I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 637 Features of the Holy Fire

Chapter 637 Features of the Holy Fire

Hearing what "Neil" said, all the port owners, ministers, family members and guests present, as well as Bishop Yousef and the priests all changed their expressions.

"Arrogance! How dare you blaspheme the goddess! Damn devil!!"

Father Harding was furious and scolded in a deep voice.

His mid-length hair stood on end, swaying as the flame rose, his eyes turned into azure blue flames, and sparks flew from his mouth.

Harding was extremely restless.

The demon possessing Neil Lucius in front of him is so unscrupulous in the face of himself, and dares to disrespect the goddess, it is obviously not an ordinary existence...

"Whether you come from the kingdom of heaven, the wilderness or outside the realm, and whether you are a high-ranking demon or a powerful being, this is the Beretta Continent, the border of the Nine Great Empires, guarded by the Holy Land Klein... If you dare to set foot here, you will surely Suffer the most horrific punishment and fall into hell forever in endless pain!"

This priest Lan Yan swears and drinks violently.

In the flames, "Neil" frowned.

Chen Lun has long learned from Neil's three years of experience that in fact, the nine empires in the Outer Continent, that is, the Beretta Continent, all have a common enemy, which is threats from heaven, wasteland, and beyond.

Especially the first two.

Sky Island Paradise does not actually exist in this world, but in an other world similar to the spirit world, ghost world, astral world, and dream world, but it floats in the sky, so it is rumored to be above the mainland.

This statement is actually wrong.

The kingdom of heaven is located in the "empty realm".

The same is true for the wasteland. In the unexplored area outside the nine empires, it is actually a desolate area, and there is no civilization or living things at all.

Wasteland is located in the "Original Realm".

Between the two worlds, there is another "crack in the other world" called "Hell".

The environment there is extremely harsh, full of sulfurous smell and magma, even a high-ranking saint can hardly survive. It is rumored that it is a Jedi, and it is also the destination of the heinous people after death.

The nine empires all use the name of "demon" to describe the extraordinary existence in heaven, wasteland and beyond.

The strength is divided into lower, middle, upper and even special power positions.

Chen Lun could easily map them one by one to the middle, lower, and high-level sequences of the Sun Continent. The so-called "power position" actually refers specifically to "angels from the ranks of gods".

"Heh, fall into hell forever... Just rely on you? Or the Church of Redemption?"

"Neil" stood in the center of the magic circle of the exorcism ceremony, bathed in the flames, hugged his elbows comfortably, and chuckled lightly.

Father Harding felt the contempt of the other party, and couldn't help but burn with anger.

He snorted coldly and raised the Bible in his hand.

The Bible moved without wind, and the pages of the book were turned.

At the same time, Father Harding's right fist was raised high, the azure flame burning on it became more and more vigorous, and the heat wave was pressing.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the shadow cast on him by the flames fell on the ground, shaking and swaying violently like a flame, and like a strange dancing figure, the speed was extremely fast, and even left afterimages in the eyes of bystanders!


Dazzling lightning shot out from Father Harding's blue flame right fist, and there was a faint deafening thunder!


"Neil" snorted lightly, feeling surprised.

Chen Lun couldn't help thinking in his heart:
'Manipulating lightning, holding thunder... Isn't this the ability of the deep sea pathway Sequence Four [Apostle of Calamity]?How did this guy do it? '

crackle! !
The sound of thunder moved.

"In the name of Candlestick Goddess 'Stike', I suppress you here!"

Father Harding's profound facial features alternated between light and dark in the high-frequency flickering firelight, and he opened his mouth and roared:
"Repent! Devil!!"

Following a dazzling burst of fire, a pillar of azure flame surrounded by a blue-purple arc blasted out from His right fist, directly hitting the center of the magic exorcism circle, engulfing "Neil"'s body.

Because of the function of the ceremony, such a terrifying high-ranking power did not spread out, and was firmly locked within a radius of ten meters, forming a hemisphere of electric fire with a rich and deep color!
There was an uproar around.

The onlookers were deeply shocked.

Most of the people present had never been in contact with Transcendence, let alone witnessed such a high-level exorcism ceremony on the spot.

Father Harding, a blue-flame priest from the holy land of Klein, was burning with flames and bursting into anger like a god. He raised his hand and blasted out the terrifying pillar of fire, burning the commander of the army, Neil, who was possessed by the demon.

"Ah! Ahh!"

Creepy screams and wailing came from the hemisphere of flames. The ministers, female relatives and guests, including the master of the port, showed nervous and frightened expressions.

What kind of evil existence is this?
He survived such burning!
Lavra's beautiful red eyes were fixed on the dazzling fireball, and her heart was about to break at the thought of her lover's suffering.

"Devil! Tell your real name, and I can give you a happy time!"

Father Harding shouted in a deep voice.

next second.

To the surprise of everyone present, there was a real response from the fireball.

Only the hysterical screams and wailing stopped abruptly.

