Chapter 615 Crazy
Imperial Simpang.

western front.

Under the gloomy sky, tens of millions of troops are fighting on the vast land.

Amid the hail of bullets, there was a violent roaring explosion.


The huge flesh and blood monster like a tall building squirmed forward against the gunfire, and flattened the steel barrier carefully crafted by the Imperial Workshop with a single slap, and the imperial soldiers inside were directly squeezed into blood plasma.

Countless bone chariots rampaged, and the sharp and ferocious bone spurs and spears tore apart the bodies of the imperial soldiers, leaving only stumps and broken arms all over the place.

There are also various deformed corpse puppets, crawling on the ground like spiders, and their speed is extremely fast. Even the well-trained imperial army can hardly shoot them in a short time.

These monsters created by the ritual greatly shocked the cognition of the imperial army. Even if they were severely injured, they could recover and heal by devouring the corpses on the battlefield.

If it weren't for the imperial army possessing all kinds of sophisticated black-tech weapons, it might be difficult to parry the attack of the Kingdom of Beelzebub.

There are also many undead strangers, appearing in every corner of the battlefield. They joined the camps of both sides. The number is huge, and the extraordinary power spreads wantonly, and the white light symbolizing death rises and falls one after another.

The empire is being attacked by the three major subsidiary kingdoms at the same time, and the four most powerful kingdoms in the Sun Continent have all taken action.

Killing and chaos are boiling, and people die on the battlefield every second.

However, in the other world where neither army can see, the battle at a higher level has not stopped.

Spirit world.

The Wandering Knights led by Fairclough, one demigod, six saints, and nearly a hundred elite mid-sequence transcendents are fighting against the Imperial Jury.

The first presiding judge, Biondini, turned into a monster with a sheep's head, and fought fiercely with Fairclough and another petal knight at the same time.

Each of the five presiding judges, including McCaw, has opponents.

The mythical mighty power of each path makes the spirit world shake endlessly.

Often high-level battles determine the direction of war.

Once one side loses, then on the battlefield in this world, the situation belonging to this side will decline rapidly, and even appear one-sided.

After all, if the high-ranking people can spare their hands, the ordinary army will be powerless to resist.

Neither side wants to see that happen.

boom! !

Bioondini wrapped his arms tightly around a huge skeleton that was half a head shorter, and used his back to resist a blow from Fairclough's bone blade. The white hair was cut open, and thick golden blood flowed from the wound. Spew out fiery flames.


Biondini roared.

He showed the demeanor of the first presiding judge, breaking the enemy's body abruptly, and the terrifying high-temperature flame continuously burned the opponent.

"Ah! Ahhh!!"

This Sequence Four petal knight wailed in the mythical flame.

Beside him, on a mountain of meat, Fairclough's distorted facial features showed fright and anger. His "abdomen" opened, revealing hundreds of bone teeth, which swallowed Biondini's left arm in one bite.


There was a scalp-numbing crisp sound, and Biondini lost an arm, but he also managed to burn the Petal Knight in front of him, and he punched Fairclough with his backhand, directly smashing Fairclau's head.

In the fierce fight, the two sides shed the blood of myth, and each regressed.

"Master Biondini!"

Several presiding judges were astonished.

"The Empire is Immortal!!"

Biondini was bleeding from his mouth and nose, roaring and roaring.

He pounced forward again, wrestling with the huge meat mountain that was more than ten meters high.

Boom!Boom! !

Between fists and kicks, terrifying shock waves scattered in all directions, and incandescent flames rained down, spreading for several kilometers. Not a single blade of grass grew on the land of the spirit world, leaving only pitch-black scorched earth.

The green smoke spread, and the surrounding temperature quickly rose to hundreds of degrees, and the space was constantly distorted, making it suffocating.

However, at this critical moment.

The dozen or so high-ranking people present were startled suddenly, and a strong sense of danger emerged in their hearts inexplicably.

They stopped suddenly and retreated a distance tacitly.

While being wary of the other party, he turned his head and looked into the distance.


I saw a tall figure walking slowly on the scorched earth, bathed in the high-temperature mist all around.

Until the figure approaches.

Surrounded by many huge mythical creatures, a small figure with a black hat and black clothes and a white cane was revealed.

But the faces of all the high-ranking people present, without exception, changed drastically.

"The King of Cang Yi..."

The first presiding judge, Biondini, said solemnly.

"Who allowed you to make such a big commotion in the spirit world?"

The gentleman in the black hat looked ahead and said calmly.

Biondini took a deep breath.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, we will evacuate now."

Although he, as the first judge, represented the face of the empire, but in front of this ruthless man, Biondini did not dare to do anything wrong.

The opponent was a terrifying existence that slaughtered the jury and the allied forces of the Church of the Seven Gods with his own strength. With the remaining presiding judges, he was probably far from being an opponent.

Biondini was shocked by the sudden arrival of the King in Pale Cloth, even nervous. He didn't want to conflict with him. The most important thing right now is to preserve the vitality as much as possible and win the war for the empire.

