I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 636 Grand Exorcism Ceremony

Chapter 636 Grand Exorcism Ceremony

The victory of the Kingdom of Maurice was expected.

When the Legion of the Green Shade Harbor completely occupied the capital of the King of Faz, Yalolim City, the royal family of Faz announced its surrender.

Within a few days, the follow-up coalition forces of the Kingdom of Morris were late, and could only be stationed as a takeover force, waiting for the internal affairs department to come to deal with it.

At this time, Neil had already led his army on the return journey.

After half a month, he returned to the territory of Green Shade Port again, and was welcomed by the residents of the port city.

Flowers and applause, cheers and screams.

Neil once again felt the great honor.

With a smile on his face, he rode his horse and waved to the crowd.

When they arrived at the harbor administration hall in the central area, they found that the harbor lord Ivar, many ministers, and his wife Lavra had been waiting in front of the gate for a long time.

The only thing that made Neil's mood sour was the several blue-robed people standing beside the Harbor Lord.

They are all senior priests of the Redemption Church in Green Harbor.

They can also be regarded as the priests that Neil is familiar with.

The leader was an old bishop, with all-white hair combed meticulously, with a straight back and a half-smile expression on his face.

Bishop Yousef, the highest person in charge of the Port Church, and a friend of the Port Lord... If it weren't for his guarantee, Neil would not have been able to become a formal monk as a mercenary, let alone be a priest today. job, get the extraordinary knowledge of the sacred fire path sequence seven.

But now, Neil is very wary of them.

Your Excellency the Snake has already reminded him that the Church of Redemption has been watching him secretly since he didn't know when it started, and there is no guarantee when it will attack him.

Neil's original good mood dissipated all of a sudden.

Like a sudden dark cloud covering the clear sky.

He wanted to get away and leave, but his wife Ravra was just an ordinary person, and she was well-clothed since she was a child. He didn't want her to suffer and wander around with him.

And the Hong Kong owner will never let himself go easily.

The tangled thoughts made Neil even more depressed.

"Welcome back, our great hero... I have ordered someone to prepare a celebration banquet for you, I hope you like it."

The Hong Kong owner was still so polite, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Hong Kong Lord, for your kindness."

Neil got off his horse and bowed to the fat man.

Afterwards, he prayed to the Church of Redemption to Bishop Yousef and the priests as usual, and said softly:

"Holy fire."

"Save my heart."

Bishop Yousef and priests have also responded to this.

His wife, Ravra, stepped forward with small steps, threw herself into Neil's arms with joy and excitement on her face, hugged him tightly, and whispered her thoughts in a low voice:

"Nils, I miss you so much... It must be very hard to fight outside, right? Are you injured? When the lord of Hong Kong ordered to organize a celebration banquet, I also specially ordered the back chef to prepare your favorite food Grilled foie gras."

Rafra seemed to have endless words to say.

Neil looked at her with a smile, and responded with a sentence or two from time to time.

In the end, the wife hugged his neck very enthusiastically, kissed him on the lips, and immediately leaned into his ear, whispering something soft as a mosquito.

But Neil's smile suddenly froze.

Because Rafra told him that she was pregnant with a child.

If it were changed to before, he must be very happy.

But now, this is not good news...

Until the evening, when the celebration banquet held in the harbor lord's mansion officially started, Neil was a little absent-minded.

He had already changed into casual clothes under the service of his wife, and joined hands in the hall, exchanged cups with many ministers, and talked about some details of the war. Whenever they talked about exciting things, the ministers and even their wives would exclaim with excitement.

However, Neil didn't put his mind on this at all.

He always felt that there was a vaguely invisible line of sight looking at him from behind.

Neil calmly tried to find that line of sight, but found nothing.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that today's Hong Kong owner is a little abnormal. According to his previous understanding of Mr. Ivar, this fat man may have come over to chat with him with a glass of wine.

But not today.

The Hong Kong Lord is whispering something with the senior clergy of the Church of Redemption.

In fact, this is not surprising.

