I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 607 Angel Promotion Mission

Chapter 607 Angel Promotion Mission
"At the beginning of February 4423 in the solar calendar, the mysterious field was shaking..."

"The former vice-chairman of the Generous Council of the Church of the Seven Gods, Jack Speight, seized the power of the ancient god Distordak and became the source of a new round of disaster and evil... honored as the 'King of Cang Yi'."

"The leader of the Cuisul Empire, the Sun King Andrei summoned the Church of the Seven Gods and the United Empire Tribunal to dispatch a total of four demigods, 22 saints, 400 elite mid-sequence transcendents, and [-] million extraordinary immortal aliens. Bringing the three Orthodox Church town teaching-level spooks to encircle and suppress..."

"The epic battle, the spiritual world was shaken, the king in blue finally revealed his mythical form, defeated the coalition army with his own power, killed two demigods, twenty saints, and wiped out the entire army of extraordinary immortals..."

"The Pope of the Sun, Difuni, and the Pope of the Stars, Beanqi, died in martyrdom, and the mysterious thing [Splendid Splendor] from the Stars Sect is lost..."

"The head of the Hailing regiment, Jiadisi, returned from a serious injury and fell into a madness. She muttered the prayers of the King of Cangyi endlessly in her mouth, and was always on the verge of losing control. Finally, she used the [Abyss Suicide Note] to seal herself and fell into a temporary sleep..."

"The Association of History and Ceremony suffered the least loss. The president, McNeil, and two members of the 'Seven Sages of Secrets' survived, and then disappeared without a trace. They kept this secret..."

"The incident ended, and the Sun King Andre Trisul was furious. It was rumored that within the entire territory of the empire, the spectacle building 'Day Obelisk' in the main city trembled for more than three days, and the people fell into panic..."

"Jack Speight, the King of Pale Clothes, has completely become a dark cloud over the Trisul Empire after this battle. No one knows where he is going, when, and in what form, he will come to the world again, bringing endless fear... ..."

"The above is known in history as the final white."

The quill pen records three-thirds of the text on the ancient scrolls.

A wax engraving fell, and the C-shaped worm symbol slowly emerged in the dim light, and finally the name of the history writer "Sid Mitchell" appeared on the inscription.

The long-haired figure in a khaki cloak slowly placed the scroll on the high platform. He raised his head and stared at the records on the wall, and finally sighed with emotion.

"The change of the new era, from order to disorder..."

The old spirit world, fairyland.

Above the sky, under the sacred tree.

Chen Lun sat silently on the White Throne.

With a calm expression, he overlooked everything in this world.

It has been a few days since the war in the spirit world, and he brought the circus executives here, and came to his own safe haven.

He has the authority of the old spirit world, and after integrating the "Fairyland" into it, he uses the super A-level weird thing [Les Miserables] as a "creative plug-in", adding many novel things here...

[Les Miserables] is a "big family" who eats reason. In the past, even if Chen Lun had tens of thousands of people in his hands, he would not dare to use it easily, but now he has no worries at all.

Tens of millions of sanity points have become his greatest confidence.

Pen swipe.

Outside Kazite, the town of cats, three ring-shaped high walls were erected out of thin air, completely isolating the pollution sources of the hazy plain, and the cat residents inside lived and worked in peace and quiet.

For a time, they forgot the fear of being dominated by the frogmen in the past.

Chen Lun did not "delete" the descriptions of pollution sources in "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland", he kept the reborn tree, the white cocoon on the mountain of corpses, the giant in the sea of ​​blood and the god of murals.

As the master of the spirit world and fairyland, he is not worried that the source of pollution will destroy everything here. Instead, he believes that a certain amount of pollution is needed as a link in the "ecological chain".

This is Chen Lun's perception after developing "Boundless".

Transcendence is originally a product of the same root as pollution, and it will not be a good thing to get rid of either party.

In addition, railway tracks and unmanned trains appeared in various areas of the old spiritual world. Even in mountains, abysses, deserts and seas of blood, this kind of train named "Homecoming" by Chen Lun can run unimpeded.

Once you board it, you can go to another area at will.

The most prosperous areas today belong to Kazite, the town of cats on the edge of the Forest of Nature, and the nameless city deep in the endless desert.

With Chen Lun sitting on Tianyuan, plus Maggie Milna, the cat god who lives here, and Oscar Ellendin, the giant serpent of fate who often comes here, the old spirit world can be said to be quite safe.

The circus cadres were arranged in Cat Town.

They marveled at the peace and wonder there, and mingled with the cat inhabitants, especially Antonio, who loved the place very much.

Anton, who has now transformed into a mythical creature, is still like a playful child, often taking the white cat Bib and the hedgehog Dingding to play in the town, or go out for a stroll in the natural forest.

Alex and Noah like to take the Homecoming train, travel to various regions, explore different beautiful scenery, and draw materials for creation.

As for Golov, Patton and Morey, they did not stay in Cat Town for long. They accepted Chen Lun's oracle and were arranged to go to the Unnamed City...

At first, the three refused.

Later, they lingered and forgot to leave, and even often prayed to Jack in the middle of the night, thanking the Lord for the gift...

But soon, the trio's prayers changed from gratitude and praise to prayer and forgiveness, hoping that His Majesty Jack would allow them to return to serve.

Chen Lun ignored all of these.

Just silently sighed:
"The gift of fate has already been secretly priced..."

The Black Cat Warriors were accepted by the White Cats and joined the Guard.

The black cat clan who lived outside also returned to Kazite, a thriving scene, especially beautiful.

