Chapter 628
Neal was not killed by the Millers and his son.

Uncle used a strange powder to stop his bleeding and even numb the pain, and then roughly drove him back to the residence next to the cesspit.

Before leaving the main castle building, Miller said lightly behind him:

"Neil, this is just a small punishment for you... As long as you stay in Fort Blackhorn obediently, I will not kill you. I have watched you grow up and know that you are a smart person, so you should know how to choose."

Neil lowered his head and answered with a weird voice.

Immediately, the trembling and bent figure went away.

"Father, why didn't you kill him?"

Crudut frowned and asked in a low voice.

Under the night, Miller stood at the entrance of the main building with his elbows folded, and said lightly:
"Neill Lucius can't die yet. After all, the Black Horn leader was once Birch's territory. Several knight leaders are not convinced by us. Killing this kid rashly will only increase the number of variables. Just keep an eye on him..."

"But father!"

Kuro said anxiously.

"Kelu, you will be the master of the Black Horn Territory in the future, and even the lord of the Yadan Territory and even a larger area... You must learn to judge the situation instead of being reckless."

Miller turned and looked at the eldest son with a serious expression.

Ke Lu's words got stuck in his throat, but he finally swallowed them back.

"Don't worry, a month later, you will personally lead the army, take Neil to the battlefield, and follow your Uncle Karl to attack the Yadan collar... Just find a chance to let that kid die under the enemy's sword, and in this way Come on, those people from Black Horn will not be able to catch us, after all, Neil Lucius died in battle, and we will be able to take over here justifiably when we bury him with honor."

Miller stroked the hilt of the British Lion Sword and said calmly.

The lion's head decoration on the head of the sword was shiny and smooth, and he especially liked it.

Neil returned to his residence.

As soon as he entered the door, he thumped and knelt on the ground in pain.

Opening his mouth, it was difficult for his unconscious tongue to utter a complete sentence. His bloodshot eyes were staring at his right hand.

Broken palm, missing thumb.

He can no longer hold a long sword, and even basic farming is difficult.

Neal knew that Uncle Miller had deposed him.

The reason why he didn't kill him was just because the time didn't come.


Neil spoke with difficulty, wanting to call out to that great being.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't tell.

Tears fell down without disappointment.

He hates!

Endless hatred devoured his heart!

He wants revenge!

Revenge is required!

Otherwise, I would not even die in peace!

"You are already useless, Neil Lucius."

From the bottom of my heart, the deep and magnetic male voice sounded.

Neil listened to this passage, but he didn't feel any emotional fluctuations, no ridicule, no pity, just calm enough to make people panic.

He wanted to tell this great Lord Snake that he was not dead and could still do things for Him, but he could only stammer and utter a bunch of weird sentences that were hard to decipher.

Neil panicked.

Lord Snake is his only chance to come back, if even he leaves.

Then I will wait for death in this quagmire of despair.

"What else can you do for me?"

Lord Snake's voice came again.

Neil screamed excitedly, stood up, and beat his left chest vigorously, where his heart was.

Bang!Bang! !

He kept beating, beating hard.

Express your determination with this.

"You want to give me your heart, body, and even your soul, don't you?"

Chen Lun smiled lightly.

Neil nodded frantically, blood flowed all over the floor along his numb lips, and he even prostrated himself on the ground, kneeling desperately.

"Everything about you is too cheap for me, Neil."

The male voice in the bottom of my heart said so.

Neil froze.

But soon, the voice said again:

"So for this deal, I need to re-establish the rules. What I give you today, in the future, you must return ten times, a hundred times... Can it be done?"

"Woo! Woo!!"

Neil wept with joy and danced.

"very good."

The voice just fell.

He found that there was an extra piece of meat in his mouth.

The tongue has grown back!
Looking down at the palm again, the thumb is back!
"Your Excellency, Snake! Thank you for your gift! Neil will serve you all his life. If there is any betrayal, he will die a terrible death! He will fall forever!"

With a trembling voice, Neil growled reverently and fanatically.

Only when you lose it can you know how precious it is.

At this moment, he made up his mind completely.

At the same time, the eagerness for revenge is even higher!
"very good."

Chen Lun was very satisfied with this guy's determination.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Wearing a black cotton suit and a cloak, Milledut took his eldest son Kelu, his second son Fokker and the other eight heirs, accompanied by several knights, to a place a few kilometers away from the Castle of Noire. village.

The Church of Redemption in Black Horn is at the head of the village.

Neil silently followed the dozens of guards on the muddy country road.The lips are tightly closed, and the thumb of the right hand is wrapped in gauze, pretending to be camouflage.

After all, he was still under the strict surveillance of the Dutt family. Even if it was a mass event, he would not leave the ground, and followed Master Fogg as a knight retinue.

