I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 61 The Great Mr. Jack

Chapter 61 The Great Mr. Jack

In fact, he just picked up the task by chance, because he planned to go back to Barney Barney.

Most of the riots in the zoo and today's killing of Pompeii's family are inseparable from him. Chen Lun is going to catch the culprit and interrogate him.


In the middle of the street, a girl cried and pushed an unconscious woman lying on the ground.

Neighing, the two elephants used their thick trunks to shake everything in their way.

The mother and daughter who came to the zoo were pushed down by the crowd in a panic. In order to protect her daughter, the mother accidentally hit her head and fell into a coma.

hold head high--! !

Amidst the rumbling vibrations, an elephant was approaching, and a huge shadow covered the girl.

The few people who ran at the end looked back and saw this scene, and they were terrified.They didn't have the guts to turn around to save others, so they had to grit their teeth, turn around and run away with a look of unbearable expression.

The elephant raised its foot, and the next second it would trample the mother and daughter into meat sauce!

Bang! !

A tall figure appeared across the sky, leaning one elbow on the side of the elephant.

The huge impact made the elephant stagger, and the ground trembled.

【Rhino bump】!
The girl's eyes widened, and she stopped thinking as she looked at the figure standing in front of her and her mother.There were still tears on her face, and she kept a dazed look.

In the next second, she felt herself rising into the air and being held in someone's arms.

"Take care of your mother, don't let the monster take her away, okay?"

The girl heard a man's voice and felt her head being touched by a big hand. Immediately, she found that her mother and she were already in a small shop, and several young tourists hiding under the counter next to her smiled awkwardly at her. .

Chen Lun returned to the middle of the street again, blocking the way of the two elephants.

Seeing this "little guy" who had hit him, the elephant was particularly angry, and rolled his trunk up.

【Bear strike】!
The white exoskeleton on Chen Lun's elbow disappeared, his five fingers spread out, and a pad of flesh appeared in his palm, and he slapped the elephant's trunk away.

hold head high! !

The long nose was like a swing that was badly played by a child, and it spun a few times in mid-air.

The other elephant saw that his companion was not sure what to do, so he bumped into him and rescued him.

Chen Lun jumped on the spot, dexterously flipped onto the elephant's body, grabbed its ears, and slapped it on the forehead.

[Bear Blow] Scored twice!

boom! !

The elephant's eyes were shaken suddenly, dizzy, and its two forelimbs knelt down in disobedience.

hold head high--

Chen Lun tugged on its ears, and uttered elephant sounds in its ears, trying to communicate with it.

"These two elephants have not been affected by extraordinary power, you can try to 'influence' them."

The name in the mission is "taming" rather than "killing", and Chen Lun has long since discovered that they are simply provoked by humans.I believe that with my professional level and high charisma to animals, I can complete physical "persuasion".

After a few minutes of communication, the anger of the two elephants gradually subsided and they returned to calm.

A large part of the reason was because they couldn't beat them, and they chose to bow their heads in fear and awe.

[You have successfully tamed the rampant elephant and completed the D-level task: The beast tamer is on the scene! 】

[Task rewards: 800 experience points, 70 silver nobility and [low-sequence destiny faction mysterious substance]*1]

Chen Lun ignored the reminder box for the time being, and let the two elephants stay where they were, while he headed towards the place where Baron Barney disappeared before.

What he didn't notice was that in the small shop where the girl was, among the group of young tourists, a man excitedly grabbed the camera on his chest and clicked the shutter several times towards his back.

"Oh my God! The sun is up! He has subdued two rampaging elephants all by himself!"

Chen Lun wandered around in the men's room, but found no sign of Barney.

He went outside, spitting out snake letters to collect Barney's pheromones, but to no avail.

"This guy is very cunning, he has never been here... Most likely he just left."

It's normal to think about it, if he is really behind the scenes, unless he is extremely perverted, he won't stay at the scene to observe secretly.

Chen Lun temporarily put the matter aside and kept it in his heart.

ten minutes later.

The Viscount Pompeii's family, who were anxiously waiting outside the gate of the zoo, saw that tall figure approaching from a distance.

They hurried forward.

"Mr. Jack, are you all right?"

asked the Viscount.

"I'm fine, but I didn't find Barney either."

Chen Lun shook his head.

Viscount Pompeii showed a look of regret.

"Blessed by the sun, I hope Barney can take care of himself."

After praying, the Viscount looked at Chen Lun again with a serious look.

"Mr. Jack, thank you very much for your actions just now...you are really a great and noble person!

If you hadn't attracted that tiger's attention, I'm afraid Binoz and us..."

Chen Lun pretended to be terrified and waved his hands gently.

"Actually, I just shot instinctively at the time, subconsciously thinking that I had studied animals deeply enough to control the scene.

Fortunately, it fell down by itself, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. "

"Thank you very much, Mr. Jack!"

Viscount Pompeii thanked him solemnly, and Mrs. Pompeii and Binoz at the side also cast grateful glances.

Especially Rebecca, the admiration in her eyes is almost overflowing.

Dinner at the Pompeii manor.

The Viscount offered fifty gold pounds as a thank you gift, but Chen Lun declined.

He jokingly expressed that he only hopes to have a few books in the study, knowledge is priceless.

Viscount Pompey's family was greatly surprised.

Unexpectedly, there are still people who are so indifferent to fame and wealth, only chasing knowledge, which makes people awe-inspiring.The image of Chen Lun in their minds has been elevated again, and he has become a great scholar who is knowledgeable, brave and fearless.

Viscount Pompeii made a decision on the spot, the money must be accepted, and the books in the study can be taken casually!

Chen Lun thanked him solemnly.


On the way home, he couldn't help snickering.

50 gold pounds arrived in the account, apart from the unread yellow book in the study, I don't know if there is any other supernatural knowledge...

This wave was caused by Qin Shihuang touching the wires, and he was paralyzed.

Suddenly his face changed slightly.


sigh -

The coachman stopped the carriage on the side of the road.

Chen Lun lifted the curtain and came down, the coachman looked at him suspiciously.


"Stay here and don't move... wait for me to come back."

Chen Lun looked around, and finally dodged in one direction with a sullen face.

During the day at the zoo, I used [The strong eat the weak] to increase my insight by 4 points, and I suddenly felt a little danger in the carriage just now.

The sixth sense told him that he was being watched.

"Who will it be?"

Chen Lun flickered in the shade of the trees where the street lights couldn't reach, and every time he moved, he was in the shadows.

The sense of crisis is not strong, but if there is nothing, it is like being aimed at the muzzle of a gun.

Bang! !

In the quiet night, there was a gunshot!
 Thanks to the beauty——Xijing for a monthly ticket and a reward of 1 points!
  Thank you, okay ^3^

(End of this chapter)

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