As for the formidable enemy, the King of Pale Cloths, Bioondini intends to give in first, and then make a long-term plan later.

"Your Majesty the King in Cangyi, we implore you to help us."

At this time, the leader of the Wandering Knights, Fairclough, said respectfully.

"If you can help us suppress the imperial jury, and the Kingdom of Beelzebub will unify the mainland in the future, you will definitely have a place among the righteous gods! The church that believes in you will also become the new church of the righteous gods!"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of everyone in the Imperial Jury changed drastically.

The attraction of the seat of righteous gods to high-ranking people is too great!
Because this means a stable anchor and sanity, no demigod or even an angel will refuse!
"Very good proposal."

A smile appeared on Chen Lun's face.

Fairclough and others were delighted.

If the Kingdom of Beelzebub can obtain the help of the King of Cang Yi, it will be a powerful supplement at the high level... It can even be said that the Kingdom of Beelzebub has already won half of this epic war that has spread across the entire continent !
But the next second.

Chen Lun's smile became a little cold, and he said softly:

"Too bad I'm not interested."

Fairclough froze.

The high-ranking people present were horrified to find that a dark infinity symbol suddenly appeared on Fairclough's chest.

Chi Chi Chi!
Countless invisible silk strings radiate around, and there are endless fine vibrato in the ears.

Fairclad, who revealed the form of a mythical creature, was cut into countless parts at this moment. The most powerful recovery power of the flesh and blood pathway was vulnerable to a single blow in front of Sixian, and his vitality was annihilated, and he could no longer heal.


The mountain of meat collapsed, and some broken mouths opened and closed, howling.


Biondini growled.

None of the high-ranking people on both sides dared to face the King in Cangyi.

Their first thought was to run for their lives!

"Don't even think about leaving."

Chen Lun said lightly.

boom! !

His figure disappeared instantly.

Immediately, a huge figure in a pale robe suddenly appeared in midair, holding an ivory white carved cross sword in his left hand, and a white phosphorous serpent around his right arm, a halo behind his head, and three cards floating on his shoulders.

The members of the Wandering Knights tried to leave the spirit world, but they were horrified to find that they could not escape. The surrounding space was like an invisible solid wall, which could not be touched or broken, and everyone was blocked here.


Boom boom boom! !

The white curtain of swords and shadows swept across, and the five petal knights were wiped out of existence on the spot without exception, and they died beyond death.

Fairclough, who was smashed into a pile of mud on the ground, was dying. In the pile of debris, several eyeballs were bloodshot, and his broken mouth screamed in unison:
"Madman! You are such a lunatic! The Empire hates you so much that it dares to attack us now... All those who betray their relatives will eventually be cast aside by this world! Ah! Ahhh!!"

Countless pale crystals spread from the ground, climbed up the skin of the flesh, and soon engulfed Fairclough.

Boom! !
The white phosphorous serpent fell to the ground with a bang, and its huge and long body snaked past, directly crushing the middle-order transcendent of the Wandering Knights.

The expressions of the presiding judges of the empire changed several times.

"Everyone, it seems that the King in Cangyi doesn't intend to let us go... Let's fight to the death, but please always remember that the empire is immortal!"

The first presiding judge Biondini took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Immortal Empire."

The faces of the presiding judges gradually became resolute, their eyes fearless, and they each shouted slogans and defended missions.

"King of Cang Yi, come and fight with me!"

Biondini fully exerted the sequence ability of [Bright Lantern], and his whole body burned like an incandescent torch, leaving only the dazzling outline of the sheep's head and body.

Holding a golden halberd made of mythical fire in both hands, he jumped up suddenly and fell towards the figure in pale clothes.

At first glance, the size of the two sides is very different.

The burning goat-headed monster is like a child in front of the King in Green Clothes.


The huge and unparalleled carved cross sword slashed down obliquely.

In the blink of an eye, like a pale torrent rushing down, the small flames were quietly extinguished, and there was no trace of Biondini ever since.

The Imperial Jury, the first presiding judge died!
"Crazy... The King in Cangyi is completely crazy..."

Among the remaining presiding judges, a middle-aged woman looked up at the terrifying behemoth and murmured.

bass! !

The cross sword fell again.

The land of the spirit world cracked a huge ravine like a canyon.

Including the female presiding judge, a total of four presiding judges all died tragically, and only McCawlin survived, stunned in place.

Until the King of Cangyi took back his cross sword and left quietly, he still stood there, staring blankly at the collapsed land in the spirit world, and the space cracks that spanned dozens of kilometers across the sky created by several swords!
McCawlane opened his mouth.

He didn't expect that Jack Speight would let him go.

Maybe it was because of the little friendship in the past, he survived by chance, but Mecoxlane was suffering in his heart, and he would rather be wiped out by the other party's sword.

Presiding judge McCawlin knelt down on the ground, with an indecipherable growl from his throat, leaving him alone in the silent spirit world...

 Chapter 2 later;

  The state is very bad these days, please forgive me;
(End of this chapter)

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