Chapter 579 Lucy Missing

Chen Lun, who was sitting on the sofa reading a collection of poems, suddenly stopped his fingers turning the pages, his expression slightly startled.

Floy on the side cast a puzzled look, and asked with concern:
"what happened?"

Chen Lun shook his head and smiled back at her.

"Nothing, it's just that someone is praying to me."

Floy hummed, and immediately got up, indicating to make a cup of hot milk for him.

She knew that her man was already a demigod and possessed the personality to receive prayers. Although she was a little curious, she was still sensible as always and did not choose to ask.

Chen Lun looked at the back of Floyd's beautiful black dress, sank his mind, and felt the prayers from a distant place.

"You are the door of a great chapter, the beginning of a grand are the end of the supreme drama, the end of all myths...the lord of the foreign country hidden in the fairyland, the white-scaled dragon who can break the destiny, the crown of Jack Speight Down……"

As if through the endless void, he saw a group of students praying anxiously to him in the freezing St. Byron College.

"Teacher, Senior Lucy is missing! We originally planned to go out together today, but she is not in the apartment. I have searched everywhere... Raphael restored the historical picture of the past, but was caught by a stronger force Power interference, we suspect that she encountered some danger!"

Feliciano's forehead was sweating, and he closed his eyes and muttered nervously.

Raphael stood beside him solemnly, while Ahsoka showed worry and concern in his eyes.

"...We hope to get your help, teacher."

Feliciano finally said softly.

Chen Lun looked down at the three of them, frowning slightly.

'Lucy is missing? '

She was an ordinary student who was very low-key on weekdays and would not cause trouble at all. Why did she suddenly disappear... Chen Lun was puzzled by this.

'Lucy Payne's current state of life. '

Chen Lun muttered a sentence, and tossed a gold pound casually. After rolling a few times, it landed in the palm of his hand, with the pattern of the sun and human face on the front facing upwards.

'Well, still alive. '

Chen Lun looked calm.

He gently raised his left index finger, and a world map appeared out of thin air on the clean coffee table, and he popped out the gold pound in his right hand again.

' Where Lucy Payne is at the moment. '

Round gold coins rolled up on the map.

It first rolled around the territory of Trisul Empire, then slowly headed towards the north and entered the territory of Byron Kingdom, as if an invisible force was secretly pushing it forward.

Eventually, it slowed near Port Inspiration in the Byron Firth.

'Interfering with my divination? '

Chen Lun sneered.

He snapped his fingers.

"Shining Nova", "Great Destiny" and "Man of Destiny" gathered together, plus Chen Lun's own sequence of three and a half gods, and [Hide and Seek] bookmark's power bonus to destiny ability.

Even if he is an angel, Chen Lun has the confidence to touch him in the air!
There was a faint psychedelic color on his body, and his eyes were as bright as white diamonds.

The gold coin on the coffee table was about to lie down, but stood up abruptly, and continued to roll... It crossed the Enlightenment Port and St. Byron's College, continued up the ocean, and went directly to the vast sea deep.

There is already the edge area above the map, and there is also a human settlement called "Explorer Islands", and this is already the limit area that the Sun Continent has explored.

But the gold coins still did not stay.

After running over the Explorer Islands, it rolled off the map and finally fell under the coffee table, clanging.

The vision on Chen Lun's body gradually disappeared. He sat on the sofa, quietly looking at the gold coins on the ground, frowning slightly.

"I actually went to Misty Island..."

There are three known Misty Islands, which are located in the depths of the Misty Sea in the southwest, true north, and southeast of the Sun Continent, surrounding the entire continent in a triangular shape.

And through divination, it can be seen that Lucy's current location is on the Misty Islands in the north.

After Chen Lun drank the hot milk made by Floy himself, he sent a message to Feliciano and other students through the air——

"I already know."

Ignoring the joy of the students, Chen Lun immediately greeted Floyd and got up to go out.

After ten minutes.

Bailong District in the northern part of Byron Kingdom, Port Bunsen.

Chen Lun was still dressed in a black suit and black hat, with a thick high-necked windbreaker and a white cane. He boarded a medium-sized ship that was about to set sail.

The name of this ship is "Returning", and it is strictly a product of the Moses Voyage Group. It is a ship sold by the Empire to the Kingdom of Byron as a strategic material.

The voyage route of the homing number is quite simple, that is to go to the Explorer Islands in the extreme north of the Misty Sea, and then return. It is doing the trading of daily necessities, and transporting a small amount of special products and guests along the way.

Chen Lun has long discovered that the coastal area of ​​the Misty Sea is fairly normal, but the far sea area is covered with thick fog, which obviously interferes with the space movement of his he plans to take a boat to the Explorer Islands first, From there, fly in the air and go to the Misty Island to search for Lucy's whereabouts.

'Behind this incident, there is a high-ranking influence...'

Chen Lun handed the bill to the crew, went straight to the deck, leaned on the guardrail and looked at the sea, thinking in his heart.

Lucy is just an ordinary mid-sequence transcendent, the only thing special is her high charm and high luck.