Master Carmen settled in the White Tower in the center of Cat Town for Chen Lun, where he conducted magic research and brought Kazite the light of wisdom. Perhaps in the near future, there will also be white cat magicians who study magic among the residents of Cat Town... …

Chen Lun withdrew his eyes from the world, his eyes were deep.

In his hand, he was playing with a strange substance with bright stars, and the light ball exuded an indescribable color, which could not be recognized by mortals or even extraordinary people below the high ranks.

It will even be distorted by this color beyond understanding and cognition.

This is the only divinity of a stellar pathway.

Its original body was the S-level town-religious spooky creature of the Qunxing Sect [Extraordinary Splendor], but it was destroyed by Chen Lun's sword at that time, and it collapsed and returned to its original form.

'Before I knew it, I had six copies of the only divinity in my hand, three bookmarks, two copies of the black sun and one copy of the stars... Perhaps in the eyes of other angels and even gods, I am quite a delicious prey . '

Chen Lun smiled with emotion.

But he wasn't worried either.

Leaving aside the fact that the old spirit world is the absolute home field, after experiencing the first battle in the spirit world, he also has a clear understanding of his own strength and sufficient confidence.

It can be said that even if he faces the angel directly, he is not afraid.

With the iron crown and ten mythical creature characteristics fully activated, after he unfolds the mythical creature form, he will enter another level of posture.

This gesture Chen Lun simply named him with the respectful title given to him by outsiders——

King of Cangyi!

In this posture, the strength is improved in all directions, the basic attributes of the panel directly exceed one thousand, and the strength, dexterity, endurance and intelligence can all reach a terrifying 1500 points!
You need to know the demigod's attribute threshold, but it's only 650 points!
Although Chen Lun didn't have a clear concept of the combat power of the Angel rank, judging from the fact that he crushed the Church of the Seven Gods and massacred the semi-holy beings such as Tiffany... probably not far from the real Angel.

What is lacking is nothing but actual authority and personality.

【What you have done has had a profound impact on the Sun Continent...】

[Xide Xide personally recorded this period of history, and the "Final White" incident was completely recorded in the history of the mainland, and it will be remembered by future generations...]

[Trisur Empire, Beelzebub Kingdom, Byron Kingdom, the capital of Shuoli, and even the supernatural forces in the mysterious field are all deeply shocked by the horror from the King of Pale Clothes...]

[Regional popularity has been improved...]

Chen Lun glanced at the panel.

His own regional reputation has skyrocketed by nearly 500 points in just a few days, and the momentum has not stopped, and will only continue to grow as time goes by.

[Regional Popularity: 1325]

[Epic popularity: 44]

The promotion task of the Angel Rank Sequence [-] [Anonymous] was successfully started yesterday morning, but Chen Lun was not very happy.

On the contrary, it is quite a headache.

[After testing, you have mastered the mythical knowledge of the path of fate "Sequence Two-Anonymous", and the promotion task is starting...]

[Conditions have been met: the main profession "Sequence Three - Dramatist LVMAX"! 】

[Conditions have been met: Unique Divinity 3/1 (Fate Path)! 】

[Conditions have been met: 41/30 points of epic popularity (the current regional popularity is 1325 points)! 】

[Trigger the Angel Promotion Mission: The Lost Name! 】

Mission description: In countless years of career as a dramatist, you have worked hard and devoted a long time to creation, writing many well-known scripts, and rewriting many important histories and fates...

You gradually comprehend the true meaning of becoming eternal in creation.

"Fate is eternal, no entity required."

You need a grand narrative to make a name for yourself.

Afterwards, he gradually distanced himself from the present world, avoiding physical contact and interaction.

The deeds are passed on from word to mouth, and the great name is remembered by more people, resulting in enduring or even intensifying influence.

Until the existence is completely hidden, leaving only the great name.

Until the great name is gradually lost, leaving only brand marks.

In the end, the promotion was completed through huge ritual feedback, and it was completely sublimated into an eternal existence, an anonymous destiny.

Mission objectives: 100. Create a grand event and let the world remember your great name. (Epic popularity increases by no less than [-] points)
Second, you need to keep yourself completely secret. During the ceremony, your existence cannot be known by outsiders. (Once it is noticed by the second party, the ceremony will end automatically and be judged to be a failure)

Three, when the great name is gradually not mentioned by others, and only the imprint is left in the world, it is regarded as the end of the ceremony.

Fourth, the ritual process will last for a hundred years. (The time course can be shortened according to the digestion speed of the ceremony)
'This ritual...'

Chen Lun leaned on the white throne and supported his cheeks with his hands.

Brows furrowed.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, he realized how difficult it is to be promoted to an angel and become an eternal existence when he really understood it.

His Majesty Oscar has long reminded that the difficulty of being promoted to an Angel is far more than that of a Saint, and it is difficult for those who are not the most outstanding in many aspects such as perseverance, talent, luck, and strength to find chances in case.

'Difficult, too difficult...'

Even though Chen Lun has a lot of cards and advantages, and has the big killer of the panel, he has to admit the hardships of being promoted to an angel.

"If you want to become [Anonymous], you first need the influence of a grand event, and at the same time hide your own existence. After a hundred years of accumulation, you will finally lose your great name..."

He frowned and began to think.

'There are two biggest difficulties. One is that the influence of the grand event must be large enough, otherwise it is easy to lose power during the ceremony, which will lead to the waste of previous efforts... The second is the long time span, although this process can be shortened through digestion and absorption, But to say the least, it is also measured in years. '

Chen Lun sat up straight and took a deep breath.

"Long time also means high cost and low fault tolerance rate... If I want to be promoted to an angel, I must make plans early and be well prepared. '

(End of this chapter)

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