Chapter 608
half an hour.

It wasn't until he felt unwell and had a dull pain in his head that Chen Lun slowly got up, left the white throne, and walked down the steps.

The White Throne is a concrete manifestation of "Never Returning Home". Every time Chen Lun sits on it, he can experience the feeling of overlooking everything in control. He enjoys this feeling very much, and at the same time can use this feeling to do many things .

It’s like thinking completely undisturbed.

Even like the all-knowing true god, random divination, whether it is clues or information, can be obtained in this way, and the authenticity is extremely high.

Chen Lun stood on Tianyuan, feeling the gentle breeze from the old spirit world.

His mind had never been so peaceful.

Even though he knew very well that the battle in the spiritual world was just a prelude, and the real malice from the martyr had not yet come...

Chen Lun glanced at Maggie who was dozing under the sacred tree, and let out a long breath.

He slowly took out a mahogany music box.

[Unknown token - the music box of the Eternal Eternal]

This is a mysterious item obtained from Sigmund the Clown of Destiny after hunting him down.

Chen Lun was vigilant enough about this unknown token at the time, so he didn't do too much research on it.

But now he is completely fearless.

With a soft click, Chen Lun opened the lid.

A male doll was revealed inside.

It has no facial features, and stands upright, wearing a striped white suit with a scarlet tie on its chest.

No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel weird.

With a calm expression, Chen Lun slowly twisted the spring on the right side of the box.

ka ka ka-

After reaching the limit of twisting ten times, he let go of his hand.

There was a soothing and crisp ding-dong sound, and the tune was quite weird. Listening to it, one can't help but think about it. When you close your eyes, it seems that you can see a fire dancing in the darkness.

The red-tie doll in the middle of the music box moved.

No, to be precise, it came alive.

A pair of three-dimensional facial features slowly emerged on the originally faceless face. After opening his eyes and seeing Chen Lun, the man showed a hearty smile.

The white and neat teeth contrasted with his dark skin.


The man touched his chest and bent down, saluted Chen Lun, and then said:
"Respected Lord of the Spirit World, King of Cangyi, Your Majesty Jack Speight, it is an honor to meet you..."

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't expect the puppet in his hand to recognize him.

"who are you?"

Chen Lun asked lightly.

The hearty smile on the face of the man with the red tie seemed to have never changed, and he replied:
"In Nat Sofitel, you can call me Nat. Of course, I have had many names over the ages, such as 'The Timeless One', 'Eternal Wanderer' and 'Great Communicator', etc. Of course, one of my favorite names is 'Era Eternal'..."

"'Era Immortal' Knight Sofitel."

Chen Lun repeated the name.

He always felt that this guy was very strange. Since he lived for several epochs, it proved that the other party was at least an angel...

But Chen Lun had never heard of this name.

And his intuition told him that this guy was by no means simple.

Nat stroked his chest and bowed his head in response.

Chen Lun thought about it, decided to give the other party the corresponding respect, and said:

"Your Majesty Knight, what is the purpose of this token?"

"Dear King of Cangyi, this is the admission ticket for the 'Secret Cult of the World'..."

Knight explained with a smile.

"Secret religion of the world?"

Chen Lun felt strange again.

"Yes, this is an ancient organization. There is no distinction within the organization. Members get along in the form of mutual assistance. The rules are loose and quite free...Of course, because of this, the conditions for members to join will be relatively harsh, and only internal members are recommended. , and requires the consent of half of the people to enter."

Knight explained.

Chen Lun looked at him, thought for a few seconds and asked:

"Who are the members of 'Secret Cult'?"

"I'm really sorry, Your Majesty the King of Cangyi, the identities of the members are secret, please forgive me for not being able to disclose... However, the Secret Cult of the World has been born since the end of the second era, and most of its members are ancient existences."

Nate smiled slightly.

Chen Lun's eyes froze.

ancient existence...

Ancient God!

The Secret Cult of the World is a secret organization of the ancient gods!
"It seems that Knight is also an ancient god."

Chen Lun took a deep look at the villain on the music box, and said in a deep voice.

Unexpectedly, Nat Sofitel shook his head in denial.

"No, no, I'm not an ancient god... I'm just a humble messenger of a great existence, and I'm also the one who spreads the 'Esoteric Teachings'."

Just as Chen Lun was still secretly guessing which god the so-called "great existence" in his mouth was, Knight said again:
"I wonder if Your Majesty Jack is interested in joining the 'Esoteric Cult'? I can make the decision and recommend you... I have heard about your great name recently. I believe that the members of the Esoteric Cult will be interested in you. Maybe, in In the struggle against the empire, will I also help you?"

Chen Lun thought about it, and it seems that it is not a bad thing to get in touch with those ancient gods.

Anyway, with his current strength and hole cards, he also has enough confidence and qualifications to talk to the ancient gods.