This Church of Salvation is not big, it is comparable to a shed warehouse stacked with hay, with a flaming cross standing above the sloping roof.

A middle-aged man in a blue robe stood erect at the door.

He has gray hair, but is full of energy, holding a copy of "The Ring of Redemption" in his hand, and staring at the team coming with bright eyes.

"Baron Miller, the weather is fine today, let's hold the mass outside the church..."

The missionary smiled.

"Of course not, Pastor Jordan."

Miller raised his right hand, raised his five fingers, put his palm close to his left shoulder, put his fingers on top of his shoulder, and bowed slightly.

A standard, redemptive church prayer was performed towards it.

Soon, Miller arranged for the heirs to stand side by side. Even the guards and knights were no exception, and they would all be blessed and tested by the priest of Jordan.

This is an indispensable process link in the Morris Kingdom, and even in every region of the Glorious Empire. Every January, the Church of Salvation will bless and test the residents.

This comes from the holy land of Klein in the extreme north, the decree issued by Pope Blue——

The devil hides in the world, and the people in the land of disasters and redemption can only be vigilant at all times, so that the world can be filled with the fire of stability and peace.

The seven empires that believe in the God of Flame all obey.

Pastor Jordan spread out the Bible in one hand and held a candle in the other, and first said to Miller:

"The fire shines on the earth, revealing evil thoughts. Hate me for punishment, love my commandments."

Pastor Jordan flicked his fingers, and a hot drop of wax stained his fingertips, and then pressed gently on the center of Miller's eyebrows.

Miller closed his eyes with a reverent expression.

With a word of praise:
"Save my heart."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but everyone felt that Baron Miller's figure was purer and fuller of vitality.

"Very well, you are still as devout as ever."

Priest Jordan smiled.

Miller bowed in response.

Soon, it was Kelu's next turn. The procedure was exactly the same as his father's. Priest Jordan recited the prayer first, and then used hot wax drops to imprint it on the center of his eyebrows.

In the back, Neil lowered his eyes, feeling quite nervous and apprehensive.

"Your Excellency Snake, is something going to happen? What if we are discovered?!"

He meditated in his heart.

Chen Lun focused his attention on the Jordanian pastor, and secretly said:

'Is this the extraordinary being of the Church of Redemption? '

He wanted to test the mysterious power of the Outer Continent, so he was happy to let Neil accept the so-called blessing and test, so he replied indifferently:
"Don't be shy, just keep a calm mind."

"Yes... I see, Your Excellency Snake."

Neil said in his heart.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, since His Excellency Snake is so indifferent, presumably Pastor Jordan will not be able to find out that he is "possessed by a demon".

Soon, the direct descendants of the Dutt family all finished receiving blessings and tests. With smiles on their faces, they felt that their bodies were more energetic, and they quickly thanked the pastor.

When it was Neil's turn, he saluted Pastor Jordan, and immediately saw the old pastor frowning slightly.

His heart skipped a beat.

"The fire shines on the earth, revealing evil thoughts. Hate me for punishment, love my commandments."

Pastor Jordan muttered softly.

Immediately, his fingers swung over the candle, and the stained wax droplets quickly imprinted on Neil's eyebrows.

But it was just this moment of contact.

Chen Lun suddenly exerted his strength.

[You used "Thought Stealing"...]

【Will determination...】

[The target "Jordan Dylan" willpower is 31 points, your willpower is 132 points, the judgment is passed! 】

The invisible force instantly captured the information in Pastor Jordan's mind and stole it all into Chen Lun's consciousness.

In addition to some secrets about the interior of the Redemption Church, he also got the most important thing——


The Church of Redemption believes in the God of Flame "Bruflin", and the mysterious power that is inspired and accepted is an extraordinary road called "Holy Fire Path"!

Priest Jordan is Sequence Nine [Dancer].

It can increase the flexibility and sensitivity of the body, as well as a little affinity and tolerance to flames.

In addition, because of Jordan's devotion to his duties, he has been in Blackhorn for more than ten years. With the permission of the Holy Land Klein, the Morris Kingdom Redemption Church sent the knowledge of Sequence Eight last month.

Now, it happened to be stolen by Chen Lun.

Sequence Eight [Commander]!
On the basis of the original [Dancer], this sequence not only enhances the previous characteristics, but also acquires the first sequence ability, which is the ability to influence others through body language and command the target to give some simple instructions.


Chen Lun secretly said.

At this time.

Pastor Jordan lowered his hands, and said in a deep voice under the suspicious eyes of everyone:

"Neil Lucius, have you been infested by demons?"

Neil's pupils narrowed sharply.

Pastor Jordan lowered his eyes, held a candle and continued:
"Don't worry about the child, you can tell the truth, I will protect you on behalf of the Redemption Church."

(End of this chapter)

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