"Especially the lucky value... She has experienced two surges in succession. Before I left the academy, her lucky value had already reached more than 90 points, which is very abnormal. '

It's not that Chen Lun didn't divination Lucy, and even spied on her fate, but everything was as usual.

He squinted his eyes looking at the sea level, already suspecting that Lucy's sudden disappearance might be related to the skyrocketing luck value.

Maybe, it was because unknowingly, luck reached the special value of 100 points, which caused some changes that I didn't know about.

'Just go and have a look... just right, I'm also very curious about Misty Island. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

His fearlessness stems from his confidence in strength.

At this time, some other passengers boarded the deck, making a lot of noise.

The woman hugged the crying child and hummed a famous local nursery rhyme to comfort the child.Several men who had had a drink laughed and cursed at each other, and the topic seemed to be related to the tavern girl on the shore.

There are also some well-dressed middle-aged businessmen who are constantly exchanging news, and the expressions on their faces are sometimes excited and sometimes frowning.

One of them caught Chen Lun's attention. This person was wrapped in a thick coat, with a scarf and a woolen hat covering his face. As soon as he got on the deck, he couldn't wait to walk to the railing and take a few deep breaths.

Chen Lun glanced at it calmly, his eyes were filled with mist.

[Boone (Magic Sequence Five - Sculptor/School of Everything)]

If it's just a Sequence Five Transcendent, I'm afraid it won't be able to attract Chen Lun's attention, but the focus is on this person's race, not human...

[Race: Finman (northern mainland)]

'Extraordinary beings...'

Chen Lun thought secretly.

When he left Peacock City and went to Wangcheng, he took the circus on the "Pearl Bamogo" and was attacked by Finmen on the way... This extraordinary creature is a humanoid intelligent race, similar to sea monsters. But the talent is slightly inferior, only higher than ordinary humans.

Chen Lun was also surprised that this person did not take the deep sea path, but the magic path...

From the loudspeaker hanging outside the iron wall of the cabin, the first officer's rough voice sounded, shouting the precautions twice in a row, and notifying the passengers of the upcoming voyage.

Soon, the sailors were checking the sea along the railing, the anchor was pulled up, and a loud whistle pierced the pier.


The homing number slowly sailed away from the shore.

Looking back, Chen Lun saw that there were far fewer pedestrians on the pier than when they came, and they were scattered. These people didn't seem to care about the departure of the return ship, and hurried past on their own.

There was fog all around.

An inexplicable and strange atmosphere quietly rose.

Chen Lun frowned reflexively.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't find anything.There was no change in spiritual intuition, and divination was secretly used to confirm, indicating that everything was as usual.


Chen Lun looked back calmly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the Finn mage named Boone, took out a thick tome from his arms, and started to study against the sea breeze.

Looking at his earnest expression and curious eyes, Chen Lun couldn't help but think of those professors in St. Byron's College, and even the librarian Galio.

'This is a very curious guy. '

Chen Lun gave an evaluation.

He was about to take out his poetry collection to pass the time, when a group of men and women in checkered robes quietly came to the deck.

There were seven or eight of them in total, and they didn't have any luggage at hand, so they didn't look like they were going on a long trip.

These people walked to the side of the guardrail on the right side of Chen Lun, whispering something, and glanced at Boon rather vaguely, observing something secretly.

Chen Lun leaned on the guardrail, opened the collection of poems to read, and felt everything on the deck without raising his head.

"The "Heart of Consciousness" team of elite transcendental beings from the Madman School... is this chasing criminals?Or something else?In short, the target is the fin mage named Boone. '

He knew it in his heart, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile.

Seems to be interested in what's next.

As far as he knows, the Madman School's behavior is actually very conservative. To put it bluntly, they are "closed themselves", only interested in knowledge, and they don't bother to deal with all irrelevant idlers and trivial matters.

Now that the Heart of Consciousness team was on board, Boon either committed a serious crime, or he had something that the Madman School wanted.

The seven or eight men and women in checkered robes seemed to have discussed a countermeasure, and quietly spread out, mixing among the passengers on the deck... It seemed that they planned to surround Boon secretly.

Boone buried his head in the pages of the tome, his eyes fascinated.

Turning the page again, he let out an admiration in satisfaction.

At this time, he finally realized that something was wrong, turned his head to look, and saw several familiar figures passing by, and Boone's face changed drastically.

He hastily stuffed the tome back into his chest, and took out a palm-sized stone sculpture, as if intending to protect himself.

However, Chen Lun frowned.

The stone sculpture in this guy's hand is quite familiar.

It is quite consistent with the specification of "Weird Stone Sculpture", but it is not in the shape of an octopus, but a dead fish with two heads.

Just when the conflict is on the verge of breaking out.

boom! !

The "Homing", which had sailed quite far out of the port, was suddenly shaken.

The passengers on deck screamed.

In the surrounding fog, hundreds of huge black figures faintly appeared. The outlines looked like some kind of big fish with tall dorsal fins, and they looked like some weird sea creatures.

The sky was filled with dark clouds at some point, as if a storm was about to come.

Chen Lun watched all this silently.

He finally knew what was wrong with him before...

The trajectory of the fate of this whole boat came to an abrupt end here.

'They will all die in this shipwreck. '

(End of this chapter)

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