I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 578 The Call in the Dream

Chapter 578 The Call in the Dream (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)

high altitude.

The tall man in black pressed the top hat on his head, overlooking the priest in white robes on the lawn, with deep eyes.

A pitch-black card was spinning non-stop on his shoulder.

The two looked at each other, but Father Martin couldn't see him at all.

This is the terrible hidden power of the [hidden] bookmark.

It completely conceals Chen Lun's existence.

Even a veteran demigod of the solar system could not detect the trace.

'Martin Gustus...'

Chen Lun murmured the name in his heart.

When he was still weak, he heard the name of the former Pope of the Sun Church more than once.

The [B-level monster-Fireworks in the Hand] and [B-level monster-Hope Workshop] on hand were both made by Martin. They were his works when he was young, but he discarded them due to his personal dissatisfaction.

Martin has such a proud capital, because he was once hailed as the most creative genius in the empire, and after he was sanctified, he even had the honorary title of "the lamp of the empire".

When the God of Cats talked about the current pope of the Church of the Sun, Difuni, he always had a contemptuous expression, but he especially admired Martin Gustus.

There is also the replica scorching sun in the fairyland. When he called Uncle Martin, he also respected him a lot.

It can be seen that this pope is indeed not simple.

Now that Martin has been missing for many years and reappears, he happened to be met by Chen Lun. I don't know if it is "fate"... After all, Chen Lun holds two creations from his youth and a hammer from the Church of the Sun.

In Chen Lun's eyes, there was a hint of surprise quietly.

'His accumulation is really deep...'

Martin not only has the BOSS panel, but among the basic attributes, strength, endurance and faith have broken through the demigod's 650-point threshold, reaching an astonishing 700 points, and he also has two blessings from the martyr father and many sun magic.

Even looking at the entire demigod group, this is quite a blast.

The former Pope is definitely one of the most able to fight.

Chen Lun also noticed that although Martin looked like an ordinary clergyman, this was not a deliberate disguise, but more like his original appearance, showing kindness and compassion in his gestures.

He will help ordinary people passing by, transfer the pollution in their bodies to himself, and then kill it.

This is not like the members of the Church of the Sun in Chen Lun's impression.

Take Terrence as an example. Although this archbishop is not very evil, he is definitely a kind of high-ranking person who is unreasonable. He will never do things like helping ordinary people.

'Because it's too righteous, so it's incompatible with the Church of the Sun? '

For some reason, Chen Lun came up with such an absurd idea.

Immediately he smiled again.

Chen Lun didn't intend to come forward to contact him, because no matter whether the other party was the kind of person he guessed, it would not be a good thing for him.


'Martin seems to know something about the recent massive inundation of pollution. '

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes.

In the scene of the fossil city he overlooked, one out of ten people had hidden pollution. By spying on the fate of these people, it seems that this kind of pollution will make people lose control and become Didak bugs, and there is a certain probability of being promoted to become a superhuman in the solar system. By……

But no matter what, it is inseparable from the father of the martyr or the father of darkness.

At the same time, it is very similar to Prince Dazlet's "Seed of Light" project.

'But what about pollution sources? '

Chen Lun couldn't figure it out.

He took out his poker and threw it away.

The 54 cards fluttered in the wind, were rolled up inexplicably, and flew back to Chen Lun.Three of them stopped side by side, marking the direction of guidance.

Chen Lun turned his head and followed the divination.

There, surprisingly, is the location of the Sun Church in Fossil City.

Under the bright sunshine, the tall "Day Obelisk" stands inside the church area, like a sharp sword guarding the empire, pointing straight to the sky...

Kingdom of Byron.

Port of Enlightenment, St. Byron's College.

"Sister Lucy, let's go first."

In the Sapphire restaurant, Ahsoka looked shy and waved goodbye to Lucy behind the bar. She was accompanied by two handsome men, Feliciano and Raphael.

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

Lucy smiled sweetly and waved goodbye to her friends.


The glass door of the restaurant slowly closed.

Lucy withdrew her gaze and continued to wipe the coffee cup in her hand.

Today, Raphael came to have dinner with his friend Feliciano, so he simply arranged it here, and by the way, he also called Ahsoka to join him.

In fact, Lucy is not short of money now.

Before leaving, the teacher specially gave her tens of thousands of Blue Gabo, which was enough for her to spend a lot of time, but Lucy is still used to staying in a lively environment, so she will continue to come here after studying work to earn a living.

When she is free, she will also do activities with Ahsoka and Felice Anno, whether it is going to the library to read and study, or occasionally going out with Raphael to attend gatherings in the mysterious field, or even accepting commissions.

Lucy enjoys this kind of life very much.

Only one most important figure is missing.

But she is very clear that the teacher is a high-ranking person, a big man, and he is very busy, so he doesn't have time to spend too much time on himself.If you are not strong enough, you can't help him at all, and it will only become a burden.

So Lucy worked hard.

She also hopes that one day, the teacher can appreciate her and is willing to take her by her side... Although Lucy knows that she is not worthy of the teacher, as long as she can stay by His side and watch her silently, it will be fine.

After Ahsoka and others left, Lucy was busy until late at night.

Saying goodbye to the proprietress as usual, she walked to her apartment.

Lucy looked up at the quiet and beautiful night sky. She didn't feel lonely and tired at all, and felt very at ease in her heart.

Go back to the apartment, take a shower and lie down.