After all, the Hong Kong lord and Bishop Yousef have been old friends for many years, and it is understandable that they get along a little closer... But today, as the hero who personally killed King Montoya IV of Faz and returned from victory, Neil He was "coldly treated" by the Hong Kong owner.

This is very unreasonable.

"Honey, what's the matter with you today? It feels a little weird."

Rafra asked in a low voice.

Neil shook his head and prevaricated:
"It's nothing, maybe I'm a little tired."

"Ah...then you have something to eat later, go back to rest early, I will explain the reason to the Hong Kong Lord."

Rafra suggested thoughtfully.

Neil hummed and nodded.

However, at this moment, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, and his expression changed drastically.

It was a burly, ordinary-looking man, wearing the standard priestly blue robe of the Church of Redemption, striding towards the harbor lord Ivar.

None of this.

But the problem is, Neil has never met this priest.

Moreover, the harbor master, Youssef and all the priests couldn't help showing respectful expressions after seeing this man.

Neil's eyes suddenly fell to the opponent's hands.

This strange priest was wearing a pair of blue leather gloves, with patterns of flames engraved on the back of his hands!
He is no longer the silly boy who was just fledgling.

These three or four years of experience have allowed him to know many higher-level secrets... Combining the inexplicable pressure this man put on him and the reminder from His Excellency Snake, Nilton instantly confirmed the identity of the other party.

This is Father Lan Yan!
The real high-ranking members of the Church of Salvation come from the high-ranking members of the Holy Land Klein's "Blue Flame Trial Office"!
The "Blue Flame Tribunal" is Klein's highest-level military organization. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to send people to a "small place" like Green Harbor.

Even if the lord of Hong Kong was assassinated by an extraordinary person, most of the Holy Land would ignore it.

The answer is already clear.

Neil's heart beat faster.

It's yourself!
The Redemption Church sent Father Lan Yan, just for himself!

Neil didn't expect that after such a long time, he would still be tracked down.

But what to do next?
run directly?
No, I can't run away, and it will cause even bigger riots. It's hard to guarantee that the other party won't use force to suppress me in desperation, and the aftermath may accidentally injure my wife Lavra...

So how to deal with it?
If I really want to resist desperately, I am afraid that I will not be the opponent of Father Lan Yan, after all, he is a high-ranking saint!
Neil took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

He thought of Lord Snake in his body.

With Him, the matter will be resolved satisfactorily...

Even an incarnation of a saint was eaten alive by him.

Father Lan Yan shouldn't be able to do anything to him, right?
"Rafra, you go back first, I'll be right over."

Neil suddenly turned his head and said to his wife in a deep voice.

"Huh? Go back?"

Rafra showed a surprised expression.

Neil didn't explain too much, but his expression was more serious.

"Don't ask so many questions, go back first."

Rafra looked at her husband's expression, although she was puzzled, she still chose to believe it, so she nodded with her lips pursed.

"Then...then I will go back first, and you will come back soon."

Neil kissed his wife on the cheek, and gestured toward the door with his eyes urging.

Rafra hurried away, turning her head three times a step at a time.

But right now.

Neil's pupils shrank.

Because two familiar redemption priests were one step ahead and blocked the door, Rafura bumped her head into the arms of one of them.

"Bryce, Tonino, what does this mean?"

Neil's originally calm mood became agitated again, and his tone was not very friendly.

However, before the two priests could speak, the voice of Bishop Youssef came from behind:

"Sorry, Niels, that's what I meant."

Neil looked back.

But I saw the port lord Ivar, Bishop Youssef and other priests walking around the strange priest.

The surrounding ministers, family members and guests all showed expressions of astonishment.

"This is Father Harding who came here from the Holy Land Klein to investigate the devil. Because of the urgency of the matter, we had to temporarily block the venue... Take it easy, Nils, Father Harding just wanted to talk to you."

Bishop Yousef said with a smile.

Neil's heart sank gradually.

At this moment, he has completely confirmed his guess.

The opponent's target is him!

