I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 610 What is the use of God's letter?

Chapter 610 What is the use of God's letter?
Chen Lun's thoughts raced rapidly at this moment.

He knew from the truth relayed by the Dragon of Light that the Yanita World where the Sun Continent is located, and the Zhanlan Star, the hometown of the previous life, are actually real worlds.

It's just that the two worlds are too far apart. Even Huan Gong, who was in charge of not returning home at that time, could only fabricate and "smuggle" an ordinary person into the past.

The avatar named Chen Feng, on the surface, is no different from ordinary people in the Azure Federation. He marries a wife and has children, but in fact, according to the guidance of fate, he secretly investigates the clues to save Yanita's world there, and implements a certain plan.

It's just that Chen Lun still can't understand why the players came here... He has doubts, and it may have something to do with his father Chen Feng, who is also a fictional character created by Duke Huan.

'So the god named "Fire of Redemption" actually affects both the Azure World and the Yanita World? '

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

He seemed to understand something.

'"The Flame of Salvation" or the "Azure Holy Flame", He is definitely far beyond the true God in essence, and belongs to the existence above the sequence, otherwise it is impossible to be outside the world, and treat two worlds at the same time, or even more Many worlds affect...'

The Dragon of Light made it very clear that the old days and the Outer Gods are roaming outside the world. The Outer Gods are great but blind and ignorant. They are more like the embodied existence of the rules of the universe. The attributes defined by humans, such as the concept of good and evil, Morality and even values ​​are meaningless to them.

The Outer Gods are indescribable and indescribable, perhaps just because they "passed by" some worlds, they may cause the destruction of those civilizations.

It's not that civilization is weak, but that the Outer Gods are too powerful.

To use an image metaphor, it is like a group of the most terrifying radiation source passing by the ant nest far away, and neither side has any contact. Maybe it is just because the ants glanced at it, or did not even look at it, and all the ants died quietly.

As for the old days.

They are similar to the Outer Gods, but they are quite different.

The old days may not be as powerful as the outer gods, but they are not completely blind and ignorant, and they still have some kind of instinct... For example, the old days will be attracted by the source sin, which follows the law of extraordinary fusion.

The relationship between the two is more like the system itself, and the person in charge of a certain system with the highest authority.

'But regardless of whether the "flame of salvation" is the old days or the outer gods, for human beings, it is an existence that cannot be resisted... Even because of His arrival, both worlds are affected and there is a crisis of destruction. '

Chen Lun was in a heavy heart.

As far as he knows, outside of Yanita's world, there is already a spying past, and there is more than one!
The "cosmologist" of the starry sky path, the "lord of filth" of the filthy path, and the "eternal nightmare" of the snail path...

Now, add an even more mysterious "fire of salvation"!
"Your Majesty Knight, the name of this great existence doesn't seem to be widely spread?"

Chen Lun asked tentatively.

The Eternal Eternal was not annoyed, and still kept a bright smile.

"The King in Cangyi is right. The gospel of our Lord is indeed unknown to most people... Oh, I'm talking about people from the Sun Continent."

He pointedly said:

"The former master here sealed off the contact with the outer continent, so that it is difficult to pass the gospel of our Lord..."

"Outer continent?"

Chen Lun frowned slightly.

Nate frowned and smiled even more.

"Sorry, I forgot that His Majesty the King of Cangyi is a native human from the Sun Continent, and he doesn't know much about the 'Outer Continent'..."

His finger pointed in a certain direction and drew a huge circle.

Then, a little in the middle.

"Using the words here, there is a vaster land beyond the Misty Island... The Outer Continent is the main continent of this world. It has a civilization and a country that is even bigger than the Trisur Empire, and the Sun Continent Rather than saying it is a mainland, it is better to say it is an 'island in the middle of the lake', because it is surrounded by the outer mainland, and its area is less than one percent of its size."

Knight Sofitel concluded by adding:
"In the Outer Continent, the glory of our Lord is like the sun here, and it is the most important belief."

'The Sun Continent is the lake center island of Yanita World? ! '

Chen Lun's pupils shrank sharply.

It was the first time he had heard such a secret.

And this secret directly shocked his cognition.

In my mind, a chilling scene involuntarily emerged——

In the boundless land, hundreds of countries are dotted around, mountains are continuous, and forests are endless... In the central area, there is a lake shrouded in mist, and a small island protrudes from the center of the lake. The people on the small island proudly call it "the sun". "Continent" is the center of the world, with the most prosperous civilization and the great seven gods.

Looking up, in the starry sky, countless indifferent eyes watched all this silently, and three of them stared at the small island.

The rest stared at the vast land.

Chen Lun couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He became more and more aware of why Duke Huan used the corpse of his friend Dragon of Light to set up three rituals on Misty Island, and asked another friend, Mr. Jingyao, to smash the spirit world and completely seal off the sun from the two dimensions of this world and the next. mainland……

Because overseas, there are even more terrifying existences.

