Chapter 634 Three Years (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)
When Neal woke up again.

He found himself lying in a quiet and tidy room, with a young and beautiful woman sitting beside the bed.

"Yeah, are you awake?"

The woman turned her head and just met Neil's eyes, a gleam of joy flashed in her eyes.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

Neil sat up vigilantly.

The woman smiled, and while using a towel to get wet from the washbasin, wrung it dry, she leaned over and said:

"My name is Raphra. The Hong Kong Master specially arranged for me to come and take care of you... After you passed out on the battlefield, you were sent here for treatment, but the doctors were helpless, even... even the doctors were infected and died gone."

Rafra tentatively rubbed the towel against Neil's forehead. The latter frowned, but did not refuse.

Seeing the expression of lingering fear on her face, she smiled happily and said:
"Originally, I also had the determination to die. Fortunately, thanks to the blessing of the flame, you survived, and the infectious disease entangled in your body disappeared... In fact, even the pastor of the Redemption Church came to see it. They bluntly said that you Not's a miracle!"

Rafra's hand was very gentle, and the towel was moist and warm, and Neil's originally nervous heart let go.

He could not help praying gratefully in his heart:
'Thank you again, Great Lord Snake, for saving me once again. '

Lord Snake didn't respond.

What Neil doesn't know is that, as he has been healed by "crystal cells" many times, his body is actually no longer his own...


After learning that "Hundred Killer Nils" had woken up and recovered miraculously, the harbor lord Ivar, accompanied by several ministers, came to visit him in person.

This is a middle-aged man who is not tall and is a bit fat. He is wearing a wide dark blue robe, and he wears precious ornaments on his neck and fingers.

"The hero of Green Shade Port, His Excellency Nils, on behalf of the entire port city, I would like to express my gratitude to you... The smooth development of the war is thanks to your heroic performance."

The harbor lord Ivar had a smile on his face, folded his chin and said:

"Next, I want you to be the head of the mercenary group and lead a team of 5000 people."

Neil frowned.

After all, he was young, and he was quite interested in being the head of the regiment, so he quickly agreed.

"Thank you, the Hong Kong Master, for your attention. Niels will definitely live up to your expectations."

"very good."

The fat man nodded in satisfaction.

He gestured, and a servant beside him came over with a wooden box, went straight to the head of the bed, and handed it to Neil.

"I think you can abandon your previous identity and work for me in the future... This is a meeting gift, I hope you will like it."

The box was opened, and a hundred gold coins were neatly stacked inside.

Neil couldn't help feeling the prosperity of Green Shade Harbor and the generosity of the harbor owner.

This is equivalent to five years of taxes received by Black Horn!

"Thank you, Master."

Neil accepted the wooden box and thanked him.

However, Ivar did not leave, but asked kindly:

"Nils, although you are young, you are far more brave than many knights under my command... I heard that you are a mercenary wandering from the south. How do you feel about Green Harbor compared to the south?"

"It's very prosperous here, Master Hong Kong."

Neil answered truthfully.

Ivar smiled even more, stretched out his fat fingers, pointed at the young woman sitting by the bed, and said:

"Rafra is the fourth daughter of the Chancellor of Finance at Port Green, I think she should be worthy of you."


Neil turned his head to look in surprise, but saw Ravra looking at him with a shy smile, and his heart beat faster.

Raphra's facial features are well-formed, and she has a delicate sense of beauty.

In such an era of feudal dynasty.

Neil is already 17 years old. As a son of a nobleman, he should have come into contact with men and women earlier, but after his father died in battle and his uncle Miller forcibly occupied the Black Horn collar, he became the most humble Servants are not qualified or in the mood to think about this.

Now, he has strength and is recognized by others.

The owner of the port gave Rafra to him, which made Neil very excited.

"Thank you... Lord Ivar."

In this way, Neil, as a mercenary named "Nils", joined the port master's command and fought for him as the regiment commander.

And temporarily settled down in Green Harbor.

Raphra naturally became Neal's wife.

Although the two didn't have any relationship foundation before, but fortunately, Lavra has a docile personality. In addition, Neil is handsome and good at fighting, and he is deeply admired by Lavra.

So their married life is considered happy.

One day not long after.

Chen Lun suddenly felt that the [Anonymous] ceremony had entered a critical stage. He guessed that it was very likely that His Majesty Conrad and the Generous Council were secretly helping, so that the century war in the Sun Continent reached another chaotic stage. peak.

The huge feedback from the ceremony pushed Chen Lun's regional popularity to a new height, and he gained 1500 points in total, halfway through the ceremony.

He felt an irresistible drowsiness again.

Chen Lun had a premonition that he would sleep for a longer time this time.

So before that, he told Neil that if he had the opportunity, he could start with the Church of Redemption and obtain subsequent extraordinary knowledge for promotion.

Neil was a little panicked at the beginning. He had long been accustomed to the guidance and help of His Excellency the Snake, but he suddenly lost it and was extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, after going through a series of events, he became more mature and calm... After confirming that Lord Snake is only temporarily dormant, Neil let out a sigh of relief.

He solemnly agreed to Chen Lun, saying that he would try his best to find follow-up knowledge and continue to move forward on the "Sacred Fire Path".

"I will leave you with three chances of 'healing' and 'epiphany', use them properly, and I won't give any more responses until I wake up..."

