I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 616 The Sun King Arrives

Chapter 616 The Sun King Arrives

Chen Lun's figure flickered in the spirit world.

Often a teleportation can span tens of thousands of kilometers.

He is heading to the northern battlefield.

Previously, as the King of Cang Yi, he crushed and slaughtered more than a dozen high-ranking members of the Wandering Knights and the Imperial Judgment. His mood was calm, as if he had just crushed a group of ants to death.

Chen Lun also ignored the situation on the battlefield in this world.

His current goal is very simple, which is to go to another battlefield and hunt down the high-level combat power of the empire.

In this way, the empire was cornered.

The Sun King Andre could no longer sit still.

At that time, Chen Lun's goal will be more than half successful.

Another flicker.

Chen Lun came to the sky above a spiritual battlefield.

From a bird's eye view, in the azure horizon, countless players were charging in a certain direction, and countless magical lights rushed towards them, instantly killing hundreds of players.

"This is too inexperienced! All the high-level players in the flesh and blood sequence were instantly killed by one face-to-face. What kind of professions are there in the later stages of the game? They are all so crispy!"

"Rush! Rush with me!"

"All members of the Lost Name Guild, prepare to focus on the mage group on the right!"

"Be careful! The high-ranking person of the Madman School is going to open up again!"

On the noisy battlefield, many players shouted and roared.

Chen Lun glanced into the distance, and saw four saints from the Hailing Regiment, plus three saints from the History and Ceremony Association, fighting against five archmages from the Madman School "Comet Regiment".

Five temporary wizard towers stand behind the camp of the Madman School, providing powerful boosts for the wizards at all times.

Chen Lun is very clear that the mage tower is actually a standard equipment for high-ranking magicians. From a certain point of view, it can be regarded as the qualitative transformation ability of Sequence Five [Sculptor].

The magician who owns the mage tower has to rise several levels in strength.

The five great mages of the "Comet Group" fought back and forth with the seven saints relying on the increase of the mage tower, and the two sides were at a stalemate.

Chen Lun stood out of thin air, looked at the battlefield, and slowly raised his hand.

A pitch-black shadow clings to the five fingers, and wisps of black smoke rise up.

"Go back."


The powerful gravitational force has reached an extremely terrifying level under the increase of the power of the spiritual world.

Tens of thousands of players were horrified to find that their bodies were completely out of control, and they were forced to take off during the charge.

Immediately, the players saw the black hat figure in mid-air.

"Jack! It's Jack Speight!"

"The King of Cang Yi is here?!"

"Fucking shit, what are you playing?! Last time, I had bad luck. I participated in the main quest and was instantly killed for no reason. Now I'm going to die if I play a side quest!"

"Ah! Who will save me! I've run out of resurrections!"

In the noise of twittering.

Chen Lun suddenly folded his five fingers together.


Tens of thousands of players were gathered together by the invisible gravitational force, smashed together, and forcibly "pinched" into a ball of meat.

Before dying in battle, their lives, physical strength and sanity were once again harvested by Chen Lun.

"Version BOSS messed in! Run!"

"Go, go, go!"

"It's so annoying!"

"Can't afford to provoke, can't you hide? King of Cang Yi, you are really a bully!"

The players on the land of the spirit world fled in all directions.

Many people who have learned the lesson tried to leave the spirit world the moment they saw Chen Lun coming, but what they didn't expect was that Chen Lun blocked the spirit world much earlier.

"Zhuo! Locked up again!"

"I will never come to the spirit world again!"

The players were distraught.

I can't fight and I can't fight, I can't run and I can't run away.

Many people directly chose to put it badly, sitting on the ground and waiting to die.

Soon, a brilliant crystalline cube was thrown from Jack's hand, gently fell to the ground, and shattered into shiny powder.


The Cang Yi began to spread, engulfing the players one by one in their desperate eyes.

【You are dead! 】

In the distance, the high-ranking people who were fighting stopped in shock.