"Then leave it to Knight."

Chen Lun nodded.

"You're welcome, it's your duty."

Nat Sofitel stroked her chest again and saluted.

At this time, the ding-dong sound from the music box also stopped abruptly, and the movements of the man in the red tie froze, and the original sense of vividness dissipated.

the present.

Night falls.

The purple moon hangs high, splashing the quiet moonlight.

However, in the empire, countless residents raised their heads and found in astonishment that the moon tonight was extraordinarily round and bright, while the stars that should have been bright were dim.

almost the same time.

There are a total of 130 and two main cities in the seven kingdoms of the empire, and all the wonder buildings "Day Obelisk" standing in the Sun Church area trembled one after another.

Buzzing sounds resounded all over the country.

Ordinary civilians and even powerful and wealthy businessmen are puzzled by this.

Immediately afterwards, all the obelisks facing the sky emitted a strong white light, reflecting each other under the night.

If you look down, you can find that the entire empire is shining, and each daylight obelisk is like the most dazzling node, connected to each other, which seems to form a strange array of inverted triangles nested in outer circles.

The jewel state of Amber.

Pompeii estate.

On the lawn outside the courtyard, Viscount Pompey and Mr. Siebert were drinking and chatting.

The two have long since settled their suspicions and restored their friendship as a friend and comrade-in-arms.

"Speaking of little Rebecca, she should be 21 this year, right?"

Siebert took a sip of the wine and asked casually.

The chubby Viscount Pompeii nodded with a smile, and couldn't help but sigh:
"Yeah, in the blink of an eye, this little girl has grown so big... The birthday dinner of the coming-of-age ceremony that year seemed to be just yesterday, when the great Jack was crowned as Rebecca's tutor at that time."

"Come on, Pompeii, you've said this no less than a hundred times, and I don't want to hear you brag anymore."

Siebert scolded with a laugh.

Pompey stared, pointing at him with the cup-holding finger.

"This is a fact, not a show off. Rebecca is a student who exists in mythology..."

"My family still treasures the saber used by Jack's crown!"

Seeing this, Siebert retorted unwillingly.

The two bickered with each other, and after a while, they laughed again.

"Sigh, I never thought that we could still have friendship with such a great being..."

Pompey shook his head with emotion.

He didn't know what to think of, and sighed again.

"It's a pity that Rebecca can't forget Him. No matter how much her mother persuades her, it won't work, but the little girl doesn't understand that this is a dream that will never come true..."

"Speaking of which, the same is true for Miss Rui, the granddaughter of the old general Malditz's family."

Siebert whispered.

The two were silent for a moment, and they both knew what it means to be a high-ranking person in this world... Don't say they are just nobles, even if they are members of the royal family, it is meaningless in front of the existence of mythology.

After a hundred years, mortals have long been reduced to dry bones.

And they are still bright.

"Siebert, I heard that the old general is not in good health recently, do you know what's going on?"

Pompey changed the subject and asked.

But after a while, he didn't hear his friend's answer, so he couldn't help but look at it suspiciously.

Immediately, he was slightly taken aback.

Because Siebert was keeping his head up and covered his eyes with his hands, but his eyes were staring blankly at the purple moon in the night.

"Siebert? Siebert!"

Pompey called twice, but got no response, and gradually realized something was wrong.

He stood up, quickly came to his friend's side, shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up.

However, I could only faintly hear Siebert whispering:

"What a dazzling sun, Pompeii, have you seen it?"

"Sunshine? What sunshine? It's night, you're drunk, Siebert..."

"I'm pretty sure I'm not drunk, Pompeii, it's true, the sun is blinding... It's hot, my skin is burning, help me, Pompeii, help me."

Siebert showed pain on his face, and fell to the ground inarticulately.

As if the scorching sun was really blazing him, the whole person curled up, his skin was red and purple, and countless blisters even appeared.

Looking at this scene, Pompeii felt his hairs stand on end.

It was still winter and it was night, what Siebert said and felt was very weird, and Pompei thought for a moment that his friend was suffering from some kind of disease.

But he quickly dismissed the idea.

"It's a mysterious event!"

Pompey took a deep breath.

"Siebert, hold on, I'll notify the shelter..."

He turned around and ran towards the villa, intending to ask the old butler Binoz to prepare the carriage, but just after he left, there was a muffled bang behind him.

Pompey turned his head back, with a dazed expression.

The former comrades-in-arms and friends have exploded into a ball of blood foam, and the high temperature even made the wreckage steaming...

Such a scene is not in one corner, and it is happening in all parts of the empire at the same time.

No matter the common people or the middle class, or the powerful and wealthy businessmen, I don't know how many people stared at Ziyue on this night, and then were "baked to death" by the light.

Of course, a very small part of them has undergone mutations and has successfully been promoted to become a Sun Path Transcendent...

But these people are also crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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