Chapter 606 The King of Cangyi (Ask for a monthly ticket!)
Saints from the Church of the Sun, the Stars Sect, the History and Ritual Association, the Hailing Regiment, and strange forces attacked one after another.

The horror brilliance formed by the mighty power of mythology is extremely strong.

This is far from being comparable to the jury just now.


The three Lieyang archbishops burst into blinding light, and in an instant, the eyes of the millions of new players outside and the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly widened.

Hundreds of white-robed archbishops appeared in the field at the same time!

They have different expressions and actions, and it is impossible to tell the truth from the fake.

This is the effect of the high-ranking sun person using the spectrum to the extreme!

A scorching air wave set off, and these archbishops uniformly crowned their heads with flaming crowns, and with illusory wings of light on their backs, they rushed towards the black-clothed gentleman in front of them with flaming spears in their hands!

"It's ridiculous to pretend to be the light of justice, but always show others falsehood."

Chen Lun said lightly, and raised his dark left hand.

The five fingers that were spread out suddenly closed together and pulled down.

The three Lieyang archbishops actually appeared from above his head out of thin air, with horrified expressions.

boom! !

The three people's bodies were uncontrollably pressed to the ground by gravity, lying at Chen Lun's feet, unable to move.

The menacing hundreds of spectral illusions disappeared immediately.

Clang! !

Chen Lun raised his hand expressionlessly, and turned his body slightly. The white scepter collided with a golden straight sword that suddenly appeared, bursting out with dazzling brilliance.

The face of the Pope of the Sun Difuni appeared behind the straight sword, his beard and hair were ignited with flames, his eyes were full of flames, his expression was ferocious, and he said in a deep voice:
"Light is truth, and illusion is just an excuse for the ignorant."

Chen Lun looked at him and said calmly:

"No wonder all the angels said that you are the most useless pope among the past Popes of the Church of the Sun, because you have lost yourself in your faith, you are devout but stupid... Compared to Martin, you are far behind."

Tiffany was silent, but his forehead was bruised.

Chen Lun continued:

"I forgot to tell you that I killed Terrence and the others, and I also snatched the [Aries Forging Hammer]. Of course, Distordak couldn't be killed without it, so I gave you a little participation." Thanks, don't thank me."

"Jack Speight! Sinner!!"

Tiffany roared.

Incandescent fire erupted from his whole body, and he immediately revealed the form of a mythical creature. A little different from other high-ranking sun figures, the nearly ten-meter-high goat-headed monster with a human body had four arms, and together they lifted a huge golden giant The sword fell on Chen Lun head-on.

"Heaven seal."

Chen Lun said coldly.

With a flick of the white scepter, the terrifying repulsion condensed into a mass, like an invisible fist hitting the sheep-headed monster's chest and abdomen heavily.

Boom! !

Before the golden cross sword held high by Tiffany coughed up a puddle of high-temperature mythical blood, it fell like rain and made a hissing sound.

His tall body flew upside down for several kilometers and smashed hard on the ground of the spirit world, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

The surrounding Cang Yi took advantage of the gap and quickly climbed onto his body surface.

Tiffany's frightened and angry voices continued, and the incandescent fire shot up into the sky. From a distance, the area where he was located was crazily distorted.


A [-]-meter-high wave rushed in.

The scene of a tsunami-like disaster on the ground is shocking.

At the head of the wave, Gadis, the chief of the Hailing regiment, stood upright, holding an ancient whale bone plate, and beside him stood five [-]-meter-tall fish-headed giants, all covered with twisted and weird fish scales.

They are all the chief priests of the Hailing Regiment, Deep Sea Sequence Four [Apostles of Disaster], with their webbed claws held high, they summoned lightning and thunder.

Whoa! !
The waves changed suddenly, and among the electric snakes, they converged into a terrifying tentacle ten times larger than tall buildings, and fell from the sky!

Chen Lun raised the white scepter expressionlessly, and the power of the heavenly seal spread.

boom! !

The huge tentacles seemed to be whipped on an invisible protective cover, countless sea water splashed, thunder was heard, and a thunderstorm suddenly fell.

At this time, the stars in the distance, Pope Beanqi, were surrounded by countless stars. At first glance, he seemed to be standing between the Milky Way.

"Up is down, left is right."

He speaks ghostly words.

