Chapter 63 Planning
small estate.

Room on the third floor.

Chen Lun sat by the window, looking down at his arms.


Under the skin covered with dark golden scales, the muscles slowly squirmed, and the whole arm snaked like a big snake.The snake's head was raised, revealing two "fangs" exuding emerald green.

- Those are Chen Lun's two fingers.

"[Snake Body Incarnation], [Snake Kiss] and [Dace Carp Armor]... Is it the limit to develop three characteristics at the same time?

This is because the phases between them are relatively compatible, otherwise such effects cannot be achieved. "

Chen Lun scattered the changes on his arm, thinking and analyzing.

Since becoming a Transcendent, he has not systematically planned his own power system.

After going through the zoo, he gained a lot of new features.After some sorting and elimination, the ten memory slots of [Animal Imitation] were finally left, all of which he felt had special value.

He intends to use this to arrange himself reasonably, so that the power he possesses can exert a more perfect effect.

[Moulding], [Snake Sensation], [Scorpion Tail Needle], [Stork Stomach], [Stork Pecking], [Rhino Hitting] and [Bear Hitting], plus the previous three items, there are ten items in total.

The previous [Ultrasound] was also removed by him, and the slight control effect overlapped with the function of the hypnotic necklace, and was even far inferior.

"Unfortunately, even if you have obtained the flight characteristics, you can't fly at all..."

Chen Lun sighed secretly.

This is the limitation of [Sequence 9], he cannot change it manually.

Perhaps after he is promoted to [Sequence 8], he can try again.The upgrade of the sequence will not only bring new extraordinary power, but also cover the previous sequence ability and increase its upper limit.

"At that time, try to see if you can combine the ten characteristics into one, and it will probably produce a qualitative change."

Chen Lun had a premonition that it was feasible, and he was full of expectations.

He then turned his head to look at the equipment on the table. The three [creatures] he currently owns were a necklace, a crossbow, and a badge.

Ignoring the word "broken", it happens to constitute one piece of each BCD.

"With the 16 attribute points reserved on the panel, I have almost reached the limit of [Sequence 9], and it is not impossible to fight a Transcendent who is one sequence higher than me."

Chen Lun held his chin in thought, showing the Dragon King's exclusive Nike smile:
"Underestimate my words, I 'offend the next one', beat him on the spot!"

"Mr. Jack, it's meal time!"

Connie's shout came from outside the house, and Chen Lunchuan changed his face drastically and returned to normal.

"Wait a minute, I'll be here soon."

He tidied up the things on the table and got up to leave.

Floy cooks as usual and cooks a sumptuous lunch, which is not only delicious, but also filling and filling.

But Chen Lun is no longer Amon under Wu, he has the dual blessings of [Stork Stomach] and [Surging Badge], he will not refuse anyone who comes, and eat them all.

Fortunately, without the fish he hated, the meal was extremely comfortable.

Connie didn't go to school recently, she has been busy in the warehouse of the small manor, and has a relatively big appetite.The two of them swept away the food on the table, and Floyd nodded again and again with a contented expression.

Chen Lun is trying to find a way to help Connie contact Huang Yuanwei Academy, and is going to send her there for further study.

Just in time to find Mrs. Uley, who is a professor there.

The hypnosis of [Singing the Siren] must have failed, but subconsciously, he should still have an impression and good impression of Chen Lun, as long as the hypnosis is done again at that time.

"By the way, Floyd, tomorrow I will move to Pompeii Manor to live for a while."

After lunch, Chen Lun said while drinking tea.

Although he was not afraid of the so-called special department investigation, since Viscount Pompeii invited him, he was naturally willing to live in the manor for a while, which would be more conducive to his search for [Philip's inheritance].

Floy was slightly taken aback, and Connie on the side showed a curious gossip look.

"Mr. Jack, the viscount's manor should be very big, right?

And if you serve as the governess of the viscount's daughter, will there be any sparks of... love? "

After Connie finished speaking, she immediately realized that she was very much like those neighborhood ladies in the outer city, not a lady at all.

"Ah... no, no, I didn't mean that."

She blushed, said embarrassingly to boil the pot of water, then got up and slipped away.

Floy silently packed the dinner plate. After a while, the ethereal voice said softly:

"Can I move in together? Connie is busy every day, and I'm a bit bored by myself."

Chen Lun thought about it. After Connie went to the academy in two days, it would be dangerous to leave Floyd here alone.

Someone secretly entrusted the killer of the Brotherhood of the Black Knife, and it is certain that he will find his small manor.

"Of course, then you can set off with me tomorrow."

he nodded.

A smile appeared on Floy's face.


A studio in a corner of the inner city.

The door was pushed open, and Baron Barney strode in with a gloomy face.

In the empty studio, there was only one young man with his back turned to him, concentrating on painting.

The walls are covered with weird oil paintings, and paints and canvases are scattered around, creating an artistic atmosphere in the mess.

But Baron Barney obviously didn't have the heart to appreciate the painting. He walked behind the young man and said in a deep voice:

"Vigari, things are messed up, the Pompeii family is not dead..."

The paintbrush in the young man's hand paused, and then he continued to paint.

Baron Barney frowned and took a deep breath.

"I need your help now, Vigari!
A transcendent came to Pompeii's house, and he has his eyes on me. During this time, I can only hide and never show up. "

The young man put down his brush and sighed.

"How many times have I said, don't call me by that name."

He turned around slowly and looked at Barney Barney expressionlessly.Brown slightly curly long hair covered his eyebrows, revealing a pair of indifferent eyes.

"Okay... Mr. Dolly, can you help me now?"

Baron Barney made a helpless gesture and leaned over to ask.

The young man turned back to the drawing board, picked up a paintbrush and outlined a blond girl on the canvas.


The veins on Barney's forehead stood out.

"Dolly, this is the task entrusted to us by Sir Oil Paint! If you stand by and watch, we will suffer together!"

"I know...but don't bother me because of your incompetence."

The young man pondered for a moment, as if thinking about the painting.

He dipped in blue paint to fill in the blond girl's eyes to finally reveal Rebecca.

"I have more pressing things to do."

"what's up?"

Baron Barney frowned, feeling depressed.

"none of your business……"


The young man tore off the canvas from the drawing board, and "Rebecca" was decapitated directly.

He stood up and shook his head.

"It's too bad, it's too bad... It's not as good as Sir Oil Paint. Do you think I have no talent for painting? Barney?"

Looking at this self-talking young man, Baron Barney let out a long breath and asked in a deep voice:

"How long will it take you?"

"Wait another week, when I finish my work, I will come to help you."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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