I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 614 Respecting the King Cang

Chapter 614 Respecting the King Cang

The southern border of the empire.

Snow Crystal City.

As the junction of the empire and the capital of Shuoli, this city has always assumed important functions, and it is often a necessary place for businessmen.

One of the two most critical branches of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce is located here.

Recently, however, an inexplicably tense atmosphere has quietly spread.

This evening.

In the border military region, the young soldiers of the Ordnance Institute returned to maintenance as usual after the drill.

"It's the end of March, and the weather is still so cold."

A recruit counted the number of bullets and complained in a low voice.

"Just get used to it, newcomer."

Several veterans laughed.

"Where do you come from? I heard that mysterious incidents have happened in many places recently, and a large number of people have died tragically. How is your hometown?"

One of the veterans dipped cotton with special gun oil, smeared it on the surface of the flintlock, and asked casually.

When the recruit heard the question, he couldn't help but startled.

His mood suddenly fell.

"Both my grandfather and younger sister died, and they died miserably. The officials at the public security station said that it was the evil god 'King of Cangyi' who was spreading darkness...it was him who killed my relatives."

The recruits pretended to be calm, picked up a flintlock gun, and imitated the veterans to apply cotton with gun oil.

"I don't understand why. Wasn't He a human being at the beginning? He was also a clergyman of the Orthodox Church, but now he actually slaughtered innocent civilians... Why didn't the Sun God punish him? Why couldn't His Majesty Andre do anything to him?"

As the recruit spoke, his tone choked, his hands shook, and the cotton was stained with gun oil, which spilled on the flintlock.

The veterans looked at each other.

"Hey recruit, that's enough."

One of the older ones stood up and walked over to take over the work from the recruits, half comforting and half admonishing:
"This is the imperial army. Even if you are dissatisfied with His Majesty, don't say it. If it reaches Captain Aloma's ears, you will be dragged to the shooting range tomorrow...Give it to me, your gun is soaked in too much oil, When it comes to the battlefield, you can skate.”

The recruit stared blankly, then took a deep breath.

"Thank you."

At this time, there were urgent whistles from outside the armory.


The expressions of the recruits and veterans suddenly changed.

Then Captain Aloma's deep voice sounded on the radio:

"Emergency! A pollution mutation has occurred in the No. [-] playground. The soldiers of the No. [-] Squadron have turned into insects and need support! Repeat..."

"Let's go!"

"Go and support!"

The soldiers in the ordnance station grabbed their guns and ammunition and left one after another, heading towards the No. [-] playground.

The flintlock gun, which had not been wiped clean and was full of gun oil, was casually leaned against the box by the veteran...

The next day.

Snow crystal city border iron net area.

An imperial soldier who was on duty on the sentry box tower was smoking a cigarette boredly. Suddenly, his expression changed, and he quickly threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and picked up the radio to notify the rear.

On the forest land, a group of strange troops came from the south.

The imperial army was on alert immediately, and a total of hundreds of people raised their guns and aimed at them both openly and secretly.

After a while.

A middle-aged officer in a snow-white cloak, under the protection of several guards, slowly came to the tower.

On his beret, there is a pattern of stars representing the capital of Shining Rites.

The observers of the imperial military could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's the major general of the frontier defense of the capital of ceremonies, Warwick, who was invited by General Mateo to discuss important matters... to help transfer Captain Aloma, who will receive him."


In the dark room behind the sentry tower, several observers communicate by radio.

Yet at this moment.


A gunshot broke the original silence.

"what happened?"

"Who fired the gun?!"

"Report immediately!"

Under the horrified eyes of hundreds of frontier imperial troops.

Major General Warwick, who came from the capital of ceremonies, fell straight, with a huge blood hole printed on his chest, and his snow-white cloak was instantly stained red with blood.

Shuo Li's military immediately went into an uproar.

"This this?!"

On the high tower of the sentry box, an imperial soldier looked in horror at the flintlock gun in his hand, the muzzle was emitting blue smoke, and the trigger was slowly dripping gun oil.

"I didn't mean to! The gun went off!"


"Private Franno, do you know what you did?!"

"Notify the general!!"

Both armies exploded.

I don't know who fired another shot, which seemed to be the fuse, igniting the emotions of both parties, and finally a terrible reaction occurred.

Bang bang bang! !

Suddenly, there was a burst of gunshots, accompanied by the sound of booming explosions, and the soldiers of Shuoli were turned on their backs, and the entire army was wiped out within a few minutes.


General Mateo of the Imperial Army came in a hurry and almost vomited blood when he saw the mess and corpses outside the iron fence.

"Damn! You are all damned!!"

His veins were exposed, and he raised his head and shouted angrily.

Originally, I planned to discuss the border pollution with my old friend, so as to get some help, but I didn't expect that the two sides exchanged fire for no reason, and Warwick died here directly...

There's no way to explain it.

The capital of shining rituals will only think that this is a premeditated ambush by the empire.

It coincides with such a tense moment for the empire, and this incident is very likely to trigger a greater conflict!
Shocked and angry, Mateo immediately turned around and rushed to the headquarters without stopping, intending to report the situation to the Sun Royal Family.

However that night.

The Shuoli army of tens of thousands of people attacked aggressively, catching the imperial border guards by surprise.

Snow Crystal City fell in just half a day.

Even more frightening.

