Chapter 627 The Study Room
"Snake... Lord Snake?"

Neil secretly felt that this name was very strange, but he tried to calm down on the surface, and asked aloud:

"What do I need to do for you to gain that 'wisdom'?"

"Find a chance and go to your uncle's study."

Chen Lun said calmly.

"To Uncle Miller's study...?"

Neil couldn't help being taken aback.

This matter is indeed very dangerous to him. After all, books are not only valuable, but also have a certain symbolic meaning.

This is an advanced resource that every ruler is qualified to master.

Except for the direct descendants of the family and the heroes who can read it, the rest of the people are not qualified to touch even the most useless miscellaneous book.

If it is discovered that Neil entered the study without authorization, it is very likely that it will no longer be as simple as being beaten...

But compared to what Neil originally guessed in his heart, such as murder, arson or cruel sacrifice, this is really too simple.

"No problem! I will do it, Lord Snake!"

Neil took a deep breath and nodded in agreement.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help frowning.

Tomorrow is the once-a-month High Mass. Uncle Miller will stop patrolling the villages in Blackhorn, return to the castle, and lead Krufolk and his heirs to the Church of Redemption to attend worship.

After a long period of time, there was no chance to enter the study again.

After all, Neil was also from aristocratic background, so he knew that there was no need to delay, so he decided to take advantage of the night and go to the study!

"Your Excellency Snake, I will act now..."

Neil said softly.

"very good."

He only heard a brief response, and the voice fell silent.

Neil rubbed his face to cheer himself up.

It took more than ten seconds before it started to act.

First, he simply cleaned up the blood and dirty clothes on his body, then went to the yard outside, and fetched bone-chilling well water from the well for washing, and at the same time calmed down the restlessness in his heart.

Taking advantage of this time, he made a plan in his mind.

After cleaning, Neil changed his clothes and quietly left the residence.

Following the familiar dark corner, he successfully avoided the patrolling guards holding torches, slipped into the side building of the castle, and gently opened the door of the old housekeeper Rolf's room at the corner of the first floor.

Except for the eldest son Ke Lu, only the old housekeeper has the key to the study room!

Fortunately, Neil knew that the butler was old and had a light sleep, so he couldn't be more careful, and found the key hanging on the wall in the dark.

He held his breath and moved extremely slowly. It took almost 10 minutes before he quietly took off the key and left successfully.

Hiding in the corner outside the side building, Neil was sweating and panting heavily.

"Okay! Getting the key is half the battle!"

Immediately with a sullen face, he quickly entered the castle, and climbed up to the third floor along the wooden steps.

Apart from Uncle Miller's bedroom, there is only a study here.

Neil's heart was beating fast and his nerves were extremely tense.

Fortunately, he didn't panic. He calmly took out the key and inserted it into the lock of the study room.

There was a soft click.

Neil stepped into the study and closed the door gently with his backhand.

Only then did he realize that his hands were trembling.

Because the temples are too tense, they are rhythmic and powerful.

"Snake...Your Excellency Snake, I have completed your task."

Neil said cautiously.

In his mind, a chuckle soon sounded.


Chen Lun used the crystals parasitic in Neil's body to expand his perception, covering every corner of the study, exploring valuable information.

Soon, there were not many books on the bookshelf, and about 200 books were scanned by Chen Lun...

Chen Lun was rather disappointed.

Because in these books, there is no information recorded in the mysterious field, at most there are only a few words about the Church of Redemption.

But soon, he found valuable correspondence from the two hidden compartments under the desk.

Among them, several letters recorded the communication between Miller and Jordan pastor, about the baptism process of six of his knights this year.

According to Neil's understanding of the world, Chen Lun knew that "knights" were the backbone of wars between territories and even kingdoms and empires.

They are often of noble origin, and at worst they have a little bit of background, and they have received due education and training since childhood.

At the beginning, you need to serve as a "knight retinue" and serve and experience beside real knights or nobles. When your physique and swordsmanship reach a certain level, you need to go to a large city with a duchy and above in a unified manner, where you will be baptized in the Church of Redemption.

Only after that can he be eligible to receive an honor and officially become a knight.

Knights are not only the lowest noble titles, they have corresponding territory and population, they will also gain a leap in strength.

It's no problem to count one as ten.

Chen Lun was surprised by this. This "leap" was very familiar to him, just like a mortal stepping into a mysterious realm and becoming an extraordinary person.

But in fact, knights are not extraordinary.

They are still ordinary people, but they have physical fitness beyond ordinary people, and most importantly, superb fighting skills!
"It seems that it is not the effect of medicine, or the influence of mysterious substances. It is interesting... The knights of the Outer Continent, in terms of strength alone, are definitely comparable to the guards of the royal city trained by the Trisur Empire, but the knights here do not have firearms. With a cross sword, he can gallop freely on the battlefield. '

Chen Lun is quite interested in this.

He also guessed that the most important point of becoming a knight lies in the "baptism ceremony" of the large salvation church!
This is the key to their leap in strength!

It's just that the information is limited, and Chen Lun still doesn't know what it is.

Among Miller's letters, several confidential letters caught his attention.

That was the conspiracy that Miller had conspired with his friend Baron Karl for several months.

