun's heart became more and more intense.

He was almost certain that the so-called "exit" was mostly located in the Augusta Mountains... and there was only one active crater, and that was where the Meteor Tower was!

The queens of all dynasties were blocked here.

That's why they said that the "gatekeeper" who was sent by the martyr to suppress the land of Matthew——

Ms. Frederick!

'I should have thought of it a long time ago. In the two previous missions, Ms. Frederick's honorific title was "The Gatekeeper"...but I never thought about it. '

Chen Lun's heart trembled.

His figure soared into the sky and flew straight towards the exit.

Not long after, Chen Lun saw blue-green inscription arrays appearing on the rock wall, densely packed, sealing the entire crater tightly... With his current magic attainments, he can also see many key node experiences Over renovated.

It was Master Carmen's original handwriting.

With a squinting glance, an ancient mage tower is located on a raised rock wall, and the base is covered with crystals of various colors.

At the door, stood a slim and mature figure.

It's just that the other party's originally dignified expression, after seeing Chen Lun, he couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately showed doubts.


Chen Lun teleported to Ms. Fred Cui.

He took off his hat and nodded.

"Meet you again, Ms. Freddie."

"I didn't expect...you have already been promoted to a demigod."

Frederick's eyes were shocked, and complex emotions flowed immediately, and he frowned and asked:

"Why did you come out of the crater? Could it be..."

Chen Lun didn't hide anything, just nodded and admitted.

"Well, I accidentally went to the underground world, and then found this exit through divination."

He asked tentatively:

"Ms. Frederick, is it true that the duty you said is to guard the exit and prevent the residents of Matthew's Land from leaving the ground and coming to the surface?"

Ms. Freddie didn't answer right away.

He just sighed, turned and walked into the Meteor Tower.

"Come in and talk."

Chen Lun put his hat back on and walked in.


The two sat down in the attic on the top floor.

Taking advantage of the situation, Chen Lun also recounted the remarks of the queens of Matthew, that is, "the gatekeeper sent by the martyr's father will be punished by Matthew's land."

Unexpectedly, Ms. Frederick sneered at this.

"What relationship can I have with the Sun God?"

He was silent for a while.

Perhaps because of their close relationship, Ms. Friedrich explained:

"This is an oracle given to me by Mr. Jingyao, ordering me to protect the criminals in the underground..."


Chen Lun was a little surprised.

Frederick nodded.

He took out the cigarette case, picked up one and put it to his mouth to light it.

"The martyr father abandoned the Matthew family underground, so naturally he will not let them out easily... The curse rooted in the blood not only prevents them from entering the spirit world, but also has a violent reaction to normal light."

After taking a few puffs of smoke, he pointed to the sky outside the transparent crystal wall and said:

"The normal sunlight for us is extremely poisonous for them! Once those underground criminals return to the surface, they will be killed by the sunlight immediately!"

Chen Lun couldn't help but startled.

It turned out that all that Ms. Frederick did was to avoid a devastating blow to the land of Matthew.

But it is no wonder that the queens of all ages misunderstood him.

After all, the underground criminals don't know this, and Ms. Frederick, who "blocked" them from returning to the surface and chasing the light, was naturally assigned to the camp of the martyrs, and was used to watch over them, the executors of the criminals.

"Mr. Jingyao, why did He ask you to protect the criminals?"

Chen Lun frowned.

Ms. Fred Cui rolled her eyes helplessly as she held the cigarette between her slender fingers.

"Do you think the gods will explain everything to me?"

Chen Lun was at a loss for words.

After chatting for a few more words, Ms. Fred Cui started to chase people away, her tone somewhat impatient.It may be that when Chen Lun came out of the crater, some hidden early warning mechanism was triggered and his research was interrupted.

So much so that Ms. Frederick was quite resentful.

Chen Lun didn't stay for long, got up and left the Meteor Tower.

He didn't return to Matthew's Land, because after learning the truth from Ms. Frederick, he knew that the underground world couldn't be saved by conventional methods...