The local asylum was unexpectedly attacked by the branch of the Stars Sect. Except for a small number of investigators, everyone including the team leader Staffan died in the line of duty.

In this raid, two women were unfortunately killed by stray bullets. Their deaths were like raindrops falling into the ocean without causing any waves.

Like the more than 2000 innocent civilians who died tragically, no one cares...

The main city of Huabang, Sunflower City.

The seven-state parliament that governs the affairs of the entire empire, large and small, is held here.

Early morning hours.

In the huge council hall in the city center, nearly a hundred councilors are having heated discussions.

"In the western region, Xinbang has been invaded by the Beelzebub Kingdom. In the southern region, the army of the capital of Shuoli has even occupied six cities headed by Snow Crystal City!"

"The two affiliated countries openly tore up the agreement and attacked the empire's territory without authorization, which is unforgivable!"

"We must pay in blood!"

"Do not use force without authorization. The empire is suffering from the poison of the 'King of Cangyi'. Hundreds of millions of civilians have died tragically. Even under the overload of more than a dozen departments, the jury, shelters, security stations, and more than a dozen departments are already powerless to stop the spread of turmoil. ...The order of more than 200 cities in the Absolute State, the Bug State, and the Gem State has collapsed, and launching a war under such circumstances will only drag down the empire!"

"Secondary! Focus on appeasement! Try to ensure the operation of the empire!"

"Emperor Andre established the country with force and unified the continent. We must not show cowardice to the enemy, we must retaliate!"

There were endless quarrels in the hall.

What's more, the grumpy congressmen even rolled up their sleeves and prepared to fight.

At this time, the host on the high platform, the Marquis of Lech Trisul, who has the blood of the royal family, a gray-haired but hale and hearty old man, said solemnly:

"Silence! According to the procedures of the seven-state meeting, issues should be decided by voting, and the final result will be reported to the Sun King's family, and the Sun King will personally review it!"

The councilors fell silent.

With emotions that are difficult to mediate, each put their own tickets into the box next to the handrail.

Among them, a member of parliament named Kramm was staring at the second column of the ticket, which read "Supports launching a war."

"Lilitha, Martha..."

Kramm closed his eyes, thinking of his wife and daughter in his mind.

They were brutally killed by Shuoli's military, which aroused Klamm's resentment.

Opening his eyes again, his eyes were red, and with trembling hands, he used a red marker to paint the box at the end of the second column red, and immediately put it into the ballot box.

After a while.

The staff sent the collected anonymous tickets to the high platform, and the Marquis of Lei Qi personally counted them.

Final result--

65 votes do not support waging war, 66 votes support waging war!
There was an uproar in the hall.

The old Marquis stopped several times before suppressing his voice.

He said solemnly:

"I will report the results of the meeting to the royal family, and His Majesty the Sun King will personally make a decision..."

"Your Majesty, the situation in the empire is urgent. The proposal submitted by the seven-state council is a good choice... Maybe we can take advantage of the war between the kingdom of Beelzebub and the capital of Shuli to temporarily divert internal conflicts."

King City Tourmaline Kloster, in the conference hall of the Sun Palace, the presiding judge McCawlane said in a deep voice.

The person in charge of the Church of the Seven Gods sat at the table. Except for the vacant seat of the Church of the Stars, the faces of the other high-ranking people were all clouded, especially Archbishop Tuke of the Church of the Sun.

In today's Church of the Sun, the pope has fallen, and there are only four archbishops left in Lieyang Monastery, and the strength of the top management has been greatly reduced.

It can even be said that the Church of the Sun, which was originally the most powerful among the Church of the Seven Gods, has now fallen to the bottom.

After the battle in the spiritual world, except for the Church of the Moon, the Madman School, and the Council of Generosity, the other Churches of the Seven Gods suffered heavy losses.

Everyone in charge is worried.

On the main seat, a blond middle-aged man in a white plain robe sat upright.

Even with a calm face, there is an aura of calmness and prestige.

"turn down."

Emperor Andre said lightly.

The people in charge didn't dare to speak, they just nodded silently.

However, at this moment, Chief Steward Babaye walked anxiously to the side of the Sun King, buried his head deeply, and handed out a document with both hands.

He said in a trembling voice:

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent message from Linbang... The army of the Kingdom of Byron has invaded brazenly, and the Madman School 'Comet Squad' dispatched five archmages. The main city of Linbang has been captured, and Falrick died in battle."

All the high-ranking people present turned their heads and stared at the old man in the seat of the Madman School.

Scholar Hernandez adjusted his glasses, showing a meaningful smile.


A golden light fell.

Hernandez was enveloped on the spot, and his avatar, and even the chair, were all burned to ashes.

Emperor Andre was expressionless, and slowly lowered his index finger.

The high-ranking people present were shocked.

A thought popped up at the same time——

War is coming...

In the other world, intoxicated winery.

Beside the carved window, a ponytailed man in a tuxedo raised his wine glass and greeted the window.

He chuckled.

"Wonderful story, King Cang..."


The crisp sound of wine glasses colliding sounded.

Sitting on the white throne, Chen Lun slowly put down the glass.

He took a sip of hot milk and turned his head to look down at the world.

The eyes are indifferent, and the pupils reflect the figures of countless troops, players who are ready to go, and many high-ranking people.

"The third step, the King of Cangyi descends and participates in the hunt..."

(End of this chapter)

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