Baron Karl is the lord of Libo Territory, which is adjacent to the northeast of Blackhorn Territory.

Miller intends to join hands with him to attack the Yadan Territory in the southeast, divide it up and expand his strength...

"Lord Snake?"

Neil stood in the dark for more than ten seconds, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Soon, he heard the male voice say:
"Under the desk, there is a hidden compartment at the bottom of the right drawer. Open it, count the fifth letter, and read it."

Neil was startled at first.

Immediately, he obediently and obediently stepped forward to do so.

Sure enough, he found the secret compartment, and after opening it, he found a stack of thick envelopes inside. Following the guidance of His Excellency the Snake, Neil carefully opened the fifth envelope, and read Uncle Miller's plot letter in its entirety.

There was disbelief in Neil's eyes.

He didn't expect that this uncle's ambition was far greater than he imagined!
After all, within the Morris Kingdom, it is strictly forbidden for the lords to attack each other... If Uncle Miller is exposed, the whole family will be exiled!


There was a burst of footsteps outside the study.

Neil's expression changed dramatically.

He frantically put the letter back into the dark compartment, and then hid in the corner as fast as he could, between the bookcase and the wall.

next second.

The door of the study opened from the outside.

"Father, private fighting is strictly prohibited in the kingdom, if it is discovered..."

The voice of Ke Lu, the eldest son of the Dutt family, came.

Neil didn't dare to peek, so he could only listen to the conversation silently.

Yet he held his breath, his heart beating fast.

Uncle Miller came back early!
This accident made him break out in a cold sweat.

Immediately, I heard Miller's deep voice saying:

"Kelu, my child, the rules are designed to be broken... Now is a special period. Your grandfather once served Count Franco. I got the exact news from the Franco family a few months ago. The Brilliant Empire is about to go to war with the Mera Empire, and the Grand Duke of Rainbow Island is going to respond to the call of King Mons II to go to the front line, and now is the critical period for employing people."

Miller paused.

Then came the sound of flints striking, and the sound of kerosene lamps being lit.

The sofa creaked, and then Miller continued:

"So no matter how we little lords fight among themselves, the Grand Duke of Rainbow Island will not pay attention to it. As long as the final winner can obediently enlist and join his command, then everything will be forgotten...even, you can get corresponding rewards according to your strength! "

"So, if we can swallow the Yadan collar, we will not only have more people and land, but also get more rewards from the Grand Duke of Rainbow Island!"

Kelu's excited voice came.

He was silent for a few seconds, then asked cautiously:
"But father, apart from Uncle Thomas and Uncle Singer, you only have thirteen knights under your command, can you handle the next battle..."

"Don't worry, I've already made an agreement with Pastor Jordan. After the mass tomorrow, you, along with Xiz and the other six, will go to Rainbow City together, and go to the Salvation Cathedral there to complete the baptism and become a real knight."

Miller chuckled lowly.

"This is wonderful! Thank you Father!"

Kuro said excitedly.

Based on this topic, the father and son continued to communicate in depth for a while, then ended the conversation and got up to leave.

Neil was sweating profusely, and he didn't dare to make a sound.

He was not relieved until the kerosene lamp was blown out and the door of the study was closed again.

"Come out! You bastard!"

With a loud shout, Nilton's scalp exploded.

In the next second, he felt his neck being pinched by a big hand, and his whole body was pulled out of the crack uncontrollably.

Neil felt the world spinning, and immediately hit the ground heavily.

In the darkness, there is only faint moonlight.

He saw the dark silhouette of Uncle Miller, and the stern expression on that face.

Kelu stood aside, startled and angry.

The moment he left the study just now, he found that his father was staring fixedly at the floor at the door, where there was a shallow footprint!

Immediately afterwards, he saw his father suddenly turn around and come back, dragging a figure out from the corner of the bookcase.


This guy actually hid in the study the whole time, eavesdropping on his conversation with his father!

"Kill him! Father!"

Kuro exclaimed angrily.

"If things are exposed, we are finished!"

Miller Dutt didn't answer, but with a groan, he pulled out the Yingshi sword that was shining with cold light from his waist.

"Neil, my good nephew, why did you appear in my study?"

Miller gave a gentle smile.

Neil opened his mouth, sweating coldly.

He didn't rashly reveal the existence of Lord Snake, so he lied:

"Uncle, I, I want to read a book."

"Well, yes, many knights don't like to read books, but in fact, books can increase knowledge and cultivate virtue... It would be great if Fokke had half your diligence."

Miller half approved, half shook his head with emotion.

But his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"But you shouldn't have taken it upon yourself to open the study door with a stolen key and overhear things you shouldn't have heard."

"Uncle, I'm sorry! I was wrong, I won't say it!"

Neil was so nervous, he stared at the sword with wide eyes, and stammered.

"Of course you won't tell, Neil."

Miller's eyes mean a lot.

Neil suddenly felt a chill, and a bad premonition came from his heart.

next second.

With a cold face, Miller held down Neil's right hand under Neil's terrified eyes, and chopped off his thumb with a long sword cut.


Neil's screams lasted only a second before they stopped abruptly.

It turned into a dull hiss.

His tongue was picked out by the tip of the sword!
(End of this chapter)

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