Using the sequence ability to tamper with the sense of direction of the gentleman in black.

The three exceptionally beautiful silver-robed high priests beside them closed their eyes and raised their heads, following the pope in whispers that twisted their hearts:

"This battle must be lost, and I am disheartened."

"Heart to the sea, give up resistance."

"Memory is blank, confused and wandering."

With one [Daughter of the Stars] and three [Witches], under the blessing of the town religion's mysterious creature [Extraordinary Splendor], even an old-fashioned demigod will inevitably fall into a dazed state of confusion.

But the next second.

The four of them showed pain at the same time.


They bent over and vomited blood at the same time.

The snow-white and tender skin withered and aged instantly, even cracked like porcelain, from which glistening, thick, mercury-like blood oozes out.

"How can a demigod have such a high position?!"

Angie's seven orifices were bleeding, and her cracked face was filled with disbelief and deep fear.



The other three archbishops wailed and screamed, and fell to the ground covering their faces, twitching all over, on the verge of losing control!
Before distorting the enemy's cognition, one's own side lost its combat effectiveness due to backlash, and even faced the danger of death...

"This... this is impossible!"

Bei Anqi seemed to be crying and laughing, and her originally high fighting spirit suddenly fell to the bottom.

Chen Lun glanced coldly at the people of the Qunxing Sect, and immediately pointed the white scepter back as if nothing had happened.

The offensive of the Society of History and Ritual arrived at the same time.

The five "seven sages who keep secrets" seem to be extremely cautious. They revealed the form of mythical creatures early and turned into huge twisted worms. The surface of the ring-shaped cortex also emerged with patterns of mythical creatures that existed in history.

Flying dragons, elves, giants and even strange and deformed monsters.

They seem to have stolen part of the power of these mythical creatures, each showing different characteristics.

Amidst the rumbling sound, five giant worms burrowed into the ground and moved, but they were all blocked by the repulsive barrier, unable to advance any further.

The profane Lord Ragnar, who was summoned by President McNeil himself from history, strode forward. He was covered in dark red robes, and he raised his hand to summon a raging river of blood.

The blood flowed over the giant worms, as if they had been infused with some kind of power, they twisted crazily, and grew dense bone and flesh tissue. At first glance, they looked like huge and deformed centipedes!

A worm tens of meters long had dragon wings on its back, opened its serrated round mouth, and breathed out dragon breath. Some of the other worms spawned thorns and vines, some used their muscle joints to slash, and some split into more worms.

Repulsion can no longer continue to stop their offensive.

Chen Lun had no choice but to teleport to high altitude, avoiding this round of terrible attacks.

Yet at this moment.

The two high-ranking strangers of the [Dark Side] sequence seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and suddenly appeared behind him. They worked together to build a black coffin and smashed it down.

hum! !

The gentleman in black was locked inside instantly.

"good chance!"

The eyes of all the high-ranking people present were shining.

Countless streams of mythology suddenly appeared, gathered in a turbulent manner, and concentrated on the black coffin!

Boom! !

Amid the loud noise, the spirit world was shaken by it.

A terrifying tsunami swept past, and worms wreaked havoc in the sea and blood.

The players who had already broken through 300 million, and the live broadcast room totaled more than 4000 million viewers, all exclaimed in unison.

Countless people who witnessed this scene were shocked.

"It's really a big scene..."

"It feels even more exciting than the battle of gods at the end of the last version!"

"It's so gorgeous. Is this the effect of performing high-level power in various channels for us in turn?"

"What is a textbook battle?!"

"Is Jack dead?"

"Probably not... He is the ultimate boss of version 3.0."

"Even if you don't die, you will be disabled! Don't even look at the luxurious lineup sent by the empire!"

"makes sense……"

The barrage in the live broadcast room, the posts on the game forum, and the public channel, the intensive communication happened almost simultaneously.

The Polaris team looked nervous, raised their hands to cover the shock wave, and stared at the sky anxiously.

All the officials of the circus looked dignified.

Antonio growled angrily.

"You bloody bastards!!"

He swallowed the remaining seven or eight high-level flesh and blood substances in the "Red Crystal Cup", as well as two blood diamonds.

boom! !

The cow stood upright, and under the surprised gazes of her companions, her body grew taller and her muscles became more knotted.

