I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 638 In the Name of the Snake

Chapter 638 In the Name of the Snake

As "Neil" approached slowly, Father Harding and all the clergy present were shocked to find that the Bibles they held in their hands had undergone strange changes!

The recorded texts are all blurred and distorted!
Immediately, as if going back in time, the words turned into ink, converging into a drop after drop, slowly sliding down from the Bible.

Until the whole Bible is a blank book without a single word!

"This this?!"

Bishop Yousef and the priests were dumbfounded and horrified.

The strength of the demon in front of them has far exceeded their imagination.

His position is so high that the Bible itself destroys the blessing text.

Bone matches with colorful flames were dying out.

Only a tiny coke was left between Father Harding's fingers, which turned into fly ash and scattered with the wind...

"The power of the 'Holy Object' was exhausted, but it was unscathed..."

Father Harding's voice, like his hands, was trembling.

As Father Lan Yan of the Holy Land of Klein, he has suppressed countless demons in his life. The "holy fire" he is proud of is the one that once burned to death two famous high-ranking strange demons and fused their power. It has become so powerful now.

But the holy fire couldn't kill this terrible demon named "Snake".

Even the combination of his hole cards - "Magic Exorcism Circle", "Holy Object" and "Psalm", the "Colorful God's Punishment" brought down by this, failed to hurt the opponent...

Even a hair!
The flame is on!

This is the power from the "Rainbow Seven Gods"!
The power of the God of Fire that can be compared with the Candlestick Goddess!
How strong is the opponent? !

Could it be the most powerful existence among power demons? !

If so...

That is indeed what the other party said, even if the Blue Pope of the Holy Land Klein came in person, he might not be the opponent of "Snake"...

Only the Candlestick Goddess can suppress him?
Do not!impossible! !

"Calm down! Calm down! Can't be influenced by the devil's language!"

Father Harding was dripping with sweat.

The flames on his body kept flickering, like his wavering faith.

pat, pat...

Footsteps approached.

At this time, Father Harding suddenly looked up, only to find that "Neil" had already walked out of the colorful pillar of fire, and even stepped out of the exorcism circle he had personally carved!
The opponent's footsteps rubbed lightly, and the paint on the edge of the magic circle on the ground was immediately wiped off. Then, "Neil" spoke:

"Your Excellency Harding, if you only have this ability, then I think this exorcism ceremony can be over..."

Harding felt that his body was as stiff as a statue, and he didn't even have the courage to raise his eyes to look directly at the other party.

But he was not reconciled.

Extremely unwilling.

The humiliation towards the Gods of Flame, the Church of Redemption, and the Blue Pope made him suffer a lot.

Father Harding mustered up the greatest courage in his life. He strengthened his belief and determination to eliminate demons and defend the way, and shouted angrily:
"Go to hell! Devil!!"


Father Harding's right fist was like a shooting star, and he slammed towards "Neil".

His entire right arm was ignited by the blue flame, and the air waves scattered.

The exclamations of the onlookers continued.

And the next second-

Bang! !

"Neil" caught the punch firmly with his palm firmly on the ground.

The terrifying shock wave lacked the blockade of the exorcism ceremony. This blow directly blown away dozens of guests who were close to him, and the tables, chairs and candlesticks flew wantonly.

There was constant screaming, chaos and noise intertwined.

The port lord Ivar and Bishop Yousef were the first to come back to their senses and turned their gazes back to the field, but they were both stunned.

Because the tall Father Harding actually...

Kneel down!
Father Harding's face was contorted and painful, and he was pressed to the ground by the opponent's unparalleled strength. His legs creaked unbearably, blood flowed from the cracked muscles, and the bones had long been shattered.

He knelt on the ground, his right fist was still tightly clenched by the opponent.

The blue flames were extinguished little by little.

"I admit that you are the most powerful and arrogant demon I have ever seen in my life... I am powerless to expel you, you can humiliate me and kill me, but don't try to defeat me and make me submit!"

Harding was bleeding from his mouth and nose, spouting sparks, and growled with red eyes.

"Shh... don't be so excited, Your Excellency the Priest."

"Neil" stood upright, holding each other's fist with one hand, and showing an elegant smile.

"I didn't want to make you submit, I'm just very interested in the flame."

"Damn! Damn!!"

Father Harding understood the other party's words, and his emotions exploded instantly like a ignited powder keg.

"You possessed Neil Lucius and lurked into the church. It really is for the power of our Lord...ah!"

Before he could finish his sentence, blue crystals began to appear one after another from Harding's body, and his tone became more and more hysterical, mixed with shock and anger.

"Demon! You're going to hell! You're going to die—"


In just two breaths, Father Harding suddenly turned into a crystalline statue kneeling on the ground in the sight of everyone.

This high-ranking priest who dedicated his life to serving the church fell away!

During the whole process, he was suppressed by Chen Lun, unable to even reveal the form of mythical creatures, and died extremely aggrieved.

However, before that, Chen Lun had already used his extremely high position to forcibly invade the other party's mind, and used "mind stealing" to get what he wanted.

"The knowledge of Sequence Nine to Sequence Three of the holy fire path is all in hand!" '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

From the perspective of the onlookers present, "Neil" had a satisfied and intoxicated smile on his face. That smile was treacherous and evil, making people tremble with fear.


The female family member of a minister screamed in fear.

Even under that gorgeous long dress, a puddle of foul-smelling light yellow liquid suddenly dripped down.

She was so frightened that she lost control of herself!

The Hong Kong owner, ministers, and other family members and guests retreated in panic and gathered into a ball.