"Jack Speight!"

One of the chief priests of the Hailing regiment was terrified.

His forehead was covered with blue veins, and his eyes spit out man-eating anger.

"It seems that you really don't pay attention to the Church of the Seven Gods anymore, and think that you can hunt and kill me wantonly with your strength?!"

"Chief Jiadis was forced to proclaim himself, and the Hailing Regiment suffered heavy losses, all because of you damn guy!"

Another high priest shouted angrily.

The three saints of the History and Ceremony Association looked at each other, but they had the intention of retreating.

It was a time of turbulent wars in the world, and they did not expect that the King of Cangyi would take the opportunity to hunt and kill the high-ranking members of the Church of the Seven Gods.

"Have you finished all the nonsense?"

Chen Lun said indifferently.

"Go and die after you finish speaking."


The expressions of the seven saints from the Hailing Group and the History and Ceremony Association changed dramatically, and they fled in all directions at the same time.

"Go back."

Chen Lun raised his hands together.

Terrible gravitational force quietly enveloped the bodies of the seven saints, and they were forcibly dragged back in an instant.

"Ugh! Damn sinner, go to hell!!"

The chief priest of the Hailing Regiment blushed and roared angrily.

He instantly revealed the form of a mythical creature, transformed into a giant murloc, opened his webbed claws, summoned a thundercloud, and floated towards Chen Lun.

"Heaven seal."

Chen Lun shook his hand, and the ivory white scepter appeared.

He flicked the scepter, and the repulsion spread accordingly.

The thundercloud seemed to be blown away by an irresistible hurricane, and immediately retreated several kilometers away.

Immediately, Chen Lun remained silent, and pointed the white scepter at the chief priest's horrified gaze.

"Do not……"

The murloc opened his mouth wide.

Repulsion shrouded down.

Simultaneously with gravity.


The archbishop's fish eyes suddenly bulged and were bloodshot.


The sound of bones shattering came and went, as if an invisible big hand was tightly clutching his body.

next second.

Bang! !

The chief priest of the Hailing regiment in the form of a mythical creature was squeezed into a blood mist!

The remaining three members of the Hailing regiment were filled with grief and indignation.

However, Chen Lun's eyes were always indifferent, and his figure was gradually elevated in the eyes of everyone, and finally turned into a 40-meter-tall King in Cang Yi.

"Fight with him!"

"Taking history as a mirror, the King in Cangyi will definitely pay the price for his tyranny!"

"Angels and true gods will not let him go!"

The six saints from the Hailing Regiment and the History and Ceremony Association hissed.

Chen Lun turned a deaf ear and suddenly dropped the cross sword.


The six figures were immediately erased by the pale sword curtain.

The top of the mage tower in the distance.

The five great mages of the "Comet Group" were shocked. Although they had heard of the terrible deeds of the King in Cangyi, this was the first time they had seen it with their own eyes... The high-ranking members of the Church of the Seven Gods were slaughtered in front of him chickens and ducks.

Such personality and power have already surpassed that of a demigod!

If the Sun King didn't take action himself, no one would be able to stop the King of Cang Yi's wanton hunting...

"Thank you, King of Cangyi, for your help."

The old mage headed by the "Comet Group" bowed his head respectfully and saluted the figure in Cang Yi in midair, and the rest of the great mages followed suit.

The figure in Cang Yi looked down and glanced at them, retracted the ivory white carved cross sword expressionlessly, turned around and disappeared.

Southern theater, spirit world.

Here, a large number of extraordinary people have already gathered.

The high-ranking members of the Church of the Sun and the Cult of the Stars are confronting each other, and millions of players from both camps are looking at each other across the open land.

Dozens of live broadcast rooms are recording the upcoming battle live.

"Fuck, look at the forum, the western and northern war zones have been patronized by the King of Cang Yi, and the high-ranking people on both sides of the war, as well as the players participating in the mission, have all been slaughtered!"