In the end, a monster more than ten meters high with the body of a bull head stood majestically.

It... He has already completed the transformation in resentment, the original black and white spots on the body surface are completely twisted into a swirl shape, and the two horns on the top of the head are thick and ferocious.

Antonio raised his hand into the mouth, and slowly pulled out a deep and dark red bone holy sword.

In the distance, Ragnar, the blasphemy summoned from history by the [Bell of the Last Return], suddenly turned his head, staring at Anton and the [Holy Sword of Blasphemy] in his hand.

The battle between the two sides is imminent.

Yet at this moment.

An endless pressure suddenly descended from the midair.

Tiffany returned to the battle, and like the more than 20 high-ranking people who participated in the siege, he all showed a look of horror.

"That is……"

Everyone raised their heads in unison, staring blankly at the huge figure slowly revealing their figure...

Pale ragged robes waved across the sky.

The man wearing the rust-stained crown is a full 40 meters tall, standing out of nowhere with an elegant figure, and the bare skin of the robe is flawless, shining brightly under the light of the spirit world.

In his left hand he holds an ivory carved crossed sword.

Straight to the sky.

The right arm is raised horizontally, and a giant white-scale snake with emerald dragon horns is wrapped around the arm, and the vertical pupil is extremely indifferent, overlooking all living beings.

A pale halo at the back of his head.

Radiates a daunting sense of destiny.

Three emerald green, chu red, and pitch black cards were suspended on the shoulders.

Spins endlessly.

The figure blocked the sun under the vision of the spirit world.

In the backlight, behind the ivory white carved cross sword, half of a human face is looming, and a half-open and half-closed black eye is neither happy nor sad.

The gray and white long hair fluttered.

In the ears of those present, it seemed as if they heard the sound of prayer and singing from afar——

"You are the door of a great chapter, the beginning of a grand epic...

You are the end of the supreme drama, the end of all myths...

You are the lord of the fairyland and the spirit world, the protector of the strangers, the king of the innocence! "

Tiffany's complexion was twisted, and he roared with anger:


The figure in the sky waved his hand.

The ivory white carved cross sword slanted across a white curtain.

The three archbishops of Lieyang didn't even have time to react, they disappeared into the world immediately like oil painting characters erased by white paint.

Only a little residual crystalline dust is left to fall.

Breathtakingly beautiful.

"Run! Run!!"

Suspended in mid-air, the two strangers [Dark Side] who had originally attacked Jack Speight had their hearts beating like drums, and they were scared out of their wits.

However, the two of them hadn't had time to turn around and back away.

In the next moment, it was involved by the giant white scale python, locked up, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

"The King of Cangyi already possesses angel-level combat power! Retreat! Retreat quickly!!"

Tiffany watched the death of the three Lieyang archbishops, hissing and roaring.

"Go back to the royal city and tell His Majesty the Sun King! We must suppress these heinous sinners in the world!!"


Star Pope Beanqi raised her head in horror, screaming in horror.

He had already been severely injured by the backlash, and his sanity was dried up. If it weren't for the support of [Splendid Splendor from Beyond the Sky], he might have lost control already.

At this moment, when he saw the ivory white carved cross sword fall, his body surface cracked and his body twisted into an indeterminate mass of colored matter...

The pope of the stars was frightened by the emotion of fear and lost control!

The sword of the King in Cang Yi split the land of the spirit world.

Bai Anqi and even the three high-ranking members of the Stars Sect were all annihilated by this blow, leaving no bones left.

"Run! Run quickly!!"

Millions of players couldn't care less about watching the show, and turned around and planned to withdraw from the spirit world.

However, they were shocked to find that they could not return to the present world at all.

The spirit world was firmly sealed at some point!

Only allowed in, not allowed out!
The players turned their heads to look at the figure in gray in mid-air, and suddenly realized that Jack, as the master of the spirit world, might have planned to trap everyone here to death!
"It's horrible, it's so frightening!"

"The imperial camp, the four major churches plus the opposition forces, a total of more than 20 saints and demigods, and three S-level monsters are no match for Jack Speight... How can we play version 3.0? How do we play?!"

"This main line is simply impossible to complete!"

"Oh my god, can I just give up the main line and let me go out!"

"I don't want to be relegated! Idiot!"

Players communicate excitedly in the channel.

