I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 611 If there will be no date later, I wish you a worthy death

Chapter 611 If there will be no date later, I wish you a worthy death
Conrad was silent.

He picked up the wine glass and took a sip, staring deeply at Chen Lun with those gray and black eyes.

half an hour.

"Who do you want to kill?"

The Slaughter King asked again.

With a calm face, Chen Lun slowly spit out a name:
"The Sun King, Andre Trisul."

Conrad didn't seem surprised, he pondered for a while.

"Are you pitying ordinary people in the empire?"

The Slaughter King raised his eyes, drank his wine and said lightly:

"Pure justice or sympathy is nothing to this world, it will only kill you..."

"Not because of so-called justice."

Chen Lun shook his head and looked at Conrad calmly.

"It's just what happened to them, which made me understand something..."

He relaxed, leaned slowly on the soft sofa, and spoke calmly, as if he was just explaining a trivial matter:
"The Seven Gods never care about human beings. For them, the only value of ordinary people's existence is to serve as a tool to provide reason and anchor points. If necessary, it can even be a trash can for pollution... According to the law of extraordinary entropy increase , The cycle of order that was originally ten thousand years later has been advanced to within a hundred years, when civilization collapses, the world will be in chaos and disorder."

"You don't need to care about such things now."

Conrad warned bluntly.

He held the wine glass and stretched out an index finger.

"When you are promoted to eternity, the era of disorder is only a snap of your fingers. Take a nap, open your eyes again, and the world will return to a prosperous appearance."

Chen Lun lowered his eyes, and brushed his finger over the edge of the empty wine glass.

"But is that world still the original world? It's just that the seven gods are crazy and tired, tired of playing, and fell asleep. It's just a new sprout growing on the ruins they destroyed by themselves. The future will repeat itself... They are high above, but in my opinion, they are just pests of this world."

He said, his voice gradually lowered:

"And I don't want to bow to such a result!"

"Change the script."

Conrad put down his glass and said softly.

His eyes were deep, and his tone was slightly admonishing.

"Anyone of the existing angels in this world can die, but Andre Trisul can't die... He is the God of the Sun God, the father of the sun god, and he is also the executive who shepherds the world and maintains reason for him. After the two important mediums of "End of Darkness" and "Underworld", Andre has become the last insurance. Once he dies, the father of Lie will become the ultimate bomb that has nowhere to vent, whether it is out of control destruction, or due to weakness. The coveting of his gods, leading to the war of gods, will be a disaster for this world."

Conrad paused for a moment and said seriously:
"Although the father's state is unstable, he is the strongest of the seven gods, and he is also the most powerful deterrent to the outside world... If the Yanita Continent loses the sun, then the terrifying beings from the outer continent will swarm To, devouring this piece of land completely, this is worse than a disorderly cycle, do you want to see such a result happen?"

Chen Lun fell silent.

half an hour.

He took a deep breath.

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and you can't let the inside suffer because of the threat of foreign enemies... Let me bear all the infamy."

Chen Lun sat up straight.

"Furthermore, I have long been on the opposite side of the martyr's father. Either he dies or I die. This is an irreconcilable contradiction. It is precisely because Andre Trisur is his last straw that I want to pull it out... ...and this, will also serve as your reward for becoming a god!"

Chen Lun looked directly into Conrad's eyes.

Finally, he added a word in a low voice.

And these words immediately startled the Slaughter King slightly.

The atmosphere was instantly dead silent.

Conrad was silent for a moment.

He silently poured a glass of wine for the black-clothed gentleman in front of him, then raised his own glass with a solemn tone never before:

"King of Cang Yi, if you survive the catastrophe, I accept your love..."


The wine glasses made a sound of collision invisibly.

Conrad chuckled and said seriously:
"If there will be no date in the future, then I wish you a worthy death."

Chen Lun looked at him and drank the wine in his glass at the same time.

Finally, he also laughed:

"I witness, your words, Your Majesty Conrad."

The depths of the spiritual world.

In front of the bronze gate leading to the dark world.

A gentleman in a black hat stood there with an ivory cane, but he didn't walk in the door, but seemed to be waiting for something.

half an hour.

Chen Lun suddenly noticed something and turned his head to look.

I saw three figures walking slowly in the mist floating in the distance.

Those were three ladies of different ages, heights, and dresses, but with extremely mysterious and profound auras.

"Jack Speight, why do you call us by our honorable name?"

The petite figure stepped forward, with a solemn and indifferent expression on his face, and said coldly.

She was wearing a red dress, holding a small parasol, and her two long, wavy ponytails trembled slightly.

Chen Lun didn't answer, just looked at him quietly.

There is a slight warning in the eyes.

Judelia yawned, then coughed again.

