Chapter 633 Experience (Ask for a monthly pass!)
Outer demons? !
Neil sat on the chair, not understanding what the old pastor meant.

He took a deep breath and looked around.

The flames are gone.

The four pastors of the Redemption Church were also burned to ashes by the flames.

Although Neil didn't know exactly what happened, he had an intuition that the pastors must have died because of Lord Snake...

After all, the distance is relatively close, so he can see clearly.

The four priests clearly saw something terrible. Before the spontaneous combustion, the fear and panic on their faces were quite conspicuous.

This can't help but make Neil feel sad.

The awe of Lord Snake in my heart is even stronger.

"Could it be that... just seeing the true face of His Excellency the Snake, he was backlashed and burned to death on the spot?!"

Neil secretly guessed.

At this time, he noticed that Pastor Jordan stood up from the ground with difficulty.

I don't know if it was because the old pastor didn't fully participate in the ceremony, so that he survived by chance, but he still had awe and sigh on his face.

Pastor Jordan picked up the Bible, hesitated again and again, and said in a deep voice:

"Son, the existence in your body... He is very powerful and extremely dangerous. I am afraid that even the Redemption Church in Rainbow Island and the entire Morris Kingdom will not be able to suppress it, and neither can I."

As if he had put life and death aside, the old pastor boldly stepped forward and stood in front of Neil.

He lowered his head, looking directly at Neil with those cloudy but bright eyes.

"Let's go, get out of here, run far away, so that the priests of Lan Yan in the holy city of Klein won't track you down..."

Jordan put down the Bible in hand and placed it by the dining table.

"This is my farewell gift to you. The content of the last chapter of volume five can give you the answer... Remember, don't forget yourself, don't forget yourself!"

"Pastor Jordan?"

Neil was extremely confused when he heard the old priest say a bunch of inexplicable words. He stood up and was about to ask.

But I saw Pastor Jordan took a step back, immediately took out a candle, and said painfully:

"Lord, I am guilty..."

Bear! !

The old pastor lit the candle on himself, and a terrible flame ignited. He wailed in a low voice and rolled on the ground, but soon burned into a scorched human figure.

Neil stared blankly at this scene, deeply shocked.

From the very beginning, the old pastor paid attention to himself silently, and later tried to protect himself, but now, in order to redeem himself, he chose to commit suicide amidst the guilt and pain of failure.

Lord Snake...

Is it so scary?

Is he really an evil being?
Could it be that it will bring disaster to this world?
But why...

Neil's heart struggled for a moment.

In the end, he steadfastly chose to keep his promise and believe in Lord Snake wholeheartedly.

Neil sat back on the chair, and after a long silence, he said:
"Butler Rolf."

The old housekeeper trembled.

He stood up tremblingly, and answered quickly.

"Ne...Master Neil."

"Lead Black Horn to collect this year's taxes, and Miller Dutt's private treasury to help me count them all, and exchange them all for gold and silver."

Neil took a deep breath and said lightly.

Rolf seemed to have guessed something, a flash of life after disaster flashed in his eyes, and he nodded hurriedly.

"Okay sir, no problem!"

After finishing speaking, the old butler hurried upstairs.

Neil stared at the copy of "The Ring of Redemption" left to him by Pastor Jordan, and pondered for a moment.

He originally planned to leave here, but after listening to Pastor Jordan's last warning, this idea was further strengthened.

"The hidden in the Bible?"

Neil flipped through the tome full of doubts.

This Bible looks like it has been around for some years, and the azure blue crust on the surface is a little yellow. It can be imagined that the old pastor holds it every day, flips through it, and studies the teachings inside.

He turned directly to the back and found the last chapter of volume five.

"Volume Five Chapter 10: Threats from Heaven, Wasteland and Beyond"

Neil frowned by the light of the torch on the wall, and browsed carefully.

"So... the world is so big?!"

His expression grew more shocked.

According to the Bible, the Kingdom of Morris is only one of the sixteen kingdoms of the Glorious Empire, and the nine empires occupy the north, south, east, west, and east of the Beretta Continent. In the center, there is a huge ocean filled with fog that never dissipates. What is hidden inside.

According to legend, above the entire continent, there is an island in the sky, which is called "heaven".

Not friendly angels or gods perched on it.

It's an extremely evil "empty demon"!
Outside of the Nine Great Empires, there are still many unexplored areas, which are called "Wilderlands", and there are also "Desolate Demons" as terrifying as "Empty Demons".

Of course, there is another kind of demon that can be compared with these two.

That is "Heavenly Demon".

This is a terrifying existence that originated from outside the continent.

"So Pastor Jordan recognized Lord Snake...he is a 'demon'?!"

Neil's eyes widened.

However, he didn't know that Lord Snake was looking at the description in the Bible with him at the moment.

'Omen?Hehe, interesting... It seems that the superhumans from the Outer Continent have also been attacked by high-ranking individuals from the Sun Continent before? '

Chen Lun was very interested.

He began to be interested in the so-called "Sky Island Paradise" and "Unknown Wasteland" again. What exactly are the so-called "Empty Demons" and "Desolate Demons"?
'Perhaps... an extraordinary creature or an extraordinary person born from the erosion of other old outer gods? '

Chen Lun secretly guessed.