The Sun Continent has already been eroded by the old days. If the influence of the Outer Continent is added, this place is probably only one step away from being destroyed!
The more he knew the truth, the more Chen Lun could appreciate the greatness of Duke Huan. He seemed to see a thin old man, hiding behind the scenes, planning, promoting and connecting major events one by one to bring them together. connected into a circle.

Just trying to save the world...

And Mr. Huan sat at the end of the world, overlooking the sea, looking up at the starry sky, facing the vast and unparalleled ultimate horror from all directions, with calm and fearless eyes.

"I am the key to all these layouts. I am the button to completely activate Duke Huan's backhand. At the same time, I am also the last bargaining chip that will bear the notoriety of Duke Huan in a desperate fight..."

Chen Lun lowered his eyes.

At this moment, he pushed aside the colorful and chaotic appearance, saw the essence of fate, and saw his own supreme mission.

"Sorry, Your Majesty Knight, I never believed in any god."

Chen Lun looked at the Eternal Era calmly.

"I only believe in myself."

The old spirit world, Tianyuan.

Chen Lun sat on the edge, overlooking the vivid scene below from the clouds.

He has been sitting here silently for most of the day.

After rejecting the Eternal Eternal's proposal, the other party was still not angry, but tried his best to persuade Chen Lun to think about it, and then left with a smile.

And Chen Lun would never believe in the so-called "fire of salvation".

As he said, only believe in yourself.

'The rulers of this world are the seven gods, and the most powerful being among the seven gods is Liefu... Now that I am on the opposite side of the sun god, I have become the enemy of the entire continent. '

Chen Lun let out a long sigh.

"Outside the sky and overseas, there are also old days and outer gods watching..."

At this moment, he seemed to feel that all he could see were enemies, and everything in all directions would put him to death, and by the way, he would also destroy the people and things he cared about.

"Duke Huan, was he also in the same experience and state of mind back then?" '

Chen Lun couldn't help thinking.

half an hour.

He just sighed:
"Sure enough, fate is always a circle, and I walked on a similar but different road."


Chen Lun's intuition felt something.

He raised his head and frowned slightly.

As if something bad happened...

It was a slight touch on the trajectory of fate.

Given Chen Lun's current status, he is very clear about the meaning of this touch——

People who have had fetters with themselves have encountered a major turning point in fate!

Chen Lun disappeared in place out of thin air.

the present.

Northern Trisul Empire.

Limbang Coast.

The long coastline is deserted, an unmanned carriage is quietly parked on the embankment, and the horses are snorting boredly.

Two pairs of footprints, one deep and one shallow, meander along the tidal flat.

Straight to an old lighthouse.

Faintly, you can hear dogs barking from above the lighthouse.

A tall figure in black clothes suddenly appeared in front of the gate of the lighthouse.

With a white cane in one hand, Chen Lun pushed the door open with the other, and walked up the dusty stairs.

He already had a bad premonition in his heart.

When I came to the top floor of the lighthouse, I saw a pair of elderly figures embracing each other. They leaned on the dilapidated sofa, facing the sea outside the lighthouse.

But he has lost his breath.

The expressions of the two were serene, as if they were gazing at the rising sun in the sky, closing their eyes in the beautiful scenery and happy atmosphere.

"Mrs. Caroline, and Mr. Tout."

Chen Lun stood beside the two corpses, silent.

The border shepherd Babu kept pulling at his master's sleeve, sobbing softly, and then turned his head to look at Chen Lun, with expectation in his eyes.

However, Chen Lun just shook his head.

Babu yelled, and turned around a few times anxiously on the spot, seemingly unable to accept this fact, and finally jumped on the sofa, lying on Mrs. Caroline's lap, whimpering non-stop.

Chen Lun felt that his breathing was not smooth.

His eyes were deep, flashing through the mist, but he found some clues.

The fate line of Mrs. Caroline and Mr. Taut is indeed coming to an end, but in fact there are still a few years to live.

The reason why they died suddenly was because——


The martyrdom father lost the father of darkness, an important pollutant discharge medium, and lost the second-level Matthew land, and lost the anchor point. Right now, his pollution can only be transmitted through the obelisk of the day, and the residents of the entire empire can share it. ...

Mrs. Caroline and Mr. Taut have been together for more than ten years, and they have been together through the crisis of life and death, and finally fell in love. They plan to enjoy the hard-won happiness in the final process of their lives.

However, on the way of the newlywed trip, because the old body could not bear the pollution, it eventually led to the annihilation of spirituality.

Chen Lun still remembers that he escaped from the red apple dungeon in Emerald Town with Floyd, went to Amber City to settle down, and was taken in by Mrs. Caroline at No. [-] Denton Street in the outer city.