"Just kidding, why are you so serious? You woke me up before I got enough sleep... What's the matter?"

Chen Lun didn't answer. He took off his hat first, saluted Ms. Silence and Ms. Sigh, and then asked Judelia:
"Have you digested the only divinity contained in the [Rose Bible]?"

Judelia looked helpless, and immediately rolled her eyes.

"You think it's eating, brother, after eating and sleeping, you'll be able to digest it... I'm just getting in touch with it now, and it may take a while to fully grasp the unique divinity."

Chen Lun nodded and secretly said it was a pity.

If the younger sister can digest that authority, then he is the king of angels with four unique divinities, and his next plan will have a better chance of winning.

"Three, I have asked you to come here this time because I really need your help on something important."

Chen Lun said in a deep voice.

"what's up?"

Madam Dominia sighed calmly.

Chen Lun glanced at him, and his tone was calm:

"I want to kill the Sun King."


The sighing lady raised her eyebrows.

Even Judelia and Margaret on the side were surprised.

"I think I can understand. After all, Andre summoned the power of the empire to hunt down and suppress you. Anyone with a temper will not tolerate it."

The sighing lady nodded.

Judelia frowned, and fierceness flashed in her eyes.

"Brother, what happened during my deep sleep, why did that Emperor Shabi deal with you?"

Chen Lun was silent for a while, and then said to the three suffering ladies:

"I helped the scorching sun completely destroy the source of pollution at the end of the darkness, so my father harbored malice towards me. He tampered with the world's cognition and made me a public enemy of the world..."

"Disgusting! Hypocrisy! Shameless!"

Judelia scolded.

"I have long been displeased with those true gods, brother, don't worry, I will help you kill them!"

"Jack, I know you're full of anger, but the Sun King can't die just yet."

At this moment, Lady of Silence Margaret gently advised.

"Right now, he is already an important executor of my father's pollution emission. If he dies, my father may lose control, and the world will only get worse..."

"I know, Lady Margaret."

Chen Lun nodded calmly.

"But the current situation is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, and I can't sit still, so I must kill the Sun King..."

He looked at Ms. Silence and said in a deep voice:

"The martyr father also harmed you in the past, don't you hate it?"

Margaret stared at him blankly, and finally sighed.

"Yes, back then I was almost reduced to being a puppet of my father. It was the unique divinity of the stars that Duke Huan bestowed on me, which allowed me to retain my personality and thoughts... But even so, I still couldn't get the real one. freedom, so that for so many years, it can only continue to play the fictional Sequence Zero [Unclean Moon], acting as a false god."

"So this is an opportunity, an opportunity to get you completely out of control."

Chen Lun said in a deep voice.

"As long as the Sun King falls, Liefu will lose this last important pillar of sewage discharge, and the sun in the sky will completely fall—he will either die or go crazy, in short, he will have no time to influence and control you."

Margaret fell silent for a moment.

The sighing lady Dominia frowned.

"Even if we want to help you, I'm afraid we are powerless..."

He glanced at the other two ladies.

"Margaret plays the role of 'Moon God', possessing a stable anchor and sanity, but Judelia and I are seriously lacking... I am guarding the gate of the dream world, so I can gain part of sanity from the dreams of mortals , the situation is slightly better, but it is impossible for Judelia to make another shot, and she almost lost control last time."

"I'm fine, brother, the situation is not as serious as Dominia said."

Judelia said quickly.

Chen Lun looked at him, then glanced at Ms. Sigh, showing a faint smile.

Raising his hand, an illusory green glow suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

Three fingernail-sized, emerald-like seeds were condensed out.

"Since I am asking for the help of the three ladies, I will not be stingy. This is a reward and a gift for the first cooperation."

As Chen Lun said, he handed over three "Seeds of Wonderland".

The three women in pain looked puzzled.

When Ms. Sigh picked up the seeds first, surprise flashed in her eyes, and she blurted out:


"Yes, I think you'll need it."

Chen Lun said softly with a smile.

The "Seed of Wonderland" is a medium he created through the [Jingzhe] bookmark, which has the function of some rational storage.

In the battle of the spirit world, he harvested a large amount of sanity points from the players, and only took out less than one-tenth of the amount, and each of the three seeds contained millions of sanity points.

"It can actually materialize reason..."

Margaret was very surprised holding the Seed of Wonderland.

"No wonder you were able to forcibly pull Judelia back from the brink of losing control!"

"that is really good!"

Judelia is holding the fairy seed, showing joy on her face.

"With it, I finally don't have to be tied up anymore... Brother, don't worry, I will definitely help you!"

Margaret and Dominia looked at each other, and finally nodded.

"In that case, we agree to join your plan."

 Chapter 2 later
(End of this chapter)

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