"Ah?! Isn't it our turn soon?!"

"Version BOSS sweeps directly along the map, right?"

"Hurry up and run, before the spirit world is blocked!"

In an instant, with the posts posted on the forum, countless players on the scene knew what happened in the western and northern theaters.

Many players were indeed frightened. After much hesitation, they still chose to give up the mission and left the spirit world directly.

But most of the rest of the players didn't care.

Either they hadn't participated in the main mission of encircling and suppressing the King of Cang Yi, and they lacked a concept of Jack's true strength, or they just took chances and thought that they would not be so unlucky.


The expressions of the high-ranking people on both sides of the confrontation changed dramatically.

They turned their heads in unison to look at the sky.

A figure in black hat and black clothes stood in the sky at some time, looking down at everyone present with his indifferent and deep eyes.

"The King of Cang Yi!"

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

Players communicate crazily in the channel——

"Zhuo! It's really here! Blood loss!"

"Does anyone know what to do in such a situation?"

"Just relax..."

"It's a dead end anyway, find a comfortable place to sit and wait for death."

Chen Lun was planning to make a move to kill all these people under his feet.

At this time.

His eyes suddenly fluctuated.

An extremely strong sense of danger, transmitted through spiritual intuition.

Chen Lun lowered his eyes.

'The Sun King... finally can't sit still?That's right, if I continue to kill, I am afraid that the high-level combat power of the empire will be depleted. How will it resist the attacks of the three subsidiary kingdoms? '

He grinned and sank with a crash.


The figure of the gentleman in the black hat fell like a shooting star.

Boom! !

Chen Lun was holding a white cane in one hand, with five fingers spread out in one hand, and the black shadow spread all over the palm. The terrifying gravitational force squeezed the earth into a huge hill in two breaths.

He stood straight at the top of the hill.

The black hat was blown off by the strong wind, and he gently pinched the brim of the hat.

Under the watchful eyes of Church of the Sun, Stars Sect, countless players and viewers in the live broadcast room.

With his back against the light, Chen Lun slowly put the black top hat in his hand on his head.

With a wave of his hand, the circus cadres came from the old spirit world and appeared behind him.

Floy, Antonio, Carmen, Noah, Alex, and Maggie stood beside the head with calm expressions, overlooking the land of the spirit world together.

"Remember what I told you?"

Chen Lun turned his head and said softly.


Floy nodded slightly, with a quiet smile on his face, and took a step forward.

Long pale golden hair fluttering in the wind.

Immediately, she raised her hand, swiped her slender index finger beside her ear, cut off a strand of pale golden hair, and handed it to Chen Lun.

"If we fail, we will meet on the moon."

She stared quietly at Chen Lun with purple eyes, and said softly.

Chen Lun took a deep breath, solemnly sandwiched this lock of hair in the leather notebook, and then put it away properly.

Ignored the crowd under the hill.

He raised his head again and said lightly:

"The Sun Emperor who will end the Fourth Era is here..."

As the voice just fell.

Boom! !

In the sky of the spirit world, a dazzling golden light group appeared amidst the exclamation of countless people, and it came straight to this side!

Those with sharp eyes can see clearly.

It was a giant phoenix hundreds of meters long, burning with raging flames, dragging its red long tail across the sky!

On the nape of its neck, a figure wearing golden lion armor stood upright, with a long scarlet cloak fluttering like a flag, and in the figure's hand was a lightning-shaped spear made of pure golden light upside down.

Under the horned helmet, a pair of extremely indifferent golden eyes cast their gaze.

"Jack Speight, you damn..."

The deep voice of Emperor Andre resounded throughout the world.

The spectators were astonished. No one expected that the Sun King of the Trisur Empire would come in person, just to kill the black hat gentleman!

Chen Lun's eyes were bright, with a smile on his lips.

"I, who ended the Fifth Era, have been waiting for a long time..."

(End of this chapter)

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