Bishop Youssef stood there with despair on his face.

All the priests behind him were like this.

His Excellency Lan Yan, Father Harding, who came here on a special trip from the Holy Land Klein, was killed by the demon on the spot during the exorcism ceremony... How could they be opponents? Death is only a matter of time.

The atmosphere of grief, indignation and depression spread, and all the clergy knelt down on the spot, looked up at the sky, prayed to the Lord with a candle in their hands, and sang devoutly.

They gave up.

Give up the exorcism, give up the fight.

I intend to devote this last precious time in my life to prayer, to repent of my incompetence.

Chen Lun ignored these people.

He settled down and studied the newly acquired knowledge of the holy fire...

[Dancer], [Commander] and [Arsonist], these three sequences have been mastered by Neil. The follow-up sequence six [Self-immolator] will greatly increase its resistance to flames, and has a very strong group battle It can even turn into a powerful "flame bomb" to hit the enemy hard.

Sequence Five [Blame Worshiper], initially grasping the ability to absorb the power of non-this path...you can put any mysterious substance or knowledge from any path into your own "sacred fire" and burn it as firewood, so as to integrate the essence into it and make the "sacred fire" "More powerful.

The fourth sequence of the saint rank [Shadow by the Camp], which is the sequence that Father Harding is in, is equivalent to a qualitative change in the sequence ability of [Blame Worshiper], which can be integrated into two high-level powers that are not in this path, and at the same time produce wonderful Variety.

Even if each Holy Fire Sequence Four absorbs the power of two identical Sequences, the final effect will be completely different.

Demigod Sequence Three [Door in Fire], the number of sequences that can absorb non-principal pathways has reached three, and will create a door in its own "holy fire", which can be its own "safe house" or It is the enemy's "prison".

The door leads to the dimensional space, which is filled with the holy fire built by its own power, which can provide blessing and repair for itself, and can also trap enemies and carry out endless burning.

This sequence of holy fire demigods is top-notch in terms of self-protection and trapping the enemy.

'The power of this pathway is focused on absorbing evolution... In terms of sequence strength alone, maybe the ten pathways on the Sun Continent can beat the holy fire, but once the holy fire absorbs enough sequences, it can leap away above, suppressing other avenues. '

Chen Lun secretly sighed.

After obtaining most of the sequence knowledge of the holy fire path, he finally saw the advantages and disadvantages of this path.

It can be said to be the weakest path, or it can be said to be the strongest path.

'It's no wonder that the old man 'Azure Blue Sacred Flame' wants to invade this world... After all, his power comes from absorbing other ways. '

Chen Lun analyzed.

The seven-colored fire pillar that Harding used divine magic to draw before contained the power of the Seven Gods of the Sun Continent. Maybe in ancient times, the so-called "Rainbow Seven Gods" ate many high-ranking people on the Sun Continent. Only then did he finally become a god in the Outer Continent...'


"Neil" raised his head from his contemplation, his bright eyes swept around, and everyone present panicked and screamed at the sight.

He ignored this, and walked straight, passing Bishop Youssef and a group of priests, without even looking at them, and came to his wife Ravra.

Then, he picked her up.

Turning around, "Neil" looked at everyone and grinned.

"Over the past three years, I have had a great time in Green Shade Harbor, and I will come back when I have a chance."

Hearing these words, the harbor lord Ivar's face was pale, and beads of sweat dripped from his broad forehead.

Everyone's heart beats fast.

However, after saying this, "Neil" strode forward amidst laughter, and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

Seeing this, the Hong Kong owner fell to his knees with a plop.

"Master Ivar! Are you all right?!"

The ministers panicked.

"No...it's okay, I just stood for a long time."

The Hong Kong owner concealed his embarrassment, but he no longer had the strength to stand up.

After confirming that "Neil" has completely left.

All the bystanders, including Bishop Yousef, couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Shady Harbour, on an empty ship at the pier.

"Neil" puts his wife down.

Without the control of the priest, Rafra was finally able to speak.

She was half happy, half hesitant, but she still didn't dare to hug.

But Neil hugged her first, and whispered in her ear:
"Rafra, it's me, Lord 'Snake' has left."

"Thank goodness! I'm glad you're all right, Nils!"

Rafra hugged her husband tightly, weeping bitterly in his arms.

Neil let out a long breath, mixed with guilt.

"I'm sorry, Rafra, I kept you a secret for so long. In fact, my name is Neil Lucius, and 'Nils' is just my pseudonym."

"It's okay, I know you must have difficulties."

Rafra whispered.

Neil hugged his wife and felt inexplicable happiness and relief.

Although the series of things happened just now, Lushagang can't stay any longer, but he is satisfied to have such a person who loves him by his side.

Neil turned his head and looked towards the sea.

He planned to leave here, leave the Glorious Empire completely, go to a place where the Church of Redemption could not find him, and live peacefully with Raphra.

Lord Snake fell asleep again.

Before he fell into a deep sleep, he gave himself the subsequent knowledge of the holy fire path, enough to reach the high saint. Neil was grateful and excited.

In addition, there are three unfamiliar pathways of knowledge that Neil has never seen before...

They are called Fate, Nature and Magic.

This seems to be a path that does not exist on the Beretta continent. Although Neil is curious, he dare not ask the source.

According to His Excellency the Snake, that is:
"In the near future, I think you'll need them..."

Take a deep breath.

Neil pulled the boat's anchor and sailed away from the harbor in the dark.

"In the name of the snake, Neil will definitely live up to your expectations!"

(End of this chapter)

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