Butler Rolf struggled to carry a large box and walked down the stairs.

He came to the dining table and put the box down.


The lid was lifted, revealing the gleaming gold and silver coins inside.

"Lord Neil, this is Miller Dutt's private vault. There are 45 pieces of Fire Emblem Gold and 120 four pieces of Fire Emblem Silver... The remaining taxes have not yet been paid, and we need to wait another two months."

The old butler looked embarrassed.

Neil waved his hand.

"Go to Fogg's room and pack a few sets of clothes into the package. I'm going on a long journey... By the way, help me prepare a horse, five days of dry food and water."

"Yes, Lord Neil."

After hearing these words, Rolf confirmed his conjecture, and couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Neil looked at the box of coins, and he sighed.

Such a heavy thing is not convenient to take away.

So he had no choice but to put the gold coins into a leather bag, and grabbed several handfuls of silver coins.

Fortunately, the fire pattern silver coin is only the size of a fingernail, so it is relatively light.

When everything was ready, Neil went to the armory again to find a set of leather armor and put it on. He put on a black cloak and carried his uncle's original British Lion sword on his back. He rode his horse and left Fort Noire...

Fast forward to the past two months.

Neil traveled all the way, according to the map he bought from the merchant, he stumbled along the coastline and headed north, and finally came to the border area of ​​the Kingdom of Morris, Green Shade Port.

Here, war is taking place.

The port lord, Ivar, responded to the empire's call and attacked the Kingdom of Faz, which was adjacent to the port, which was the territory of the Mera Empire.

The two sides have been fighting for more than a month, and it is at a time of fierceness.

Neil encountered thieves blocking the road many times on the road, but those unlucky guys all turned into ghosts under his sword, which also increased his combat experience and mysterious accumulation.

When he arrived at Green Shade Harbor, he had already reached the limit of [Dancer], and he was only one step away from [Commander].

At the right time, he simply changed his name to Nils, and as a wandering mercenary, he joined the mercenary regiment in Port Green and participated in the war.

This is also the suggestion that Lord Snake gave him.

Fighting on the battlefield can not only quickly accumulate mystery, but also improve combat experience, which will help the next promotion.

As a transcendent with superb swordsmanship, although Neil was young, he soon gained a reputation on the battlefield.

Many mercenaries who underestimated him at first were dumbfounded in the end.

Because this kid was invincible on the battlefield with a lion-headed cross sword, and even set a terrifying record of beheading hundreds of people in one day.

The name of "Hundred People Killing" Nils resounded throughout Green Shady Harbor in just one month.

The following months.

The Green Harbor camp was in full swing and directly hit Mantovani, a strategic bridgehead of the Faz Kingdom.

Here, Neil, who has been promoted to Sequence Eight [Commander] and served as the captain of the mercenary team, led a team of more than 20 people on horseback, piercing the opponent's camp like a sharp knife.

Leaving a trail of blood, he rushed straight to the enemy general.

The bearded general had a burly figure, but when he saw the blond boy riding a horse coming with a bloody British lion sword, he showed a look of fright.

The reputation of "killing a hundred people" has already spread here.

The general turned around and ran away, leaving behind more than a dozen personal guards.

However, an unforgettable scene appeared.

The boy raised his left hand wearing a leather glove, made a few weird gestures in mid-air, and finally kept his fist still.

The personal guards were like puppets being manipulated, they didn't wave their weapons, and ran forward blankly until they were decapitated by the cross sword!
"Extraordinary?! It turned out to be a missionary hidden in the army of the Church of Redemption...Despicable! Shameless! Breaking the rules!"

The bearded general's face changed drastically, and he cursed in a low voice while riding a horse to flee for his life.

However, he was soon overtaken by Neil.

The panicked face suddenly froze.

His eyes burst out with unspeakable fear, his body suddenly became uncontrollable, he jumped off the horse by himself, and fell hard to the ground.

After that, he watched helplessly as the young man rode past him on horseback.

The sword edge scratched the neck.

The last thing that catches the eye is the silver lion head decoration on the sword head.


"Hundreds of people cut!"

"The enemy general is dead!!"

Seeing this scene, the small group of mercenaries and the surrounding friendly soldiers shouted loudly, while Neil rode his horse to a halt, holding a blood-stained cross sword with a smile on his face.

But soon, Neil's smile disappeared.

"Cough! Cough cough!!"

He coughed inexplicably, and it became more and more violent, and brown-red and foul-smelling blood flowed out of his mouth.

Amidst the exclamation of countless people, he fell from his horse and fell to the ground.

In his blurred vision, Neil saw that the bearded general killed by him had herpes swelling up one by one!

He thought of the rumors he had heard these days, and suddenly realized that he had been plotted against...

Was plotted against by the extraordinary person unique to the Mera Empire!

Chen Lun, who was hidden in Neil's body, witnessed all this, and he was surprised by it, because this extraordinary method made him feel familiar.

'Isn't this just a branch of the natural pathway, the sequence ability of Sequence Seven [Plague Doctor]? '

But after thinking about it, Chen Lun couldn't be sure.

'No... To be precise, this should be the complete path radiated by the power of the "God of Plague" believed by the Mera Empire from his original sin! '

(End of this chapter)

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