In the live broadcast room, tens of millions of viewers watched this one-sided massacre scene, and couldn't help but be amazed.

Countless bullet screens passed by, and the two most common words to express shock were the most frequent ones——



It was another clang that resounded throughout the universe.

The ivory white carved cross sword cut through the field of vision, dragged the white curtain, and fell again.

The target this time was the camp of the Hailing Regiment.

Chief Gadis was horrified.

He activated the [Abyss Suicide Note] with all his strength, and the [-]-meter tsunami set off again. The five chief priests who turned into fish-head giants roared and roared, calling for lightning and thunder, and swept past along with the tsunami.

They tried to use this power to resist the attack of the King of Cang Yi!

But in vain.

The white curtain swept across, and the tsunami split in two.

The endless seawater condensed into crystals, frozen in mid-air.

The upper part collapsed suddenly, turning into a mist of dust covering several kilometers, brilliant and stunning.

The five chief priests of the Hailing Regiment were killed by this sword!

And Gadis survived the catastrophe, crawling on the ground in shock.

Drag out a long bloody road.

Half of his body disappeared, resisting the pain that penetrated into the bone marrow, took out the [Abyss Suicide Note] with the remaining hand, and poured the remaining sanity into it desperately.


A slippery dark green tentacle rolled him up.

Take her out of the spirit world.

Of course, with his seriously injured state, I am afraid that he will suffer a lot for a long time, whether it is physically or mentally...

The crystals attached to him will erode his sanity all the time, and once he thinks of that terrifying figure in green clothes, he is in danger of losing control!

The King in Cangyi ignored the fleeing Jiadis.

His indifferent eyes turned and locked on McNeill and the "Seven Sages of Secret Keepers"...


McNeill ordered in a deep voice.

However, in the next moment, the ivory white carved cross sword fell down.

Boom! !

The three "sages" were wiped out, and before they even had time to perform historical retrospect, they completely became part of history.

After McNeil forced Ragnar the Blasphemer to break it, he led the remaining remnants to hide in the huge sarcophagus, and used the sequence ability of Sequence Three [Grave Digger] to dig out a "historical passage" to avoid the spirit world Blocked and returned to the present world.

"It was you who destroyed the Red Apple Church, and Rafa died at your hands..."

Ragnar couldn't get rid of the control of [Bell of the Last End], so he stayed where he was, looking up at the King in Cangyi in the sky, He said in a deep voice.


The figure in Cang Yi raised his cross sword, and an indifferent voice came from behind the sword:
"Yes, not only that, after Dolomy Purnis was reborn, she also died at my hands... In the future, it will be the same for the high-ranking people of flesh and blood, and the same will be true for Madame Rosa Marialena."

Ragnar the Blasphemer was slightly taken aback.

bass! !

The ivory white carved cross sword has fallen.

Boom! !
He returns to history again.

So far, the high-ranking people who participated in the encirclement and suppression operation died or fled, and now only Tiffany is left standing there alone.

He regained his appearance as an old man, but his face was ashen and his back was bent.

Facing the terrifying giant shadow in green clothes, the Sun Pope seemed to have lost his fighting spirit, and murmured:

"Where will the empire go, and where will my religion go..."

boom! !

The white curtain fell suddenly.

The existence of the old man was wiped clean.

The eyes of the King in Cang Yi looked down on the devastated land with neither sorrow nor joy.

Millions of players are trapped in the spirit world, scurrying around like headless chickens.

He stood tall and imprinted a deep fear on the players and viewers in the live broadcast room. This seems to be an invincible ultimate BOSS...

"Everything about you is mine."

The King of Cang Yi said so.

The crimson card floating on the shoulder suddenly freezes in the rotation, and flips over, revealing a faceless figure holding a scythe.


The last thing everyone heard was the clanging of the cross swords.

A white curtain flits across the field of vision.

【You are dead! 】

The eyes of countless players turned black, and a prompt popped up.

The entire spiritual world fell silent in an instant.

A dead silence.

The King in Cang Yi raised his right arm slightly, and the giant white-scaled python snaked past, spitting out a dazzling eye ball of various colors from his palm...

That is the power contributed by all the players present.

More than a billion lives and physical strength, plus tens of millions of sanity.

The Polaris team and everyone in the circus stared up.

long silence.

(End of this chapter)

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