Her warmth and kindness, and her unique yet homely scented teas.

It's all a memory now.

Chen Lun stood upright, turned his head with a white cane, followed the direction the two old men were facing, and looked directly at the shining sun.

"Mrs. Caroline, this is the God you believe in. Do you see it?"

Chen Lun murmured.

"You love him devoutly, but he doesn't love you."

As he spoke, his eyes penetrated a long distance, scanning to other areas of the empire... Touches of fate moved one after another, and Chen Lun's heart couldn't help beating accordingly.

Chen Lun saw many old friends who had bondage.

A grand funeral was held in the Pompeii Manor. The Viscount Pompeii's family of three looked sad, Rebecca wept on her mother's shoulders, the Viscount's best friend Mr. Siebert, and the old butler of the manor, Binozzi, were being buried.

Of the two male and grandchildren, only the granddaughter Rui was left. The young and beautiful noble lady was crying like pear blossoms and rain.

General Vance's two daughters, the eldest daughter Gulilenz fell in the sun, her younger sister Pasha and her mother wiped their tears, the old general was drinking in the room, and the ground was a mess.

Chen Lun's gaze fluctuated.

He still remembered that the little girl once wrote a love letter to himself, folded it into a paper airplane, and landed at his feet.

Mr. Hoyle, the current helm of the Simon family in Peacock City, is organizing the funeral for his father. Miss Terrier and her dependent mother are lying in the coffin at the same time.

Chen Lun also saw every corner of the empire.

Countless ordinary people who were struggling to survive died innocently and were unable to be buried due to poverty. Countless corpses were randomly discarded in the sewers.

Expose to the sun to rot.

The pram leans on the tombstone, the widow sells the easy chair, the pipe is still warm, but there is no one at the table.

The fate of countless people came to an abrupt end.

Life is cheap and humble.

The sun is still shining brightly in the sky.

But the world is like hell.

Chen Lun's heart was beating violently.

His expression gradually became indifferent, and his heart could not bear the hostility.

Looking up at the sun in the sky, Chen Lun raised his white cane and pointed straight at the sky, his tone was cold and hoarse:
"So godly, what's the use of letter?!"

The cobweb hell hidden in the cracks of the next world.

In the depths, a hidden winery stands quietly.

The gentleman in the black hat came here calmly and knocked on the door lightly.

bang bang...

The iron gate is covered with reliefs of spider patterns, giving people a sense of eerie.

For a long while, there was still a dead silence in the manor.

Chen Lun couldn't help guessing secretly that His Majesty Conrad might still be digesting the last share of power, and had no time to pay attention to the outside world.

However, just as he was disappointed, he was about to turn around and leave.

The door creaked and opened slowly.

Chen Lun raised his head and looked at the second floor of the retro mansion. Through the carved glass windows, he could faintly see the light and the silhouette of people inside.

He took a deep breath, took a step and walked in.

Enter the lobby on the first floor of the mansion again.

Chen Lun noticed that next to the two black knight armors in the corner, there was an extra display cabinet, on which a square glass cover protected a collection.

It was a bloody doll.

Staring at the doll, Chen Lun felt the source of the blood...

"The Rose Gardener" Dolomy Poorness.

He took a deep breath and looked around the hall for a week. The hundreds of various collections immediately made him understand the significance of these——

They are the trophies of the Slaughter Lord.

Each one, symbolizes a target to be murdered.

Those who are eligible to be collected by the King of Slaughter are at least high-ranking ones. They are placed here, silently telling the past of Conrad's crown.

Chen Lun looked away and went straight to the second floor.

He stepped on the warm and comfortable blanket, and saw an elegant man with a ponytail sitting lazily on the high chair in the middle.

"Meet Your Majesty Conrad."

Chen Lun took off his hat and saluted him.

The King of Slaughter held a wine glass, casually pointed at the sofa next to him, and motioned for Chen Lun to sit down.

"What trouble do you seem to have?"

Conrad poured a glass of wine for Chen Lun himself, and smiled lightly.

Chen Lun thanked him, and then swallowed the whole glass of wine in one gulp under the astonished gaze of the Slaughter King.

"It's not annoyance, but... anger."

Chen Lun lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Conrad was silent for a while, put down the bottle, and said softly:
"There is also a killing intent."

With a smile on his face, he looked at Chen Lun meaningfully.

"A strong killing intent, stronger than the smell of fine wine... So, who do you want to kill?"

Chen Lun didn't answer the King of Slaughter's words.

Instead asked:

"Your Majesty Conrad, have you digested your authority?"


Conrad laughed.

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

"I want to write another work for you."


Conrad raised his eyebrows, seeming quite interested.

"What work?"

With deep eyes, Chen Lun said slowly:

"A work that...helps you become a god."

 I'm moving today, sorry for the short

(End of this chapter)

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