Business as usual.

But after gradually falling asleep.

Lucy vaguely sensed something was wrong.

I could vaguely hear a call from afar, it was countless men and women shouting something in unison, but Lucy couldn't hear it clearly.

An inexplicable sense of irritability arises spontaneously.

Lucy tried hard to open her eyelids, but couldn't.

It's as if the body is out of control.

Those calls came closer.

Getting closer……

She finally heard the voice clearly, using some ancient language. Lucy once read a related book in the library, which mentioned that this language is called "Berlier", which can be traced back to two epochs ago.

But Lucy was not proficient in Berlier, but somehow understood the meaning of those calls.

They are saying:
"Wake up, wake up..."

"Son of the Father, great, exalted, blood relative of the Lord Abbasye..."

"Hurry up and wake up..."

"The carnival of honor is about to start, accept the gift of the father..."

Lucy had no idea what the words meant.

She opened her eyes suddenly—

The pupils tightened in the next second!
Because Lucy found that the bedroom she was familiar with was not in sight.

But a vast sea...

The sky was gloomy, and the sun, moon and stars could not be seen.

The sea is vast and boundless, and the slight waves are constantly surging and rolling. I am lying on the shore of the beach, my body is wet, and I am even entangled with some disgusting and slippery seaweed and dead fish.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the sea set off a huge wave.

Thunder flashed across the dark sky, and the terrifying electric claws tore wantonly among the clouds, creating a doomsday-like scene all around.

Lucy sat on the sand with her hands on the ground, afraid to back off.

A pair of beautiful eyes, full of panic.

She clasped her fingers together and put them on her chest. She lowered her head and began to silently recite the prayer that the teacher told her before leaving:
"You are the door of a great chapter, the beginning of a grand epic... You are the end of the supreme drama, the end of all myths... the lord of the foreign country hidden in the fairyland, the white-scaled dragon who can break through fate, the crown of Jack Speight Next... Lucy Payne begging for your response, begging for your help!"


Time passed quietly, and nothing happened.

Lucy couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

"It's impossible for the teacher not to respond... By the way, this is a dream, this is my dream!"

boom! !

The waves soared into the sky.

The rotting remains of countless sea creatures were scattered on the shore, crackling, and Lucy was hit by a few foul-smelling flat rotting fish, and her arms were extremely painful.

She looked at the red hands, felt the salty and cold sea breeze mixed with fine water droplets, and fell into confusion again.

Is this a dream? !

If it's a dream, why is it so real, even the pain is so realistic... If it's not a dream, where is he now?

Why Teachers Don't Respond To Their...

Lucy caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye, and suddenly raised her head, she saw an extremely thick square stone pillar emerging from the sea, setting off countless waves.

The stone pillar was full of pits and hollows, with ancient texts all over it, and fossils from the remains of countless marine creatures. Seaweed and barnacles covered its torso, giving people a strange sense of horror.

A huge figure over a hundred meters high was clinging to the stone pillar. Its deformed head covered with dark green scales and colorful fins slowly turned to look at her.


Lucy was terrified.

Booming lightning flashed, making the huge monster backlit.

Only the dark outlines remain.

"You may call me 'Peter Garcia, the seeker of Berliet'..."

The monster seemed to be hissing and roaring, but also seemed to be whispering calmly.

The strange and inexplicable tone even overwhelmed the waves and thunder, and was directly transmitted to Lucy's ears in Berlier.

Lucy even forgot to speak because of her emotional instability.

She just stared blankly at the sea surface, and that huge black shadow.

"Lucy Payne, congratulations, you have finally awakened the oracle in your blood. Among the tens of thousands of descendants, you are the ninth...and also the last."

Regardless of whether Lucy could understand or not, the sea monster clinging to the square stone pillar continued.

"Now, I officially announce that you will participate in the 'Honor Carnival', and the other eight father's sons will come to find you, and they will fight and fight with each other. Only the winner in the end can receive the gift of the father .”

Lucy's teeth were chattering from the cold, and she hugged herself tightly with her slender hands.

With wet dark green hair resting on her fair cheeks, she raised her head and mustered up her courage to shout towards the sea:
"I don't want to participate in this inexplicable carnival, and I don't need any gifts. Please let me go back!"

The black shadow of the huge sea monster was silent for a few seconds, and just said:

"If you don't participate, you will die."

"But I still don't want to..."

Lucy continued to speak, planning to say something.

Suddenly, she felt a blur of consciousness, the dark sea was disappearing, and the storm and thunder were gradually moving away.


A burst of bird chirping sounded from outside the window.

Lucy sat up suddenly in bed.

Panting heavily, she felt her back was wet with sweat.

After recovering and seeing the scene of the bedroom clearly, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a real dream..."

Lucy got up and went to the window and drew the curtains.

The warm sunshine shone in, as if dispelling her original gloomy mood.Lucy looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window with a serious face.

"The dreams of extraordinary people often have special meanings, and I am now a [heart thief], let alone take it lightly... I must tell the teacher about this!"

Thinking about it, Lucy clasped her fingers together and prayed in her heart.

Yet at this moment.

She was shocked.

Then he gave up the prayer gesture and put his hands down.

Through the reflection of the window, one can vaguely see a sneer on the corner of Lucy's mouth, and her original eyes have also become dead and cold.

"I will be the last winner of this carnival..."

(End of this chapter)

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