Chen Lun didn't want to tell the four queens this desperate answer.

Perhaps letting the underground criminals believe in the "scorching sun" is the best choice at the moment, because only Arnold who has regained his reason and humanity can redeem the land of Matthew.

Chen Lun finally looked back at the Meteor Tower.

The body swayed and turned into two.

The avatar, which is exactly the same as the main body, disappeared in the same place and fled towards the royal city... It was sent by Chen Lun to answer Princess Anna.

Although this matter can't be done by itself, the task does not require that the Matthews be successfully brought back to the surface.

So as long as you submit the results of the investigation, you can make a difference.

Chen Lun feels that the 500W experience points are still very easy to earn.

As for his body, he chose to return to the base camp of Lengye City.

Because he was not in a hurry, he chose to fly at high altitude this time.

Overlooking the beautiful scenery of the empire along the way, the state of mind is quite peaceful.

Since the Battle of Fate, Chen Lun has lost the sense of urgency and anxiety that he used to feel... This is how he went to Byron Kingdom to study high-level power. In the leisure time, he slowly savored knowledge and enjoyed the process of thinking until he finally got the result achievement and joy.

'In my previous life, I was a plot party who was keen on traveling, but I didn't expect to be on the go all my life. '

Chen Lun couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"We can't relax in the future, the wind and rain are coming, and improving our strength as soon as possible is the kingly way... At present [Dramaist] wants to level up, at least a few hundred million experience points are needed, and there is a long way to go." '


Screaming and cloud waves streaked across the sky.

Unknowingly, Chen Lun has passed over the gem state.

Suddenly, he noticed something and couldn't help but look down.

The overlooked line of sight pierced through the clouds, and was precisely locked on the main city of Gem State, Fossil City.

With a frightening glance, Chen Lun's eyes turned into mist.

The complexion suddenly became extremely dignified.

Because he found that on the streets of Fossil City, in department stores, and even in various manors, no matter whether they were rich and powerful businessmen or ordinary people at the bottom, there were many people who were not in the right state.

A loading worker at the door of a restaurant.

【Kutman (Polluted)】

A female employee who works in another company.

【Nellie (Polluted)】

There is also a family of nobles having a picnic on the lawn, all of which have the entry "polluted".However, these people were unaware and still lived peacefully.

Chen Lun took a deep breath and used a more powerful force of spying on his life.

Looking through the fog, I caught a glimpse of the fate of these people...

It's like a mirage.

Chen Lun "saw" that the loading workers suddenly lost control one night, and silver-like insect limbs grew out of their bodies, and then rushed out of the low-rent housing with rapid movements, dismembering and killing all the workers in the entire building...

He also "saw" the female employee of the company fainting suddenly while eating alone, and found that his physical fitness had undergone a qualitative change after waking up, and accidentally burned his fingers and burned the files...

Chen Lun finally glanced at the warm noble family, but raised his eyebrows.

Because he failed to "see" the strange fate of these people.

A priest in a white monk's robe, a white wide-brimmed hat, and a white Bible in his hand just passed by the dining table of a noble family.

The family respected the priest passing by, and after saluting with a smile, they invited the priest to have a meal together.But the priest just waved his hands gently and spread out the Bible to pray for them.

The invisible pollution disappeared from the noble family, was forcibly transferred to the priest, and was exhausted by his powerful strength and reason.

Chen Lun's eyes froze.

The information about the priest was immediately known to him——

【Martin Gustus (Solar System Sequence III-Lamp)】


The priest was startled.

A dire warning came from his mind.

Then, under the astonished eyes of the noble family, they looked up.

In sight, there is a clear sky.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

But Martin knew that there must have been a powerful high-ranking person secretly watching him just now.At the same time, the aura of [Aries Forging Hammer] was fleeting.

"Who is it..."

Martin's face was extremely serious.

 Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month!

  The double monthly pass event in May is only available for seven days, all beauties, please vote for Fei Wan!

(End of this chapter)

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