Chen Lun said lightly in Neil's heart.

"Thank you for your gift, Lord Snake, I will not let you down!"

As soon as Neil kissed his wife Ravra, he turned his head to look out the window, and responded calmly.

"very good."

Chen Lun finally finished speaking.

He fell into a deep sleep.

The hazy consciousness completely fell silent, and I don't know how long it has passed.

When Chen Lun woke up again, it was three years later.

slap, slap...

There was a rush of footsteps amidst the pattering rain.

Chen Lun quickly saw it.

Under the night, the 20-year-old Neil was tall and handsome, wearing a set of close-fitting metal armor and a dark blue cloak, chasing and killing a man covered in bandages.

The street made up of various stone houses was dark and old, and the ground was wet and waterlogged. The two chased and fled to the corner of a certain alley.

"Nils, I really didn't expect you to improve so fast... In just three years, you were promoted to Sequence Seven. I can't understand why you didn't die under my plague back then."

The man in the bandage seemed to know that he couldn't escape, so he turned around and said coldly.

Neil drew out the Yingshi sword and looked at the other party expressionlessly.

"Don't delay any longer, Slapan, the air of disease you spread along the way has no effect on me... I have always believed in an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and now you deserve to die."


The bandaged man named Slapan raised his hand, planning to summon disease insects to attack Neil.

But just as his arm was raised halfway, it froze in place.

Horror flickered in the eyes peeped out from the gaps in the bandages.

I saw Neil gesturing with his left hand, using [Commander]'s sequence ability to control the opponent's movements, and swung a sword flower with his right hand.


The flame was born out of thin air, and the contamination attached to the sword, turning it into a burning sword.

The cross sword pierced into Slapan's left chest, and the flame ignited the opponent's body. Amidst the wailing, Neil showed a satisfied smile.

I saw that his face was constantly festering and pus, and his neck and arms had herpes... In fact, what Neil said just now was just to deter the other party. In fact, he chased all the way, and his body had already accumulated quite serious diseases.


Neil said in a deep voice.

Soon, his "illness" was suspended, and he quickly recovered.

The herpes dissipated and the ulcers healed.

"The last 'cure' is also used up..."

Neil let out a long sigh.

The expression is quite reluctant.

In the past three years since His Excellency Snake disappeared, he has experienced countless fights and battles, and he has long honed his iron will.

But every time I think of that great existence, I can't help feeling awe.

Because of the lack of follow-up extraordinary knowledge, he tried every means.

In the end, taking advantage of the trust and value of the port lord Ivar, he was recommended to join the Redemption Church in Green Shade Port, and became a monk inside under a false identity.

For three years, he climbed up step by step like walking on thin ice.

Now he is the most trusted legion leader of the Hong Kong Lord, in charge of tens of thousands of troops, and also serves as the "priest" of the Redemption Church in Green Harbor.

This is due to the difference between Green Harbor and other regions.

Because according to the teachings, the clergy of the Church of Redemption generally cannot intervene in secular affairs without authorization. Fortunately, the area is far away from the Holy Land Klein, and at the same time, the Hong Kong Lord has a close relationship with the bishop of the church. This is the exception of Neil.

Seeing that the enemy who used extraordinary means to attack him in the past was burned to death in the flames, Neil showed a hearty smile.

But what he didn't know was.

The moment the sword pierced the opponent just now, the "Lord Snake" hiding in his body had already used "Thought Stealing" to see the secrets in the opponent's mind and Neil's experience in the past three years.

'It really is [Plague Doctor]...'

Chen Lun sighed in surprise as he browsed the information stolen from the bandage man Slapan's mind.

The extraordinary path taken by the other party is called "Plague Pathway".

Sequence Nine [Patient] possesses disease resistance and is physically weak, but can control the disease he carries to a certain extent and spread it to other targets.

Sequence Eight [Festerer], their own disease will seriously worsen, fester all over, and at the same time, it will greatly increase the infectivity of the disease, and greatly reduce the cure rate... and initially have the ability to retain the disease in animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. strength.

'Patients, festers, and plague doctors... If you can obtain follow-up extraordinary knowledge, Maggie can continue to move forward in the future. '

Chen Lun couldn't help thinking.

'This is not a dead end at all, it's just that the erosion of the Sun Continent by the "Lord of Plague" is not serious, resulting in a rather incomplete knowledge there. '

At the same time, he also saw Neal's current sequence.

Holy fire pathway, Sequence Seven [arsonist].

It can make fire out of thin air, freely manipulate extraordinary flames to defend against enemies, and its destructiveness is greatly improved. Often, extraordinary people of this sequence can serve as priests in the Church of Redemption.

"Neil Lucius..."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of Neil's heart.

He was shocked.

Immediately, his face showed great surprise.

"Your Excellency Snake! Are you awake?!"


Chen Lun's voice was as calm as ever.

"Don't rush to be happy, you have already been monitored by the high-level members of the Church of Redemption, so be careful when you return to Green Harbor."

"My identity was exposed?!"

Neil was taken aback.

Since he came to Green Harbor three years ago, the Church of Redemption has not tracked him down, and he has even become a church priest now.

It was originally thought that things had been buried over time.

Unexpectedly, because of the fact that he was "possessed by the devil", he once again received the attention of the Church of Redemption.

With a serious face, he finally said in a deep voice:

"I see, Lord Snake."

(End of this chapter)

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