I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 62 Who Wants to Frame Me

Chapter 62 Who Wants to Frame Me

The buckshot hit the tree trunk, sending up a cloud of sawdust.

In sight, the tall figure disappeared into the shadows.


The killer hiding behind a building cursed.

In the corner not far away, another masked man urged:

"Find him quickly, and solve it within [-] seconds. The guards patrolling nearby will be here soon!"


The killer replied impatiently, and just as he was about to change his position, his protruding head was grabbed by a big hand.

The force in the big hand was so great that the man found that he couldn't break free.

He raised his eyes and saw that the target of the assassination was looking at him expressionlessly.The other party's face was hidden in the backlight, leaving only a pair of indifferent vertical pupils!

The killer made a decisive decision, drew out the short dagger from his waist and stabbed Chen Lun in the abdomen.

The imaginary stabbing sensation did not come, and the killer's face changed drastically.

The sharp dagger seemed to hit the steel plate, making a crisp clang.That fleeting dark golden luster was the last color left in his sight.

Chen Lun pushed and retracted the hand holding his head, and pecked at his throat with five fingers.

Wiping bloody fingers across the killer's collar, he turned his head and walked to the other side.

The killer just fell to the ground clutching his neck.

[Kill members of the Black Knife Brotherhood, get 50 experience points]

"Black Knife Brotherhood...? Who is buying my life?"

Chen Lun sneered.

The Black Knife Brotherhood is a notorious killer organization, similar to the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce, but their business is all about human life.

Chen Lun walked to the end of the alley, and the left and right sides were narrow aisles leading to the other two streets, but he didn't see any other suspicious figures.

"Run away? Good luck..."

Chen Lun said to himself.

He adjusted his top hat, turned and left.

After the sound of footsteps faded away, a black-clothed killer lying on the wall let out a dark breath.

He jumped off the wall and rolled on the ground to relieve his strength.

He raised his head and was about to retreat, but suddenly his hair stood on end, because he heard a voice ringing in his ears:

"What a donkey rolling."

Turning his head with a stiff neck, the assassination target was standing quietly beside him, looking at him with a smile.


The killer was about to draw his gun to shoot, but felt a pain in his wrist.

Chen Lun kicked off his hand that was in his arms, grabbed his neck, and picked it up like a chicken.

"Who wants to buy my life?"

The [Siren Cheerful Song] on the chest lighted up slightly, trying to hypnotize the killer.

Unexpectedly, the killer froze, and black blood flowed from his seven orifices immediately, and he died on the spot.

"The [conspiracy faction]'s contract, I know..."

Chen Lun casually threw the killer's body on the ground, pouted unhappily.

[Trigger C-level mission: cloudy clouds]

[Mission description: You seem to be involved in a conspiracy!
Someone launched a series of murders against Viscount Pompeii, and you accidentally touched the interests of some people!

Find out who is behind the scenes and kill the conspiracy! ]
[Task rewards: 1500 experience points, 2 gold pounds, Pompeii's favorability, and [Low-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious book]*1]

"Find a fart!"

Chen Lun took over the task, but he didn't intend to find any mastermind behind the scenes.

Although he was envious of the [Flesh and Flesh faction] sequence path in the task reward, he still had more important things to do, and he was neither free nor lazy.

There is no time limit for the task, so just let it go.

The failure condition is mostly the death of Viscount Pompeii, but Chen Lun stays in the manor most of the time every day, and he dares to kill any one who comes.

The figure of Baron Barney flashed in his mind, and most of the things were related to this guy.

"Come on, Zhengchou won't be able to catch you."


The next day, Chen Lun arrived at Pompeii Manor early.

While Rebecca was still resting, he slipped into the study to read.

The yellow book containing the extraordinary knowledge of [Natural Faction] is very thin, and it took Chen Lun two hours to complete the progress.

[By reading carefully, you have gained 450 experience points]

[The natural faction mysterious book "On the Survival Instinct" (100% progress) has been read through! 】

[You have gained 1 additional skill point and 1 attribute point]

"The needle doesn't poke!"

Chen Lun gave himself a thumbs up, then put the yellow paper into his pocket, ready to take it home after get off work.

He was planning to look for the next "treasure" in the study, but his interest was suddenly disturbed.

An old friend, Binoz, knocked on the door and gently reminded him to go down for dinner.Today's class is scheduled for the afternoon, and it's already lunch time.

At the luncheon.

Chen Lun and the Viscount chatted about the Pompeii family, and inquired about some news.

Originally, he just wanted to know some history about the past, but accidentally learned that Viscount Pompeii had an adopted son.

"Vigari is the son of my comrade-in-arms. The 'overseas landing battle' was quite tragic. My comrade-in-arms died on that island forever...

His wife remarried, leaving only Vigari, so I adopted him. "

The Viscount Pompeii sighed, drank the wine and said with emotion:

"Vigari is very much like his father. He dedicated himself to the empire. He has been fighting abroad until now, and rarely returns."

During the period, he asked Butler Binoz to bring the photo album and showed Chen Lun a look.

It was a young man with short brown hair, dressed in a military uniform, with a serious expression.

Chen Lun felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember where he saw it.

After lunch.

Rebecca excitedly took a newspaper and "rolled" over quickly.

The wheelchair grunted and rubbed against the floor, scaring Binoz who was always ready to save someone.

"Mr. Jack! You're in the paper!"

Chen Lun took the newspaper, and under Rebecca's guidance, he found himself on a large board.

"- Riot at Cuidi Zoo! Tigers out of cages! Elephants killing people!
Mysterious young man used magic to subdue the beast?Take control of the beast! ? "

After he finished reading the title, below was his back standing next to two elephants, with only a blurred profile showing.

Chen Lun couldn't help frowning.

The news report was quite detailed, as if he had witnessed the whole process on the spot.And the description is very exaggerated, with strong conspiracy theory speculation about Chen Lun's identity and "magic".

The whole article did not describe the injured people, but just fabricated a double-digit death toll, and relied on its own "magic" for suspicion.

Although he didn't say it directly, there was a sense that he himself caused the tragedy.

"The Cypress Leaf Post has always been this kind of gimmick 'story' fabricated indiscriminately. It's either gossip or rumors..."

Butler Binoz who was on the side watched it and jokingly expressed his opinion.

Viscount Pompeii seemed to have thought of something, walked over and said to Chen Lun softly:
"This newspaper, like the zoo, is owned by Earl Bradley. The incident at the zoo has had too much negative impact. I'm afraid they just want to find someone to divert attention...

During this time, special departments may come to you, Mr. Jack. "

He patted Chen Lun on the shoulder.

"But don't worry, I will help you deal with them...

But you'd better live in the manor during this time, I'm afraid they will use some tricks on you. "

(End of this chapter)

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