"Master Harding, what do you want to talk about?"

Neil pretended to be calm, and asked with some doubts.

The tall priest came striding forward, holding a Bible in his hand. After staring at him for a while, he asked in a sonorous and forceful voice:

"Three years ago, a serious 'demon possessed' incident occurred in Blackhorn Collar on Rainbow Island in the south of the Morris Kingdom. All five priests who went to deal with the incident, including the pastor of the church, died... Do you know about this?"

"Sorry, my lord, I've never heard of it."

Neil shook his head.

"Don't you admit it... Neil Lucius!"

Father Harding's tone became heavier, and a terrifying momentum swept across the audience.

"You have been bewitched by the devil, and you have been deeply involved in it. After killing five priests, you fled all the way to Green Harbor, and even made a name for yourself... The most distressing thing is that you even sneaked into the church , stole the glory and power of our lord! How ironic it is that the holy flame was lit on a demon servant!"

Neil was taken aback.

The onlookers around were in an uproar!

No one expected that the hero of Green Shade Harbor was actually an executioner possessed by a demon, who brutally murdered the pastor of the church!

"My God!"

"Holy fire, how is this possible..."

"Nils Corps Commander is actually an accomplice of the devil?!"

The onlookers talked a lot and watched the changes in the field in amazement.

It's just that the harbor lord Ivar's expression was extremely ugly, because what Father Harding said was a slap in the face in disguise.

Rafra covered her small mouth with an expression of disbelief.

She immediately shouted anxiously:

"It's all a misunderstanding! Nils is very good to me, and he is also very good to the people of Port Green! He is a hero, not an accomplice of some devil. My lord priest, please don't hurt him!"

However, Harding just turned his head and gave her a cold glance.

The Minister of Finance beside the Hong Kong Lord, that is, Lavra's father Torik couldn't help but change his face, and angrily reprimanded:
"Shut up! Rafra! You're going to embarrass your family!"

A priest standing behind Ravra raised her hand and made two gestures. Her body stiffened immediately, her mouth froze, and she could no longer make any sound.

It's just that the tears can't stop flowing out.

The priests around him gradually gathered around, Neil looked at his wife's crying face, and resentment welled up in his heart.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!"

"What? Exorcism, of course!"

Father Harding's face became more and more indifferent, and his eyes were fixed on him.

He opened his hands suddenly.

"This is a grand exorcism ceremony prepared for you!"

boom! !

The blue flame was born out of thin air, and suddenly burned the tables, chairs and decorations in the venue. The guests fled in panic, but saw a huge, complex and mysterious magic circle on the vacant hall floor!
Neil, right at the center!

"In the name of the Candlestick Goddess 'Stik', I pass judgment—"

Father Harding's eyes widened and he growled loudly.

Sparks spewed out of His mouth, raised his fist burning with blue flames, and twisted air flow rose from His body, with an imposing manner.

"Demon! You are guilty!"

The oldest Beretta language echoed in the hall, deafening.

"Tell me! Your real name!!"

boom! !

Neil's whole body was burning with flames, trembling and howling in pain.

The crowd screamed incessantly, staring at the scene inexplicably in horror, while Lavra watched her husband being burned and tortured in the fire, tears bursting down the bank.

Suddenly, a slight crisp sound attracted everyone's attention.

Neil's screams came to an abrupt, strange, abrupt end!

He suddenly raised his head!

A pair of pale eyes as bright as diamonds stared at Harding.

As the priest of Lan Yan, he felt inexplicably terrified.

I only heard Neil chuckle in a deep voice that was definitely not his own:

"The holy fire won't kill me, Your Excellency Harding, let the goddess of the candlestick, Stike, come over in person..."

 Push this friend's book——

  "I Projected the Lord God Reincarnation" is the new book of the old author Ganfan Shaoxia, projecting countless trumpets, creating extraordinary careers, projecting the main god space at the beginning, creating tenth-order reincarnation projections, and inheriting power to reality, playing games can also be suppressed the heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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