Instead, there was a chuckle, and a deep and magnetic voice said:

"You may call me 'Snake,' Mr. Harding."


Father Harding was taken aback by the sudden response.


At a speed visible to the naked eye, the terrifying hemisphere of electric fire actually shrunk in just two seconds until it dissipated.

Everyone could see clearly that "Neil" in the center of the exorcism circle was sitting on the ground unscathed, looking at Father Harding with a satisfied and mocking expression.

A look of interest flashed in the crystal eyes.

Chen Lun, who was manipulating Neil's body, secretly said something interesting.

Because the pillar of fire just now confirmed his guess.

The entrained arc is indeed the power of the deep-sea pathway!
The sequence ability of [Apostle of Disasters]!

Not only that, but there is an invisible mythical disease hidden in the flames!While burning, it corrupted his body, accelerated the withering of his life, and achieved the effect of quickly destroying his body and spirit.

"The flame contains the power of the two paths of the deep sea and the disease, what is going on..."

Chen Lun thought secretly.

'Could it be the characteristic of the holy fire path? '

This method is different from the flesh and blood path and the earth path.

For example, [Sin Eater] can only temporarily transform the power of non-primary paths, and the effect will be reduced to a certain extent, while the latter is to summon a predetermined target from the long river of history, or like [Monster], use the dead extraordinary To strengthen oneself is equivalent to using the characteristics of others as a "tool".

But Father Harding's holy flame was very different.

Chen Lun's intuitive feeling is like...

They were fused into one by the flames!

"It didn't take any damage?!"

Father Harding stared straight at the figure sitting cross-legged on the ground, and said in a slightly trembling voice.

The other party's "scream" just now was obviously just a pretend, the purpose was just to tease himself.


Where is this sacred? !
"Your Excellency Harding, as I said, the holy fire of this level cannot kill me, and your level still needs to be improved..."

"Neil" grinned.

"Even if the Blue Pope of the Holy Land Klein came in person, I would make him kneel down on the spot and confess to me."

"you you?!"

Father Harding was too startled and angry to speak.

He immediately took a deep breath and strengthened his determination.

The bible in his left hand flipped through quickly.

Soon, it stopped at one page.

"Yousef! Lead the clergy to recite hymns with me!"

Father Harding shouted without looking back.

"Yes, Father Harding!"

The old bishop agreed without hesitation.

Without him giving an order, the blue-robed priests who were present gathered together one after another. A dozen or so people formed a circle, separated by several meters, and stood outside the magic exorcism circle, surrounding "Neil".

Each of them held a Bible in their hands and turned to a certain number of pages.

"Won't forget, that hand that weaves flames!"

Father Harding sang aloud.

All around, the clergy of the Church of Redemption sing in unison:

"Don't forget, the fire that no one can bear!"

Father Harding took out a bone match from his bosom, stroked it lightly on his cheek, and with a bang, the match ignited a colorful flame.

As if he was suffering from some kind of pain, he finished his last hymn in a very pious tone:

"We live, we sigh, we love the flame, we are reduced to ashes in the fire, but we are not willing to be contaminated by filth..."

Father Harding's tone changed again, becoming angry, as if he was roaring, and at the same time the language changed to the ancient Beretta language, quickly chanting following the follow-up prayer in the Bible.

The colorful flames on the match flickered endlessly.

The high-level magic that originated from the flame slave god "Rainbow Seven Gods" suddenly took effect at this moment.

In the magic exorcism circle, a colorful pillar of fire spiraled up suddenly, and "Neil" was trapped in it, and even his figure was distorted by it.

Through Neil's body, Chen Lun immediately felt a terrifying force surrounding him, trying to erase his existence.

He was very surprised.

Because, this pillar of fire is like Father Harding's punch just now, and it also contains the power of other channels.

But this time, it contains seven paths at the same time!

Moreover, they are all methods that Chen Lun is very familiar with——

Yanita Continent, Path of the Seven Gods!

The light and heat of the sun, the depth of the dark sun, the confusion of stars, the vitality of flesh and blood, the destruction of conspiracy, the vastness of the deep sea and the trace of the earth...

They merged together without any violation, and became an unimaginable terrifying force!
'Funny, so much fun!Is this the unique characteristic of the holy fire pathway... Fusion!growing up?Endless potential? ! '

At this moment, even though Chen Lun was in the pillar of colorful fire, he was not afraid at all.

Instead, he secretly sighed:
'This old way is indeed powerful...'

Chen Lun didn't make a move all this time, just to gain a deeper understanding of the power characteristics of the holy fire pathway. Now that he finally figured it out, he no longer intends to waste time.

"It's still the same sentence, at your level, even if you cast such a magic technique, it is still impossible to hurt me..."

As he spoke, he walked out of the colorful pillar of fire abruptly.

Laughing while walking:
"You are such a waste, haha..."

"Impossible! It's impossible!!"

Father Harding took a step back reflexively.

(End of this chapter)

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